International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences, 2021
Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie is the result of a tight and short lingual frenulum which causes diff... more Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie is the result of a tight and short lingual frenulum which causes difficulty in breast feeding, eating and speech articulation due to limited tongue movement. In this condition, the tip of the tongue cannot be protruded beyond the lower incisor teeth because of a short lingual frenum. In this article, we have reported a 26 year old female patient with tongue-tie who complained of difficult in speech. She underwent frenectomy procedure under local anaesthesis without any complications. This was followed by speech therapy sessions.
The effect of low level laser therapy on wound healing and wound contraction after palatal surger... more The effect of low level laser therapy on wound healing and wound contraction after palatal surgery in Beagle dogs of 12 weeks of age was investigated. A total of 30 Beagle dogs was used and assigned to a control group (Group C; n=6) and two experimental groups (Group L; n=12 and group LL; n=12). In both experimental groups, Von Langenbeck's palatal repair was simulated. Then in the LL group the denuded bony areas were treated with low level laser therapy using a continuous Ga‐As‐Al laser beam (830 nm) and energy output set at 30 mW. Per treatment a dosage of 1 J/cm2 wound surface area was used. Therapy was carried out three times a week with a total of ten treatments.Wound healing was observed clinically until wound healing was completed at 4 weeks p.o. and wound areas were measured at regular intervals on standardized intra‐oral photographs. Wound contraction was measured as the increments of the distances between tattoo points on the opposite wound margins. No significant diff...
International Education and Research Journal, Jan 15, 2016
Aims : Recession defects are one of the most common findings in periodontal problems affecting in... more Aims : Recession defects are one of the most common findings in periodontal problems affecting individuals of almost all ages to some degree. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate common etiological factors of gingival recession and hence its treatment and/or prevention. Methods and Material : A total of 120 individuals suffering from gingival recession were examined. Data was collected by an interview with the help of a proforma and then the clinical examination was carried out. The presence of gingival recession was recorded using Miller's classification of gingival recession. Various indices like Silness and Loe Plaque Index, Greene and Vermillion Oral Hygiene Index, Russel’s periodontal Index were recorded. Statistical analysis: The data thus obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using Chi square test . Results : The prevalence of gingival recession was found to increase with age . High frequency of gingival recession was seen in males (61.6%) compared to females. Gingival recession was commonly seen in mandibular incisors, lateral incisors and canines. The most common cause for gingival recession was dental plaque accumulation (93.3%) followed by faulty toothbrushing (75.8%). Other causes were smokeless tobacco habit (30%), frenal pull (15.8%) and malposition.(15.8%). Conclusions: It is important to identify the cause of gingival recession in a patient so that prevention can be done or appropriate treatment can be given.
IP Journal of Nutrition, Metabolism and Health Science, Dec 15, 2020
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with an increased risk of developing oral diseases like peri... more Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with an increased risk of developing oral diseases like periodontal disease, oral candidiasis, dental caries, salivary gland hypofunction, sialosis, and taste impairment. The term desquamative gingivitis (DG) refers to clinical manifestation that can be caused by immune mediated disorders. The correlation between DM and DG yet to be established. Herewith presenting a case series of patients with Diabetes mellitus and desquamative gingivitis which opens up a new field of research to find out a correlation between DG and DM. Four patients who had reported with c/o burning sensation in gums presenting as DG with past medical history of Diabetes mellitus were diagnosed as Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) and Oral lichen planus (OLP). Based upon their clinical and histopathological findings they were treated. All patients had remission of symptoms while treatment and symptomatic outbreaks were rapid and delayed when diabetes was uncontrolled and controlled respectively and presented as less severe symptoms in 1year follow-up. Results from these case series shows that potential link does exist between uncontrolled DM and DG and also affects treatment outcome. The management of DG in diabetic patient is a multidisciplinary approach. So meticulous and regular monitoring of patient by the diabetologist, dermatalogist and dentists is required.
The frenum is a mucous membrane fold that attaches the lip and the cheek to the alveolar mucosa, ... more The frenum is a mucous membrane fold that attaches the lip and the cheek to the alveolar mucosa, the gingiva, and the underlying periosteum. A frenum that encroaches on the margin of the gingiva may interfere with plaque removal and cause tension. Frenectomy is the complete removal of the frenum that can be made by scalpels or with soft tissue lasers. This article describes 4 case reports of different frenectomy techniques used for management of aberrant frenum.
