Papers by Milica Stankovic

On the basis of the Law on Medicines and Medical Devices of the Republic of Serbia, a magistral m... more On the basis of the Law on Medicines and Medical Devices of the Republic of Serbia, a magistral medicine means a medicine prepared in the pharmacy according to a prescription (formula) for an individual patient - user. In practice, the more need is for ex tempore production of vaginal preparations in the pharmacy and galenic laboratory. Due to the small number of registered vaginal gel products on the world market, and even less on our own market, their production in the pharmacies is very important. The aim of this study was to examine the possibilities of development the vaginal gel carriers with different hydrophilic polymers, in the pharmacy, in accordance with the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia. For their production we used three different mediums for gelation: Carbopol® 940, Carbopol® Ultrez 10 and Pemulen® TR 1 NF. All formulations show similar organoleptic properties during the observed period of time. Measured pH values of carrier formulations do not differ sign...

Губитак слуха врло је уобичајено здравствено стање међу одраслом популацијом индустријализованих ... more Губитак слуха врло је уобичајено здравствено стање међу одраслом популацијом индустријализованих земаља и опште је прихваћено да је његов утицај на комуникацију у великој мери повезан са погоршањем квалитета живота. Циљ овог истраживања је био да се утврде неке од тешкоћа у свакодневном функционисању одраслих особа оштећеног слуха и како те тешкоће утичу на израженост и опаженост хендикепа. Узорак испитаника је чинило 50 особа са оштећењем слуха, од којих 26 (52%) мушког и 24 (48%) женског пола, узраста од 44 до 91 године(АС=64,6612,07). Истраживање је обављено током септембра месеца 2019. године у „Sani Group“, у Београду, продавници слушних апарата и у Центру за едукацију „Осмех“ из Власотинца. Инструмент који је коришћен у сврхе овог истраживања је Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (HHIE) који је специфичан упитник за особе са оштећењем слуха. Резултати указују да су 6 испитаника без хендикепа (АС=9,334,50), благи до умерени хендикеп је установљен код 17 испитаника (АС=3...
Ekonomski signali, 2020
The success of franchise systems lies in balancing the global brand consistency and continuous in... more The success of franchise systems lies in balancing the global brand consistency and continuous innovation and local customization. The aim of the paper is to analyze the importance of innovation as one of the key factors for the success of franchise systems, pointing out the need for continuous implementation of innovations within franchise systems. The first part of the paper analyzes innovations as key drivers of successful company operations. The second part is devoted to the analysis of the success factors of franchises, with particular emphasis on innovation. The third part deals with the analysis of franchising as a link between consistency and innovation, with comparative analysis of two franchise systems: Domino's Pizza and Intergamma. After a comprehensive analysis, relevant conclusions are presented.

Ekonomika preduzeca, 2021
The aim of the paper is to emphasize the importance of franchising as a strategy of international... more The aim of the paper is to emphasize the importance of franchising as a strategy of internationalization for SMEs and to identify external factors that can have an impact on the implementation of franchising as an internationalization strategy in the Republic of Serbia. The paper highlights the impact of external factors that are related to economic development and geographical and cultural distance between countries of origin of the franchisor and the franchisees on the implementation of franchising as an internationalization strategy. This paper is the first study on the impact of external factors on the implementation of franchising as a strategy of internationalization for SMEs from the Republic of Serbia. The findings show that external factors that are related to economic development and geographical and cultural distance between countries of origin of the franchisor and franchisees have an impact on the implementation of franchising as a strategy of internationalization. Fran...

Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents, 2017
Semi-essential amino acid L-arginine may be of fundamental importance in various intracellular an... more Semi-essential amino acid L-arginine may be of fundamental importance in various intracellular and intercellular pathways related to skin repair and wound healing. Our current study was aimed to explore the effect of L-arginine on skin fibroblast (L929) signaling pathways involved in cell proliferation (Akt-pAkt kinase, Erk/pErk1/2 kinase, JNK/pJNK kinase and pStat-1), apoptosis (Bcl2 and Bax) and immune defense (NF-κB and CD26). Significant upregulation of Erk (p<0.011), pErk (p<0.017) and JNK (p<0.002) was documented, while the rise was not significant for pJNK kinase. The Akt/pAkt signaling pathway did not change significantly for the above-mentioned time and dose, while pStat-1 was significantly down regulated (p<0.011). The exposure of skin fibroblasts to L-arginine increased anti-apoptotic Bcl2/Bax stoichiometry ratio (p<0.05), obtained by calculation of their individual quantities. L-arginine was able to elicit NF-κB signaling through the increase of p65 active...

