Papers by Michela Buzzetti
Church heating represents a challenging task because multiple goals have to be fulfilled simultan... more Church heating represents a challenging task because multiple goals have to be fulfilled simultaneously, such as the thermal comfort for the occupants and the optimal internal environmental conditions for the preservation of building components and artworks. In addition, current requirements for environmental and economic sustainability impose to make efforts to minimize the amount of energy needed and the consequent environmental/economic impact. In this context, the present work represents the assessment of the energy, environmental and economic impact of different strategies for church heating, including a novel technology based on the exploitation of renewable energies. The analysis was carried out in a real case-study building, represented by the Basilica di S. Maria di Collemaggio (L' Aquila, Italy), a church of worldwide relevance, currently under restoration.

2013 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), 2013
ABSTRACT In European countries there is a large difference with respect to the size of the buildi... more ABSTRACT In European countries there is a large difference with respect to the size of the building available for rent from social institutions. The country with the largest area for social rent is the Netherlands, with a percentage of 35%. In general, it can be seen that Northern and Western European countries have a social housing stock greater than the one of the countries in the Mediterranean area. During the transition process from communist regimes to market economy Eastern European countries lost a substantial part of their social housing stock due to mass privatization, although exceptions such as Czech Republic and Poland exist. In this context, also social housing stock with respect to total new construction varies widely from country to country. The stock of social housing building in Italy decreased in the last years from 1.4 million to 940,000 residential units, due to a privatization policy implemented from 1993 to 2006. It can be clearly understood that there is a consistent building stock which is in a critical condition from several points of views, such as energy consumption, maintenance, inadequacy of size and facilities of the dwellings, barriers to accessibility. Refurbishment of social housing stock has to consider multiple dimensions at once and to face these inadequate conditions. The study presented, based on a project which involved a whole re-design of a social housing building improving accessibility and indoor space distribution and sizing, is focused specifically on the energy performance improvement achievable through the envelope and technical system retrofitting. The approach adopted can be applied to several similar projects on social housing stock at the building and urban neighborhood scale. The evaluation of the performance through dynamic simulation and a transparent methodology for data analysis is crucial to realistically evaluate the outcome of such projects and to disseminate them for effective refurbishment policies in the social h- using stock.

Building and Environment, 2018
The massive walls, large indoor air volume and the small windows, compared to the opaque portion,... more The massive walls, large indoor air volume and the small windows, compared to the opaque portion, drastically affect the microclimates of such constructions. In such buildings is often quite difficult to perform a detailed monitoring campaign of the main microclimatic parameters. In this regard, experimental methodologies and non-invasive equipment, able to minimize the impacts on the building and on its users, should be adopted. This research describes the methodology applied to carry out the monitoring campaign on the Milan Duomo, one of the biggest Cathedrals in Italy. The campaign was carried out by means of non-invasive measuring instruments, in order to keep the building intact and ensure the smooth running of the activities. In a second stage, sensors for the long-term monitoring were installed according to the most significant and accessible points inside the Cathedral. The data collected during one year of monitoring was used to characterize the hygrothermal behaviour of the Cathedral, in order to assess the risks for the main materials which sacred objects, artworks, organs, sculptures and furnishing are made of. The future developments of this work are oriented towards the realization of a simulation model aimed at designing and planning proper active or passive solutions to improve the microclimatic conditions for both artwork conservation and the comfort of visitors.

Energy and Built Environment, 2020
The nZEB objectives have raised the standard of building performance and changed the way in which... more The nZEB objectives have raised the standard of building performance and changed the way in which buildings are designed and used. Although energy dynamic simulation tools are potentially the most suitable way for accurately evaluating and forecasting the thermal performance, they need several data inputs and user's knowledge that can affect the reliability of the results. It is precisely these two aspects that proved to be particularly critical, since the reliability of the ICT calculation tools has been widely proven in recent time. However, in order to foster credibility in sustainable architecture, bridging the gap between predicted and measured performance is pivotal to boost the building market towards energy efficiency and provide reliable data to inhabitant, investors and policy maker. The present research aims to identify and quantify the main factors that affect the energy performance gap through a detailed energy analysis carried out on a case study, which can be considered one of the first nearly zero energy residential complex built in Italy. Based on the analysis, the study identifies the main causes of the deviation between the calculated and measured data and demonstrates how it is possible to achieve very reliable models and, therefore, real buildings. Although the procedure traces a classic model calibration scheme, actually it consists of a verification of possible downstream errors mainly due to human factors, such as the provision of incorrect technical data or inappropriate operation. Some observations on the technical, management and regulatory gaps that may generate these errors are reported at the end of the study, together with practical suggestions that can provide effective solutions.
14th SDEWES conference, 2019
2017 6th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), 2017
Nowadays the construction sector has been undergoing a deep transformation, with ever-increasing ... more Nowadays the construction sector has been undergoing a deep transformation, with ever-increasing environmental and energy performances.
2017 6th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), 2017
The PV market, especially in respect to building integrated PV, is becoming more and more demandi... more The PV market, especially in respect to building integrated PV, is becoming more and more demanding, therefore, new BIPV technologies must be placed side by side to the traditional silicon-based ones. Among other requirements, architectural attractiveness, transparency, color variety and cost-effectiveness are highly requested.

