Papers by Michael Johnson Nabie
Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science, Nov 14, 2023
East African journal of education studies, Nov 9, 2023

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 8, 2022
This study investigated the effect of using the 5E instructional model on Senior High School stud... more This study investigated the effect of using the 5E instructional model on Senior High School student's mathematical achievement in the application of the sine rule. A quasi-experimental, non-equivalent control group, pre-post-test research design was used in the study. Convenience sampling technique was used to select two intact class groups' representing a control and an experimental group. Trigonometry tests (pre-test & post-test) and questionnaires which generated quantitative and qualitative data were used to collect data. Descriptive, inferential and thematic analytical methods were used to analyze the data generated. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the mean performances of the experimental and control group. The average mean performances of each of the two groups showed that the experimental group performed better than the control group. Again, the results showed that the use of the 5E instructional model was fun, practical, interactive and interesting hence motivates students to learn trigonometry, specifically sine rule and it's application. The study recommended that Mathematics teachers should adapt the 5E instructional model in teaching trigonometric concepts to promote retention and transfer of knowledge.
Published in Journal of the University College of Education of Winneba, 1997
International Journal of Pedagogy, Policy and ICT in Education, Sep 24, 2021

Assessment is lacking in many physical education classes. Rather, many teachers base evaluations ... more Assessment is lacking in many physical education classes. Rather, many teachers base evaluations on student behavior and participation. The primary purpose of the study was to describe Ghanaian secondary physical education teachers’ assessment practices. Participants included a purposive sample of 63 secondary physical education teachers (43 males and 20 females). An open-ended questionnaire served as the main data source. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis (Patton, 2002), comprising of both inductive and deductive analyses. The inductive analysis indicated that teachers used the following assessments in their practical lessons: teacher observation, skill test, knowledge test, demonstration, peer observation, and oral report. Similarly, they reported utilizing three types of assessment practices in their theory lessons: knowledge test, individual project, and essay. The deductive analysis indicated that the highest percentage of assessment practice utilized by the...
Mathematics Connection, 2006
Ensuring a smooth mathematics education programme requires the formulation and implementation of ... more Ensuring a smooth mathematics education programme requires the formulation and implementation of appropriate instructional policies. This study is a survey of some practices of the instructional policies and their influence on mathematics education. Completed Basic School Annual Census (CBSAC) forms and unstructured interviews were used to collect data. In the study, 2364 pupils in 33 classes and 140 teachers were involved. The study showed that instructional policies lack the consensus of those who implement them. They also lack support and monitoring. The paper recommends public debate, adequate support and a body for periodic evaluation of instructional policies at all levels. Mathematics Connection Vol. 4 2004: 15-25
Mathematics Connection, 2001
Page 39. The Scientific Calculator as a Tool for Mathematics Teaching and Learning. By MJ NABIE, ... more Page 39. The Scientific Calculator as a Tool for Mathematics Teaching and Learning. By MJ NABIE, & I. YIDANA Department of Mathematics Education, UCEW Winneba Introduction From the early beginning of the study of mathematics ...

African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences, 2006
Using Teacher's Assessment of Language Policy Practices (TAL2P) questionnaire and unstructured in... more Using Teacher's Assessment of Language Policy Practices (TAL2P) questionnaire and unstructured interview schedules, 63 randomly selected teachers (39 females, 24 males) from 21 schools within the Lawra District of the Upper West Region of Ghana were examined to determine the extent to which the language policy was practised. The study showed that teachers teach between 30-46% of their mathematics lesson periods in English at the lower primary level. Efforts to use the native language for meaningful mathematics instructions are constrained by teachers' inability to speak the language and the lack of materials in the native language. For children to derive the benefits of the language policy, the study recommends taking teachers linguistic competence into consideration during teacher postings and an urgent provision of text materials in the native languages to serve as resource materials for teachers.

