Plumula: Berkala Ilmiah Agroteknologi, Jan 31, 2023
Porang merupakan tanaman yang potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai komoditi ekspor sebagai bahan ... more Porang merupakan tanaman yang potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai komoditi ekspor sebagai bahan makanan maupun bahan industri. Umbi porang mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar dalam bidang produksi, namun hal ini belum dikelola secara optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tingkat kesesuaian lahan di Kecamatan Wonosalam Kabupaten Jombang untuk pengembangan tanaman porang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey yang dilaksanakan dengan teknik pengambilan dan analisa sampel tanah terpilih. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan berdasarkan overlay atau tumpang tindih peta penggunaan lahan, geologi, topografi, dan kelerengan di Kecamatan Wonosalam. Hasil Overlay diperoleh 11 SPL (Satuan Peta Lahan) yang memenuhi karakteristik tiap peta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan di wilayah penelitian memiliki kemiringan bervariatif paling rendah 11,3% dan paling tinggi 35%. Tekstur tanah di dominasi oleh tekstur halus dengan nilai tertinggi 62,13% liat pada LD3. Nilai pH masam (4,71-5,56). C-organik bervariasi sebesar 0,17-3,63%. Nilai KTK di wilayah penelitian yakni 17,99-33,15 Cmol/kg (+). LD1, LD3, KB1, KB2, KB3, KB4, HT1 mempunyai kelas lahan cukup sesuai untuk pengembangan tanaman porang dengan faktor pembatas curah hujan dan kemiringan lereng (S2 wa, e). LD2 mempunyai kelas lahan cukup sesuai dengan faktor pembatas curah hujan (S2 wa). HT2, HT3, HT4 tidak sesuai untuk pengembangan tanaman porang dengan faktor pembatas kemiringan lereng (S3 e). Faktor pembatas didominasi oleh Curah Hujan dan kemiringan lereng pada setiap SPL.
(BBSDLP) pada tanggal 29-30 Juni 2012 di Auditorium BBSDLP. Makalah yang dipresentasikan dan diba... more (BBSDLP) pada tanggal 29-30 Juni 2012 di Auditorium BBSDLP. Makalah yang dipresentasikan dan dibahas dalam seminar merupakan hasil penelitian, ide-ide, pengalaman, maupun terobosan teknologi di bidang pemupukan dan pemulihan kesuburan tanah dari berbagai lembaga penelitian. Dalam seminar juga dibahas berbagai terobosan teknologi produksi pupuk seperti pupuk slow release, pembenah tanah (soil conditioner), integrasi hara, pupuk organik, pupuk mikro, baik secara konvensional maupun dengan teknologi nano, encapsulasi, dan sebagainya yang sangat diperlukan saat ini. Pada topik pemulihan lahan dibahas aspek ketersediaan lahan subur yang terus makin menurun dan berbagai terobosan pemulihan lahan terdegradasi. Atas selesainya penyusunan prosiding ini, pada kesempatan ini saya sampaikan penghargaan serta ucapan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan kontribusi dan berpartisipasi dalam penyelenggaraan seminar, dan secara khusus ucapan terima kasih saya sampaikan kepada tim penyusun. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Sep 1, 2011
Crop salt tolerance is generally assessed as the relative yield response to the increasing of roo... more Crop salt tolerance is generally assessed as the relative yield response to the increasing of root zone salinity. This paper studied the maize tolerance under salinine water (ECw) and their relationship with the changes of soil chemistry characteristics, crop growth and yield of maize. The seven level of water salinity were 0.66, 0.93, 1.57, 1.68, 2.46, 3.35, 3.85 mS cm-1 and three local maize from Madura, Pasuruan and Probolinggo were evaluated to soil electric conductivity (ECe), pH, available -N. -P. and -K as well as plant height and seed weight The experiment indicated that saline water (ECw) up to a certain concentration increased soil salinity (ECe) and pH, but decreased nutrient availability, plant height, fresh and dry weight of maizes. ECw level between 1.5 to 1.7 mS cm-1 gave the best results compared to others, because of soil nutrients and water availability optimum. Maize of Madura and Pasuruan were more tolerant than Probolinggo giving ECw up to 3. 85 mS cm-1, although their maize seed dry weight were lower.
