Papers by Miloslav Studnicka
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, Jun 1, 2003
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, Jun 1, 2003
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, Jun 1, 2006
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, Sep 1, 2004
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, Jun 1, 2003
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, Jun 1, 2001
Acta Botanica Mexicana, 2000
Se describe como nueva especie a Pinguicula medusina que habita en colinas yesosas cercanas a San... more Se describe como nueva especie a Pinguicula medusina que habita en colinas yesosas cercanas a Santiago Juxtlahuaca, Oaxaca. Por la corola subisoloba, con tubo cilíndrico y espolón corto se ubica en el subgénero Isoloba, sección Heterophyllum. Las "hojas de verano" largas y lineares la relacionan estrechamente con P. heterophylla Benth., de la que se separa por la forma y posición de los lóbulos de la corola, por la producción de yemas vegetativas en el ápice de las "hojas de verano" y por su adaptación para crecer en suelos yesosos.
Folia geobotanica et phytotaxonomica, Jun 1, 1985
After the publication of reviews of the genus Pinguicula (ERnsT 1961, CASPER 1966) a few new spec... more After the publication of reviews of the genus Pinguicula (ERnsT 1961, CASPER 1966) a few new species of butterwords from Mexico were described, such as P./condo/ CASPER, P. sharpii CASPER et KO~DO, P. esseriana KmCr~ER, P. zecheri SPETA et FUCHS and P. ...
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, Jun 1, 2004
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, Mar 1, 1996

Folia geobotanica et phytotaxonomica, Dec 1, 1991
STUDNI~A M. (1991): Interesting succulent features in the Pinguicula species from the Mexican evo... more STUDNI~A M. (1991): Interesting succulent features in the Pinguicula species from the Mexican evolutionary centre.-Folia Geobot. Phytotax., Praha, 26: 459-462.-This. paper deals with the carnivorous plants of the genus Pinguicula occurring particularly in wet habitats. Nevertheless, some species are able to survive longer dry periods in the course of which they form succulent rosettes. Leaf anatomy has been investigated in 6 Mexican species of this kind. The following features frequent in typical succulents have been found: green sheats of vascular bundles (indicating the Ca-pathway of CO2 assimilation in photosynthesis) and the chlorenehyma located in the lower (= abaxial) part of the mesophyll, under a layer of translucent water-storage tissue. These features are discussed with regard to phylogenetical relationship within the genus Pinguicula.
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter
... Casper, SJ (1966): Monographie der Gattung Pin^uxcKÍa.-Biblioth. Bot., Stuttgart, fase. 127/1... more ... Casper, SJ (1966): Monographie der Gattung Pin^uxcKÍa.-Biblioth. Bot., Stuttgart, fase. 127/128:1-209. Dostál, J. (1989): The New Flora of CSSR. Prague, Czechoslovakia. Krajina,V. (1927): Pinguicula bohémica species nova e sectione Pionophyllum. Vest. Krai. Ces. Spolecn. ...
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter
The traps of Byblis gigantea are active, because after capturing a digestible particle (prey) it ... more The traps of Byblis gigantea are active, because after capturing a digestible particle (prey) it changes its position so that it rests on the surface with the digestive glands.
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, Mar 1, 2005
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, 2001
Papers by Miloslav Studnicka