Breast cancer is the most common cancer and a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in fem... more Breast cancer is the most common cancer and a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in female population worldwide. The liver is the third most common metastatic site for invasive breast malignancy besides bones, lungs and brain. Breast cancer has been linked with metachronous bone, endometrial, colon/rectal, connective tissue (sarcoma), leukemia, lung, ovary or thyroid cancer. Studies have shown an increased risk of secondary malignancies in women treated for breast malignancy in connection to adjuvant treatment in certain cases. We present a case of a 71 year old woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer 20 years ago. The primary diagnosis was invasive lobular breast cancer localized in left lower lateral quadrant. Micromorphological, histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses rendered diagnosis inconclusive due to lack of tissue so after 4 months rebiopsy was performed. Clinico-pathological correlation of the second biopsy was in favor of liver metastasis of partially...

Science of The Total Environment, 2021
Seagrasses have the ability to contribute towards climate change mitigation, through large organi... more Seagrasses have the ability to contribute towards climate change mitigation, through large organic carbon (C org) sinks within their ecosystems. Although the importance of blue carbon within these ecosystems has been addressed in some countries of Southeast Asia, the regional and national inventories with the application of nature-based solutions are lacking. In this study, we aim to estimate national coastal blue carbon stocks in the seagrass ecosystems in the countries of Southeast Asia including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India. This study further assesses the potential of conservation and restoration practices and highlights the seagrass meadows as nature-based solution for climate change mitigation. The average value of the total carbon storage within seagrass meadows of this region is 121.95 ± 76.11 Mg ha −1 (average ± SD) and the total C org stock of the seagrass meadows of this region was 429.11 ± 111.88 Tg, with the highest C org stock in the Philippines (78%). The seagrass meadows of this region have the capacity to accumulate 5.85-6.80 Tg C year −1 , which accounts for $214.6-249.4 million USD. Under the current rate of decline of 2.82%, the seagrass meadows are emitting 1.65-2.08 Tg of CO 2 year −1 and the economic value of these losses accounts for $21.42-24.96 million USD. The potential of the seagrass meadows to the offset current CO 2 emissions varies across the region, with the highest contribution to offset is in the seagrass meadows of the Philippines (11.71%). Current national policies and commitments of nationally determined contributions do not include blue carbon ecosystems as climate mitigation measures, even though these ecosystems can contribute up to 7.03% of the countries' reduction goal of CO 2 emissions by 2030. The results of this study highlight and promote the potential of the southeast Asian seagrass meadows to national and international agencies as a practical scheme for nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation.
Ecological Indicators, 2020

Ekonomski pogledi, 2014
Глобални еколошки проблеми, с обзиром да превазилазе оквире границе једне земље, захтевају решења... more Глобални еколошки проблеми, с обзиром да превазилазе оквире границе једне земље, захтевају решења на наднационалном нивоу. Ширење еколошке свести је опште присутан тренд свуда у свету. Европска унија активно учествује у изради и имплементацији низа међународних конвенција и споразума у области животне средине. Кроз анализу међународне легислативе у еколошкој области и Еколошких акционих програма ЕУ указује се на неопходност њихове глобалне примене. Посебна пажња се посвећује односу између екологије и међународних трговинских токова имајући у виду све актуелније питање да ли је за једну земљу економски оправдано да примењује строге или благе еколошке прописе. Циљ рада је да одговори на ово питање кроз анализу предности и недостатака обе алтернативе уз преглед актуелне међународне еколошке легислативе и са нагласком на улогу ЕУ у области заштите животне средине.

