Many wastes arise from human daily activities, and solid household waste is one of the most impac... more Many wastes arise from human daily activities, and solid household waste is one of the most impactful and heavy on human shoulders, as the management of solid household waste is one of the important issues that must be taken care of in order to preserve the health and safety of humans and the environment. Therefore, this study came to identify solid household waste and the methods and methods used to manage it through collection and transportation operations until its final disposal. Geographical information systems are used in the environmental planning process in order to better plan the location of containers and identify waste collection paths, and this requires collecting data and maps for the study area to be used in the process of analyzing spatial appropriateness using geographical information systems based on planning and environmental standards to reach the best results using current-day techniques from Huge software that contributes greatly to the planning process and hel...
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
The eastern Hodna, presented to the late 1990s a landscape marked by modest rural homes. In the e... more The eastern Hodna, presented to the late 1990s a landscape marked by modest rural homes. In the early 2000s, this region was subjected to an accelerated process of economic changes, which had let appear a new domestic architectural framework, commonly called "DiarCharpenti". The goal of this paper is to focus on the internal space layout of this new type of houses and decrypt its identity and emergence. Thus, the key question of this investigation is to see whether, or to what extent, their spatial structure is in consistency with the domestic architectural repertoire of this region. The methodology used for the investigation is based on two different approaches. The first one is qualitative: typology (Panerai, Demorgon, & Depaule, 2002). The second approach is quantitative: the space syntax (Hillier, 1996). The verification of the comparative parameters called upon a new method that we developed ourselves: the counting of the integration / segregation percentage. This research has shown that ancestral models of Hodna are, indeed, the ascendant types of 70% of specimens, which proves that the spatiality of "DiarCharpenti" is therefore rather primitive than original. This article was able to provide information on the architectural elements which have always represented for the Hodni, through generations, a real consensus, and has shed light on the new design preferences which now form the new style of the Hodna. This could help those responsible for the "act of building" to better design and plan residential housing in these rural Algerian regions.
This article aim is to define the logic that governs the spatiality of neo rural houses of the &q... more This article aim is to define the logic that governs the spatiality of neo rural houses of the "Guebla" axis of the M'sila department in Algeria. Its goal is twofold. On one hand, it is a question of defining the generating planar character of these single-family homes, on the other hand, using the empirical method of space syntax analysis to consider through new cultural contexts, the importance of the human characteristic in the creation and the use of the space. This research was applied to thirty cases using appropriate mathematical and computer tools to determine the hidden socio-spatial structures of the new rural houses built since the decade of the 2000s in an agro-pastoral region of central Algeria. This study has identified several ways of distributing the domestic space through the identification of seven architectural genotypes.
Depuis l'aube des temps, la région de la Saoura était animée par un réseau d'établissemen... more Depuis l'aube des temps, la région de la Saoura était animée par un réseau d'établissements humains, édifiés selon le modèle urbanistique de la médina islamique et son habitat traditionnel en terre (Hani. A, 2002) : des hameaux collectifs fortifiés, connus sous le nom de Ksour qui signifient palais. Depuis La colonisation française en Algérie, de nouvelles formes urbaines, leurs ont été juxtaposées. Un « habitat extra-muros » inspiré de la ville occidentale qui a fini par leur soustraire leurs atouts socio-économiques, ce qui a conduit à une dévalorisation et la décadence d'un riche patrimoine architectural et urbain Le présent papier est la synthèse d'un projet d'étude 2. Il illustre la richesse historique, religieuse, architecturale et urbanistique du Ksar Kénadssa et les différents enjeux de sa mise en valeur. Il dresse un bilan de dégradation physique et de dévalorisation fonctionnelle et socio-économique de cette entité urbaine et son habitat historique. In ...