An abnormal frenum affects the gingival health when it is attached too closely to the gingival ma... more An abnormal frenum affects the gingival health when it is attached too closely to the gingival margin. This may be because the patient fails to control plaque accumulation in the area or due to muscle pull in the maxillary labial region. In addition to this, it may also cause aesthetic concerns or compromise the result of orthodontic treatment for midline diastema and lead to recurrence of such cases. We are hereby presenting ten cases in which five abberant frenums were operated using scalpel and compared with other five frenectomies done using diode laser. Materials and Methods: Ten subjects from the with abnormal frenum attachment in the maxillary anterior region were randomly assigned to have treatment either with a conventional technique or with a diode laser. Comparison of the effects of soft tissue diode laser and the conventional technique on the degree of intra and post?operative bleeding, pain, swelling and wound healing experienced by patients after frenectomy surgery was...
Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a single chain, plus ... more Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a single chain, plus stranded RNA virus belonging to the family of Coronaviridae, responsible for causing covid-19 disease. In literature, abundant studies have reported about the clinical signs observed in SARS-CoV-2 patients but majority of them have not verified the oral health status. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to evaluate the oral manifestation in covid positive patients and to obtain more information about their oral health status. Methods: 200 participants were enrolled in this observational study with the aim to obtain more information about the oral health status and associated oral manifestation in patients positive for SARS-CoV-2 by using an online questionnaire consisting of demographic details and fifteen close ended questions. Results: Amongst 200 participants 20% reported of irregular brushing of teeth, 94.5% reported of irregular use of interdental aid and 77% reported of infr...
Background: Children with visual impairment cannot visualize plaque over the tooth surface so eve... more Background: Children with visual impairment cannot visualize plaque over the tooth surface so even appreciating the significance of good oral health is complex for them, resulting in progressive destruction of the periodontium and advancement of dental caries. Methods and Material: Fifty one visually impaired school children were randomly selected between age group 9 to 15 years from R V Madhve blind school, Pune. The children were then divided into three equal groups. Group 1: Braille, group 2: ATP (audio, tactile, performance technique), Group 3: ATP + Braille. A questionnaire was developed to evaluate their understanding regarding oral hygiene before the commencement of the study. Oral hygiene status was recorded using plaque index and gingival index at baseline and after 3 months. Paired t test, ANOVA and tukey's post hoc test were used for statistical analysis. Results: : On intergroup comparison using t test, group 3 showed higher decrease in the mean plaque and mean gingi...
Background : The incidence of chronic kidney disease continues to rise and, as a consequence, inc... more Background : The incidence of chronic kidney disease continues to rise and, as a consequence, increasing numbers of individuals with such disease will probably continue to require oral health care. The study was done with aim of evaluating OHRQoL in patients undergoing haemodialysis in all aspects including physical, psychological, social and functional in a rural hospital of India. Study Design: -The study was conducted to determine oral health in patients undergoing hemodialysis as well as to evaluate the effect of oral health on quality of life within this group. The study evaluated Oral Health related Quality of Life by means of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP49). It involved 90 patients undergoing Hemodialysis. Results: - Mean OHIP score was 22.58(±3.75). Majority of patients fairly often thought their life unsatisfying (53.3%) and were unable to function (48.9%). Maximum of the patients very often suffered from financial liability (44.4%). Conclusion: -Results indicated t...
Orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) is an uncommon disease and represents an idiopathic, nonnecrotizin... more Orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) is an uncommon disease and represents an idiopathic, nonnecrotizing granulomatous lesion of soft tissue in the orofacial region. Medical history is very important in the diagnosis of OFG as medical condition such as Crohn's disease can also present an extraintestinal manifestation of OFG. Exclusion of other entities such as sarcoidosis, myocardial infections, foreign body reactions, and biopsy helps establish a correct diagnosis. The term idiopathic OFG is used in cases with unknown etiology. This case report describes idiopathic OFG in a 35-year-old female patient with persistent upper lip swelling and gingival enlargement. Management with intralesional acetonide 20 mg/ml, twice week for 3 weeks and gingivectomy, resulted in significant remission without recurrence after a 6-month follow-up.
