Papers by Mayura Srinivasan

ACADEMIC REGULATIONS FOR B. Tech. / B.Tech. (Hons.) Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (Effe... more ACADEMIC REGULATIONS FOR B. Tech. / B.Tech. (Hons.) Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (Effective from Academic year 2018-19) 1.0 Vision, Mission and Objectives The Vision of the Institute is "To make every man a success and no man a failure". 1.1 The Mission of the institute is To create an ecosystem that promotes learning and world class research. To nurture creativity and innovation. To instil highest ethical standards and values. To pursue activities for the development of the Society. To develop national and international collaborations with institutes and industries of eminence. To enable graduates to become future leaders and innovators. Value Statement Integrity, Innovation, Internationalization 1.2 Further, the Institute always strives To train our graduates with the latest and the best in the rapidly changing fields of Architecture, Engineering, Technology, Management studies, Science and Humanities and Liberal Arts. To develop graduates, with a global outlook, possessing Knowledge, Skills and Attitude and Capable of taking up challenging responsibilities in the respective fields. To mould our graduates as citizens with moral, ethical and social values so as to fulfill their obligations to the nation and the society. To promote research in the field of Architecture, Engineering, Technology, Management Studies, Science and Humanities and Liberal Arts and Allied disciplines. 1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Institute are focused on Providing state of the art education in Engineering, Technology, Applied Sciences and Management studies. Keeping pace with the ever-changing technological scenario and help the graduates to Gain proper direction to emerge as competent professionals fully aware of their commitment to the society and the nation. To inculcate a flair for Research, Development and Entrepreneurship. CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS B.TECH-AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 2.0 Admission The admission policy and procedure shall be decided from time to time by the Board of Management (BOM) of the Institute, based on the guidelines issued by the UGC/ Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. The number of seats in each of the B. Tech. degree programme will be decided by the Board of Management of the Institute as per the directives of AICTE/ UGC / MHRD, Government of India, taking into account, the market demands. Seats are also made available up to 20% of the sanctioned intake for Non-Resident Indians and foreign nationals, who satisfy the admission eligibility norms of the Institute. 2.1. Eligibility for Admission (i) Regular Entry Passed 10 + 2 examination with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the other subjects as Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Biology/ Technical Vocational course. The candidates should have obtained the minimum marks as per AICTE norms. (ii) Lateral Entry The candidates possessing a Diploma in Engineering/Technology in the relevant discipline of specialization with minimum 50% marks awarded by the State Boards of Technical Education, India or any other competent authority as accepted by the Board of Management of the Institute as equivalent thereto are eligible for admission to the 3 rd Semester of the B. Tech degree programme. 2.2 The candidate has to fulfil all the prescribed admission requirements / norms of the Institute. 2.3. In all matters relating to admission to the B. Tech degree programme, the decision of the Board of Management of the Institute shall be final. 2.4. At any time after admission, if found that a candidate has not fulfilled one or many of the requirements stipulated by the Institute, or submitted forged certificates, the Institute has the right to revoke the admission and forfeit the fee paid. In addition, legal action may be taken against the candidate as decided by the Board of Management. CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS B.TECH-AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 3.0 Student Discipline Every student is required to observe utmost discipline and decorum both inside and outside the campus and not to indulge in any activity which may affect adversely the prestige reputation of the Institute. 3.1 Any act of indiscipline of a student reported to the Dean (Student affairs) and Head of the Department will be referred to a Discipline Committee constituted for the purpose. The Committee will enquire into the charges and decide on a suitable punishment if the charges are substantiated. The committee will also authorize the Dean (Student Affairs) to recommend to the Vice-Chancellor for the implementation of the decision. The student concerned may appeal to the Vice-Chancellor, whose decision will be the final. 