TEME, 2018
The education becomes a necessity, rather than an option. In addition, the competition in the kno... more The education becomes a necessity, rather than an option. In addition, the competition in the knowledge and education market is increasingly stronger. In this respect, educational institutions begin to operate as entrepreneurial organizations, with a strong tendency towards the internationalization of their business activities. Educational franchises become global trend, bearing in mind that they are focused not only on achieving business goals, but also on achieving social goals, such as education and dissemination of knowledge. Despite numerous literature about franchising, the field of educational franchising is still insufficiently researched. The aim of the paper is to point out the importance of educational franchising and its role in the internationalization of education, both in the sector of formal and in the sector of non-formal education, and to determine the influence of internal factors from the domain of age, size and areas of providing educational services on the inte...
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2018

Economic Themes, 2014
Franchising is a business format which is becoming a global phenomenon in the contemporary busine... more Franchising is a business format which is becoming a global phenomenon in the contemporary business. Franchise systems extensively use modern information and communication technology (ICT) to enhance communication among franchisors and franchisees, and to provide interaction with end users. The aim of the paper is to highlight the importance of using the modern technology in franchise systems globally and need for more intensive use of ICT in our country and in neighboring countries, based on the comparative analysis of using the ICT and Internet in developed and less developed economies. The research was conducted through a comprehensive on-line analysis of franchisors’ web sites. In this paper, it is analyzed whether there is a connection between the franchisors and franchisees linking through web site and the number of given franchise. Correlation analysis showed a statistically significant strong positive correlation between the use of the web site for linking franchisors and th...

Knowledge International Journal, 2018
Еntrepreneurship sector will be very important factor in future economic growth due to its abilit... more Еntrepreneurship sector will be very important factor in future economic growth due to its ability to adapt to changing business conditions in terms of globalization. Entrepreneurship is often called the driving force of the economy, while entrepreneurs are agents of change that provide innovative ideas for companies. Small and medium enterprises are a key source of dynamism, innovation and flexibility, both in developed and in developing countries. Entrepreneurial framework describes the key components of entrepreneurship: entrepreneurs/team of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial process, creation of new values and environment. An entrepreneur or team of entrepreneurs should recognize business opportunities, collect the necessary resources, and develop an appropriate business strategy with aim to create new value. The paper suggests that entrepreneurship creates entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activity is the best incentive for further entrepreneurial activity. In order to gain a b...
Skola biznisa, 2016
Sažetak: Franšizni model poslovanja uspešno primenjuju preduzeća u okviru turističke industrije. ... more Sažetak: Franšizni model poslovanja uspešno primenjuju preduzeća u okviru turističke industrije. Cilj rada je da se prezentuje uloga i značaj ovog poslovnog modela u turizmu, ukoliko se uzmu u obzir sve njegove specifičnosti, a naročito osobenosti koje se vezuju za hotelijerstvo. Predstavljajući primere primene franšiznog poslovanja u InterContinental i Marriott International hotelijerskim grupacijama, naglašavaju se prednosti ove poslovne forme za sve učesnike. Posebno je značajna dimenzija koja govori u prilog turistima (korisnicima turističkih usluga), koji izborom hotela u sistemu poznate franšize smanjuju, ili potpuno eliminišu, rizik pogrešnih odluka a izbor poznatog brenda za njih je garancija pozitivnog iskustva. Empirijski podaci prikazani u radu pokazuju da franšizing predstavlja dominantnu formu ekspanzije hotelskih lanaca na globanom nivou.

Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 2014
The Common Agricultural Policy is the oldest, the most complex, the most expensive EU policy and ... more The Common Agricultural Policy is the oldest, the most complex, the most expensive EU policy and it represents one of the most important drivers of European integration. Agrarian franchising is one of the innovations in the field of franchising, which implementation is still in its infancy and it is necessary to strive for the popularization of this business model. The aim of the paper is to emphasize the importance of agricultural franchising concept development and contribution of implementation of this concept to the achievement of the Common Agricultural Policy objectives and improvement of the agrarian sector as a whole. Special attention is paid on agricultural franchising as a hybrid form of disinvestment in conditions of economic crisis. Based on analysis of advantages and disadvantages of agricultural franchising, we conclude that it has the potential for solving a large number of problems that occur in the agrarian sector, with a particular focus on the importance of agricultural franchising to the achievement of the CAP objectives.
Stankovic, M. (2014). Innovative platform technologies for stabilization and controlled release o... more Stankovic, M. (2014). Innovative platform technologies for stabilization and controlled release of proteins from polymer depots. [S.n.].
Drug Discovery Today, 2015
Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing... more Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.

