Papers by Menard Musendekwa
Advances in higher education and professional development book series, Feb 23, 2024
Advances in public policy and administration (APPA) book series, Jun 28, 2024
Practice, progress, and proficiency in sustainability, Mar 7, 2024
Advances in finance, accounting, and economics book series, Jan 4, 2024
Advances in educational marketing, administration, and leadership book series, Oct 3, 2023

Journal of land and rural studies, Nov 18, 2020
The right to own and derive value out of the land, (cf. ownership) is a human right enshrined in ... more The right to own and derive value out of the land, (cf. ownership) is a human right enshrined in the constitution of most democratic countries. Land reform is arguably the most emotional, socioeconomic , and political subject of the colonial and post-colonial era of the African continent. It is a subject that has remained sacred and a taboo creating a fertile ground for protracted political, social, economic, and religious conflicts. Many African indigenous communities are genuinely struggling to address inequality and deprivation. Despite the overwhelming economic demand to address the land question, only a handful of African countries have been bold enough to tackle the issue head-on, sometimes with dire consequences. In the current article, we use the Zimbabwe land reform programme as a case and through a biblical lens show cause for land not just as a commodity where belonging is the ultimate deciding factor but rather emphasise ownership by stewardship. This perspective is compatible with modern systems of governance, ubuntu in the African traditional culture, and encourage efficiency of production to achieve food security despite the polarised discourse of land reform in most countries.
New Perspectives on Using Accreditation to Improve Higher Education
The chapter assumes a case approach of one developing nation that boosts of a total of 20 univers... more The chapter assumes a case approach of one developing nation that boosts of a total of 20 universities affiliated to one national accreditation body. Its content is thus qualitatively developed on the basis of related literature review. The authors seek to clarify and provide rationale for accreditation in higher education, paying much tribute to prerequisites for accreditation that should promote harmonisation of educational programmes through adoption of minimum bodies of knowledge (MBKs). The essence of harmonisation is enhancement of local, regional, and international recognition of qualifications so as to promote mobility and employability of would-be employees and employers in this global village characterised by the need to celebrate human diversity.

International Journal of Applied Research on Public Health Management, 2022
The research presents the results of a qualitative study that investigated the African burial pra... more The research presents the results of a qualitative study that investigated the African burial practices as ravens that promote the spread of cholera in Zimbabwe which has experienced such outbreaks in 1992/1993, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2008/2009 and 2018. Participants were ten representatives of ten families from Machivenyika Village of Zaka District in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe who had cholera-deaths related during the 2018 outbreak. Data collection instruments were semi-structured questionnaires and focus-group discussions. The constant comparative method was used to analyse data for thematic coding. Findings indicated that participants viewed African burial practices one of the major contributing factors in the spread of cholera in Zimbabwe. Participants suggested ways of improving African burial practices to accomplish positive results. Recommendations were made for the relevant authorities.
Messianic expectations in the Pentateuch, Isaiah and Daniel can be investigated by exegesis of se... more Messianic expectations in the Pentateuch, Isaiah and Daniel can be investigated by exegesis of selected texts. This research can assist or facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of messianism in the Old Testament and in its theological implications. Investigation on the development of the messianism in ancient Israel may help to reflect on how it is applied to a postcolonial context like the present-day Zimbabwe. The researcher examines if the term Messiah developed from its embryonic stage in the Pentateuch and how such expectations can be manipulated in a Christian society like that of Zimbabwe.

Following the conference on "Bible and Practice" held at Bamberg, Germany, in 2009, the idea of d... more Following the conference on "Bible and Practice" held at Bamberg, Germany, in 2009, the idea of dedicating a volume to the same theme but with special focus on Africa was born. And the result was not only a book, (BiAS 4) 1 , but a series of meetings also. Since then the University of Bamberg, on the initiative of the Chair for New Testament Studies, holds a biannual conference on Bible in Africa Studies. This conference is jointly organized with colleagues in the fields of Theology and Biblical Studies, and other related fields in Africa. The conference has the aim of deliberating on pressing issues in the world and, more particularly, in Africa. The initiative started with the first meeting, held in Germany in 2010 at the imposing Kloster Banz (cf. BiAS 7), with the second held in Gaborone, Botswana, in 2012 (cf. BiAS 17) and the third, structured according to the regulations of a Humboldt-Kolleg, held in Windhoek, Namibia, in 2014 (cf. BiAS 20). At Windhoek, those who attended the conference on religious, social, and political issues relating to The Bible and Violence in Africa decided by a clear majority that the next BiAS-meeting should deal with The Bible and Gender Troubles in Africa. Regarding the location, the majority favored the idea that the conference of 2016 should be held at the University of Zimbabwe in Harare. It was especially Dr Obvious Vengeyi, who shouldered the burden of organizing all the necessities for the meeting. Everyone who knows somewhat about the socioeconomic challenges experienced by Zimbabwe under the reign of the "the other son of God" during the agony of his last years, will understand that preparing an international conference under these circumstances did not mean less than what Germans call a "Herkulesaufgabe" (Herculean labour). At the end of the day we had a wonderful meeting at the University of Zimbabwe, superbly organized by our hosts at Harare. We cannot thank Pro-1 All the volumes of BiAS series are listed at the very end of this volume. 4 The Odes of Solomon are Christian songs from the 2 nd-3 rd century CE. Several times the odes mention divine milk given by God (Father or Son),
Phenomenological Approaches to Religion and Spirituality
In 1 Kings 19:11-13, God revealed himself through a “gentle whisper” rather than his earlier mani... more In 1 Kings 19:11-13, God revealed himself through a “gentle whisper” rather than his earlier manifestation through “powerful wind,” the “earthquake,” and “the fire.” A shift to the “gentle whisper” needs re-investigation. The problem is the inconsistences in divine revelation in natural phenomena. This chapter is responding to the question on why the natural phenomena which used to depict the presence of God to Moses depicted his absence to Elijah. Secondly, this chapter examines the revelation of Yahweh in a silent wind. A phenomenological approach can guide a better appreciation of God's attributive revelation even in current situations.
The legacies of Albert Schweitzer reconsidered, 2016