3.2 Ragging in any form is a criminal and non-bailable offence in our country. The current State and Central legislations provide stringent punishments including imprisonment. Once the involvement of a student(s) is established in ragging, offending fellow students/staff, harassment of any nature to the fellow students/staff etc. the student(s) will be liable to be dismissed from the Institute, as per the laid down procedures of the UGC / Govt. /Institute. Every senior student of the Institute, along with their parent, shall give an undertaking every year in this regard and the same should be submitted at the time of Registration. 4.0 Structure of the B. Tech Degree Programme 4.1 All B. Tech. degree Programmes will have the curriculum and syllabi (for 4 years) as approved by the respective Board of Studies and Academic Council of the Institute. 4.2 Credits are the weightages, assigned to the courses based on the following general pattern: One Lecture / Tutorial period per week-1 credit Up to Three periods of Practical per week-1 credit 4 periods of Practical per week-2 credits 4.3 The curriculum for B. Tech. programme is designed to have a minimum of 165 credits + 4 Non-CGPA credits that are distributed across eight semesters of study for the award of degree. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) was introduced from the Academic year 2015-16 in the curriculum to provide the students, a balanced approach to their educational endeavour. CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS B.TECH-AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Under CBCS, the degree programme will consist of the following categories of courses: i) General Core foundation (CF) courses comprising of Humanities courses; Basic Sciences (BS)including Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics; Engineering Sciences (ES), including Basic Engineering courses such as Material Science, Basic Workshop, Engineering Drawing, Engineering Graphics, Digital systems, etc. ii) Compulsory Courses (CC) consist of the following. a. Professional Core (PC) courses: These courses expose the students to the foundation of engineering topics related to the chosen programme of study comprising of theory and Practical/ field work/ Design project/ Project. b. Departmental Elective (DE): These courses enable the students to take up a group of courses of their interest in the area of specialization offered by the parent Department / School. iii) Non-Departmental Electives (NE): These courses are offered by Engineering and Non-Engineering departments (across the disciplines) other than their parent Department. Two groups of Electives are available under NE namely, Engineering Electives, offered by the Engineering Departments and Open Electives, offered by the Non-Engineering departments. iv) Indexed Journal / Conference Publications: If a student publishes a research paper as main author in indexed Journal / Conference, the same can be considered as equivalent to two-credit course under NE. v) Non-CGPA courses: These courses are offered in certain semesters are compulsory, but are not used for calculation of GPA and CGPA. However, the credits will be mentioned in the grade sheet. 5.4 Course committee A course committee shall be constituted by the HOD for all the common courses, with the faculty who are teaching the courses and with a Professor of the core department as the Chairman. The Course committee shall meet periodically to ensure the quality of progression of the course in the semester. 5.5 The basic responsibilities of the Class Committee and Course committee are a. To review periodically the progress of the students. b. To discuss issues concerning curriculum and syllabi and the conduct of the classes. c. To inform the students about the method of assessment as recommended by the Department Exam Committee ("DEC") at the beginning of the semester. Each class committee / course committee will communicate its recommendations and the minutes of the meetings to the Head of the Department, Dean (Academics) and the Dean (Student Affairs). d. To conduct meetings at least thrice in a semester as per the Academic Plan issued by the Dean-Academics. e. To review the academic performance of the students including attendance, internal assessment and other issues like discipline, maintenance etc. 6.0 Registration for courses in a Semester A student will be eligible for registration of courses only if he/she satisfies the regulation clause 12.0 (progression), and clause 13.0 (maximum duration) and has cleared all dues to the Institute, Hostel and Library up to the end of the previous semester provided that student is not debarred from enrolment on disciplinary grounds. 6.1 The institute follows a flexible Choice Based Credit System and Slot based table. Accordingly, the students shall be given the option for selecting their courses, credits, teachers, slots and create their time table. The student is given the option of selecting the number of credits to undergo in a semester, subject to the curriculum requirements of minimum and maximum. Except for the first year courses, registration for a semester will be done during a specified week before the start of the semester as per the Academic Schedule.
Papers by Mayura Srinivasan