Papers by Minucsér Mészáros
Geo-heritage represents a group of all geological, geomorphological, pedological and particular a... more Geo-heritage represents a group of all geological, geomorphological, pedological and particular archeological features that are of great scientific and cultural importance (MIJOVlO et al., 1999) The massif of Fruska Gora is the peculiar orographical form and the area of the biggest diversity of geological and pedological formations in Vojvodina. The big numbers of geological, geomorphological and pedological values satisfy to join this mountain in the list of geo-heritage. Greater parts of objects are in situ. The most important object of geo heritage, which are separated from their natural habitat, are located in Cerevic Country museum and in the Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia, Department of Novi Sad. Big concentration, diversity and scientific importance of it refer to us to make one step beyond and to proclaim this area for geo-park.

Remote Sensing, 2018
Land cover is one of the key terrestrial variables used for monitoring and as input for modelling... more Land cover is one of the key terrestrial variables used for monitoring and as input for modelling in support of achieving the United Nations Strategical Development Goals. Global and Continental Land Cover Products (GCLCs) aim to provide the required harmonized information background across areas; thus, they are not being limited by national or other administrative nomenclature boundaries and their production approaches. Moreover, their increased spatial resolution, and consequently their local relevance, is of high importance for users at a local scale. During the last decade, several GCLCs were developed, including the Global Historical Land-Cover Change Land-Use Conversions (GLC), the Globeland-30 (GLOB), Corine-2012 (CLC) and GMES/ Copernicus Initial Operation High Resolution Layers (GIOS). Accuracy assessment is of high importance for product credibility towards incorporation into decision chains and implementation procedures, especially at local scales. The present study build...

Geographica Pannonica, 2014
According to different relevant climate research water shortage hazard become increasingly freque... more According to different relevant climate research water shortage hazard become increasingly frequent natural hazard across Serbia. In Serbia, especially in Vojvodina, drought is a natural hazard with increasing frequency of occurrence. Vojvodina is predominantly agricultural area with 11% of agricultural population. As such agricultural population is highy sensitive to natural hazards, especially to occurrence of drought which is typical for the territory of Vojvodina. Drought has influence on the environment and human activities, i.e. it has social and economic consequences, such as drinking water shortage or decline in crop yield. Therefore this paper has several aims. First goal is to explore socio demographic profiles and agricultural characteristic of agricultural population and stakeholders in research area. Secondly to examine farmers' attitudes to possible damage prevention and adaptive measures to climate change in the sector of agricultural production. Third goal is to analyze respondent's opinion toward drought prediction. Finally the study examines opinion of respondents on the role of government institutions in providing assistance and support to farmers and to agricultural development in the region. In depth semi structural interviewing were carried out. Results show lack of knowledge among respondents that water shortage can be precisely and in time predicted to help agriculture prepare and prevent possible draft damages. As the main problems in agriculture, the local agricultural population lists absence of strategic planning and management of agrarian policy, as well as absence of state support to farmers in agriculture development. Necessary assistance for alleviation of adverse drought consequences includes subsidies for irrigation, improvement and reconstruction of the existing irrigation systems; organized and planned state management of agrarian policy; creating precise methods of forecast of drought periods and timely informing agricultural population and agricultural firms.

Geographica Pannonica, 2016
In this paper we introduce the term "loess pyramid" for an unusual form of relief in thick loess ... more In this paper we introduce the term "loess pyramid" for an unusual form of relief in thick loess deposits. From a distance, the loess pyramid resembles a haystack; this is why it is known as "the haystack" by the local residents. Its erosional origin is conditional, occurring only where loess deposits are thick and gully erosion changes direction significantly. We describe a loess pyramid on a thick loess section near the Tisa (Tisza) River in Titel province, Serbia. The pyramid has a maximum altitude of 111.6 m, a width of 82 m and a length of 52 m. It is framed by two smaller gullies that belong to one hydrological system, but each has different morphological properties. The gullies output directly to the floodplain of the Tisa River, which cut the escarpment that the pyramid is set within. Given the relatively small number of references from the international and geomorphological literature on such landforms, this study represents an interesting contribution to the geomorphology of loess landscapes.

Geographica Pannonica, 2013
Šid municipality is situated in the southwestern part of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (northw... more Šid municipality is situated in the southwestern part of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (northwestern Serbia). Four geomorphological units are represented on its territory: The Fruška Gora Mountain, Srem loess plateau, Srem loess terrace and alluvial plains of river Sava and its tributaries.The largest part of Šid municipality consists of the early Quaternary sediments of intergranular porosity which form the water collecting environment for the phreatic aquifer. Because of the incomplete database, the main goals of this paper are restricted on defining basic characteristics of water regime of the phreatic aquifer in Šid municipality and their causal connection with the climatic, hydrological and anthropogenic factors. The results showed the prevailing presence of climatic type of the phreatic aquifer water regime in the study area, with fragmentary presence of climatic-hydrological type near rivers and climatic-anthropogenic type near and inside the city of Šid. Special emphasis is given to the inadequate phreatic water table depth monitoring in the study area. This situation prevents the detailed study of the phreatic aquifer water regime and estimating the exact directions of its outputs, which creates a significant problem that needs to be solved in the near future.
hatása a ezőgazdasági és ter észei területekre. . A últ és a jele aszályai Fiala Károly, Be yhe B... more hatása a ezőgazdasági és ter észei területekre. . A últ és a jele aszályai Fiala Károly, Be yhe Balázs, Draga Doli aj, Pálfai I re .

