Papers by Michel Ruiz Sánchez
Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, Sep 1, 2021
The present work was carried out in experimental areas of the Los Palacios Base Scientific and Te... more The present work was carried out in experimental areas of the Los Palacios Base Scientific and Technological Unit in the province of Pinar del Río. The mechanized transplanting process of rice was investigated, with the objective of increasing productivity through the efficient use of the components of the shift time of the ERP-60 transplanter. The results obtained indicate that an increase in productivity per hour of exploitation time of 0.382 ha/h is achieved, equivalent to 3.0 ha per 8-hour shift.

Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, Sep 1, 2019
The research was conducted at "Los Palacios" Scientific and Technological Base Unit, from 2014 to... more The research was conducted at "Los Palacios" Scientific and Technological Base Unit, from 2014 to 2017, on a Gleysol Nodular Ferruginous Petroferric soil, to evaluate the effect of water stress on the yield in the regrowth crop in a variety of short-cycle rice INCA LP-5. The results showed that in the new variant of water managing (water stress with ratoon), the highest agricultural and industrial yields of the grain were obtained. They ranged between 4,0 and 5,8 t.ha-1 and 62,3 and 63 , 9% of whole grains, respectively, for the plant cutting height of 5 cm. The lowest agricultural and industrial yields ranged between 3,0 and 3,4 t.ha-1 and 58,6 and 61 , 1% of whole grains, respectively, for the plant cutting height of 20 cm (control), during the four years that the research was carried out. Similar behavior presented the number of panicles per square meter; while the water consumption and the industrial quality of the grain was lower in the variant with water stress, which represents a saving for the concept of irrigation water economy, and a fundamental parameter that decides whether a rice variety is commercially accepted. rice, water, whole grains, quality. La investigación se condujo en la Unidad Científico Tecnológica de Base "Los Palacios", desde el año 2014 hasta el 2017, sobre un suelo Gleysol Nodular Ferruginoso Petroférrico, para evaluar el efecto del estrés hídrico sobre el rendimiento en el cultivo de rebrote en la variedad de ciclo corto INCA LP-5. Los resultados arrojaron que en la nueva variante de manejar el agua (estrés hídrico con rebrote) se obtuvo el mayor rendimiento agrícola e industrial del grano, que oscilaron entre 4,0 y 5,8 t.ha-1 y 62,3 y 63,9 % de granos enteros respectivamente, para la altura de corte de la planta de 5 cm, mientras que, los rendimientos agrícolas e industrial más bajos oscilaron entre 3,0 y 3,4 t.ha-1 y 58,6 y 61,1 % de granos enteros respectivamente, para la altura de corte de la planta de 20 cm (testigo), durante los cuatro años que se desarrolló la investigación. Similar comportamiento presentó el número de panículas por metro cuadrado; mientras que el consumo de agua y la calidad industrial del grano fue menor en la variante con estrés hídrico, lo que representa un ahorro por concepto de economía del agua de riego, y un parámetro fundamental que decide si una variedad de arroz sea aceptada comercialmente. arroz, agua, granos enteros, calidad.
Revista De La Facultad De Agronomia De La Universidad Del Zulia, Sep 15, 2020
Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, Sep 1, 2021
The present work was carried out in experimental areas of the Los Palacios Base Scientific and Te... more The present work was carried out in experimental areas of the Los Palacios Base Scientific and Technological Unit in the province of Pinar del Río. The mechanized transplanting process of rice was investigated, with the objective of increasing productivity through the efficient use of the components of the shift time of the ERP-60 transplanter. The results obtained indicate that an increase in productivity per hour of exploitation time of 0.382 ha/h is achieved, equivalent to 3.0 ha per 8-hour shift.
III Simposio de Didáctica de las Ciencias Básicas, Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Jun 29, 2017

