Papers by Maurizio Versino
Clinical Neurophysiology, 2000
Objective: Periodic alternating nystagmus has been associated with the instability of the velocit... more Objective: Periodic alternating nystagmus has been associated with the instability of the velocity storage mechanism, which is known to play an important role in both the vestibulo-oculomotor and the optokinetic systems. In the present study we looked for a possible spinal equivalent to PAN. Methods and results: In 3 PAN patients, the H-re¯ex amplitude proved to be slightly but signi®cantly in¯uenced by nystagmus direction, in that it was greater when the nystagmus was beating toward the stimulation side. Conclusions: This ®nding suggests that projections from velocity storage may play a role not only in the ocular motor but also in assisting postural stability through the vestibulo-spinal system.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 2000
Visual and auditory saccades were studied in three patients with an isolated lesion located in th... more Visual and auditory saccades were studied in three patients with an isolated lesion located in the central thalamus. Visual saccades proved to be normal, whereas for auditory stimuli, the amplitude of the first saccade was asymmetric: saccades ipsilateral to the lesion were significantly smaller than those directed to the contralateral side. The patients were able to make a corrective saccade
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 1996

Progress in brain research, 2008
Memory-guided saccades (MGSs) with 3 s memorization delay were recorded in healthy subjects using... more Memory-guided saccades (MGSs) with 3 s memorization delay were recorded in healthy subjects using four different paradigms: two "regular" MGS paradigms with the peripheral target lit for 0.2 s (MGS2) and for 1.8 s (MGS18); a multiple memory-guided saccade (MMGS) paradigm with the target lit for 1.8 s and the instruction to perform a visually guided saccade (VGS) towards it before the MGS; a trained memory-guided saccades (TMGSs) paradigm where the same target was presented so that the subjects should made 10 VGSs before the MGS. The longer target presentation interval (MGS18 paradigm) did not improve the accuracy of MGS. The execution of the VGSs improved the accuracy of the corrective saccades made after the first MGS to drive the eyes closer to the target, and this improvement was independent from the number of the VGSs (there was no difference between the MMGS and the TMGS paradigms). The VGSs provide a template that improves the capability of the corrective saccades to...

Functional neurology
Both migraine and dizziness are very frequent complaints, but the comorbidity of the two disorder... more Both migraine and dizziness are very frequent complaints, but the comorbidity of the two disorders is higher than it might be expected to be on the basis of chance alone. This implies a possible causal relationship, but definite diagnostic criteria for migraine-related vertigo are still lacking. Very recent attempts in this direction have shown that migraine may be the third leading cause of vertigo and that migraine-related vertigo may be effectively treated. A review of the literature on this topic, which includes some preliminary data of our own, demonstrates the difficulty in pinpointing migraine-associated vertigo as a clearly-defined entity. However, there is a measure of agreement on a few points: the spells of vertigo occur in patients who habitually suffer from motion sickness, and who have a history of migraine, either without or with aura; the delay between migraine and vertigo onset may be several years; migraine-related vertigo may be described as rotatory and/or as a f...

Journal of vestibular research : equilibrium & orientation, 2014
The head impulse test (HIT) is nowadays recognized as the gold standard for clinical testing of t... more The head impulse test (HIT) is nowadays recognized as the gold standard for clinical testing of the angular vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). By imposing unpredictable, abrupt head rotations in canal pairs' planes it aims at unveiling the dysfunction of the semicircular canal towards which the head is rotated based on Ewald's II law. Functional testing of the VOR aims at assessing the ability of the reflex to stabilize gaze in space and thus allow clear vision during head movements. The HIT device (HITD) approach exploits impulsive head rotations spawning a range of angular accelerations while requiring subjects to identify optotypes briefly displayed on a screen. Here we also recorded eye movements, so that the evaluation of the individual subject is based both on the VOR gain and on the percentage of correct answers with respect to a population of controls. Here we used the HITD to study 14 patients suffering from vestibular neuritis and 7 of those were re-tested after three ...

