Papers by Minerva Abellán
<p>Source: Created by the authors.</p
<p>Socio-demographic characteristics of the sample: mothers of urban and rural pregnant wom... more <p>Socio-demographic characteristics of the sample: mothers of urban and rural pregnant women.</p

espanolLa nueva vision de nuestra profesion nos ha hecho ver en la investigacion es todo un filon... more espanolLa nueva vision de nuestra profesion nos ha hecho ver en la investigacion es todo un filon para desarrollar nuestra actividad profesional, gracias al trabajo en este campo de muchos enfermeros y la formacion especializada con la que contamos los docentes podemos formar e innovar en las aulas. En la actualidad hemos avanzado en nuestra profesion pues formamos a promociones de profesionales para el trabajo real, prestando cuidados holisticos e integrales y cubrimos las necesidades de la sociedad. Ademas no olvidemos nunca que lo que el alumno descubre por si mismo en su formacion nunca lo olvida, pero escasamente retiene la informacion que recibe en sus clases magistrales. A traves de seminarios y asignaturas en metodologia de investigacion, se ponen las bases para que los futuros profesionales aprendan a manejar y utilizar los buscadores en bases de datos de ciencias de la salud, conozcan estudios cualitativos, cuantitativos, experimentales como ensayos. Estudios Observacional...

European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 2015
El climaterio es una fase de transición compleja en la que intervienen factores biológicos, psico... more El climaterio es una fase de transición compleja en la que intervienen factores biológicos, psicológicos, sociales y culturales. El fenómeno del climaterio es algo natural e universal para todas las mujeres. Esta etapa está influenciada por el entorno socio-cultural en el que la mujer viva. A través de un estudio de investigación cualitativo entre mujeres residentes en la provincia de Toledo. La selección de mujeres se realizó mediante un muestreo no probabilístico de conveniencia. El procedimiento grupos de discusión con las mujeres, de diferente condición social, y de situaciones personales diferentes. Las mujeres de ámbito urbano en su mayoría ven el climaterio como algo patológico, muchas de ellas necesitan ayuda para afrontar este momento, sin embargo las de zonas rurales ven el climaterio como algo natural, otra etapa más de sus vidas en parte porque las redes de apoyo familiares aportan vivencias y experiencias que comparten con sus familias. Las de zonas urbanas llegan despu...

Revista de Enfermagem Referência, 2016
Marco contextual: Estudio del área de obstetricia-ginecología, con énfasis en temática sexual. El... more Marco contextual: Estudio del área de obstetricia-ginecología, con énfasis en temática sexual. El período posparto es una etapa donde la sexualidad tiene el mismo fin, plácer, confort. Los factores implicados con la sexualidad, son múltiples y fundamentales. Objetivos: Conocer aspectos relacionados con vivencias, experiencias, diferencias sexuales, en mujeres españolas e inmigrantes, durante su posparto, en un área sanitaria en Palma de Mallorca (España). Metodología: Estudio cualitativo de corte etnográfico (2013-2014). Se realizó observación en 2 centros de salud (154 observaciones), 32 visitas al campo etnográfico, entrevistas semiestructuradas a mujeres españolas, inmigrantes (50 españolas y 20 inmigrantes). Resultados: Destacar que mujeres españolas al igual que inmigrantes, tienen su propia identidad, desarrollan su condición sexual y reproductiva en este periodo. Conclusión: La visión sexual de la mujer durante el puerperio debe ser amplia; el profesional sanitario debe escuchar sin olvidar su contexto cultural y social, para que la atención sanitaria que se le oferte a la puérpera sea efectiva. Palabras clave: periodo posparto; sexualidad; inmigración; cultura; mujer Enquadramento: Área de estudo obstetricia-ginecologia, com ênfase em questões sexuais. O período pós-parto é uma fase em que a sexualidade tem a mesma finalidade, o prazer e conforto. Os fatores envolvidos com a sexualidade são numerosos e fundamentais. Objetivos: Conhecer os aspetos relacionados com as vivências, experiências e diferenças sexuais, em mulheres espanholas e de imigrantes durante o seu pós-parto, em uma área de saúde em Palma de Mallorca (Espanha). Metodologia: Estudo qualitativo etnográfico (2013-2014). Observação realizada em 2 centros de saúde (154 observações), 32 visitas etnográficos de campo, entrevistas semi-estruturadas com mulheres espanholas, imigrantes (50 Espanhol e 20 imigrantes). Resultados: Note-se que tanto as mulheres espanholas como as imigrantes, têm a sua própria identidade e desenvolver a sua condição sexual e reprodutiva neste período. Conclusão: A visão sexual da mulher durante o puerperio deveria ser ampla; o profissional sanitário deveria escutar sem esquecer o contexto cultural e social dela, de forma que a atenção sanitária que é oferecida ao puérpera é efetivo. Palavras-chave: pós-parto; sexualidade; a imigração; cultura; mulher Background: This is a study in the obstetric-gynecology area, with an emphasis on sexual issues. The postpartum period is a time when sexuality has the same purpose, pleasure, and comfort. There are several key factors involved in sexuality. Objectives: To identify aspects related to the sexual experiences and differences of Spanish and immigrant women during the postpartum period in a health area of Palma de Mallorca (Spain). Methodology: This is a qualitative ethnographic study (2013-2014). We conducted 154 observations in 2 health care centers, 32 ethnographic field visits, and semi-structured interviews with Spanish and immigrant women (50 Spanish and 20 immigrant women). Results: Similarly to immigrant women, Spanish women have their own identity and make their own sexual and reproductive decisions in the postpartum period. Conclusion: A broader view on the sexuality of women during the postpartum period is needed. Health care professionals must listen to postpartum women without forgetting their cultural and social contexts in order to provide effective health care.