Crop salt tolerance is generally assessed as the relative yield response to the increasing of roo... more Crop salt tolerance is generally assessed as the relative yield response to the increasing of root zone salinity. This paper studied the maize tolerance under salinine water (ECw) and their relationship with the changes of soil chemistry characteristics, crop growth and yield of maize. The seven level of water salinity were 0.66, 0.93, 1.57, 1.68, 2.46, 3.35, 3.85 mS cm-1 and three local maize from Madura, Pasuruan and Probolinggo were evaluated to soil electric conductivity (ECe), pH, available-N.-P. and-K as well as plant height and seed weight The experiment indicated that saline water (ECw) up to a certain concentration increased soil salinity (ECe) and pH, but decreased nutrient availability, plant height, fresh and dry weight of maizes. ECw level between 1.5 to 1.7 mS cm-1 gave the best results compared to others, because of soil nutrients and water availability optimum. Maize of Madura and Pasuruan were more tolerant than Probolinggo giving ECw up to 3. 85 mS cm-1 , although their maize seed dry weight were lower.
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, Oct 21, 2014
Humic acid is believed to maintain the stability of the soil reaction, adsorption / fixation / ch... more Humic acid is believed to maintain the stability of the soil reaction, adsorption / fixation / chelate of cation, thereby increasing the availability of water and plant nutrients. On the other hand, the dynamics of saline soil cation is strongly influenced by the change of seasons that disrupt water and plant nutrients uptake. This experiment was aimed to examine the characteristics of the humic acid from compost, coal, and peat and its function in the adsorption of K + and NH 4 + cations, thus increasing the availability of nutrients and of maize growth. Eighteen treatments consisted of three humic acid sources (compost, peat and coal), two cation additives (K + and NH4 +), and three doses of humic acid-based buffer (10, 20, and 30 g / 3kg), were arranged in a factorial completely randomized with three replicates. The treatments were evaluated against changes in pH, electric conductivity (EC), cation exchange capacity (CEC), chlorophyll content, plant dry weight and plant height. The results showed that the addition of K + and NH4 + affected pH, CEC, K + , NH4 + , and water content of the buffer. Application of humic acid-based buffer significantly decreased soil pH from > 7 to about 6.3, decreased soil EC to 0.9 mS / cm, and increased exchangeable Na from 0.40 to 0.56 me / 100g soil, Ca from 15.57 to 20.21 me/100 g soil, Mg from 1.76 to 6.52 me/100 g soil, and K from 0.05-0.51 me / 100g soil. Plant growth (plant height, chlorophyll content, leaf area, and stem weight) at 35 days after planting increased with increasing dose of humic acid. The dose of 2.0g peat humic acid + NH 4 + / 3 kg of soil or 30g peat humic acid + K + / 3 kg of oil gave the best results of maize growth.
The effectiveness of the treatment of pathogens disease in fish using chemicals is very limited b... more The effectiveness of the treatment of pathogens disease in fish using chemicals is very limited because of the stress of toxic ions. A treatment of humic acid of 50-90 mg /L on a farmland has been able to reduce illness and death compared to a mixture of formaldehyde and blue-green methylene. Humic acid is suspected to be able to increase yield, through improved conditions and resistance to diseases, health, and cultural vitality, either by itself or combined with cation species toxic. Humic acid can balance the soil cation so that the soil pH reached 7-8, through a chelate of Al, Fe, Ca or exchanged with NH4, Na and K. Humic acids were extracted from compost plants with a weak base of 0.1 N NaOH and precipitated at pH 2. The concentration of AH 0-400 ml was applied to three soil types with an area of 0.12 m 2 and 15 cm thickness. The results showed that the application of 100-200 ml HA/0.12 m 2 gave optimum yield in improving the physical-chemical characteristics of the soil embankment. Soil pH reached a value of 7-8, cation exchange to 60% saturated, and soil bulk density was reached in the range of 1.1-0.97 g / cm 3 .This condition is suitable for fish or shrimp in the embankment.
Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings, 2020
Industri fabrikasi memainkan peranan yang besar sebagai sumber pencemaran lahan pertanian khususn... more Industri fabrikasi memainkan peranan yang besar sebagai sumber pencemaran lahan pertanian khususnya daerah yang berdampingan dengan pabrik. Tanaman jagung dan padi merupakan tanaman pangan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Meningkatnya pencemaran lingkungan sekitas pabrik memungkinkan lahan pertanian menjadi tercemar sehingga pertumubhan tanaman terganggu. Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu mengetahui pengaruh macam media tanam tercemar limbah pabrik terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman jagung dan tanaman padi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di greenhouse Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu macam tanaman yang terdiri dari 2 faktor (tanaman jagung dan tanaman padi). Faktor kedua yaitu macam media tercemar limbah pabrik yang terdiri dari 6 taraf perlakuan (pabrik kertas, pabrik farmasi, pabrik trias, pabrik kulit, pabrik batik dan tanah taman). Hasil perlakuan terdapat 12 kombinasi perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan dan menggunakan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan media tanam tercemar limbah pabrik menunjukkan interaksi nyata terhadap panjang tanaman jagung+pabrik kertas, jagung+pabrik farmasi, jagung+pabrik trias dan jagung+pabrik batrik pada umur 4 HST. Tanaman jagung memberikan respon lebih baik pada awal pertumbuhan tanaman, panjang tanaman, jumlah daun dan panjang akar. anaman padi memberikan respon lebih baik pada jumlah daun, muncul anakan, jumlah anakan dan jumlah akar. Jenis media tanam farmasi memberikan pengaruh lebih baik pada parameter panjang tanaman dan jumlah daun.
Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan Intelligent Farming System atau Sistem Pertanian Cerdas menggunaka... more Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan Intelligent Farming System atau Sistem Pertanian Cerdas menggunakan teknologi Internet-based Data Acquisition and Control System (IDACS) yang diaplikasikan untuk pemantauan dan pengendalian kualitas tanah. Arsitektur sistem terdiri dari sistem pemantauan kualitas tanah dan pengendalian kualitas tanah. Untuk arsitektur siste m pemantauan dan pengendalian kualitas tanah sudah dilengkapi dengan aktuator-aktuator sistem kendali untuk mengendalikan kualitas tanah sesuai standar kebutuhan pertumbuhan tanaman. Untuk ujicoba sistem diwujudkan dalam bentuk miniatur plant pertumbuhan tanaman. Hasil-hasil ujicoba menunjukkan sistem dap at bekerja sesuai program yang disesuaikan dengan s tandar kebutuhan pertumbuhan tanaman. Keywords: Intelligent, Farming, IDACS.
International Journal of Advanced Research, Oct 31, 2017
One role of humic acid is a buffer agent to control the stability of the soil reaction. A field e... more One role of humic acid is a buffer agent to control the stability of the soil reaction. A field experiment with the applications of humic acid with doses 0 and 6 kg/ha of shrimp pond soil are added 2 weeks before seed stocking. Seedsare stocked with a density of 1000 fries per hectare. The experimental results indicate that administration of humic acids alter the pH, EC, and Redox of soil and water. Average of water pH value before and after experiment each are 7.51 and 7.16. Soil pH, EC and redox values before and after the administration of humate each are 7.51 and 7.48,-22.83 and-5.00, and 129.67 and 63.33 ppm. Average shrimp weight of 2 months 10 days old is 16.46 with a range of 14.8-18.9 g or equivalent of size 50-60. These conditions are suitable for fish or shrimp.
Sifat fisik vertisol kurang baik bagi pertumbuhan tanaman, karena akan mengembang apabila dikenai... more Sifat fisik vertisol kurang baik bagi pertumbuhan tanaman, karena akan mengembang apabila dikenai air, mengkerut dan keras apabila kering. Vertisol memiliki sifat kering yang mengakibatkan pergerakan akar menjadi terhambat. Perbaikan vertisol dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan pupuk organik, salah satunya kompos. Penelitian “Dampak Pemberian Bahan Organik dan Pasir terhadap Sifat Fisika Tanah Vertisol Bojonegoro” bertujuan untuk mengkaji perubahan sifat fisika vertisol akibat penambahan bahan organik dan pasir, dilaksanakan di lahan milik Fakultas Pertanian UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Kecamatan Gunung Anyar, Kabupaten Surabaya pada bulan September-Oktober 2022. Penelitian disusun menurut Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial, dengan satu faktor yang terdiri atas 4 macam bahan organik, dengan dosis yang sama yaitu 15 ton/ha-1. Keempat macam bahan organik tersebut adalah B0 = Kontrol; B1 = Kulit pisang + Kotoran sapi (10:1); B2 = Kompos seresah daun; B3 = Eceng gondok + kotoran sapi (1...
Land resources is comprised of the physical environment of climate, relief, soil, water and veget... more Land resources is comprised of the physical environment of climate, relief, soil, water and vegetation and objects in it along no impact on land use. The purpose of the study was to assess the characteristics of the land in the area of sample plant, soil capability, soil fertility and land suitability and its relationship to the production of biomass for rice (Oryza sativa ) . The study was done in farmers fields at Wringinpitu dan Catak Gayam village, Mojowarno Subdistrict, Regency of Jombang and at Land Resources Laboratory, the Faculty of Agriculture, UPN " Veteran " East Java from March 2013 to June 20013 . pH value of the soil in the study site is generally near neutral. Low C and N content of below 1 % , but the available of P content is high. The low content of C-organic due to the amount of biomass that is transported ou t of the good land for cattle feed, or burned for the sugar production. Low soil N content due to easy N-ammonium content evaporates when exposed ...
