Papers by Eriyani Mendrofa

Jurnal EFATA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan
Evangelism in Nias is something that is rarely done considering that Christianity has become the ... more Evangelism in Nias is something that is rarely done considering that Christianity has become the religion of the majority of the community. This religious status was obtained from birth because he followed the religion of his parents. However, this does not guarantee that someone has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, there are still churches that have not experienced being born again. That is why evangelism is still done in order to experience the new birth and become a true Christian. From the perspective of the Great Commission, preaching the gospel is a task that must be carried out by every believer. How evangelism is carried out in Nias, how dance culture studios serve as doors for evangelism, as well as the application of the Great Commission through culture are the main topics of discussion in this paper. The method used is a literature study with qualitative analysis, using books and research results on Nias. There are three stages of evangelism carried out, namely: introdu...

Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat, 2021
The Lord's Supper is one of the sacraments of the church and is an important part of the Chri... more The Lord's Supper is one of the sacraments of the church and is an important part of the Christian liturgy. The author conducts research on the meaning of the Holy Communion so that he can find pedagogical implications in the Holy Communion. The research used is a literature analysis approach that uses various relevant literature sources. The pedagogical implications of the Lord's Supper concern the past, present and future. The meaning of the past means that the Lord's Supper is a reminder of Christ's sacrifice for believers. Today means that the Lord's Supper means sharing in enjoying the benefits of Christ’s death and fellowship with the members of the body of Christ, even Christ himself. The meaning of the future means that the Holy Communion is a guarantee of enjoying the Kingdom of Heaven and the great supper in the future. The Lord's Supper is an expression of hope for His return. Christ Jesus is the sure hope. Practically speaking, Holy Communion remi...
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi, 2020
The issue of punishment for commercial sex offenders continues to be debated both in social, psyc... more The issue of punishment for commercial sex offenders continues to be debated both in social, psychological, and legal aspects. Through this paper, the author presents a conceptual analysis related to the issue. For the writer, the punishment for commercial sex workers is not right. The author proposes a more human approach to refer to Jesus' actions. This coaching is expected to be more inclined to positive personal recovery from a woman or man who is a former commercial sex offender.

Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat
The development of increasingly advanced Science and Technology has altered various aspects of hu... more The development of increasingly advanced Science and Technology has altered various aspects of human life. Whether consciously or not, this development has also impacted the spiritual component of humans. This article discusses how sin can enter human existence through the senses of hearing and sight, beginning with Eve in Genesis 3:15 and continuing to the present day with the widespread use of digital media. The method utilized is a literature review composed of books and journal articles. The findings of this study indicate that digital media can serve as a channel for sin. Humans can sin because of flawed hearing and words. Through the consumption of indecent materials such as pornography, and the unethical use of visual media, digital media sets up the potential for humans to feed their already sinful tendencies. This action demeans human dignity and undermines cherished Christian values. Sinful individuals require pastoral care. Understanding, support, guidance, prayer, preven...
Papers by Eriyani Mendrofa