The research was conducted at "Los Palacios" Scientific and Technological Base Unit, in... more The research was conducted at "Los Palacios" Scientific and Technological Base Unit, in February and March 2020, with the aim of evaluating the effect of EcoMic biofertilizer application in a technified seedbed for mechanized transplanting of seed rice. The biofertilizer was applied at a dose of 6 % based on seed mass on four rice cultivars (INCA LP-7, Roana, Guillemar and José). Sowing was carried out in plastic trays (0.60 m x 0.30 m x 0.03 m), containing substrate with a 1:1 (v/v) ratio of cow manure organic matter Michel Ruiz-Sánchez, Ariagny Domínguez-Pérez, Yaumara Muñoz-Hernández, Roselys Rodríguez-Pérez, Guillermo S. Díaz-López, Marcos Valle-Sánchez y Ramón Rivera-Espinosa and soil, following a completely randomized block experimental design, with four replications. Plant height, number of leaves, root length, aerial and root dry mass were evaluated 18 days after emergence. With the application of EcoMic biofertilizer at the seedling stage, rice plants colonized by...
La sequía es el factor limitante más importante para la producción agrícola y se está convirtiend... more La sequía es el factor limitante más importante para la producción agrícola y se está convirtiendo en un problema creciente en muchas regiones del mundo (1, 2). En el caso del arroz (Oryza sativa L.) es una limitación importante para su producción en los ecosistemas de secano. Se estima que 18 millones de toneladas (t) anuales o el 4 % de la producción

It is estimated that the world population will continue to increase; however the water resources ... more It is estimated that the world population will continue to increase; however the water resources available to meet crop right now is not enough, it is working to find alternatives that save water and maintain or increase agricultural crop yields. The use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is certainly a way that contributes to such purposes. The research was conducted at the Experimental Station of Zaidin, Granada, Spain, in plastic pots with plants of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal rice in semi-controlled conditions, with three water supplies, no stress (25 mL), moderate stress (10 mL) and severe stress (5 mL) for 15 days, with the aim of evaluating the effect of the inoculation of Rhizoglomus intraradices in rice plants under water stress and then retrieved on some biochemical parameters. The results showed that the symbiosis HMA reduces the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and oxidative damage to lipids from an increased accumulation of the antioxidant glutathione. The combined effects of plant metabolism improved after a period of water stress and can be suggested as indicators under conditions of water deficit in plants

The present investigation evaluated biofertilization alternatives with the use of phosphorus-solu... more The present investigation evaluated biofertilization alternatives with the use of phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, through the commercial products Fosfotic® and Safer Micorrizas®, respectively, in potato crop cv. Superchola, in Andisol soils from Carchi, Ecuador. The experiment was carried out under production conditions in an area of 360 m 2 , subdivided into six plots of 60 m 2 each (5 m wide x 12 m long), where six treatments corresponding to a fertilized control and different phosphorus doses plus inoculation with Fosfotic® and Safer Micorrizas®. The planting distance was 1 m between rows and 0.50 m between plants. Variables were evaluated: stem length, number of sprouted stems, total number of tubers per plant and their classification by size, as well as the total yield and size, in addition to performing an economic analysis of the treatments studied. The best results were obtained with 100 % of the fertilization based on NK+75 % P+Fosfotic®+S...

Watering is of utmost importance in agriculture, as well as drainage activity. Drying should be u... more Watering is of utmost importance in agriculture, as well as drainage activity. Drying should be understood as the fundamental way, by which excess water is evacuated from a soil outside the territory in drying. In the practice of drying, two terms, methods or modes have been firmly established. The choice of them in each particular case is determined by the excess moisture of the land, which is given by the litology structure of the soil and by the nature of the subsequent use of the dried land. The measures of agro-improvement indicated form in the arable layer a primary drain (elementary) that accelerates the drainage. The purpose of this review is to compile in a coherent manner what is related to the methods or modes of drying of agricultural soils that by excesses of precipitation and accumulation of water the preparation and conditioning actions of the same are difficult for the food production. In conclusion, drying is a valuable method to reduce or eliminate water that is in...