Vertisol has a clay texture, high micropores, and high water and nutrient absorption ability. The... more Vertisol has a clay texture, high micropores, and high water and nutrient absorption ability. The high water content of Vertisol causes the air to decrease, thus inhibiting root development. Stretching of the Vertisol structure is expected to increase soil porosity and reduce ion and water absorption. This study examines interactions between organic matter and percent sand on soil porosity and nutrient availability. The study was arranged according to a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD), repeated three times. The first factor was seven kinds of organic matter (control, cow dung + banana peel compost, cow dung + leaf litter compost + compost water hyacinth + cow dung, humin, humic acid, and biochar. The application doses are respectively for each treatment: humic acid and humin 20 kg ha-1, biochar 1 Mg ha-1, compost+manure fertilizer 15 Mg ha-1. Changes in soil chemical characteristics were evaluated against pH, C-org, and Available-P, while changes in soil physical charac...
Characteristics of saline soil determine the rice yield along the seaboard. High concentration of... more Characteristics of saline soil determine the rice yield along the seaboard. High concentration of dissolved salt decreases growth and rice yield. The study aimed to evaluate physical and chemical characteristics of saline soil in Sidoarjo and Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The result analysis of soil exchangeable Na + , K + , Ca ++ , and Mg ++ respectively was 0.8-1.94; 0.33-2.73; 16.32-20.4, 1.83-8.88 me.100g-1 .The value of soil pH was 7.35-7.55, EC value of soil was 0.64-1.83dS.m-1 , and the content of organic-C was between 1.1-2,4,6 %. The result of soil characterization was then crosschecked with the rice yield in saline soil by weighing dry rice grains per clump. The rice yield was 3-4.1 ton.ha-1 and negatively correlated to the exchangeable values of Na, SAR, bulk density and dust content. It was positively correlated with organic-C, fertilizer, exchangeableof Ca ++ , Mg ++ , and K + , as well as soil's CEC. The ratio value of Ca:Mgnamely2.2-8.2, and K:Mgnamely0.18-0.21 exceeded the limit of ideal value and caused low production. The rice yield was negatively correlated with the content of exchangeableNa + , values of pH and EC. It achieved more than 4 ton.ha-1 when added with 300-450 g.plant-1 of organic materials and 1.0-1.3 g.plant-1 of NPK.
Sandy soils have high macropores and low nutrient availability. This condition is caused by the s... more Sandy soils have high macropores and low nutrient availability. This condition is caused by the soil matrix which has no negative charge, so that nutrients are easily lost due to washing. Nitrogen loss has been reported to reduce rice production by 6.10%. The research aims to examine the application of humic acid and silica to increase the availability of nitrogen nutrients. Humic acid from compost and silica from rice husk is expected to increase the negative charge of the soil so that can adsorbnutrient ions such as nitrogen. The research was carried out from March to September 2021 in the greenhouse and laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, National Development University "Veteran" East Java. The research was structured using a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The first factor is silica dose with a level of 0 ton/ha, 0.5 ton/ha, 1 ton/ha, and 1.5 ton/ha. The second factor is the dose of humic acid with a level of 0 kg/ha, 20 kg/ha, 40 kg/ha, and 60 kg/h...
The use of liquid organic fertilizer made from livestock manure is an attempt to provide tomato p... more The use of liquid organic fertilizer made from livestock manure is an attempt to provide tomato plants with P and Zn nutrients. This research aimed to assess the availability of P and Zn, the best growth, and yield of tomato plants using liquid organic fertilizer based on animal manure. A completely randomized design with a two-factor treatment was used to set up this study. The first aspect is the three different kinds of organic livestock-based fertilizers—chicken, goat, and cow dung. The second factor is the three different fertilizer concentrations, which are 5 ml/g (1), 10 ml/g (2), and 15 ml/g (3). A control was added as a point of comparison, and each treatment was performed three times overall for a total of 30 experimental units. After 7 days have elapsed after planting, liquid organic fertilizer is applied. The following parameters were measured: plant height, number of fruits, fruit weight, fruit sugar content, soil pH, soil accessible P, and total soil Zn. According to t...
The aim of this study was to discover soil fertility indicators for coffee cultivation in Tutur D... more The aim of this study was to discover soil fertility indicators for coffee cultivation in Tutur District as well as the variables that influence soil fertility levels for coffee cultivation land. A survey method was employed in this investigation. The findings of the chemical characteristics test were utilized as a guide for creating maps of the land fertility potential for coffee plants in Tutur Village. These maps included information on water content, soil pH, C-Organic content, N-total content, Phosphorus content, base saturation, and CEC. According to this study, Tutur District's coffee farming may be classified into three soil fertility status categories: low, medium, and high fertility status. The slope of the land is the factor that has the biggest impact on the soil fertility in the Tutur District's coffee growing region; the steeper the slope, the less fertile the soil is.
