Papers by Mira Goldschmidt
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk, 2000

BMC ophthalmology, 2006
Reading with a central scotoma involves the use of preferred retinal loci (PRLs) that enable both... more Reading with a central scotoma involves the use of preferred retinal loci (PRLs) that enable both letter resolution and global viewing of word. Spontaneously developed PRLs however often privilege spatial resolution and, as a result, visual span is commonly limited by the position of the scotoma. In this study we designed and performed the pilot trial of a training procedure aimed at modifying oculomotor behavior in subjects with central field loss. We use an additional fixation point which, when combined with the initial PRL, allows the fulfillment of both letter resolution and global viewing of words. The training procedure comprises ten training sessions conducted with the scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO). Subjects have to read single letters and isolated words varying in length, by combining the use of their initial PRL with the one of an examiner's selected trained retinal locus (TRL). We enrolled five subjects to test for the feasibility of the training technique. They ...

Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2015
Research groups and funding agencies need a functional assessment suitable for an ultra-low visio... more Research groups and funding agencies need a functional assessment suitable for an ultra-low vision population to evaluate the impact of new vision-restoration treatments. The purpose of this study was to develop a pilot assessment to capture the functional visual ability and well-being of subjects whose vision has been partially restored with the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System. The Functional Low-Vision Observer Rated Assessment (FLORA) pilot assessment involved a self-report section, a list of functional visual tasks for observation of performance and a case narrative summary. Results were analysed to determine whether the interview questions and functional visual tasks were appropriate for this ultra-low vision population and whether the ratings suffered from floor or ceiling effects. Thirty subjects with severe to profound retinitis pigmentosa (bare light perception or worse in both eyes) were enrolled in a clinical trial and implanted with the Argus II System. From this population, 26 subjects were assessed with the FLORA. Seven different evaluators administered the assessment. All 14 interview questions were asked. All 35 tasks for functional vision were selected for evaluation at least once, with an average of 20 subjects being evaluated for each test item. All four rating options-impossible (33 per cent), difficult (23 per cent), moderate (24 per cent) and easy (19 per cent)-were used by the evaluators. Evaluators also judged the amount of vision they observed the subjects using to complete the various tasks, with 'vision only' occurring 75 per cent on average with the System ON, and 29 per cent with the System OFF. The first version of the FLORA was found to contain useful elements for evaluation and to avoid floor and ceiling effects. The next phase of development will be to refine the assessment and to establish reliability and validity to increase its value as an assessment tool for functional vision and well-being.
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 2000

Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2006
Understanding limitations on text reading with eccentric fixation is of major concern in low visi... more Understanding limitations on text reading with eccentric fixation is of major concern in low vision research. Our objective was to determine, in patients with a central scotoma, whether threshold character size is similar for different word lengths and paragraphed texts. In 19 patients, we retrospectively analyzed the relationship between minimum readable character size for isolated words and text. Isolated letters, two, five, and ten-letter words and a paragraphed text were presented randomly through a scanning laser ophthalmoscope in eight different character sizes. Threshold character size varied according to the text stimulus (p<0.05). Threshold character sizes for single letters and two-letter words were matched (p>0.99), as were those for five-letter words, ten-letter words, and paragraphed text (p>0.99). Threshold character size for single letters and two-letter words was significantly lower than that measured with other text stimuli. Reading performance is influenced by a variety of factors such as crowding, contextual effects, visual span, degree of oculomotor adaptation needed, and frequency of a defined word. Globally, when reading with a central scotoma, it appears that within word characteristics have more impact than inter-word parameters on threshold character size.

BMC Research Notes, 2010
Background: Subjects with a ring scotoma can use two retinal loci, a foveal and a peripheral, for... more Background: Subjects with a ring scotoma can use two retinal loci, a foveal and a peripheral, for reading. Our aim was to investigate the relative use of both retinal loci as a function of the spared foveal area size and the spatial resolution at both retinal loci. Findings: Two patients with Stargardt's disease and ring scotomas read through a scanning laser ophthalmoscope a series of letters and words at various character sizes. The number of fixations made using each retinal locus was quantified. The relative use of each retinal locus depended on character size of the stimulus. Both patients used exclusively the eccentric retinal locus to read words of large character sizes. At small character sizes, the central retinal locus was predominantly used. For reading letters or words, once foveal fixation was used, patients did not shift back to the eccentric retinal locus. When spatial resolution allowed deciphering at both the eccentric and the central areas, patients consistently fixated with the eccentric retinal locus. Conclusions: Spatial resolution at the eccentric locus appears as a determinant factor to select the retinal area for reading. Reading strategies in patients with Stargardt's disease and a ring scotoma demonstrate a pattern of coordination of both eccentric and central retinal loci, reflecting a high degree of adaptation. Proportions of fixations as a function of word length. The proportions of fixations made previous to fixating the word with the PRL ("Initial": dotted pattern) and those performed while reading isolated letters and words with the eccentric PRL ("Eccentric": black), the central PRL ("Central": grey) and the intervening "fixations" in the scotoma ("Scotoma": white) are represented as a function of the number of letters in the word (word length) for patients CN and CC. Note that the proportions of eccentric and central fixations are similar across word length.

Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 2006
Determining causes of poor reading ability is an important step in trying to ameliorate reading p... more Determining causes of poor reading ability is an important step in trying to ameliorate reading performance in low-vision patients. One important parameter is word acuity. The principal aim of the current study is to develop a method to reliably measure acuities for isolated lowercase letters and words of differing length that can be used to test low-vision patients. Using isolated stimuli means that testing is relatively free of potential crowding and/or distracting attentional effects from surrounding words, it is unambiguous which stimulus subjects are trying to read and response times can be recorded for each stimulus. Across a series of experiments, subjects with normal vision were asked to read isolated lowercase single letters and lowercase words of 4, 7 and 10 letters, in separate tests. Acuities for uppercase Sloan letters were also measured to provide a reference, as they are commonly used to measure visual acuity. Each test was based upon the design principles and scoring procedures used in the Bailey-Lovie and ETDRS charts. Acuities for uppercase Sloan letters were found to be equivalent whether measured using ETDRS charts or the computer-based method. Measurement of acuities for lowercase single letters and lowercase words of 4, 7 and 10 letters had a reliability that was no worse than acuities for uppercase Sloan letters. Lowercase word acuities were essentially independent of word length. Acuities for single lowercase letters and lowercase words were slightly better than uppercase Sloan letters acuity. Optimal processing of lowercase single letters and 4-, 7-and 10-letter words occurred at character sizes that were at least 0.2-0.40 log MAR above acuity threshold, i.e. between 1.5 and 3 times threshold acuity for that particular stimulus. In general, critical character sizes appear similar across word lengths as progressive increases or decreases in these values were not observed as a function of the number of letters in the stimulus. We conclude that a computer-based method of stimulus presentation can be used to obtain highly repeatable measures of acuity for lowercase single letters and lowercase words in normal vision.
Papers by Mira Goldschmidt