2011 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), 2011
ABSTRACT In this paper a techno-economical analysis has been carried out for the solar energy tec... more ABSTRACT In this paper a techno-economical analysis has been carried out for the solar energy technologies (PV and thermal) and GSHP system employed for energy supply in a residential building for different end uses e.g. heating, hot water and electricity. The building is a three-story located in Milan, Italy. The building was designed based on current regulations on energy efficiency in buildings. The HVAC system is designed for minimising energy consumption by the appropriate choice of the heating and cooling systems. The space heating energy is supplied by a GSHP system with vertical ground heat exchangers. The domestic hot water is produced by a solar thermal system. A major part of electricity required for lighting, domestic appliances and the functioning of GSHP system is generated through a PV system. Both the solar thermal and PV systems are installed on the building roof.

La determinazione dell’efficienza energetica di una struttura ospe-daliera richiede un’analisi ap... more La determinazione dell’efficienza energetica di una struttura ospe-daliera richiede un’analisi approfondita e talvolta complicata, in par-ticolare, le interazioni dei differenti sistemi impiantistici rendono spesso difficile l’imputazione dei diversi fabbisogni alle singole atti-vità ospedaliere. Questo comporta una sottostima (o a volte sovra-stima) dei fabbisogni energetici delle singole funzioni e quindi rende difficile intervenire in modo opportuno e puntuale nell’ottimizzare del sistema complessivo. In questo documento si presenta un metodo di analisi per classificare l’efficienza energetica delle strutture sanitarie, in particolare di quelle ospedaliere, basato su dati semplici e fa-cilmente reperibili, che privilegia la semplicità di utilizzo da parte di operatori non esperti piuttosto che un rigoroso approccio analitico. Tale sistema di valutazione è un metodo semplificato per fornire delle valutazioni parametriche tra edifici simili per comprendere se una struttura, nel contesto del panorama italiano, si pone al di sopra o al di sotto della media e quindi consentire un successivo intervento mi-rato

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019
The photovoltaic market, especially with regard to building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV), is be... more The photovoltaic market, especially with regard to building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV), is becoming increasingly more demanding and nowadays the time is ripe for flanking with new building integrated photovoltaic technologies the traditional silicon-based ones. Luminescent Solar Concentrators (LSC) can meet these goals and can be installed on large transparent or semitransparent building surfaces, like windows, where traditional photovoltaic modules cannot be used. With the aim of creating a bracing niche in such sector, the objective of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility of the integration of Luminescent Solar Concentrators in building façade components, by introducing a multifunctional LSC-Smart Window which has been developed and preliminary field-tested. In detail, a concept of such an innovative component is presented and the prototyping activity of a pilot installation of the component is described. According to the experimental results, the LSC Smart Window could represent a promising option for the future efficiency of the built environment. In fact, it is conceived as a stand-alone independent component, which can ensure the uninterrupted autonomous operation of a motorized shading system, even during cloudy days. In this respect, although the available power is limited, it was demonstrated that it is more than enough to cover the energy demand of high efficiency moveable venetian blinds, allowing a substantial energy saving on building's energy demand. The acquired knowhow on the device is fundamental to improve the technical-economical assessment of the technology and to schedule the future scale-up.
This datapackage provides the dataset used for the first stage of the validation of the simulatio... more This datapackage provides the dataset used for the first stage of the validation of the simulations and the analysis of the main variables collected by the monitoring system of the HEART project. At this stage (M32), the building refurbishment of the Italian case study in Bagnolo in Piano (Reggio Emilia) is not completed due to the COVID-19 lockdown; the window renovation has been done in September 2019 and in February 2020 the refurbishment works stopped. Therefore, the content of dataset at the moment is only on the first step of the building refurbishment. The dataset contains: the main climatic variables in the area the central heating monitored data the main monitorwd data for 5 refurbished appartments