Plumula: Berkala Ilmiah Agroteknologi, Jan 31, 2023
Porang merupakan tanaman yang potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai komoditi ekspor sebagai bahan ... more Porang merupakan tanaman yang potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai komoditi ekspor sebagai bahan makanan maupun bahan industri. Umbi porang mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar dalam bidang produksi, namun hal ini belum dikelola secara optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tingkat kesesuaian lahan di Kecamatan Wonosalam Kabupaten Jombang untuk pengembangan tanaman porang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey yang dilaksanakan dengan teknik pengambilan dan analisa sampel tanah terpilih. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan berdasarkan overlay atau tumpang tindih peta penggunaan lahan, geologi, topografi, dan kelerengan di Kecamatan Wonosalam. Hasil Overlay diperoleh 11 SPL (Satuan Peta Lahan) yang memenuhi karakteristik tiap peta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan di wilayah penelitian memiliki kemiringan bervariatif paling rendah 11,3% dan paling tinggi 35%. Tekstur tanah di dominasi oleh tekstur halus dengan nilai tertinggi 62,13% liat pada LD3. Nilai pH masam (4,71-5,56). C-organik bervariasi sebesar 0,17-3,63%. Nilai KTK di wilayah penelitian yakni 17,99-33,15 Cmol/kg (+). LD1, LD3, KB1, KB2, KB3, KB4, HT1 mempunyai kelas lahan cukup sesuai untuk pengembangan tanaman porang dengan faktor pembatas curah hujan dan kemiringan lereng (S2 wa, e). LD2 mempunyai kelas lahan cukup sesuai dengan faktor pembatas curah hujan (S2 wa). HT2, HT3, HT4 tidak sesuai untuk pengembangan tanaman porang dengan faktor pembatas kemiringan lereng (S3 e). Faktor pembatas didominasi oleh Curah Hujan dan kemiringan lereng pada setiap SPL.
(BBSDLP) pada tanggal 29-30 Juni 2012 di Auditorium BBSDLP. Makalah yang dipresentasikan dan diba... more (BBSDLP) pada tanggal 29-30 Juni 2012 di Auditorium BBSDLP. Makalah yang dipresentasikan dan dibahas dalam seminar merupakan hasil penelitian, ide-ide, pengalaman, maupun terobosan teknologi di bidang pemupukan dan pemulihan kesuburan tanah dari berbagai lembaga penelitian. Dalam seminar juga dibahas berbagai terobosan teknologi produksi pupuk seperti pupuk slow release, pembenah tanah (soil conditioner), integrasi hara, pupuk organik, pupuk mikro, baik secara konvensional maupun dengan teknologi nano, encapsulasi, dan sebagainya yang sangat diperlukan saat ini. Pada topik pemulihan lahan dibahas aspek ketersediaan lahan subur yang terus makin menurun dan berbagai terobosan pemulihan lahan terdegradasi. Atas selesainya penyusunan prosiding ini, pada kesempatan ini saya sampaikan penghargaan serta ucapan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan kontribusi dan berpartisipasi dalam penyelenggaraan seminar, dan secara khusus ucapan terima kasih saya sampaikan kepada tim penyusun. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Sep 1, 2011
Crop salt tolerance is generally assessed as the relative yield response to the increasing of roo... more Crop salt tolerance is generally assessed as the relative yield response to the increasing of root zone salinity. This paper studied the maize tolerance under salinine water (ECw) and their relationship with the changes of soil chemistry characteristics, crop growth and yield of maize. The seven level of water salinity were 0.66, 0.93, 1.57, 1.68, 2.46, 3.35, 3.85 mS cm-1 and three local maize from Madura, Pasuruan and Probolinggo were evaluated to soil electric conductivity (ECe), pH, available -N. -P. and -K as well as plant height and seed weight The experiment indicated that saline water (ECw) up to a certain concentration increased soil salinity (ECe) and pH, but decreased nutrient availability, plant height, fresh and dry weight of maizes. ECw level between 1.5 to 1.7 mS cm-1 gave the best results compared to others, because of soil nutrients and water availability optimum. Maize of Madura and Pasuruan were more tolerant than Probolinggo giving ECw up to 3. 85 mS cm-1, although their maize seed dry weight were lower.