Mathematics Connection, 2006
Children are entrusted in the hands of teachers who have gone through, at least, a three-year pro... more Children are entrusted in the hands of teachers who have gone through, at least, a three-year professional training programme and are certified to teach. This paper examines the mathematical conceptual understanding of teachers. Since one cannot give what he or she has not, the paper attempts to examine the sort of mathematical concepts sown in the minds of the young children by their teachers. The study shows that wrong concepts are sown in the minds of children right from the beginning because most teachers themselves do not have clear understanding of the concepts they teach. The study suggests that the mathematical output of our children is direct reflection of the mathematics concepts taught. It argues that until the teachers gain full mastery of subject matter they teach, they will not be in the position to help learners make significant gains in their mathematical pursuits. Mathematics Connection Vol. 3 2003: 45-52

East African journal of education studies, Feb 5, 2024
This study sought to investigate the factors that influence students' learning styles in mathemat... more This study sought to investigate the factors that influence students' learning styles in mathematics at Ullo Senior High School. The study hinged on the positivist philosophy and adopted the descriptive survey design. The school was purposively sampled for the study because of the persistent poor performance of the students. Simple random sampling was used to select 82 from two students who were given questionnaires to be filled out. The data was collected and analysed by means of descriptive statistics (percentage, mean, and standard deviation). Findings from the study revealed that generally, students agreed that their home background, teaching method, interest in or motivation towards mathematics, and classroom management are all factors that influence their learning styles. Another finding was that generally, students disagreed that teaching and learning resources influence their learning styles. It was therefore recommended that mathematics teachers at Ullo Senior High School should strive to create a conducive environment to meet the diverse learning needs of their students.

This study investigated Ghanaian teachers’ assessment practices and challenges of integrating pro... more This study investigated Ghanaian teachers’ assessment practices and challenges of integrating problem solving and investigations in teaching mathematics. Using a questionnaire consisting of both closed-ended and openended items, 159 certificated teachers’ assessment practices and challenges of integrating problem solving and investigations were examined. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results indicated that many practicing teachers integrated and used multiple assessment techniques in their problem solving and investigation lessons. A majority of the teachers’ comments (62.65%) indicated the use of traditional rather than alternative assessment techniques. Teachers identified pedagogical issues, motivation, social learning, diagnosis, and student thinking as the reasons for their choice of assessment techniques. Three major challenges limited the use of problem solving and investigations: curriculum, student-related, and teacher-related issues. Ghana should m...
Mathematics Connection, 2001
Mathematics teachers are called upon to use innovative teaching methods capable of developing mat... more Mathematics teachers are called upon to use innovative teaching methods capable of developing mathematical understanding, inquiry, problem solving skills, and interest in children. This paper examines the role of investigations in the child's mathematical development. It looks at the nature of mathematical investigations in the basic school curriculum, how mathematical investigations can be organized, and attempts to make suggestions by which teaching mathematics through investigations can be popularized at the basic school level. (Mathematics Connection: 2001 2: 12-15)

Al-Jabar : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
We explored junior high school teachers' knowledge and the impact of indigenous games in teac... more We explored junior high school teachers' knowledge and the impact of indigenous games in teaching basic mathematical concepts. The researchers employed the qualitative phenomenological design to address the purpose, objectives and research questions. The accessible sampling was used to sample 70 teachers (65 males, 5 females) for phase one of the study. Out of 70 teachers, five (three males and two females) were purposively sampled for the study's second phase. Two instruments, a semi-structured interview guide and an observation checklist were used to collect data. The data was analyzed thematically to reflect the research questions. The findings of both phases revealed that most teachers had adequate knowledge of indigenous games and knew the impact of indigenous games on students’ learning of mathematics. In particular, the observation checklist showed that some teachers still adhered to the traditional approach (a direct teaching method) and required the knowledge of ind...