International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries, 2020
Department of Periodontology, Dr. H. S. J. Institute of Dental Sciences, Panjab University, Chand... more Department of Periodontology, Dr. H. S. J. Institute of Dental Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 1Lina Diabetes Care Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 2Department of Periodontology, Dental College, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur, 3North Delhi Diabetes Centre, Rohini, New Delhi, 4Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal, 5Department of Periodontology, D. A. V. Dental College and Hospital, Yamunanagar, Haryana, India
AIM :Attached gingiva is important for maintaining periodontium in a healthy state. The purpose o... more AIM :Attached gingiva is important for maintaining periodontium in a healthy state. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between width of attached gingiva with oral hygiene status& periodontal status in different age groups. MATERIALS AND METHOD :100 subjects were examined. Visual & functional method were used to locate mucogingival junction and the width of attached gingiva was measured. Simplified oral hygiene index, Plaque index were used to assess oral hygiene status. Russel’sPeriodontal index was used to assess gingival and periodontal status of an individual. RESULTS: It was seen that the width of attached gingiva increases with age, it was greater in males than infemales and there was abroader zone of attached gingiva in the maxilla than in the mandible.The width of attached gingiva was less in subjects with poor oral hygiene & this was statistically significant.Plaque index was less when width of attached gingiva was more& this was statistically ...
The frenum is a mucous membrane fold that attaches the lip and the cheek to the alveolar mucosa, ... more The frenum is a mucous membrane fold that attaches the lip and the cheek to the alveolar mucosa, the gingiva, and the underlying periosteum. A frenum that encroaches on the margin of the gingiva may interfere with plaque removal and cause tension. Frenectomy is the complete removal of the frenum that can be made by scalpels or with soft tissue lasers. This article describes 4 case reports of different frenectomy techniques used for management of aberrant frenum.
International journal of scientific research, 2020
Periodontitis is an infectious disease associated with a subgingival biofilm resulting in the inf... more Periodontitis is an infectious disease associated with a subgingival biofilm resulting in the inflammation within the supporting tissues of the teeth, progressive attachment loss, and bone loss. Periodontitis has been linked to cardiovascular diseases where many authors have suggested that chronic oral infection leads to prolonged systemic inflammation hence development of arterial atheromas . A study was performed to see the effect of full mouth disinfection on the haematological parameters and see if there is any improvement in infectious state after the periodontal therapy. It was concluded that the haematological parameters like TLC, DLC and platelet count improved from their higher range towards the lower and normal range after the periodontal therapy.
Association between certain systemic diseases and ABO blood group is a well known fact. The purpo... more Association between certain systemic diseases and ABO blood group is a well known fact. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is any association between periodontal disease and ABO blood groups. A cross sectional study was carried-out on 200 subjects who were randomly selected from individuals referred for periodontal treatment. The study subjects were segregated into healthy gingiva/mild gingivitis (Group I), moderate/severe gingivitis (Group II) and varying grades of periodontitis groups (Group III) , based on Loe and Silness index and clinical attachment loss as the criteria. The study groups were further categorized and graded using Ramfjord's periodontal disease index. Blood samples were collected to identify ABO blood groups. A non-parametric test, Chi-square test, was used for statistical analysis. Patients with blood group O and B were more pre-disposed to develop periodontitis with at least one side with attachment loss of more than 3 mm and with peri...
Aim: To compare the efficacy of Diode laser and 1.23% APF gel iontophoresis for the treatment of ... more Aim: To compare the efficacy of Diode laser and 1.23% APF gel iontophoresis for the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. Material and Method: This is a randomized split mouth clinical study. Subjects of age group above 18 years with complain of hypersensitivity in atleast 2 teeth were included in the study. The sensitivity was verified with tactile test, air blast test and cold water test, response to these stimuli were recorded on a verbal rating scale 0-3. A total 30 sites were randomly divided into two groups; Group A (15 sites) — 980nm Diode Laser and Group B (15 sites) — 1.23% APF gel iontophoresis. The teeth were re-evaluated immediately 15min after the treatment, at the end of 1 week and 1month. Conclusion: Both the treatment modalities were equally effective and can be effectively used for the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity.