Crop salt tolerance is generally assessed as the relative yield response to the increasing of roo... more Crop salt tolerance is generally assessed as the relative yield response to the increasing of root zone salinity. This paper studied the maize tolerance under salinine water (ECw) and their relationship with the changes of soil chemistry characteristics, crop growth and yield of maize. The seven level of water salinity were 0.66, 0.93, 1.57, 1.68, 2.46, 3.35, 3.85 mS cm-1 and three local maize from Madura, Pasuruan and Probolinggo were evaluated to soil electric conductivity (ECe), pH, available-N.-P. and-K as well as plant height and seed weight The experiment indicated that saline water (ECw) up to a certain concentration increased soil salinity (ECe) and pH, but decreased nutrient availability, plant height, fresh and dry weight of maizes. ECw level between 1.5 to 1.7 mS cm-1 gave the best results compared to others, because of soil nutrients and water availability optimum. Maize of Madura and Pasuruan were more tolerant than Probolinggo giving ECw up to 3. 85 mS cm-1 , although their maize seed dry weight were lower.
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, Oct 21, 2014
Humic acid is believed to maintain the stability of the soil reaction, adsorption / fixation / ch... more Humic acid is believed to maintain the stability of the soil reaction, adsorption / fixation / chelate of cation, thereby increasing the availability of water and plant nutrients. On the other hand, the dynamics of saline soil cation is strongly influenced by the change of seasons that disrupt water and plant nutrients uptake. This experiment was aimed to examine the characteristics of the humic acid from compost, coal, and peat and its function in the adsorption of K + and NH 4 + cations, thus increasing the availability of nutrients and of maize growth. Eighteen treatments consisted of three humic acid sources (compost, peat and coal), two cation additives (K + and NH4 +), and three doses of humic acid-based buffer (10, 20, and 30 g / 3kg), were arranged in a factorial completely randomized with three replicates. The treatments were evaluated against changes in pH, electric conductivity (EC), cation exchange capacity (CEC), chlorophyll content, plant dry weight and plant height. The results showed that the addition of K + and NH4 + affected pH, CEC, K + , NH4 + , and water content of the buffer. Application of humic acid-based buffer significantly decreased soil pH from > 7 to about 6.3, decreased soil EC to 0.9 mS / cm, and increased exchangeable Na from 0.40 to 0.56 me / 100g soil, Ca from 15.57 to 20.21 me/100 g soil, Mg from 1.76 to 6.52 me/100 g soil, and K from 0.05-0.51 me / 100g soil. Plant growth (plant height, chlorophyll content, leaf area, and stem weight) at 35 days after planting increased with increasing dose of humic acid. The dose of 2.0g peat humic acid + NH 4 + / 3 kg of soil or 30g peat humic acid + K + / 3 kg of oil gave the best results of maize growth.
The effectiveness of the treatment of pathogens disease in fish using chemicals is very limited b... more The effectiveness of the treatment of pathogens disease in fish using chemicals is very limited because of the stress of toxic ions. A treatment of humic acid of 50-90 mg /L on a farmland has been able to reduce illness and death compared to a mixture of formaldehyde and blue-green methylene. Humic acid is suspected to be able to increase yield, through improved conditions and resistance to diseases, health, and cultural vitality, either by itself or combined with cation species toxic. Humic acid can balance the soil cation so that the soil pH reached 7-8, through a chelate of Al, Fe, Ca or exchanged with NH4, Na and K. Humic acids were extracted from compost plants with a weak base of 0.1 N NaOH and precipitated at pH 2. The concentration of AH 0-400 ml was applied to three soil types with an area of 0.12 m 2 and 15 cm thickness. The results showed that the application of 100-200 ml HA/0.12 m 2 gave optimum yield in improving the physical-chemical characteristics of the soil embankment. Soil pH reached a value of 7-8, cation exchange to 60% saturated, and soil bulk density was reached in the range of 1.1-0.97 g / cm 3 .This condition is suitable for fish or shrimp in the embankment.
Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings, 2020
Industri fabrikasi memainkan peranan yang besar sebagai sumber pencemaran lahan pertanian khususn... more Industri fabrikasi memainkan peranan yang besar sebagai sumber pencemaran lahan pertanian khususnya daerah yang berdampingan dengan pabrik. Tanaman jagung dan padi merupakan tanaman pangan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Meningkatnya pencemaran lingkungan sekitas pabrik memungkinkan lahan pertanian menjadi tercemar sehingga pertumubhan tanaman terganggu. Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu mengetahui pengaruh macam media tanam tercemar limbah pabrik terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman jagung dan tanaman padi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di greenhouse Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu macam tanaman yang terdiri dari 2 faktor (tanaman jagung dan tanaman padi). Faktor kedua yaitu macam media tercemar limbah pabrik yang terdiri dari 6 taraf perlakuan (pabrik kertas, pabrik farmasi, pabrik trias, pabrik kulit, pabrik batik dan tanah taman). Hasil perlakuan terdapat 12 kombinasi perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan dan menggunakan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan media tanam tercemar limbah pabrik menunjukkan interaksi nyata terhadap panjang tanaman jagung+pabrik kertas, jagung+pabrik farmasi, jagung+pabrik trias dan jagung+pabrik batrik pada umur 4 HST. Tanaman jagung memberikan respon lebih baik pada awal pertumbuhan tanaman, panjang tanaman, jumlah daun dan panjang akar. anaman padi memberikan respon lebih baik pada jumlah daun, muncul anakan, jumlah anakan dan jumlah akar. Jenis media tanam farmasi memberikan pengaruh lebih baik pada parameter panjang tanaman dan jumlah daun.
Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan Intelligent Farming System atau Sistem Pertanian Cerdas menggunaka... more Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan Intelligent Farming System atau Sistem Pertanian Cerdas menggunakan teknologi Internet-based Data Acquisition and Control System (IDACS) yang diaplikasikan untuk pemantauan dan pengendalian kualitas tanah. Arsitektur sistem terdiri dari sistem pemantauan kualitas tanah dan pengendalian kualitas tanah. Untuk arsitektur siste m pemantauan dan pengendalian kualitas tanah sudah dilengkapi dengan aktuator-aktuator sistem kendali untuk mengendalikan kualitas tanah sesuai standar kebutuhan pertumbuhan tanaman. Untuk ujicoba sistem diwujudkan dalam bentuk miniatur plant pertumbuhan tanaman. Hasil-hasil ujicoba menunjukkan sistem dap at bekerja sesuai program yang disesuaikan dengan s tandar kebutuhan pertumbuhan tanaman. Keywords: Intelligent, Farming, IDACS.
International Journal of Advanced Research, Oct 31, 2017
One role of humic acid is a buffer agent to control the stability of the soil reaction. A field e... more One role of humic acid is a buffer agent to control the stability of the soil reaction. A field experiment with the applications of humic acid with doses 0 and 6 kg/ha of shrimp pond soil are added 2 weeks before seed stocking. Seedsare stocked with a density of 1000 fries per hectare. The experimental results indicate that administration of humic acids alter the pH, EC, and Redox of soil and water. Average of water pH value before and after experiment each are 7.51 and 7.16. Soil pH, EC and redox values before and after the administration of humate each are 7.51 and 7.48,-22.83 and-5.00, and 129.67 and 63.33 ppm. Average shrimp weight of 2 months 10 days old is 16.46 with a range of 14.8-18.9 g or equivalent of size 50-60. These conditions are suitable for fish or shrimp.
Sifat fisik vertisol kurang baik bagi pertumbuhan tanaman, karena akan mengembang apabila dikenai... more Sifat fisik vertisol kurang baik bagi pertumbuhan tanaman, karena akan mengembang apabila dikenai air, mengkerut dan keras apabila kering. Vertisol memiliki sifat kering yang mengakibatkan pergerakan akar menjadi terhambat. Perbaikan vertisol dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan pupuk organik, salah satunya kompos. Penelitian “Dampak Pemberian Bahan Organik dan Pasir terhadap Sifat Fisika Tanah Vertisol Bojonegoro” bertujuan untuk mengkaji perubahan sifat fisika vertisol akibat penambahan bahan organik dan pasir, dilaksanakan di lahan milik Fakultas Pertanian UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Kecamatan Gunung Anyar, Kabupaten Surabaya pada bulan September-Oktober 2022. Penelitian disusun menurut Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial, dengan satu faktor yang terdiri atas 4 macam bahan organik, dengan dosis yang sama yaitu 15 ton/ha-1. Keempat macam bahan organik tersebut adalah B0 = Kontrol; B1 = Kulit pisang + Kotoran sapi (10:1); B2 = Kompos seresah daun; B3 = Eceng gondok + kotoran sapi (1...
Land resources is comprised of the physical environment of climate, relief, soil, water and veget... more Land resources is comprised of the physical environment of climate, relief, soil, water and vegetation and objects in it along no impact on land use. The purpose of the study was to assess the characteristics of the land in the area of sample plant, soil capability, soil fertility and land suitability and its relationship to the production of biomass for rice (Oryza sativa ) . The study was done in farmers fields at Wringinpitu dan Catak Gayam village, Mojowarno Subdistrict, Regency of Jombang and at Land Resources Laboratory, the Faculty of Agriculture, UPN " Veteran " East Java from March 2013 to June 20013 . pH value of the soil in the study site is generally near neutral. Low C and N content of below 1 % , but the available of P content is high. The low content of C-organic due to the amount of biomass that is transported ou t of the good land for cattle feed, or burned for the sugar production. Low soil N content due to easy N-ammonium content evaporates when exposed ...