Urban building lands are considered a scarce resource, which forces us to rationalize their use a... more Urban building lands are considered a scarce resource, which forces us to rationalize their use and assignment. They play an important role in shaping the urban space with all its components and determine its characteristics. The impact on urban space depends on the legal nature of the land, the density of buildings, and the quality of social cohesion. Like all Algerian cities, the city of M'sila has experienced, since the '90s, an increasing demand for building plots, especially in the outskirts which are mostly private properties. This situation directly contributed to the spread of illegal constructions and as a result, districts lack basic living conditions. This phenomenon appeared in the peripheral district called La Rocade. In this paper, we will attempt to identify the impact of the legal nature of land properties, particularly private ones, on the proliferation of illegal constructions in the outskirts of the city of M'sila. We will try to find solutions and alt...
Le surgissement de la revolution en Tunisie, en Egypte puis en Libye, inonde depuis des mois nos ... more Le surgissement de la revolution en Tunisie, en Egypte puis en Libye, inonde depuis des mois nos agendas scientifiques. Dans cette profusion de discours, differentes references ont servi de grilles de lecture pour apprehender l’evenement. Les uns l’ont observe a la lumiere de l’histoire des revolutions europeennes, avec pour principale reference le printemps des peuples de 1848, les autres l’ont rattache a des traditions et a des normes culturelles, a des cadres religieux. Ce numero de L’Annee du Maghreb s’inscrit dans ce courant d’interrogations, a sa maniere, en faisant de l’histoire, de ses expressions et de ses usages, son fil rouge. Les multiples recours sociaux et politiques au passe qui, au Maghreb, accompagnent ou font echo a ce moment revolutionnaire, ont en effet des resonnances temporelles plus anciennes. La saturation des memoires, les usages politiques du passe font ressortir avec d’autant plus de force un Besoin d’histoire. Le temps revolutionnaire tend a bousculer les...
This research is a contribution in the field that formalizes the complex and fundamental link bet... more This research is a contribution in the field that formalizes the complex and fundamental link between architecture and society. It focuses on the spatial study of a new type of housing appeared in this last decade in an agropastoral area of Algeria: the eastern Hodna. Housing whose stylistic expressions are diverse and at the same time opposed to the local rural architectural references and to the habits and customs of a semi-nomadic society which is recently established. Former nomads, people of Hodna moved from an ambulant habitat: the tent commonly called "Guittoune", passing through several other types more or less endogenous to a new type of domestic house-castle named "Diar charpenti ", in a relatively short period of time. Indeed, the socio-economic and political mutations reflected in particular by the liberalization of foreign trade, by encouraging the private sector and by the dramatic situation experienced by Algeria in the 1990s, have promoted fundame...
La conception du logement collectif se confond avec celle du logement social. Cette conformation ... more La conception du logement collectif se confond avec celle du logement social. Cette conformation architecturale, largement repandue dans nos espaces urbains contemporains, est concue d’une facon standard, repetitive et superposable selon des normes theoriquement conventionnees. Un ensemble de logements identiques sont rassembles dans un immeuble pour etre occupes par des menages ayant des caracteristiques sociales evolutives et parfois tres variees. Dans la ville de M’sila, cette fusion socio-spatiale provoque, apres un certain temps d’occupation, des transformations nettement observables, considerees aux yeux des occupants, comme des actes legitimes d’adaptation et d’amelioration. Par contre, ces memes transformations sont considerees, par le maitre d’ouvrage et les architectes, comme actes informels conduisant a des degradations de l’aspect architectural. Dans le present article, nous nous baserons sur l’approche post-occupationnelle pour jeter la lumiere sur ce phenomene de mo...
Resume Le rôle de la nature dans une ville qui commence à prendre de l’ampleur en matière d’exten... more Resume Le rôle de la nature dans une ville qui commence à prendre de l’ampleur en matière d’extension urbaine au dépens de ces espaces verts reste un sujet très peu développé dans les multiples études urbaines réalisées sur la ville de M’sila. En effet le centre de cette agglomération, dense de ses multiples lotissements et cités collectives d’habitat social, est toujours présenté comme un milieu hostile à la nature. Pourtant cette ville a été pendant longtemps un des greniers de blé et d’abricotiers de toute la région steppique du Hodna.En utilisant une approche historique et la technique de l’entretien “non-directif” qui favorise un déplacement du questionnement tourné vers le savoir et les expériences propres des acteurs publics sociaux ce papier tente de montrer la situation actuelle de la nature dans une ville algérienne caractérisée par un climat semi-aride ainsi que la manière de sa gestion par les différents acteurs de la ville.
