Papers by Melita Ambrozic
Knjižnica: revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti

Knjižnica, Sep 1, 2015
The National and University Library of Slovenia performs the tasks of a national library, a unive... more The National and University Library of Slovenia performs the tasks of a national library, a university library, a central state library, and develops the Digital Library of Slovenia. Due to its different roles and functions, beside classical library users, the library's customers also include publishers, other libraries, and organizations in the fields of culture and science and State bodies responsible for libraries. When planning activities and providing services, the library must therefore monitor the needs, expectations and satisfaction of diverse customer groups, and use a variety of assessment methods and tools in the process of library performance evaluation. In this article we will focus on the evaluation results of the quality and value of the library in terms of its active or potential users. The latest user survey was carried out in autumn 2013, and involved 901 respondents. In comparison with the results of previous studies, we can see that respondents mostly visit the library for the use of its study premises. Their use of electronic information resources and the tools for their detection is still poor. Only a few borrow e-books, more than half of the respondents have not yet used the free wireless network. Only a small proportion of respondents are dissatisfied with the resources and services of the library, and on average, the respondents express a high level of satisfaction with the library staff. The share of those, who value the library as publicly well-recognized, an open, friendly and trusted institution, has increased in comparison with the results of previous research. The same can be said for those, who highly value the impact of the library on the quality and efficiency of their work and study. The contribution of library activities to the development of Slovenian science and culture is identified by 83% of respondents, while 60% of respondents identified its contribution to the socioeconomic development of the country. We were also interested to determine what value the library and its services represent in financial terms to the respondents. An average minimum repayment per annum, in return Melita Ambrožič and Damjana Vovk 766 for agreement to the closure of the library, was 1,392€. The unavailability of library services would greatly impact the study and work of 63% of respondents, while only 5% indicated they would not be affected. If materials and services, offered by the library, would have to be obtained elsewhere, it would lead to 708€ of additional costs on average yearly. In case of cessation of budgetary funding of the library, 35% of respondents would be prepared to financially support it, with an average annual contribution of 24€.
Knjižnica, Apr 7, 2014
Prispevek obravnava teoretične in praktične pristope k problematiki ugotavljanja uspešnosti delov... more Prispevek obravnava teoretične in praktične pristope k problematiki ugotavljanja uspešnosti delovanja visokošolskih knjižnic in kazalcev uspešnosti. Avtorica poudarja pomen sistematične evalvacije dejavnosti knjižnic in uporabe sodobnih metod menedžmenta, med katere sodi tudi proces ugotavljanja uspešnosti delovanja knjižnic. Predstavljena je vloga knjižnične statistike kot metode kvantitativnega predstavljanja dejavnosti knjižnic in ovrednoten pomen strokovnih standardov in akreditacijskih postopkov v evalvacijskem procesu. Predstavljeni so tudi nekateri projekti in konkretni primeri ugotavljanja uspešnosti delovanja visokošolskih knjižnic v svetu in Sloveniji ter predlogi kazalcev uspešnosti.

Knjižnica, Sep 10, 2013
Since the very birth of universities academic libraries have been one of key success factors for ... more Since the very birth of universities academic libraries have been one of key success factors for the universities to realize their mission. Academic environment recognized an academic library as a social and intellectual centre, as the »heart« of the university since it is located in the centre of its parent institution as the heart is in the body. The emergence of the internet and the advances in information and communication technology have brought unprecedented changes to higher learning and research which reinforced the need for rethinking their future as well as their response to changes of the academic environment. The article aims to present some challenges of academic libraries in today's world and their efforts to retain the key role in the academic environment. Slovenian academic libraries may reshape their development plan and vision following the lessons learned from foreign academic libraries and their response to changes of their environment. However, their future depends on the development of educational and research process at their parent institutions and the recognition of academic libraries as an important factor to affect educational and research outcomes of higher education.