Vertisol has a clay texture, high micropores, and high water and nutrient absorption ability. The... more Vertisol has a clay texture, high micropores, and high water and nutrient absorption ability. The high water content of Vertisol causes the air to decrease, thus inhibiting root development. Stretching of the Vertisol structure is expected to increase soil porosity and reduce ion and water absorption. This study examines interactions between organic matter and percent sand on soil porosity and nutrient availability. The study was arranged according to a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD), repeated three times. The first factor was seven kinds of organic matter (control, cow dung + banana peel compost, cow dung + leaf litter compost + compost water hyacinth + cow dung, humin, humic acid, and biochar. The application doses are respectively for each treatment: humic acid and humin 20 kg ha-1, biochar 1 Mg ha-1, compost+manure fertilizer 15 Mg ha-1. Changes in soil chemical characteristics were evaluated against pH, C-org, and Available-P, while changes in soil physical charac...
Characteristics of saline soil determine the rice yield along the seaboard. High concentration of... more Characteristics of saline soil determine the rice yield along the seaboard. High concentration of dissolved salt decreases growth and rice yield. The study aimed to evaluate physical and chemical characteristics of saline soil in Sidoarjo and Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The result analysis of soil exchangeable Na + , K + , Ca ++ , and Mg ++ respectively was 0.8-1.94; 0.33-2.73; 16.32-20.4, 1.83-8.88 me.100g-1 .The value of soil pH was 7.35-7.55, EC value of soil was 0.64-1.83dS.m-1 , and the content of organic-C was between 1.1-2,4,6 %. The result of soil characterization was then crosschecked with the rice yield in saline soil by weighing dry rice grains per clump. The rice yield was 3-4.1 ton.ha-1 and negatively correlated to the exchangeable values of Na, SAR, bulk density and dust content. It was positively correlated with organic-C, fertilizer, exchangeableof Ca ++ , Mg ++ , and K + , as well as soil's CEC. The ratio value of Ca:Mgnamely2.2-8.2, and K:Mgnamely0.18-0.21 exceeded the limit of ideal value and caused low production. The rice yield was negatively correlated with the content of exchangeableNa + , values of pH and EC. It achieved more than 4 ton.ha-1 when added with 300-450 g.plant-1 of organic materials and 1.0-1.3 g.plant-1 of NPK.
Sandy soils have high macropores and low nutrient availability. This condition is caused by the s... more Sandy soils have high macropores and low nutrient availability. This condition is caused by the soil matrix which has no negative charge, so that nutrients are easily lost due to washing. Nitrogen loss has been reported to reduce rice production by 6.10%. The research aims to examine the application of humic acid and silica to increase the availability of nitrogen nutrients. Humic acid from compost and silica from rice husk is expected to increase the negative charge of the soil so that can adsorbnutrient ions such as nitrogen. The research was carried out from March to September 2021 in the greenhouse and laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, National Development University "Veteran" East Java. The research was structured using a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The first factor is silica dose with a level of 0 ton/ha, 0.5 ton/ha, 1 ton/ha, and 1.5 ton/ha. The second factor is the dose of humic acid with a level of 0 kg/ha, 20 kg/ha, 40 kg/ha, and 60 kg/h...
The use of liquid organic fertilizer made from livestock manure is an attempt to provide tomato p... more The use of liquid organic fertilizer made from livestock manure is an attempt to provide tomato plants with P and Zn nutrients. This research aimed to assess the availability of P and Zn, the best growth, and yield of tomato plants using liquid organic fertilizer based on animal manure. A completely randomized design with a two-factor treatment was used to set up this study. The first aspect is the three different kinds of organic livestock-based fertilizers—chicken, goat, and cow dung. The second factor is the three different fertilizer concentrations, which are 5 ml/g (1), 10 ml/g (2), and 15 ml/g (3). A control was added as a point of comparison, and each treatment was performed three times overall for a total of 30 experimental units. After 7 days have elapsed after planting, liquid organic fertilizer is applied. The following parameters were measured: plant height, number of fruits, fruit weight, fruit sugar content, soil pH, soil accessible P, and total soil Zn. According to t...
The aim of this study was to discover soil fertility indicators for coffee cultivation in Tutur D... more The aim of this study was to discover soil fertility indicators for coffee cultivation in Tutur District as well as the variables that influence soil fertility levels for coffee cultivation land. A survey method was employed in this investigation. The findings of the chemical characteristics test were utilized as a guide for creating maps of the land fertility potential for coffee plants in Tutur Village. These maps included information on water content, soil pH, C-Organic content, N-total content, Phosphorus content, base saturation, and CEC. According to this study, Tutur District's coffee farming may be classified into three soil fertility status categories: low, medium, and high fertility status. The slope of the land is the factor that has the biggest impact on the soil fertility in the Tutur District's coffee growing region; the steeper the slope, the less fertile the soil is.
Papers by Wanti Mindari