This paper examines the possibilities, advantages and limitations of the use of high resolution a... more This paper examines the possibilities, advantages and limitations of the use of high resolution archive satellite images in evaluation of forest and other land cover changes, based on research in the sample area of the Fruška Gora mountain (Serbia). Satellite images available from the declassified archives of CORONA program were used to assess the extent of forest cover in the past. By comparing the resulting datasets with newer images, changes in the forest coverage can be detected and reconstructed for a period of more than 40 years. Despite many limiting factors, the images provided valuable information about the state of the forest cover in the past. The methodology used can be utilised in other similar areas, where no other, more precise source is available about forest coverage, as a means of reasonably inexpensive and time efficient assessment of forest cover and other land use changes in the past five decades.

R-economy, 2018
Th e Danube river waterway, i.e. the Pan-European Corridor VII, is considered as one of the most ... more Th e Danube river waterway, i.e. the Pan-European Corridor VII, is considered as one of the most signifi cant transport corridors in Europe. It runs through ten countries, including Serbia (the Serbian part of the river is 588 km long), which is why it is one of Serbia's priorities to develop inland water transport. Th e system of waterways provides a viable alternative to roads and rail systems. Moreover, it is crucial for regional development. Th e Danube River off ers excellent opportunities for freight, passenger and tourist inland water transportation. However, the navigability potential of the Danube River still remains largely underrealized in Serbia: despite the high quality of waterways, inland water transport accounts for only 4.7% of the total transport. Th is paper deals with the advantages of inland navigation and the major characteristics of the Danube waterway in Serbia. In Serbia, the Danube is mainly used for freight and passenger transportation and for the development of nautical tourism. Th ere are a number of important projects that are currently being implemented in Serbia, such as the construction of new port facilities and marinas. Th e paper also discusses the negative factors impeding regional development in the sphere of waterways and water transport in Serbia, primarily the lack of funding for maintenance and improvement of the river's navigability.
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
The principal aim of this research was to determine the vulnerability of two national parks (Fruš... more The principal aim of this research was to determine the vulnerability of two national parks (Fruška Gora and Djerdap) along the Serbian Danube region, which are protected areas of great national and international significance, to major natural hazards. An analysis of the potential hazards to the protected natural and cultural-historical values was performed, and the adequacy of the allocation of protected zones was then examined according to the vulnerabilities of these values to natural hazards. The creation of a multi-hazard map is the first important task for the prevention and mitigation of natural hazards in the risk-prone area. This research represents an important step in completing the European database by including data from Serbia, a territory that was a blank area in previous hazard maps.
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Aug 13, 2013
The principal aim of this research was to determine the vulnerability of two national parks (Fruš... more The principal aim of this research was to determine the vulnerability of two national parks (Fruška Gora and Djerdap) along the Serbian Danube region, which are protected areas of great national and international significance, to major natural hazards. An analysis of the potential hazards to the protected natural and cultural-historical values was performed, and the adequacy of the allocation of protected zones was then examined according to the vulnerabilities of these values to natural hazards. The creation of a multi-hazard map is the first important task for the prevention and mitigation of natural hazards in the risk-prone area. This research represents an important step in completing the European database by including data from Serbia, a territory that was a blank area in previous hazard maps.
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
The principal aim of this research was to determine the vulnerability of two national parks (Fruš... more The principal aim of this research was to determine the vulnerability of two national parks (Fruška Gora and Djerdap) along the Serbian Danube region, which are protected areas of great national and international significance, to major natural hazards. An analysis of the potential hazards to the protected natural and cultural-historical values was performed, and the adequacy of the allocation of protected zones was then examined according to the vulnerabilities of these values to natural hazards. The creation of a multi-hazard map is the first important task for the prevention and mitigation of natural hazards in the risk-prone area. This research represents an important step in completing the European database by including data from Serbia, a territory that was a blank area in previous hazard maps.

Journal of Environmental Geography, 2013
ABSTRACT Inland excess water floodings are a common problem in the Carpathian Basin. Nearly every... more ABSTRACT Inland excess water floodings are a common problem in the Carpathian Basin. Nearly every year large areas are covered by water due to lack of natural runoff of superfluous water. To study the development of this phenomenon it is necessary to determine where these inundations are occurring. This research evaluates different methods to classify inland excess water occurrences on a study area covering south-east Hungary and northern Serbia. The region is susceptible to this type of flooding due to its geographical circumstances. Three separate methods are used to determine their applicability to the problem. The methods use the same input data set but differ in approach and complexity. The input data set consists of a mosaic of RapidEye medium resolution satellite images. The results of the classifications show that all three methods can be applied to the problem and provide high quality satellite based inland excess water maps over a large area.