Background: Nonsurgical periodontal therapy encompasses mechanical therapy; chemotherapeutics as ... more Background: Nonsurgical periodontal therapy encompasses mechanical therapy; chemotherapeutics as an adjunct to mechanical therapy, full mouth disinfection, and more recently laser therapy. Mechanical nonsurgical periodontal therapy is directed towards the removal of the microbial biofilm from the root surfaces of periodontally diseased teeth by scaling and root planning. It is the first recommended approach to the control of periodontal infections. Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the clinical effects of mechanical nonsurgical periodontal therapy in 170 subjects with chronic periodontitis over a period of six weeks. Materials and Method: 170 subjects coming to the outpatient department of periodontology for the treatment of chronic periodontitis were selected for the study. Plaque index (Turesky-Gilmore Glickman Modification of the Quigley-Hein 1962), gingival index (Loe and Silness, 1963), probing pocket depth and CAL were evaluated at baseline and six weeks after mechanical period...
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical efficacy of enhancing deficient in... more Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical efficacy of enhancing deficient interdental papilla with hyaluronic acid gel injection. Materials and Methods: Eight patients (three males and five females) were included. Patients had papillary deficiency in the upper anterior area. Prior to treatment, photographic images were taken for each patient. After the administration of a local anesthetic, a 23G needle was used to inject <0.2 mL of a commercially available and Food and Drug Administration-approved hyaluronic acid gel this treatment was repeated up to 2–3 times. Clinical photographic measurements of the black triangle area (BTA), black triangle height, and black triangle width were undertaken before the treatment and during follow-up. The interdental papilla reconstruction rate was calculated to determine the percentage change of the BTA between the initial and final examinations of the interdental papilla by means of injectable hyaluronic acid gel were evaluated. Results: Eight sites had complete interdental papilla reconstruction and six sites showed improvements ranging from 78.5 ± 19.83%. More specifically, when contact point and the bone crest reached 6 mm, virtually complete interdental papilla reconstruction was achieved. Conclusions: The results from this study are encouraging and present evidence that small papillary deficiencies between teeth can be enhanced by the injection of a hyaluronic acid gel.
International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences, 2021
Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie is the result of a tight and short lingual frenulum which causes diff... more Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie is the result of a tight and short lingual frenulum which causes difficulty in breast feeding, eating and speech articulation due to limited tongue movement. In this condition, the tip of the tongue cannot be protruded beyond the lower incisor teeth because of a short lingual frenum. In this article, we have reported a 26 year old female patient with tongue-tie who complained of difficult in speech. She underwent frenectomy procedure under local anaesthesis without any complications. This was followed by speech therapy sessions.
The effect of low level laser therapy on wound healing and wound contraction after palatal surger... more The effect of low level laser therapy on wound healing and wound contraction after palatal surgery in Beagle dogs of 12 weeks of age was investigated. A total of 30 Beagle dogs was used and assigned to a control group (Group C; n=6) and two experimental groups (Group L; n=12 and group LL; n=12). In both experimental groups, Von Langenbeck's palatal repair was simulated. Then in the LL group the denuded bony areas were treated with low level laser therapy using a continuous Ga‐As‐Al laser beam (830 nm) and energy output set at 30 mW. Per treatment a dosage of 1 J/cm2 wound surface area was used. Therapy was carried out three times a week with a total of ten treatments.Wound healing was observed clinically until wound healing was completed at 4 weeks p.o. and wound areas were measured at regular intervals on standardized intra‐oral photographs. Wound contraction was measured as the increments of the distances between tattoo points on the opposite wound margins. No significant diff...
International Education and Research Journal, Jan 15, 2016
Aims : Recession defects are one of the most common findings in periodontal problems affecting in... more Aims : Recession defects are one of the most common findings in periodontal problems affecting individuals of almost all ages to some degree. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate common etiological factors of gingival recession and hence its treatment and/or prevention. Methods and Material : A total of 120 individuals suffering from gingival recession were examined. Data was collected by an interview with the help of a proforma and then the clinical examination was carried out. The presence of gingival recession was recorded using Miller's classification of gingival recession. Various indices like Silness and Loe Plaque Index, Greene and Vermillion Oral Hygiene Index, Russel’s periodontal Index were recorded. Statistical analysis: The data thus obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using Chi square test . Results : The prevalence of gingival recession was found to increase with age . High frequency of gingival recession was seen in males (61.6%) compared to females. Gingival recession was commonly seen in mandibular incisors, lateral incisors and canines. The most common cause for gingival recession was dental plaque accumulation (93.3%) followed by faulty toothbrushing (75.8%). Other causes were smokeless tobacco habit (30%), frenal pull (15.8%) and malposition.(15.8%). Conclusions: It is important to identify the cause of gingival recession in a patient so that prevention can be done or appropriate treatment can be given.