Mechanical strength studies have been carried out on fibre bundles used in composite manufacturin... more Mechanical strength studies have been carried out on fibre bundles used in composite manufacturing. The variability in mechanical properties of glass fibres has been studied using bundles of about 2000 filaments. The fibre strength distributions were analysed using the survival probability-applied strain) (ε − S curve, in relation with various experimental conditions. We also examine the effect of lubricant's viscosity on the fracture behaviour of Eglass fibre bundles. Acoustic Emission (AE) was monitored during the bundle tensile tests in order to verify that individual filament failures are statistically independent. On tensile tests with lubricated bundles of E-glass fibres, it is shown that each individual fibre break can be detected using AE. Hence, AE monitoring of a lubricated bundle of E-glass fibres provides a convenient and relatively quick method to obtain the Weibull parameters of strength distribution.
des techniques urbaines, université de M'sila/Algérie 1. D'après Despois (1953, p. 352) des centr... more des techniques urbaines, université de M'sila/Algérie 1. D'après Despois (1953, p. 352) des centres du Hodna, d'origine antique ou médiévale qui ont pu résister aux guerres et à la bédouinisation du pays tels que Barika, Ngaous et Mdoukal, seule M'sila doit à son ancienneté et à son passé d'être appelée médina
Cher Roland D'après mes dernières informations non confirmés, mr Belhareth a quitté l'ENAU. Si ce... more Cher Roland D'après mes dernières informations non confirmés, mr Belhareth a quitté l'ENAU. Si cela est vrai il faut s'attendre à des surprises concernant la ripam6. Cela pourrait aussi expliquer :
Many wastes arise from human daily activities, and solid household waste is one of the most impac... more Many wastes arise from human daily activities, and solid household waste is one of the most impactful and heavy on human shoulders, as the management of solid household waste is one of the important issues that must be taken care of in order to preserve the health and safety of humans and the environment. Therefore, this study came to identify solid household waste and the methods and methods used to manage it through collection and transportation operations until its final disposal. Geographical information systems are used in the environmental planning process in order to better plan the location of containers and identify waste collection paths, and this requires collecting data and maps for the study area to be used in the process of analyzing spatial appropriateness using geographical information systems based on planning and environmental standards to reach the best results using current-day techniques from Huge software that contributes greatly to the planning process and hel...
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
The eastern Hodna, presented to the late 1990s a landscape marked by modest rural homes. In the e... more The eastern Hodna, presented to the late 1990s a landscape marked by modest rural homes. In the early 2000s, this region was subjected to an accelerated process of economic changes, which had let appear a new domestic architectural framework, commonly called "DiarCharpenti". The goal of this paper is to focus on the internal space layout of this new type of houses and decrypt its identity and emergence. Thus, the key question of this investigation is to see whether, or to what extent, their spatial structure is in consistency with the domestic architectural repertoire of this region. The methodology used for the investigation is based on two different approaches. The first one is qualitative: typology (Panerai, Demorgon, & Depaule, 2002). The second approach is quantitative: the space syntax (Hillier, 1996). The verification of the comparative parameters called upon a new method that we developed ourselves: the counting of the integration / segregation percentage. This research has shown that ancestral models of Hodna are, indeed, the ascendant types of 70% of specimens, which proves that the spatiality of "DiarCharpenti" is therefore rather primitive than original. This article was able to provide information on the architectural elements which have always represented for the Hodni, through generations, a real consensus, and has shed light on the new design preferences which now form the new style of the Hodna. This could help those responsible for the "act of building" to better design and plan residential housing in these rural Algerian regions.