Šid municipality is situated in the south-western part of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (north... more Šid municipality is situated in the south-western part of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (northwestern Serbia). Four geomorphological units are represented on its territory: The Fruška Gora Mountain, Srem loess plateau, Srem loess terrace and alluvial plains of river Sava and its tributaries.The largest
part of Šid municipality consists of the early Quaternary sediments of intergranular porosity which form the water collecting environment for the phreatic aquifer. Because of the incomplete database, the main goals of this paper are restricted on defining basic characteristics of water regime of the phreatic
aquifer in Šid municipality and their causal connection with the climatic, hydrological and anthropogenic factors. The results showed the prevailing presence of climatic type of the phreatic aquifer water regime in the study area, with fragmentary presence of climatic-hydrological type near rivers and
climatic-anthropogenic type near and inside the city of Šid. Special emphasis is given to the inadequate phreatic water table depth monitoring in the study area. This situation prevents the detailed study of the phreatic aquifer water regime and estimating the exact directions of its outputs, which creates a
significant problem that needs to be solved in the near future.
Articles by Minucsér Mészáros

Remote Sensing, Dec 6, 2018
Land cover is one of the key terrestrial variables used for monitoring and as input for modelling... more Land cover is one of the key terrestrial variables used for monitoring and as input for modelling in support of achieving the United Nations Strategical Development Goals. Global and Continental Land Cover Products (GCLCs) aim to provide the required harmonized information background across areas; thus, they are not being limited by national or other administrative nomenclature boundaries and their production approaches. Moreover, their increased spatial resolution, and consequently their local relevance, is of high importance for users at a local scale. During the last decade, several GCLCs were developed, including the Global Historical Land-Cover Change Land-Use Conversions (GLC), the Globeland-30 (GLOB), Corine-2012 (CLC) and GMES/ Copernicus Initial Operation High Resolution Layers (GIOS). Accuracy assessment is of high importance for product credibility towards incorporation into decision chains and implementation procedures, especially at local scales. The present study builds on the collaboration of scientists participating in the Global Observations of Forest Cover—Global Observations of Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD), South Central and Eastern European Regional Information Network (SCERIN). The main objective is to quantitatively evaluate the accuracy of commonly used GCLCs at selected representative study areas in the SCERIN geographic area, which is characterized by extreme diversity of landscapes and environmental conditions, heavily affected by anthropogenic impacts with similar major socio-economic drivers. The employed validation strategy for evaluating and comparing the different products is detailed, representative results for the selected areas from nine SCERIN countries are presented, the specific regional differences are identified and their underlying causes are discussed. In general, the four GCLCs products achieved relatively high overall accuracy rates: 74–98% for GLC (mean: 93.8%), 79–92% for GLOB (mean: 90.6%), 74–91% for CLC (mean: 89%) and 72–98% for GIOS (mean: 91.6%), for all selected areas. In most cases, the CLC product has the lower scores, while the GLC has the highest, closely followed by GIOS and GLOB. The study revealed overall high credibility and validity of the GCLCs products at local scale, a result, which shows expected benefit even for local/regional applications. Identified class dependent specificities in different landscape types can guide the local users for their reasonable usage in local studies. Valuable information is generated for advancing the goals of the international GOFC-GOLD program and aligns well with the agenda of the NASA Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Program to improve the quality and consistency of space-derived higher-level products.
Papers by Minucsér Mészáros
part of Šid municipality consists of the early Quaternary sediments of intergranular porosity which form the water collecting environment for the phreatic aquifer. Because of the incomplete database, the main goals of this paper are restricted on defining basic characteristics of water regime of the phreatic
aquifer in Šid municipality and their causal connection with the climatic, hydrological and anthropogenic factors. The results showed the prevailing presence of climatic type of the phreatic aquifer water regime in the study area, with fragmentary presence of climatic-hydrological type near rivers and
climatic-anthropogenic type near and inside the city of Šid. Special emphasis is given to the inadequate phreatic water table depth monitoring in the study area. This situation prevents the detailed study of the phreatic aquifer water regime and estimating the exact directions of its outputs, which creates a
significant problem that needs to be solved in the near future.
Articles by Minucsér Mészáros
part of Šid municipality consists of the early Quaternary sediments of intergranular porosity which form the water collecting environment for the phreatic aquifer. Because of the incomplete database, the main goals of this paper are restricted on defining basic characteristics of water regime of the phreatic
aquifer in Šid municipality and their causal connection with the climatic, hydrological and anthropogenic factors. The results showed the prevailing presence of climatic type of the phreatic aquifer water regime in the study area, with fragmentary presence of climatic-hydrological type near rivers and
climatic-anthropogenic type near and inside the city of Šid. Special emphasis is given to the inadequate phreatic water table depth monitoring in the study area. This situation prevents the detailed study of the phreatic aquifer water regime and estimating the exact directions of its outputs, which creates a
significant problem that needs to be solved in the near future.