Milica Stojsic
Architect / lighting designer / photographer / PhD student of Scene design
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University of Belgrade
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Arts Academy of the University of Split
Papers by Milica Stojsic
Urban digital media represent the intersection of architecture, information and culture which coexist in the arena of technology and construction. Through networking and content-sharing they are creating a possibility for global multimedia infrastructure for commercial and cultural exchange. Term mediatecture will be used to describe the field of new media in which architecture operates in urban context. Each communication carried through mediatecture can be divided into a certain number of polymedia pixels, which represent smallest possible units of communication transmitted via mediatecture. This paper will analyze the implications of new technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality on the communication process in urban context, as well as the relation between event and experience, and how it is dictated by the specificities of human perception. If a certain amount of people interacts with a certain space, thus receiving, but also creating a certain amount of information, or, in other words – communicates with and within that space – does urban environment becomes a social network?
Urban digital media represent the intersection of architecture, information and culture which coexist in the arena of technology and construction. Through networking and content-sharing they are creating a possibility for global multimedia infrastructure for commercial and cultural exchange. Term mediatecture will be used to describe the field of new media in which architecture operates in urban context. Each communication carried through mediatecture can be divided into a certain number of polymedia pixels, which represent smallest possible units of communication transmitted via mediatecture. This paper will analyze the implications of new technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality on the communication process in urban context, as well as the relation between event and experience, and how it is dictated by the specificities of human perception. If a certain amount of people interacts with a certain space, thus receiving, but also creating a certain amount of information, or, in other words – communicates with and within that space – does urban environment becomes a social network?