Papers by Leandro Meleiro

Atuação Das Gerenciadoras Em Obras De Construção Civil Em Usinas De Açúcar e Álcool Performance of Projectn Management in Civil Construction at Sugar and Alcohol Plants
This article reports a study case on performance of project management in civil construction at s... more This article reports a study case on performance of project management in civil construction at sugarcane and alcohol plants. The survey was conducted in sugarcane and alcohol plant in Barra Bonita, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, which is a joint venture formed by the world s largest sugar cane processor as well as one of the largest world s fuel distributors. Brazil is the world's largest sugarcane producer and the second one of bioethanol. Sao Paulo state is the biggest national producer with approximately 60% of production. This fact boosted the investment of foreign groups in this sector. Historically, civil projects were managed by employees themselves sometimes with no experience in project management and without the use of adequate criteria, tools and methods. With the arrival of investors, improvement projects have become indispensable, teams sought for improvement and project managers have gained strength. This paper aims at showing the performance of a management at sugarcan...

This article presents a case study of a project already running, in order to identify and analyze... more This article presents a case study of a project already running, in order to identify and analyze the strengths and weaknesses in project management suggesting possible improvements in accordance with best practices recommended by the PMI (Project Management Institute). The case study was conducted on an enterprise run by a provider of engineering services, specializing in metal building roof systems and sheds light. The project, done in the Midwest, has a total area of 18,523.40 square meters and its roof structure weighs 251.60 tons. The methodology applied research literature and documents. As a result of this study presents some percentage of deviation. The absence of a methodology in managing time and non-use of historical records has resulted in a deviation of 67% within manufacturing of metal structures. This delay has impacted the cost of installation and equipment which looked at 239%. Sending material fractionated the work to meet deadlines led to a deviation from 368% of ...

Atuação Das Gerenciadoras Em Obras De Construção Civil Em Usinas De Açúcar e Álcool
Tekhne E Logos, Jun 24, 2014
This article reports a study case on performance of project management in civil construction at s... more This article reports a study case on performance of project management in civil construction at sugarcane and alcohol plants. The survey was conducted in sugarcane and alcohol plant in Barra Bonita, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, which is a joint venture formed by the world s largest sugar cane processor as well as one of the largest world s fuel distributors. Brazil is the world's largest sugarcane producer and the second one of bioethanol. Sao Paulo state is the biggest national producer with approximately 60% of production. This fact boosted the investment of foreign groups in this sector. Historically, civil projects were managed by employees themselves sometimes with no experience in project management and without the use of adequate criteria, tools and methods. With the arrival of investors, improvement projects have become indispensable, teams sought for improvement and project managers have gained strength. This paper aims at showing the performance of a management at sugarcane and alcohol plant in civil construction projects, demonstrating the relationship between involved parties and the benefits achieved with the implementation of established management methods for the conducting these projects.
Tekhne E Logos, Jul 5, 2012

Resistência à compressão do concreto autoadensável: influência da atividade pozolânica do calcário e do basalto
Ciencia Engenharia, Jun 13, 2008
This research studies the influence of the pozzolanic activity of the calcareous and basalt in th... more This research studies the influence of the pozzolanic activity of the calcareous and basalt in the resistence behavior of the compressive strength of high performance self-compacting concrete (HPSCC). The selected aditives are the calcareous filler and basalt filler, for they are industrial residues helping that way the sustainable development. The paste of this concrete type is constituted of cement, silica fume, calcareous filler or basalt filler, water and superplasticizer additive. In this research the relationships water/cement are fixed in 0,40 kg/kg, silica fume/cement of 0,10 kg/kg and the relationships filler/cement and superplasticizer/cement are determined through of Marsh´s cone and mini-slump tests. The granular skeleton is gotten from a composition between quartzous sand and brita of basalt that presents the lesser index of emptinesses. The results show that the HPSCC with the addition of calcareous filler has greater compressive strength than what the HPSCC with addition of basalt filler in the ages of 7, 28 and 63 days. It is explained by the fact that the calcareous filler presents greater index of pozzolanic activity than the basalt filler. Besides that the relation water/fine for the HPSCC with calcareous filler is 0,27 l/kg whereas the HPSCC with basalt filler is of 0,29 l/kg. Keywords: self-compacting concrete, compressive strenght, pozzolanic activity and sustainable development.
Influ�ncia da adi��o no comportamento reol�gico da pasta autoadens�vel de alto desempenho
Acta Sci Technol, 2008
Acta Scientiarum. Technology, 2008
Influência da adição no comportamento reológico da pasta Influência da adição no comportamento re... more Influência da adição no comportamento reológico da pasta Influência da adição no comportamento reológico da pasta Influência da adição no comportamento reológico da pasta Influência da adição no comportamento reológico da pasta autoadensável de alto desempenho autoadensável de alto desempenho autoadensável de alto desempenho autoadensável de alto desempenho

This research studies the influence of the pozzolanic activity of the calcareous and basalt in th... more This research studies the influence of the pozzolanic activity of the calcareous and basalt in the resistence behavior of the compressive strength of high performance self-compacting concrete (HPSCC). The selected aditives are the calcareous filler and basalt filler, for they are industrial residues helping that way the sustainable development. The paste of this concrete type is constituted of cement, silica fume, calcareous filler or basalt filler, water and superplasticizer additive. In this research the relationships water/cement are fixed in 0,40 kg/kg, silica fume/cement of 0,10 kg/kg and the relationships filler/cement and superplasticizer/cement are determined through of Marsh´s cone and mini-slump tests. The granular skeleton is gotten from a composition between quartzous sand and brita of basalt that presents the lesser index of emptinesses. The results show that the HPSCC with the addition of calcareous filler has greater compressive strength than what the HPSCC with addit...
Papers by Leandro Meleiro