espanolLa siembra de arroz por la tecnologia de trasplante es milenaria y se practica en todas la... more espanolLa siembra de arroz por la tecnologia de trasplante es milenaria y se practica en todas las regiones donde se cultiva el cereal, desafortunadamente consume grandes volumenes de agua, debido a que permanece durante todo su ciclo con aniego. Por tal motivo, la investigacion realizada en la Unidad Cientifico Tecnologica de Base "Los Palacios", tuvo como objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la suspension de la lamina de agua sobre el rendimiento agricola del arroz por trasplante. Para ello se utilizaron los intervalos de confianza. A los 30 dias despues del trasplante al 50 % del area experimental se le suspendio la lamina de agua por un periodo de 15 dias, al finalizar el mismo se realizaron las evaluaciones y en el momento del cosecha. Como resultado del manejo del agua se incremento el rendimiento agricola en un 31,26 % y se ahorraron aproximadamente 1 931,4 m3.ha-1 de agua. El agua ahorrada pudiera incrementar el area bajo riego en un 11,19 % para el cultivo del arroz. ...
El experimento se condujo en la Unidad Cientifico Tecnologica Los Palacios (UCTB Los Palacios), d... more El experimento se condujo en la Unidad Cientifico Tecnologica Los Palacios (UCTB Los Palacios), desde el ano 2010 hasta el 2012, sobre un suelo Hidromorfico Gley Nodular Ferruginoso Petroferrico durante el periodo de noviembre a febrero en condiciones semicontroladas, en maceteros de 1 m2 de area. En cada macetero se sembraron 40 semillas de la variedad Delicia 364, con el objetivo de evaluar la respuesta del frijol sometido a diferentes intensidades de estres de agua en la fase vegetativa y su efecto en el rendimiento. Los resultados demostraron que al cultivo de frijol en la fase vegetativa al someterlo a estres hidrico permitio incremento en el rendimiento a favor de los tratamientos con estres respecto al testigo que se mantuvo con riego normal. Diferentes intensidades de estres de agua en la fase vegetativa incremento el rendimiento.

The research was at the Experimental Station of Zaidin, Granada, Spain carried out, with the obje... more The research was at the Experimental Station of Zaidin, Granada, Spain carried out, with the objective of evaluating the physiological and biochemical response of the rice plant, grown under anaerobic conditions and exposed to a suspension of the water sheet for a period of 15 days in agricultural performance. Rice plants (cv. 'INCA LP-5') were under semi-controlled conditions grown in plastic pots. The suspension of the water sheet was at three moments of its development carried out, at 30, 40 and 50 days after the transplant (DAT). Agricultural performance, the number of panicles per plant, full grains per panicle and the mass of 100 grains, at 147 DAT were evaluated. A performance correlation was with the height of the plant made, fresh aerial mass and roots, foliar water potential, stomatic conductance, foliar content of hydrogen peroxide and oxidative damage to lipids, which were at 122 DAT evaluated. It was obtained that, the number of panicles per plant and the full g...
The present investigation evaluated biofertilization alternatives with the use of phosphorus-solu... more The present investigation evaluated biofertilization alternatives with the use of phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, through the commercial products Fosfotic® and Safer Micorrizas®, respectively, in potato crop cv. Superchola, in Andisol soils from Carchi, Ecuador. The experiment was carried out under production conditions in an area of 360 m 2 , subdivided into six plots of 60 m 2 each (5 m wide x 12 m long), where six treatments corresponding to a fertilized control and different phosphorus doses plus inoculation with Fosfotic® and Safer Micorrizas®. The planting distance was 1 m between rows and 0.50 m between plants. Variables were evaluated: stem length, number of sprouted stems, total number of tubers per plant and their classification by size, as well as the total yield and size, in addition to performing an
Papers by Michel Ruiz Sánchez