IP Journal of Nutrition, Metabolism and Health Science, Dec 15, 2020
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with an increased risk of developing oral diseases like peri... more Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with an increased risk of developing oral diseases like periodontal disease, oral candidiasis, dental caries, salivary gland hypofunction, sialosis, and taste impairment. The term desquamative gingivitis (DG) refers to clinical manifestation that can be caused by immune mediated disorders. The correlation between DM and DG yet to be established. Herewith presenting a case series of patients with Diabetes mellitus and desquamative gingivitis which opens up a new field of research to find out a correlation between DG and DM. Four patients who had reported with c/o burning sensation in gums presenting as DG with past medical history of Diabetes mellitus were diagnosed as Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) and Oral lichen planus (OLP). Based upon their clinical and histopathological findings they were treated. All patients had remission of symptoms while treatment and symptomatic outbreaks were rapid and delayed when diabetes was uncontrolled and controlled respectively and presented as less severe symptoms in 1year follow-up. Results from these case series shows that potential link does exist between uncontrolled DM and DG and also affects treatment outcome. The management of DG in diabetic patient is a multidisciplinary approach. So meticulous and regular monitoring of patient by the diabetologist, dermatalogist and dentists is required.
The frenum is a mucous membrane fold that attaches the lip and the cheek to the alveolar mucosa, ... more The frenum is a mucous membrane fold that attaches the lip and the cheek to the alveolar mucosa, the gingiva, and the underlying periosteum. A frenum that encroaches on the margin of the gingiva may interfere with plaque removal and cause tension. Frenectomy is the complete removal of the frenum that can be made by scalpels or with soft tissue lasers. This article describes 4 case reports of different frenectomy techniques used for management of aberrant frenum.
An abnormal frenum affects the gingival health when it is attached too closely to the gingival ma... more An abnormal frenum affects the gingival health when it is attached too closely to the gingival margin. This may be because the patient fails to control plaque accumulation in the area or due to muscle pull in the maxillary labial region. In addition to this, it may also cause aesthetic concerns or compromise the result of orthodontic treatment for midline diastema and lead to recurrence of such cases. We are hereby presenting ten cases in which five abberant frenums were operated using scalpel and compared with other five frenectomies done using diode laser. Materials and Methods: Ten subjects from the with abnormal frenum attachment in the maxillary anterior region were randomly assigned to have treatment either with a conventional technique or with a diode laser. Comparison of the effects of soft tissue diode laser and the conventional technique on the degree of intra and post?operative bleeding, pain, swelling and wound healing experienced by patients after frenectomy surgery was...
Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a single chain, plus ... more Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a single chain, plus stranded RNA virus belonging to the family of Coronaviridae, responsible for causing covid-19 disease. In literature, abundant studies have reported about the clinical signs observed in SARS-CoV-2 patients but majority of them have not verified the oral health status. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to evaluate the oral manifestation in covid positive patients and to obtain more information about their oral health status. Methods: 200 participants were enrolled in this observational study with the aim to obtain more information about the oral health status and associated oral manifestation in patients positive for SARS-CoV-2 by using an online questionnaire consisting of demographic details and fifteen close ended questions. Results: Amongst 200 participants 20% reported of irregular brushing of teeth, 94.5% reported of irregular use of interdental aid and 77% reported of infr...