This article aim is to define the logic that governs the spatiality of neo rural houses of the &q... more This article aim is to define the logic that governs the spatiality of neo rural houses of the "Guebla" axis of the M'sila department in Algeria. Its goal is twofold. On one hand, it is a question of defining the generating planar character of these single-family homes, on the other hand, using the empirical method of space syntax analysis to consider through new cultural contexts, the importance of the human characteristic in the creation and the use of the space. This research was applied to thirty cases using appropriate mathematical and computer tools to determine the hidden socio-spatial structures of the new rural houses built since the decade of the 2000s in an agro-pastoral region of central Algeria. This study has identified several ways of distributing the domestic space through the identification of seven architectural genotypes.
Depuis l'aube des temps, la région de la Saoura était animée par un réseau d'établissemen... more Depuis l'aube des temps, la région de la Saoura était animée par un réseau d'établissements humains, édifiés selon le modèle urbanistique de la médina islamique et son habitat traditionnel en terre (Hani. A, 2002) : des hameaux collectifs fortifiés, connus sous le nom de Ksour qui signifient palais. Depuis La colonisation française en Algérie, de nouvelles formes urbaines, leurs ont été juxtaposées. Un « habitat extra-muros » inspiré de la ville occidentale qui a fini par leur soustraire leurs atouts socio-économiques, ce qui a conduit à une dévalorisation et la décadence d'un riche patrimoine architectural et urbain Le présent papier est la synthèse d'un projet d'étude 2. Il illustre la richesse historique, religieuse, architecturale et urbanistique du Ksar Kénadssa et les différents enjeux de sa mise en valeur. Il dresse un bilan de dégradation physique et de dévalorisation fonctionnelle et socio-économique de cette entité urbaine et son habitat historique. In ...
Urban building lands are considered a scarce resource, which forces us to rationalize their use a... more Urban building lands are considered a scarce resource, which forces us to rationalize their use and assignment. They play an important role in shaping the urban space with all its components and determine its characteristics. The impact on urban space depends on the legal nature of the land, the density of buildings, and the quality of social cohesion. Like all Algerian cities, the city of M'sila has experienced, since the '90s, an increasing demand for building plots, especially in the outskirts which are mostly private properties. This situation directly contributed to the spread of illegal constructions and as a result, districts lack basic living conditions. This phenomenon appeared in the peripheral district called La Rocade. In this paper, we will attempt to identify the impact of the legal nature of land properties, particularly private ones, on the proliferation of illegal constructions in the outskirts of the city of M'sila. We will try to find solutions and alt...
Le surgissement de la revolution en Tunisie, en Egypte puis en Libye, inonde depuis des mois nos ... more Le surgissement de la revolution en Tunisie, en Egypte puis en Libye, inonde depuis des mois nos agendas scientifiques. Dans cette profusion de discours, differentes references ont servi de grilles de lecture pour apprehender l’evenement. Les uns l’ont observe a la lumiere de l’histoire des revolutions europeennes, avec pour principale reference le printemps des peuples de 1848, les autres l’ont rattache a des traditions et a des normes culturelles, a des cadres religieux. Ce numero de L’Annee du Maghreb s’inscrit dans ce courant d’interrogations, a sa maniere, en faisant de l’histoire, de ses expressions et de ses usages, son fil rouge. Les multiples recours sociaux et politiques au passe qui, au Maghreb, accompagnent ou font echo a ce moment revolutionnaire, ont en effet des resonnances temporelles plus anciennes. La saturation des memoires, les usages politiques du passe font ressortir avec d’autant plus de force un Besoin d’histoire. Le temps revolutionnaire tend a bousculer les...
