lekositosis yaitu tingginya leukosit, da leukositopeni rendahnya adar leukosit, dan trombositosis... more lekositosis yaitu tingginya leukosit, da leukositopeni rendahnya adar leukosit, dan trombositosis tingginya trombosit dan tromositopeni turunnya trombosit
Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that is increasingly being conside... more Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that is increasingly being considered as a systemic inflammatory disorder due to its association with cardiovascular, metabolic, pulmonary, renal, liver, and neurologic diseases. Renal involvement is rare but well documented and psoriasis is recognized as an independent factor for CKD and ESKD. A careful monitoring of the urinalysis and of renal function is recommended in psoriatic patients, especially those with moderate-to-severe disease. In case of pathologic findings, the execution of a renal biopsy appears necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and to establish the most appropriate therapeutic strategies to prevent the progression of kidney damage. The mechanisms of kidney involvement are different and not yet fully clarified. We present here two case reports of renal dysfunction during psoriasis. In one case, we diagnosed IgA nephropathy with particularly severe clinical presentation; in the other, an advanced kidney injury due to nephrotoxicity after prolonged CNI treatment.
Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that is increasingly being conside... more Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that is increasingly being considered as a systemic inflammatory disorder due to its association with cardiovascular, metabolic, pulmonary, renal, liver, and neurologic diseases. Renal involvement is rare but well documented and psoriasis is recognized as an independent factor for CKD and ESKD. A careful monitoring of the urinalysis and of renal function is recommended in psoriatic patients, especially those with moderate-to-severe disease. In case of pathologic findings, the execution of a renal biopsy appears necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and to establish the most appropriate therapeutic strategies to prevent the progression of kidney damage. The mechanisms of kidney involvement are different and not yet fully clarified. We present here two case reports of renal dysfunction during psoriasis. In one case, we diagnosed IgA nephropathy with particularly severe clinical presentation; in the other, an advanced kidney injury due to nephrotoxicity after prolonged CNI treatment.
lekositosis yaitu tingginya leukosit, da leukositopeni rendahnya adar leukosit, dan trombositosis... more lekositosis yaitu tingginya leukosit, da leukositopeni rendahnya adar leukosit, dan trombositosis tingginya trombosit dan tromositopeni turunnya trombosit
Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that is increasingly being conside... more Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that is increasingly being considered as a systemic inflammatory disorder due to its association with cardiovascular, metabolic, pulmonary, renal, liver, and neurologic diseases. Renal involvement is rare but well documented and psoriasis is recognized as an independent factor for CKD and ESKD. A careful monitoring of the urinalysis and of renal function is recommended in psoriatic patients, especially those with moderate-to-severe disease. In case of pathologic findings, the execution of a renal biopsy appears necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and to establish the most appropriate therapeutic strategies to prevent the progression of kidney damage. The mechanisms of kidney involvement are different and not yet fully clarified. We present here two case reports of renal dysfunction during psoriasis. In one case, we diagnosed IgA nephropathy with particularly severe clinical presentation; in the other, an advanced kidney injury due to nephrotoxicity after prolonged CNI treatment.
Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that is increasingly being conside... more Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that is increasingly being considered as a systemic inflammatory disorder due to its association with cardiovascular, metabolic, pulmonary, renal, liver, and neurologic diseases. Renal involvement is rare but well documented and psoriasis is recognized as an independent factor for CKD and ESKD. A careful monitoring of the urinalysis and of renal function is recommended in psoriatic patients, especially those with moderate-to-severe disease. In case of pathologic findings, the execution of a renal biopsy appears necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and to establish the most appropriate therapeutic strategies to prevent the progression of kidney damage. The mechanisms of kidney involvement are different and not yet fully clarified. We present here two case reports of renal dysfunction during psoriasis. In one case, we diagnosed IgA nephropathy with particularly severe clinical presentation; in the other, an advanced kidney injury due to nephrotoxicity after prolonged CNI treatment.
Papers by Mawah Jannah