Background: Children with visual impairment cannot visualize plaque over the tooth surface so eve... more Background: Children with visual impairment cannot visualize plaque over the tooth surface so even appreciating the significance of good oral health is complex for them, resulting in progressive destruction of the periodontium and advancement of dental caries. Methods and Material: Fifty one visually impaired school children were randomly selected between age group 9 to 15 years from R V Madhve blind school, Pune. The children were then divided into three equal groups. Group 1: Braille, group 2: ATP (audio, tactile, performance technique), Group 3: ATP + Braille. A questionnaire was developed to evaluate their understanding regarding oral hygiene before the commencement of the study. Oral hygiene status was recorded using plaque index and gingival index at baseline and after 3 months. Paired t test, ANOVA and tukey's post hoc test were used for statistical analysis. Results: : On intergroup comparison using t test, group 3 showed higher decrease in the mean plaque and mean gingi...
Background : The incidence of chronic kidney disease continues to rise and, as a consequence, inc... more Background : The incidence of chronic kidney disease continues to rise and, as a consequence, increasing numbers of individuals with such disease will probably continue to require oral health care. The study was done with aim of evaluating OHRQoL in patients undergoing haemodialysis in all aspects including physical, psychological, social and functional in a rural hospital of India. Study Design: -The study was conducted to determine oral health in patients undergoing hemodialysis as well as to evaluate the effect of oral health on quality of life within this group. The study evaluated Oral Health related Quality of Life by means of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP49). It involved 90 patients undergoing Hemodialysis. Results: - Mean OHIP score was 22.58(±3.75). Majority of patients fairly often thought their life unsatisfying (53.3%) and were unable to function (48.9%). Maximum of the patients very often suffered from financial liability (44.4%). Conclusion: -Results indicated t...
Orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) is an uncommon disease and represents an idiopathic, nonnecrotizin... more Orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) is an uncommon disease and represents an idiopathic, nonnecrotizing granulomatous lesion of soft tissue in the orofacial region. Medical history is very important in the diagnosis of OFG as medical condition such as Crohn's disease can also present an extraintestinal manifestation of OFG. Exclusion of other entities such as sarcoidosis, myocardial infections, foreign body reactions, and biopsy helps establish a correct diagnosis. The term idiopathic OFG is used in cases with unknown etiology. This case report describes idiopathic OFG in a 35-year-old female patient with persistent upper lip swelling and gingival enlargement. Management with intralesional acetonide 20 mg/ml, twice week for 3 weeks and gingivectomy, resulted in significant remission without recurrence after a 6-month follow-up.
International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries, 2020
Department of Periodontology, Dr. H. S. J. Institute of Dental Sciences, Panjab University, Chand... more Department of Periodontology, Dr. H. S. J. Institute of Dental Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 1Lina Diabetes Care Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 2Department of Periodontology, Dental College, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur, 3North Delhi Diabetes Centre, Rohini, New Delhi, 4Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal, 5Department of Periodontology, D. A. V. Dental College and Hospital, Yamunanagar, Haryana, India
AIM :Attached gingiva is important for maintaining periodontium in a healthy state. The purpose o... more AIM :Attached gingiva is important for maintaining periodontium in a healthy state. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between width of attached gingiva with oral hygiene status& periodontal status in different age groups. MATERIALS AND METHOD :100 subjects were examined. Visual & functional method were used to locate mucogingival junction and the width of attached gingiva was measured. Simplified oral hygiene index, Plaque index were used to assess oral hygiene status. Russel’sPeriodontal index was used to assess gingival and periodontal status of an individual. RESULTS: It was seen that the width of attached gingiva increases with age, it was greater in males than infemales and there was abroader zone of attached gingiva in the maxilla than in the mandible.The width of attached gingiva was less in subjects with poor oral hygiene & this was statistically significant.Plaque index was less when width of attached gingiva was more& this was statistically ...
The frenum is a mucous membrane fold that attaches the lip and the cheek to the alveolar mucosa, ... more The frenum is a mucous membrane fold that attaches the lip and the cheek to the alveolar mucosa, the gingiva, and the underlying periosteum. A frenum that encroaches on the margin of the gingiva may interfere with plaque removal and cause tension. Frenectomy is the complete removal of the frenum that can be made by scalpels or with soft tissue lasers. This article describes 4 case reports of different frenectomy techniques used for management of aberrant frenum.