This research is a contribution in the field that formalizes the complex and fundamental link bet... more This research is a contribution in the field that formalizes the complex and fundamental link between architecture and society. It focuses on the spatial study of a new type of housing appeared in this last decade in an agropastoral area of Algeria: the eastern Hodna. Housing whose stylistic expressions are diverse and at the same time opposed to the local rural architectural references and to the habits and customs of a semi-nomadic society which is recently established. Former nomads, people of Hodna moved from an ambulant habitat: the tent commonly called "Guittoune", passing through several other types more or less endogenous to a new type of domestic house-castle named "Diar charpenti ", in a relatively short period of time. Indeed, the socio-economic and political mutations reflected in particular by the liberalization of foreign trade, by encouraging the private sector and by the dramatic situation experienced by Algeria in the 1990s, have promoted fundame...
La conception du logement collectif se confond avec celle du logement social. Cette conformation ... more La conception du logement collectif se confond avec celle du logement social. Cette conformation architecturale, largement repandue dans nos espaces urbains contemporains, est concue d’une facon standard, repetitive et superposable selon des normes theoriquement conventionnees. Un ensemble de logements identiques sont rassembles dans un immeuble pour etre occupes par des menages ayant des caracteristiques sociales evolutives et parfois tres variees. Dans la ville de M’sila, cette fusion socio-spatiale provoque, apres un certain temps d’occupation, des transformations nettement observables, considerees aux yeux des occupants, comme des actes legitimes d’adaptation et d’amelioration. Par contre, ces memes transformations sont considerees, par le maitre d’ouvrage et les architectes, comme actes informels conduisant a des degradations de l’aspect architectural. Dans le present article, nous nous baserons sur l’approche post-occupationnelle pour jeter la lumiere sur ce phenomene de mo...
Resume Le rôle de la nature dans une ville qui commence à prendre de l’ampleur en matière d’exten... more Resume Le rôle de la nature dans une ville qui commence à prendre de l’ampleur en matière d’extension urbaine au dépens de ces espaces verts reste un sujet très peu développé dans les multiples études urbaines réalisées sur la ville de M’sila. En effet le centre de cette agglomération, dense de ses multiples lotissements et cités collectives d’habitat social, est toujours présenté comme un milieu hostile à la nature. Pourtant cette ville a été pendant longtemps un des greniers de blé et d’abricotiers de toute la région steppique du Hodna.En utilisant une approche historique et la technique de l’entretien “non-directif” qui favorise un déplacement du questionnement tourné vers le savoir et les expériences propres des acteurs publics sociaux ce papier tente de montrer la situation actuelle de la nature dans une ville algérienne caractérisée par un climat semi-aride ainsi que la manière de sa gestion par les différents acteurs de la ville.
Mechanical strength studies have been carried out on fibre bundles used in composite manufacturin... more Mechanical strength studies have been carried out on fibre bundles used in composite manufacturing. The variability in mechanical properties of glass fibres has been studied using bundles of about 2000 filaments. The fibre strength distributions were analysed using the survival probability-applied strain) (ε − S curve, in relation with various experimental conditions. We also examine the effect of lubricant's viscosity on the fracture behaviour of Eglass fibre bundles. Acoustic Emission (AE) was monitored during the bundle tensile tests in order to verify that individual filament failures are statistically independent. On tensile tests with lubricated bundles of E-glass fibres, it is shown that each individual fibre break can be detected using AE. Hence, AE monitoring of a lubricated bundle of E-glass fibres provides a convenient and relatively quick method to obtain the Weibull parameters of strength distribution.
des techniques urbaines, université de M'sila/Algérie 1. D'après Despois (1953, p. 352) des centr... more des techniques urbaines, université de M'sila/Algérie 1. D'après Despois (1953, p. 352) des centres du Hodna, d'origine antique ou médiévale qui ont pu résister aux guerres et à la bédouinisation du pays tels que Barika, Ngaous et Mdoukal, seule M'sila doit à son ancienneté et à son passé d'être appelée médina
Cher Roland D'après mes dernières informations non confirmés, mr Belhareth a quitté l'ENAU. Si ce... more Cher Roland D'après mes dernières informations non confirmés, mr Belhareth a quitté l'ENAU. Si cela est vrai il faut s'attendre à des surprises concernant la ripam6. Cela pourrait aussi expliquer :
Papers by Mohamed Mili