Mian Bacha
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Papers by Mian Bacha
Ph.D. degree programmes in Pakistan. It also highlights the importance of higher education
with special reference to the Ph.D. degree in English in this country.
The reasons given normally for the Ph.D. degree (English) ineffectiveness are the lack of
competent faculty members, inadequately equipped libraries, a shortage in the state of the
art language labs, insufficient financial support for the given research, unnecessary delays
in granting theses, a sense of narrow-mindedness among the language programme
supervisors, a lack of the foreign subject specialists, excessive emphasis on the theoretical
works, inadequate availability of full time internet access, insufficient collaboration with
the foreign universities, and disharmony with overall national needs and requirements. The
respondents‟ agreements with these problems as noted in the survey questionnaire used in
this study is quite high than the disagreement ratio.
These discrepancies need to be addressed in order to produce an effective indigenous
English Ph.D. programme in Pakistan
whether its globalisation causes any concern for ELT pedagogy in Pakistan. For this
purpose, to record the perceptions of the ELTs (English Language Teachers and ELSts
(English Language Students) regarding English as a Global Language and its pedagogical
concerns for ELT in Pakistan, questionnaires were distributed among the students and
teachers of Two Universities and one Post Graduate College. Later on, interviews were
also conducted. The results showed that, quite contrary to the hypothesis, Globalisation
of English would produce detrimental impact on the indigenous languages and culture
and its teaching at University and Post Graduate Levels. But the respondents found it a
healthy phenomenon taking exception only to inharmonious contents of the English
Language (EL) in the Pakistani context.
to the poetry of Pashto and English languages respectively. This paper presents the comparative
elements in the poetry of these poets. Both the romantic poets seem to share several similar
thoughts in their poetry. Their love for Beauty and Nature, and their concern for the Eternal and
Political turmoils are also manifested in their poetry. Escapism is the hallmark of these great
poets and, on the wings of their imagination, they seek shelter in the imaginary world from the
harsh realities of life, but it does not mean that they do not look at the world realistically. Despite
the fact that they lived in two different centuries and that they dwelled in different countries with
different cultures, they got so many things similar in their poetry
the private schools of Dir Upper, KPK. Teachers from different schools were randomly selected and questionnaires were
given to them to know about the use and existence of teaching methods and strategies they used. Different teaching
methods were used for the teaching of English. Some teachers found them useful while to others, the methods
and strategies had problems as they did not offer enough to make the learning of English convenient for the
students.Various segments of the questionnaire wereanalyzed as per the objectives of the study. It was found that the
majority of the teachers made use of the outdated methods and the strategies that lacked motivation for students for their
effective learning.
KEYWORDS: Learning of English, Communication
The novel realistically reflects the social and cultural human conditions of the contemporary time. Itrevolves around the
idea of the evil inherent specifically in human andin society at large. The author is of the view that man by nature is evil.
It is the cult of civilization which thwarts that evil from emerging. In addition to, the author has interwoven a variety of
thematic interests including, the emergence of evil, loss of civilization, the motif of power, the fate of the intellectual, the
uncertainty of life, symbolic manifestations and the essence of pessimism.
KEYWORDS: Golding, Lord, Flies, Evil, Thematic, Evaluation, Civilization, Motif
Ph.D. degree programmes in Pakistan. It also highlights the importance of higher education
with special reference to the Ph.D. degree in English in this country.
The reasons given normally for the Ph.D. degree (English) ineffectiveness are the lack of
competent faculty members, inadequately equipped libraries, a shortage in the state of the
art language labs, insufficient financial support for the given research, unnecessary delays
in granting theses, a sense of narrow-mindedness among the language programme
supervisors, a lack of the foreign subject specialists, excessive emphasis on the theoretical
works, inadequate availability of full time internet access, insufficient collaboration with
the foreign universities, and disharmony with overall national needs and requirements. The
respondents‟ agreements with these problems as noted in the survey questionnaire used in
this study is quite high than the disagreement ratio.
These discrepancies need to be addressed in order to produce an effective indigenous
English Ph.D. programme in Pakistan
whether its globalisation causes any concern for ELT pedagogy in Pakistan. For this
purpose, to record the perceptions of the ELTs (English Language Teachers and ELSts
(English Language Students) regarding English as a Global Language and its pedagogical
concerns for ELT in Pakistan, questionnaires were distributed among the students and
teachers of Two Universities and one Post Graduate College. Later on, interviews were
also conducted. The results showed that, quite contrary to the hypothesis, Globalisation
of English would produce detrimental impact on the indigenous languages and culture
and its teaching at University and Post Graduate Levels. But the respondents found it a
healthy phenomenon taking exception only to inharmonious contents of the English
Language (EL) in the Pakistani context.
to the poetry of Pashto and English languages respectively. This paper presents the comparative
elements in the poetry of these poets. Both the romantic poets seem to share several similar
thoughts in their poetry. Their love for Beauty and Nature, and their concern for the Eternal and
Political turmoils are also manifested in their poetry. Escapism is the hallmark of these great
poets and, on the wings of their imagination, they seek shelter in the imaginary world from the
harsh realities of life, but it does not mean that they do not look at the world realistically. Despite
the fact that they lived in two different centuries and that they dwelled in different countries with
different cultures, they got so many things similar in their poetry
the private schools of Dir Upper, KPK. Teachers from different schools were randomly selected and questionnaires were
given to them to know about the use and existence of teaching methods and strategies they used. Different teaching
methods were used for the teaching of English. Some teachers found them useful while to others, the methods
and strategies had problems as they did not offer enough to make the learning of English convenient for the
students.Various segments of the questionnaire wereanalyzed as per the objectives of the study. It was found that the
majority of the teachers made use of the outdated methods and the strategies that lacked motivation for students for their
effective learning.
KEYWORDS: Learning of English, Communication
The novel realistically reflects the social and cultural human conditions of the contemporary time. Itrevolves around the
idea of the evil inherent specifically in human andin society at large. The author is of the view that man by nature is evil.
It is the cult of civilization which thwarts that evil from emerging. In addition to, the author has interwoven a variety of
thematic interests including, the emergence of evil, loss of civilization, the motif of power, the fate of the intellectual, the
uncertainty of life, symbolic manifestations and the essence of pessimism.
KEYWORDS: Golding, Lord, Flies, Evil, Thematic, Evaluation, Civilization, Motif