This datapackage provides the dataset used for the first stage of the validation of the simulatio... more This datapackage provides the dataset used for the first stage of the validation of the simulations and the analysis of the main variables collected by the monitoring system of the HEART project. At this stage (M32), the building refurbishment of the Italian case study in Bagnolo in Piano (Reggio Emilia) is not completed due to the COVID-19 lockdown; the window renovation has been done in September 2019 and in February 2020 the refurbishment works stopped. Therefore, the content of dataset at the moment is only on the first step of the building refurbishment. The dataset contains: the main climatic variables in the area the central heating monitored data the main monitorwd data for 5 refurbished appartments <br> The building is located in the city of Bagnolo in Piano (Reggio Emilia, Italy), and it is oriented 21 degrees towards south west (44.7698536, 10.6768598 at 30 m of altitude.). It is a four-story building, having a total of 12 apartments (4 apartments per floor); cellar...
Applied Energy, 2010
... 3. Italian building energy performance laws. Italian laws regarding regulation of energy cons... more ... 3. Italian building energy performance laws. Italian laws regarding regulation of energy consumption in the buildings are very similar to the standards of other countries of the EU and are basically aimed at the definition of the limits to winter heating demand. ... 4.8. Energy demand. ...

ABSTRACT Sebbene la serra solare sia un tema ricorrente nell’ambito della cosiddetta architettura... more ABSTRACT Sebbene la serra solare sia un tema ricorrente nell’ambito della cosiddetta architettura sostenibile, viene difficilmente affrontato in modo approfondito. La complessità di questo sistema, infatti, è tale da rendere articolato il percorso di reale conoscenza dell’argomento, che non riguarda il solo aspetto architettonico, ma un’ampia sfera progettuale. Lo studio di esempi contemporanei consente di effettuare un’analisi critica su come ne sia cambiata la percezione. La nuova serra non è più solo un sistema solare passivo, ma un organismo architettonico capace di creare un ambiente di relazione sociale e di contatto con la natura, senza prevaricare la sua valenza energetica. Come supporto al calcolo del bilancio energetico della serra è stato ampliato il foglio di calcolo &quot;SERRA 832&quot; di C. Zappone [La serra solare, Napoli, 2009] aggiornandolo con la normativa UNI EN ISO 13790 e aggiungendo ulteriori verifiche sul comportamento estivo, in particolare introducendo la valutazione della ventilazione naturale per la rimozione dell&#39;eccesso di calore nella serra.

Sustainable architecture has acquired a great importance during last decade due to the negative i... more Sustainable architecture has acquired a great importance during last decade due to the negative impact of various development projects on the environment. The proper measures for sustainability are efficient design, energy use, waste management, population growth, carrying capacity and resource efficiency. This paper presents the work related to a project on the redevelopment and requalification of an old village. This project of Campione del Garda is located in the northern Italy more precisely on the shores of lake of Garda. The purpose of the project is to realize a new tourist settlement consist of hotels, wellness centres, shopping centres and seasonal residences. The aim of the work presented is to achieve good energy and environmental performance in this new settlement, paying particularly attention to select the best solution derived from the interaction between building envelope technologies and high efficiency heating, cooling and ventilation (HVAC) systems. In the first p...
The purpose of the article is to describe the work carried out for an Italian project concerning ... more The purpose of the article is to describe the work carried out for an Italian project concerning the construction of a sustainable settlement named ‘Borgo Solare’. Borgo Solare is a residential complex situated in the outskirts of the town of Ferrara, constituted by buildings, squares, cycling tracks, green parks, water channels, fountains and a small lake. The main feature of Borgo Solare is that the whole project will be realized according to the criteria of sustainable architecture. This work consists in a specific analysis of the energetic aspects (loads and materials) of a small storey building. The purpose is an appraisal of the weight of the various factors related to environmental impact. The building is analysed in terms of energy performance, economic evaluation and environmental impact.
Papers by Michela Buzzetti