International journal of scientific research, 2020
Periodontitis is an infectious disease associated with a subgingival biofilm resulting in the inf... more Periodontitis is an infectious disease associated with a subgingival biofilm resulting in the inflammation within the supporting tissues of the teeth, progressive attachment loss, and bone loss. Periodontitis has been linked to cardiovascular diseases where many authors have suggested that chronic oral infection leads to prolonged systemic inflammation hence development of arterial atheromas . A study was performed to see the effect of full mouth disinfection on the haematological parameters and see if there is any improvement in infectious state after the periodontal therapy. It was concluded that the haematological parameters like TLC, DLC and platelet count improved from their higher range towards the lower and normal range after the periodontal therapy.
Association between certain systemic diseases and ABO blood group is a well known fact. The purpo... more Association between certain systemic diseases and ABO blood group is a well known fact. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is any association between periodontal disease and ABO blood groups. A cross sectional study was carried-out on 200 subjects who were randomly selected from individuals referred for periodontal treatment. The study subjects were segregated into healthy gingiva/mild gingivitis (Group I), moderate/severe gingivitis (Group II) and varying grades of periodontitis groups (Group III) , based on Loe and Silness index and clinical attachment loss as the criteria. The study groups were further categorized and graded using Ramfjord's periodontal disease index. Blood samples were collected to identify ABO blood groups. A non-parametric test, Chi-square test, was used for statistical analysis. Patients with blood group O and B were more pre-disposed to develop periodontitis with at least one side with attachment loss of more than 3 mm and with peri...
Aim: To compare the efficacy of Diode laser and 1.23% APF gel iontophoresis for the treatment of ... more Aim: To compare the efficacy of Diode laser and 1.23% APF gel iontophoresis for the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. Material and Method: This is a randomized split mouth clinical study. Subjects of age group above 18 years with complain of hypersensitivity in atleast 2 teeth were included in the study. The sensitivity was verified with tactile test, air blast test and cold water test, response to these stimuli were recorded on a verbal rating scale 0-3. A total 30 sites were randomly divided into two groups; Group A (15 sites) — 980nm Diode Laser and Group B (15 sites) — 1.23% APF gel iontophoresis. The teeth were re-evaluated immediately 15min after the treatment, at the end of 1 week and 1month. Conclusion: Both the treatment modalities were equally effective and can be effectively used for the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity.
Background: Nonsurgical periodontal therapy encompasses mechanical therapy; chemotherapeutics as ... more Background: Nonsurgical periodontal therapy encompasses mechanical therapy; chemotherapeutics as an adjunct to mechanical therapy, full mouth disinfection, and more recently laser therapy. Mechanical nonsurgical periodontal therapy is directed towards the removal of the microbial biofilm from the root surfaces of periodontally diseased teeth by scaling and root planning. It is the first recommended approach to the control of periodontal infections. Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the clinical effects of mechanical nonsurgical periodontal therapy in 170 subjects with chronic periodontitis over a period of six weeks. Materials and Method: 170 subjects coming to the outpatient department of periodontology for the treatment of chronic periodontitis were selected for the study. Plaque index (Turesky-Gilmore Glickman Modification of the Quigley-Hein 1962), gingival index (Loe and Silness, 1963), probing pocket depth and CAL were evaluated at baseline and six weeks after mechanical period...
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical efficacy of enhancing deficient in... more Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical efficacy of enhancing deficient interdental papilla with hyaluronic acid gel injection. Materials and Methods: Eight patients (three males and five females) were included. Patients had papillary deficiency in the upper anterior area. Prior to treatment, photographic images were taken for each patient. After the administration of a local anesthetic, a 23G needle was used to inject <0.2 mL of a commercially available and Food and Drug Administration-approved hyaluronic acid gel this treatment was repeated up to 2–3 times. Clinical photographic measurements of the black triangle area (BTA), black triangle height, and black triangle width were undertaken before the treatment and during follow-up. The interdental papilla reconstruction rate was calculated to determine the percentage change of the BTA between the initial and final examinations of the interdental papilla by means of injectable hyaluronic acid gel were evaluated. Results: Eight sites had complete interdental papilla reconstruction and six sites showed improvements ranging from 78.5 ± 19.83%. More specifically, when contact point and the bone crest reached 6 mm, virtually complete interdental papilla reconstruction was achieved. Conclusions: The results from this study are encouraging and present evidence that small papillary deficiencies between teeth can be enhanced by the injection of a hyaluronic acid gel.
Papers by Maya Indurkar