Papers by Michael Antolin

Journal of wildlife diseases, Jan 7, 2015
Biopsy of rectal-mucosa associated lymphoid tissue provides a useful, but imperfect, live-animal ... more Biopsy of rectal-mucosa associated lymphoid tissue provides a useful, but imperfect, live-animal test for chronic wasting disease (CWD) in mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). It is difficult and expensive to complete these tests on free-ranging animals, and wildlife health managers will benefit from methods that can accommodate test results of varying quality. To this end, we developed a hierarchical Bayesian model to estimate the probability that an individual is infected based on test results. Our model was estimated with the use of data on 210 adult female mule deer repeatedly tested during 2010-2014. The ability to identify infected individuals correctly declined with age and may have been influenced by repeated biopsy. Fewer isolated lymphoid follicles (where PrP(CWD) accumulates) were obtained in biopsies of older deer and the proportion of follicles showing PrP(CWD) was reduced. A deer's genotype in the prion gene (PRNP) also influenced detection. At least five follicles wer...

Vector borne and zoonotic diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.), 2015
In western North America, plague epizootics caused by Yersinia pestis appear to sweep across land... more In western North America, plague epizootics caused by Yersinia pestis appear to sweep across landscapes, primarily infecting and killing rodents, especially ground squirrels and prairie dogs. During these epizootics, the risk of Y. pestis transmission to humans is highest. While empirical models that include climatic conditions and densities of rodent hosts and fleas can predict when epizootics are triggered, bacterial transmission patterns across landscapes, and the scale at which Y. pestis is maintained in nature during inter-epizootic periods, are poorly defined. Elucidating the spatial extent of Y. pestis clones during epizootics can determine whether bacteria are propagated across landscapes or arise independently from local inter-epizootic maintenance reservoirs. We used DNA microarray technology to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 34 Y. pestis isolates collected in the western United States from 1980 to 2006, 21 of which were collected during plague epizooti...
Evolution: Education and Outreach, 2011

Scientific Reports, 2015
Prions are unique infectious agents that replicate without a genome and cause neurodegenerative d... more Prions are unique infectious agents that replicate without a genome and cause neurodegenerative diseases that include chronic wasting disease (CWD) of cervids. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is currently considered the gold standard for diagnosis of a prion infection but may be insensitive to early or sub-clinical CWD that are important to understanding CWD transmission and ecology. We assessed the potential of serial protein misfolding cyclic amplification (sPMCA) to improve detection of CWD prior to the onset of clinical signs. We analyzed tissue samples from free-ranging Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) and used hierarchical Bayesian analysis to estimate the specificity and sensitivity of IHC and sPMCA conditional on simultaneously estimated disease states. Sensitivity estimates were higher for sPMCA (99.51%, credible interval (CI) 97.15-100%) than IHC of obex (brain stem, 76.56%, CI 57.00-91.46%) or retropharyngeal lymph node (90.06%, CI 74.13-98.70%) tissues, or both (98.99%, CI 90.01-100%). Our hierarchical Bayesian model predicts the prevalence of prion infection in this elk population to be 18.90% (CI 15.50-32.72%), compared to previous estimates of 12.90%. Our data reveal a previously unidentified sub-clinical prion-positive portion of the elk population that could represent silent carriers capable of significantly impacting CWD ecology. C WD is a neurodegenerative disease first seen in captive Colorado cervid populations in 1967, later identified as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) in 1978 1 and first found in free-ranging populations in 1981 1,2 . Prions, the infectious agent of TSEs, arise from the misfolding of the normal hostencoded cellular prion protein (PrP C ) into an insoluble, aggregated and infectious form that resists protease degradation. Prions causing CWD arise from PrP CWD , the misfolded, infectious form of cervid PrP C . CWD, the only known TSE to occur in free-ranging wildlife, affects several cervid species including elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), white-tailed deer (O. virginianus) and less commonly moose (Alces alces spp.). Prevalence of CWD in free-ranging deer populations in Colorado and Wyoming ranges from 0-30% and prevalence in free-ranging elk herds ranges from 0-13% in Colorado 3-6 . CWD and sheep scrapie are capable of both horizontal transmission from infected individuals 7-9 as well as efficient indirect transmission from contaminated environments 10-13 .