Journal of Land and Rural Studies
The right to own and derive value out of the land, (cf. ownership) is a human right enshrined in ... more The right to own and derive value out of the land, (cf. ownership) is a human right enshrined in the constitution of most democratic countries. Land reform is arguably the most emotional, socio-economic, and political subject of the colonial and post-colonial era of the African continent. It is a subject that has remained sacred and a taboo creating a fertile ground for protracted political, social, economic, and religious conflicts. Many African indigenous communities are genuinely struggling to address inequality and deprivation. Despite the overwhelming economic demand to address the land question, only a handful of African countries have been bold enough to tackle the issue head-on, sometimes with dire consequences. In the current article, we use the Zimbabwe land reform programme as a case and through a biblical lens show cause for land not just as a commodity where belonging is the ultimate deciding factor but rather emphasise ownership by stewardship. This perspective is comp...
Messianic expectations in the Pentateuch, Isaiah and Daniel can be investigated by exegesis of se... more Messianic expectations in the Pentateuch, Isaiah and Daniel can be investigated by exegesis of selected texts. This research can assist or facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of messianism in the Old Testament and in its theological implications. Investigation on the development of the messianism in ancient Israel may help to reflect on how it is applied to a postcolonial context like the present-day Zimbabwe. The researcher examines if the term Messiah developed from its embryonic stage in the Pentateuch and how such expectations can be manipulated in a Christian society like that of Zimbabwe.

Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae
Messianic expectations in Zimbabwe follow the biblical trends where messianic promises were inten... more Messianic expectations in Zimbabwe follow the biblical trends where messianic promises were intended to stimulate hope for ancient Israel during socio-economic, political and religious crises. The Zimbabwe situation during the early 2010s was characterised by socio-economic, political and religious crises. This research explores the circumstances in which Robert Mugabe was hailed as national Messiah. While it was genuine prophetic promises for a better future in ancient Israel, the messianic characterisation of Mugabe was used as political rhetoric and propaganda to legitimise the role of Mugabe as the sole liberator and candidate for leadership of the nation of Zimbabwe. This research responds to the question: What triggers messianic characterisation like that popular in Zimbabwe? This research has proved that such messianic characterisation intends to fill the gap where the nation’s expectation of a Messiah constitutes the response to socio-economic, political and religious crises.

Review Article The term Messiah in the Old Testament had no one strict meaning. The meaning of th... more Review Article The term Messiah in the Old Testament had no one strict meaning. The meaning of the term was developed over a long period of time. Various designations of messianism are equally influenced by the historical situation of the biblical interpreters and their ability to interact with the text their social circumstances and their ability to engage other scholars. This paper is a survey of various scholars and their views as can be found in their books and publications. Scholars at a certain time in history focussed on certain layers of messianic characters as they deduced from the biblical text. The variance in meaning confirms that the messianic characterisation was equally rooted in the circumstances of interpreters of different world views. Their texts confirm to be social constructs of the interpreters‟ circumstances. This is confirmed in the variety of meaning related to the term.
I, the undersigned hereby declare that the work contained in this thesis is my own original work ... more I, the undersigned hereby declare that the work contained in this thesis is my own original work and it has not been submitted previously in its entirety or in part at any university or college for a degree.
I, the undersigned hereby declare that the work contained in this thesis is my own original work ... more I, the undersigned hereby declare that the work contained in this thesis is my own original work and it has not been submitted previously in its entirety or in part at any university or college for a degree.

Journal of Land and Rural Studies
The right to own and derive value out of the land, (cf. ownership) is a human right enshrined in ... more The right to own and derive value out of the land, (cf. ownership) is a human right enshrined in the constitution of most democratic countries. Land reform is arguably the most emotional, socio-economic, and political subject of the colonial and post-colonial era of the African continent. It is a subject that has remained sacred and a taboo creating a fertile ground for protracted political, social, economic, and religious conflicts. Many African indigenous communities are genuinely struggling to address inequality and deprivation. Despite the overwhelming economic demand to address the land question, only a handful of African countries have been bold enough to tackle the issue head-on, sometimes with dire consequences. In the current article, we use the Zimbabwe land reform programme as a case and through a biblical lens show cause for land not just as a commodity where belonging is the ultimate deciding factor but rather emphasise ownership by stewardship. This perspective is comp...
Papers by Menard Musendekwa