Skola biznisa, 2014
Sažetak: Veliki broj autora u svojim radovima analizira problem zaštite ţivotne sredine. Koncept ... more Sažetak: Veliki broj autora u svojim radovima analizira problem zaštite ţivotne sredine. Koncept odrţivog razvoja i intenzivne primene savremene tehnologije sa ciljem prevazilaţenja ekoloških problema postaje imperativ savremene civilizacije. Teorijsko bavljenje ekološkim pitanjima nije dovoljno, već je neophodno sprovođenje odgovarajućih mera u praksi i širenje ekološke svesti. Moderna nauka i društvena praksa u svom fokusu imaju međuzavisnost ekonomije i ekologije. Glavni pravac društvenih promena je kretanje od ekonomske ka ekološkoj paradigmi, koja uključuje etičku odgovornost za sadašnje i buduće generacije. Postoji potreba uspostavljanja efikasnih programa za zaštitu ţivotne sredine na nacionalnom i nadnacionalnom nivou. Aktivna međunarodna saradnja u oblasti ekologije je rezultirala formulisanjem niza dokumenata o zaštiti ţivotne sredine. U radu se ukazuje ne značaj zaštite ţivotne sredine i neophodnost implementacije međunarodnih konvencija i sporazuma u ekološkoj oblasti, sa osvrtom na njihov uticaj na međunarodnu trgovinu.

Skola biznisa, 2013
Sažetak: U savremenom konkurentnom poslovnom okruženju, inovacije su od presudnog značaja za uspe... more Sažetak: U savremenom konkurentnom poslovnom okruženju, inovacije su od presudnog značaja za uspeh svake kompanije. Neophodno je istaći značaj razumevanja želja i potreba potrošača i inovativnih načina na koji se njihove potrebe mogu zadovoljiti bolje od konkurencije. Jedan od poslovnih koncepata koji je teško povezati sa inovacijama, s obzirom da predstavlja korišćenje isprobanog poslovnog modela, jeste svakako franšizing. Na globalnom nivou postoji konstantna tendencija razvoja postojećih i novih franšizing sistema. S tim u vezi, u radu se ukazuje na značaj inovacija za razvoj i unapređenje franšiznih sistema. Fenomen otvorenih inovacija je sve značajniji u poslednjih nekoliko godina. Rad ukazuje na značaj otvorenih inovacija kao najboljeg načina za inoviranje poslovanja franšiznih kompanija kroz donošenje ideje iz eksternog okruženja i razmenjivanje interno kreiranih ideja. Model otvorenih inovacija podrazumeva integraciju kupaca, dobavljača i korisnika franšize u proces razvoja novih proizvoda. Otvorena strategija razvoja novih proizvoda je veoma važna za franšizne kompanije koje žele da budu lideri. Rad ukazuje na perspektive razvoja otvorenih inovacija u franšiznim sistemima budućnosti.

Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis, 2013
SUMMARY Clindamycin is an antibiotic effective against Gram-positive aerobes and both Gramnegativ... more SUMMARY Clindamycin is an antibiotic effective against Gram-positive aerobes and both Gramnegative and Gram-positive anaerobic pathogens. Clindamycin (its phosphate ester) was used as a model drug for our study in order to check the efficacy of the developed vaginal gel formulations. The aim of this study was to develop an analytical method suitable for the determination of clindamycin phosphate in three different vaginal gel formulations. The main difference between the three formulations was the use of different gelation agents in the formulations (Carbopol® 940, Carbopol® Ultrez 10 and Pemulen® TR 1). A new isocratic high performance liquid chromatography method based on reverse phase separation has been developed for the determination of clindamycin phosphate. The separation was achieved on a Zorbax Eclipse plus C8 column with a mobile phase of acetonitrile and pH 2.5 phosphate buffer and UV detection at 210 nm. A linear response (r>0.99) was observed in the range of 10.0-80....
Papers by Milica Stankovic