International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 2013
Ectoparasites are often difficult to detect in the field. We developed a method that can be used ... more Ectoparasites are often difficult to detect in the field. We developed a method that can be used with occupancy models to estimate the prevalence of ectoparasites on hosts, and to investigate factors that influence rates of ectoparasite occupancy while accounting for imperfect detection. We describe the approach using a study of fleas (Siphonaptera) on black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus). During each primary occasion (monthly trapping events), we combed a prairie dog three consecutive times to detect fleas (15 s/combing). We used robust design occupancy modeling to evaluate hypotheses for factors that might correlate with the occurrence of fleas on prairie dogs, and factors that might influence the rate at which prairie dogs are colonized by fleas. Our combing method was highly effective; dislodged fleas fell into a tub of water and could not escape, and there was an estimated 99.3% probability of detecting a flea on an occupied host when using three combings. While overall detection was high, the probability of detection was always <1.00 during each primary combing occasion, highlighting the importance of considering imperfect detection. The combing method (removal of fleas) caused a decline in detection during primary occasions, and we accounted for that decline to avoid inflated estimates of occupancy. Regarding prairie dogs, flea occupancy was heightened in old/natural colonies of prairie dogs, and on hosts that were in poor condition. Occupancy was initially low in plots with high densities of prairie dogs, but, as the study progressed, the rate of flea colonization increased in plots with high densities of prairie dogs in particular. Our methodology can be used to improve studies of ectoparasites, especially when the probability of detection is low. Moreover, the method can be modified to investigate the co-occurrence of ectoparasite species, and community level factors such as species richness and interspecific interactions.
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2009
Ecological Entomology, 1998
1. Differential dispersal of males and females from a population is predicted to result in biased... more 1. Differential dispersal of males and females from a population is predicted to result in biased sex-allocation decisions, even in the absence of sibmating.

Biometrics, 2009
Although mark-resight methods can often be a less expensive and less invasive means for estimatin... more Although mark-resight methods can often be a less expensive and less invasive means for estimating abundance in long-term population monitoring programs, two major limitations of the estimators are that they typically require sampling without replacement and/or the number of marked individuals available for resighting to be known exactly. These requirements can often be difficult to achieve. Here we address these limitations by introducing the Poisson log and zero-truncated Poisson log-normal mixed effects models (PNE and ZPNE, respectively). The generalized framework of the models allow the efficient use of covariates in modeling resighting rate and individual heterogeneity parameters, information-theoretic model selection and multimodel inference, and the incorporation of individually unidentified marks. Both models may be implemented using standard statistical computing software, but they have also been added to the mark-recapture freeware package Program MARK. We demonstrate the use and advantages of (Z)PNE using black-tailed prairie dog data recently collected in Colorado. We also investigate the expected relative performance of the models in simulation experiments. Compared to other available estimators, we generally found (Z)PNE to be more precise with little or no loss in confidence interval coverage. With the recent introduction of the logit-normal mixed effects model and (Z)PNE, a more flexible and efficient framework for mark-resight abundance estimation is now available for the sampling conditions most commonly encountered in these studies.
Genetics, 2000
Advanced Search. GSA Logo A Publication of The Genetics Society of America. Genetics. ...

Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2012
Space use is a fundamental characteristic that informs our knowledge of social relationships and ... more Space use is a fundamental characteristic that informs our knowledge of social relationships and the degree to which individuals are territorial. Until recently, relatively little was known about the spatial ecology and social organization of swift foxes (Vulpes velox (Say, 1823)). We investigated space use of swift foxes on shortgrass prairie in northeastern Colorado. Our first objective was to evaluate sizes of seasonal and annual home ranges and core areas of 13 radio-collared swift foxes monitored continuously for 2 years. Our second objective was to compare home-range and core-area overlap of breeding pairs to that of neighboring foxes, including male-male, female-female, and nonbreeding female-male dyads. Homerange size in our study population was among the smallest previously reported for swift foxes. Males tended to have slightly larger home ranges and core areas than females, and home-range size was significantly larger in the breeding season than in both the pup-rearing and the dispersal seasons; sizes of core areas did not differ seasonally. Spatial overlap between breeding pairs was substantial, whereas spatial overlap between neighbors, particularly males, was low, suggesting territoriality.
Papers by Michael Antolin