PloS one, 2016
In this article, we decided to study the representation of the Spanish pregnant and postpartum wo... more In this article, we decided to study the representation of the Spanish pregnant and postpartum women and the importance of religiosity/spirituality and the social context for them. We analyzed the influence of religion on the woman within her social context. to understand how pregnant and postpartum women experience their sexuality according to their religious beliefs and the opinion of others from a socially learned perspective. qualitative study using ethnography. This study aims at understanding reality from the women's point of view, acknowledging that the points of view are constructed through interaction with others, through cultural and historical norms that influence the lives of individuals. The findings indicate a difference in the religious beliefs and sexual behaviors of these women, which is more marked in urban than rural areas. Mothers have an influence on their daughters, conditioning their behavior. Conclusion We conclude that the process of change is underway. ...
Acercamiento Multidisciplinar a La Salud En El Envejecimiento Vol 1 2013 Isbn 978 84 616 4954 9 Pags 159 164, 2013
Acercamiento Multidisciplinar a La Salud En El Envejecimiento Vol 2 2014 Isbn 978 84 617 0447 7 Pags 375 378, 2014
Acercamiento Multidisciplinar a La Salud En El Envejecimiento Vol 1 2013 Isbn 978 84 616 4954 9 Pags 437 440, 2013
Revista de Enfermagem Referência, 2014
Formación de matronas en España desde la segunda mitad del s. XX hasta la actualidad Training of ... more Formación de matronas en España desde la segunda mitad del s. XX hasta la actualidad Training of midwives in Spain from the second half of the 20th century to the present day Formação de parteiras em Espanha desde a segunda metade do século XX até à atualidade
Acercamiento Multidisciplinar a La Salud En El Envejecimiento Vol 1 2013 Isbn 978 84 616 4954 9 Pags 427 432, 2013

In this article, we decided to study the representation of the Spanish pregnant and postpar-tum w... more In this article, we decided to study the representation of the Spanish pregnant and postpar-tum women and the importance of religiosity/spirituality and the social context for them. We analyzed the influence of religion on the woman within her social context. Objective: to understand how pregnant and postpartum women experience their sexuality according to their religious beliefs and the opinion of others from a socially learned perspective. Method: qualitative study using ethnography. This study aims at understanding reality from the wom-en's point of view, acknowledging that the points of view are constructed through interaction with others, through cultural and historical norms that influence the lives of individuals. Results: The findings indicate a difference in the religious beliefs and sexual behaviors of these women, which is more marked in urban than rural areas. Mothers have an influence on their daughters, conditioning their behavior. Conclusion We conclude that the process of change is underway. However, some paradoxes still persist concerning the sexual roles to be adopted, as well as some contradictions between sexual behaviors and the statements on religion. Within the scope of our study, we can confirm that pregnant and postpar-tum women are more or less pressured by the religious and social norms conveyed by their mothers, mainly in rural settings. From an external point of view, to be sexually free goes against the maternal and social expectations. However, the internal representation, marked by religion, that has been experienced over the years does not change the narratives of sexual experiences, assigning women to traditional role. This role brings conflict more or less assumed by women.
Papers by Minerva Abellán