Knjižnica: revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti
ABSTRACTSince the very birth of universities academic libraries have been one of key success fact... more ABSTRACTSince the very birth of universities academic libraries have been one of key success factors for the universities to realize their mission. Academic environment recognized an academic library as a social and intellectual centre, as the »heart« of the university since it is located in the centre of its parent institution as the heart is in the body. The emergence of the internet and the advances in information and communication technology have brought unprecedented changes to higher learning and research which reinforced the need for rethinking their future as well as their response to changes of the academic environment. The article aims to present some challenges of academic libraries in today's world and their efforts to retain the key role in the academic environment. Slovenian academic libraries may reshape their development plan and vision following the lessons learned from foreign academic libraries and their response to changes of their environment. However, their...
Organizacija Znanja, 2006
Knjižnica: revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti
The article discusses theoretical and practical approaches to the problems of assessing performan... more The article discusses theoretical and practical approaches to the problems of assessing performance of academic libraries and library performance indicators in general. The author emphasises the importance of a systematic evaluation of library's activities and the use of modern management methods, of which the process of library performance measurement is an integral part. The role of library statistics as a method of quantitative representation of the library's activities is presented and the meaning of professional standards and accreditation procedures in the evaluation process is assessed. The article also presents some projects and actual examples of library performance measurement globally and in Slovenia, as well as some suggestions for performance indicators.
Knjižnica. Revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti, 2001
Abstract The article presents the library system of the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaig... more Abstract The article presents the library system of the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, structure and functioning of the library system of Illinois, education and training of library staff and academic librarians` status and promotion. The author points out also some current dilemmas of public and school libraries in Illinois, which are connected with the problem of intellectual freedom and free access to information, as that of internet filtering, free access to information for minors, library acquisition policy, library buildings and premises, etc.

Knjižnica. Revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti, 2012
ABSTRACT Since the very birth of universities academic libraries have been one of key success fac... more ABSTRACT Since the very birth of universities academic libraries have been one of key success factors for the universities to realize their mission. Academic environment recognized an academic library as a social and intellectual centre, as the »heart« of the university since it is located in the centre of its parent institution as the heart is in the body. The emergence of the internet and the advances in information and communication technology have brought unprecedented changes to higher learning and research which reinforced the need for rethinking their future as well as their response to changes of the academic environment. The article aims to present some challenges of academic libraries in today's world and their efforts to retain the key role in the academic environment. Slovenian academic libraries may reshape their development plan and vision following the lessons learned from foreign academic libraries and their response to changes of their environment. However, their future depends on the development of educational and research process at their parent institutions and the recognition of academic libraries as an important factor to affect educational and research outcomes of higher education.
Knjižnica. Revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti, 2000
Abstract The article discusses theoretical and practical approaches to the problems of assessing ... more Abstract The article discusses theoretical and practical approaches to the problems of assessing performance of academic libraries and library performance indicators in general. The author emphasises the importance of a systematic evaluation of library's activities and the use of modern management methods, of which the process of library performance measurement is an integral part. The role of library statistics as a method of quantitative representation of the library's activities is presented and the meaning of professional standards and accreditation procedures in the evaluation process is assessed. The article also presents some projects and actual examples of library performance measurement globally and in Slovenia, as well as some suggestions for performance indicators.
Knjižnica, Apr 7, 2014
Strokovni članek UDK 02(77 Illinois) UDK 027.7(77 Illinois) Izvleček V prispevku je predstavljen ... more Strokovni članek UDK 02(77 Illinois) UDK 027.7(77 Illinois) Izvleček V prispevku je predstavljen knjižnični sistem Univerze Illinois v Urbani-Champaign, struktura in delovanje knjižničnega sistema v državi Illinois, izobraževanje knjižničnih delavcev ter napredovanje visokošolskih knjižničarjev. Avtorica izpostavi tudi nekatera aktualna vprašanja splošnih in šolskih knjižnic, ki so povezana s problematiko intelektualne svobode oziroma z zagotavljanjem prostega dostopa do informacij, npr. filtriranje interneta, zagotavljanje dostopa do informacijskih virov mladim, nabavna politika, knjižnične zgradbe itd.
Libri, 1995
A short historical and state-of-the-art review of the University of Ljubljana library System (ULL... more A short historical and state-of-the-art review of the University of Ljubljana library System (ULLS) reveals that it shares a pattern of dispersed> libraries of single university units only loosely monitored by the main library with many traditional universities in Western and Central Europe in particular. With a primary view of establishing a coherent network that would offset existent inconsistencies and, at the same time, take füll advantage of the integrating potentials of Informa
Knjižnica: revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti

Knjižnica: revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti
V članku so predstavljeni rezultati študij uporabnikov, ki jih Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica... more V članku so predstavljeni rezultati študij uporabnikov, ki jih Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica periodično izvaja že od leta 1987. Z njimi pridobiva podatke o splošni podobi knjižnice v javnosti, pomenu knjižnice za študij in raziskovalno delo ter uporabi njenih storitev in informacijskih virov. Še zlasti pa jo zanima ocena kakovosti storitev in osebja knjižnice, kot jo zaznavajo njeni uporabniki. Spremljanje kakovosti storitev z vidika uporabnikov je namreč sestavni del procesa ugotavljanja uspešnosti delovanja knjižnice in v izvajanju njenih strateških in letnih načrtov dela eno od temeljnih orodij kontrole. Zadnja študija uporabnikov je bila opravljena konec leta 2013. Raziskovalni podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo spletne ankete. Vključevala je vprašanja, ki so omogočila primerjavo z rezultati preteklih študij, prvič pa tudi vprašanja o ekonomski vrednosti storitev knjižnice. Avtorica ugotavlja, da v primerjavi z rezultati prejšnjih raziskav tudi zadnji kažejo, da anketira...

Knjižnica: revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti
Življenje in delo V 93. letu starosti nas je 20. novembra 2017 zapustila Ančka Korže-Strajnar, do... more Življenje in delo V 93. letu starosti nas je 20. novembra 2017 zapustila Ančka Korže-Strajnar, dolgoletna sodelavka Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice (NUK) in ena najzaslužnejših za strokovni razvoj slovenskega knjižničarstva. Poznali smo jo kot odločno, odkrito in neposredno osebnost, ki je sogovornika znala poslušati in razumeti ter mu svetovati tako pri reševanju strokovnih kot tudi osebnih dilem. Bila pa je tudi večna optimistka, pri reševanju najtežjih strokovnih izzivov je s svojim optimizmom in energijo dokazovala, da nedosegljivi cilji skoraj ne obstajajo. Če so postavljeni premišljeno in imamo voljo za medsebojno sodelovanje, jih bomo zagotovo dosegli. V štirih desetletjih dela v knjižničarstvu je odločilno prispevala k vzpostavljanju mreže slovenskih splošnih knjižnic in knjižničnega sistema ter utrjevanju položaja knjižnic v lokalnem in širšem družbenem prostoru.
Knjižnica: revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti

During the last decade the need for evaluation and measurement of services has become more and mo... more During the last decade the need for evaluation and measurement of services has become more and more acute also in public not only in economic sector. As well, in the filed of librarianship and information science, certain methodologies for the measurement of efficiency, effectiveness and quality of the services have been developed (especially those measuring satisfaction of the users with library services as the whole). Among the first that launched measurement and evaluation of their services were public libraries, followed by dynamic academic and university libraries. They were forced into it by the circumstances and conditions, as well as competition on local and state level, and by the requests of their funding providers to whom libraries have constantly to prove that they are efficient, that they use the invested funds to the best avail and offer to their community services of high quality. It is therefore not unusual that the majority of recommendations and handbooks for libra...
Knjižnica, 2000
The article discusses theoretical and practical approaches to the problems of assessing performan... more The article discusses theoretical and practical approaches to the problems of assessing performance of academic libraries and library performance indicators in general. The author emphasises the importance of a systematic evaluation of library's activities and the use of modern management methods, of which the process of library performance measurement is an integral part. The role of library statistics as a method of quantitative representation of the library's activities is presented and the meaning of professional standards and accreditation procedures in the evaluation process is assessed. The article also presents some projects and actual examples of library performance measurement globally and in Slovenia, as well as some suggestions for performance indicators.
Papers by Melita Ambrozic