Your file Votre reference ISBN: 978-0-494-45572-2 Our file Notre reference ISBN: 978-0-494-45572-... more Your file Votre reference ISBN: 978-0-494-45572-2 Our file Notre reference ISBN: 978-0-494-45572-2 NOTICE: The author has granted a nonexclusive license allowing Library and Archives Canada to reproduce, publish, archive, preserve, conserve, communicate to the public by telecommunication or on the Internet, loan, distribute and sell theses worldwide, for commercial or noncommercial purposes, in microform, paper, electronic and/or any other formats. AVIS: L'auteur a accorde une licence non exclusive permettant a la Bibliotheque et Archives Canada de reproduire, publier, archiver, sauvegarder, conserver, transmettre au public par telecommunication ou par Plntemet, prefer, distribuer et vendre des theses partout dans le monde, a des fins commerciales ou autres, sur support microforme, papier, electronique et/ou autres formats. Canada Bien que ces formulaires aient inclus dans la pagination, il n'y aura aucun contenu manquant.

Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 2021
This study investigated gender differences in pre-service teachers’ attitude towards geometry in ... more This study investigated gender differences in pre-service teachers’ attitude towards geometry in Northern Region of Ghana. The research design was descriptive cross-sectional survey. A concurrent mixed-methods approach was adopted using both closed and open-ended questionnaire items. The population for the study was one thousand, six hundred and sixty-nine (1669) level 200 Pre-service Teachers (PSTs). The sample composed of two hundred and forty (240), comprising 120 PSTs each of female and male. The sampling procedure was convenient, stratified and simple random. The instrument used was 32 item Utley Geometry Attitude Scales (UGAS) that was developed by Utley (2007) and 4 opened ended questions. Statistically significant difference was detected between the male and female in their responses to usefulness of learning geometry, confidence to learning geometry and enjoyment of learning geometry which all favored the male PSTs who showed positive attitude towards geometry.

This study explored the effect of PowerPoint integration on students’ motivation and achievement ... more This study explored the effect of PowerPoint integration on students’ motivation and achievement in less endowed Senior High Schools (SHSs). The study employed the embedded mixed method approach involving quasi-experimental design in which 80 students were randomly selected from two government-assisted Senior High Schools and assigned to control and experimental groups. Teacher-made Pre- and Post-Geometry Achievement Tests (GAT) and semi-structured interviews were used to collect quantitative and qualitative data respectively. During treatment, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) was integrated using PowerPoint presentation to teach the experimental group while the control group was taught by conventional instruction approach. Both pre-GAT and post-GAT were administered to participants and their responds were scored to obtain quantitative data. Descriptive statistics and independent samples t-test were used to analyze the GAT scores while the qualitative data were themat...

Journal on Mathematics Education, 2018
This paper explored pre-service teachers' perceptions and knowledge of trigonometric concepts... more This paper explored pre-service teachers' perceptions and knowledge of trigonometric concepts. Convenience sampling technique was used to select a sample of 119 (25 females, 94 males) second year science/mathematics pre-service teachers from two Colleges of Education in the Northern Region of Ghana. Trigonometry Perception Questionnaire (TPQ) and Trigonometry Assessment Test (TAT) were used to collect data on pre-service teachers' perceptions and conceptual knowledge of trigonometry. Data were coded and keyed into Statistical Package for Service Solutions (SPSS version 20) and analysed using descriptive statistics. The results suggested that pre-service teachers perceived trigonometry as abstract, difficult and boring to learn; and had limited conceptual knowledge of basic trigonometric concepts. Consequently, more that 50% of them were unable to construct and reconstruct the appropriate mental structures for meaningful understanding to enable them respond to important basic...
International Journal of Research in Education and Science, 2016
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Authors alone are responsible for the contents of their articles. The journal owns the copyright of the articles. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of the research material.
International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 2015
This study explored Ghanaian primary school teachers' values and challenges of integrating cultur... more This study explored Ghanaian primary school teachers' values and challenges of integrating cultural games in teaching mathematics. Using an In-depth conversational interview, ten (10) certificated teachers' voices on the values and challenges of integrating games were examined. Thematic data analysis was applied to the qualitative data from the interviews. Results indicated that although cultural games count as instructional tools in four knowledge domains, actualizing their value in the classroom appears problematic for lack of game-based pedagogical know-how. The study recommended looking into the classroom for a complete understanding of the values and challenges of integrating games in teaching and learning mathematics.
Papers by Michael Johnson Nabie