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials Section, 1992
Brain-stem and middle latency auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs and MLAEPs) have been studied in ... more Brain-stem and middle latency auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs and MLAEPs) have been studied in 34 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. We were able to detect a central nervous system auditory pathway involvement in 17 (50%) of the patients: 38% by BAEPs alone (I-V inter-peak latency) and 47% by MLAEPs alone (Na and Pa peak latency). Five patients had abnormal MLAEPs with normal BAEPs whereas the opposite was detectable in only 1 patient. In addition, most MLAEP parameters in the MS group statistically differed from those obtained in the control group. Therefore, our results demonstrated that the auditory pathway impairment could frequently be located at a rostral level along the auditory radiation. In conclusion, even if only Na and Pa components were considered, MLAEPs succeeded in improving the sensitivity of the auditory evoked potential examination without increasing the false positive rate.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/evoked Potentials Section, 1995
The recovery functions of parietal P14-N20, N20-P27 and frontal P22-N30 amplitudes were assessed ... more The recovery functions of parietal P14-N20, N20-P27 and frontal P22-N30 amplitudes were assessed in 17 healthy controls aged 20–50 years by means of the paired stimulus technique. One unpaired and 4 paired stimuli with interstimulus intervals (ISIs) of 25, 50, 75 and 100 msec were cyclically presented in a single run. Responses to the unpaired stimulus were subtracted off-line from paired stimulus responses. The highest suppression was reached at shorter ISIs for components with shorter latencies. The mean suppression of P22-N30 was influenced by the subject's age, being greater in younger subjects. Normative data are reported.
A normative study of tibial SSEPs was performed in 74 healthy subjects, and the effects of the va... more A normative study of tibial SSEPs was performed in 74 healthy subjects, and the effects of the variables sex, age and height on SSEP parameters were assessed. In a subgroup of 20 subjects a test-retest study was also performed, which allowed us to estimate the reliability of the different parameters by means of the intraclass correlation coefficient. We demonstrated that the intraclass correlation coefficient may be biased by predictable effects of subject-related variables (such as age, height and sex), if it is computed from raw original values. This bias can be eliminated by estimating reliability indices on residual scores calculated as the differences between observed values and those predicted by subject's age, height and sex.
Vestibular Migraine and Related Syndromes, 2014

The Cerebellum, 2011
Continuous theta-burst stimulation (cTBS) applied over the cerebellum exerts long-lasting effects... more Continuous theta-burst stimulation (cTBS) applied over the cerebellum exerts long-lasting effects by modulating long-term synaptic plasticity, which is thought to be the basis of learning and behavioral adaptation. To investigate the impact of cTBS over the cerebellum on short-term sensory-motor memory, we recorded in two groups of eight healthy subject each the visually guided saccades (VGSs), the memory-guided saccades (MGSs), and the multiple memory-guided saccades (MMGSs), before and after cTBS (cTBS group) or simulated cTBS (control group). In the cTBS group, cTBS determined hypometria of contralateral centrifugal VGSs and worsened the accuracy of MMGS bilaterally. In the control group, no significant differences were found between the two recording sessions. These results indicate that cTBS over the cerebellum causes eye movement effects that last longer than the stimulus duration. The VGS contralateral hypometria suggested that we eventually inhibited the fastigial nucleus on the stimulated side. MMGSs in normal subjects have a better final accuracy with respect to MGSs. Such improvement is due to the availability in MMGSs of the efference copy of the initial reflexive saccade directed toward the same peripheral target, which provides a sensory-motor information that is memorized and then used to improve the accuracy of the subsequent volitional memory-guided saccade. Thus, we hypothesize that cTBS disrupted the capability of the cerebellum to make an internal representation of the memorized sensory-motor information to be used after a short interval for forward control of saccades.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/electromyography and Motor Control, 1998
We studied saccade and smooth pursuit eye movements in 31 patients suffering from myotonic dstrop... more We studied saccade and smooth pursuit eye movements in 31 patients suffering from myotonic dstrophy (MD). On the basis of mean value comparisons, saccades were slower and hypometric and smooth pursuit eye movements performed worse in MD patients than in controls. On an individual basis, saccade duration was prolonged in 67.7%, saccades were hypometric in 19.4%, saccade latency was delayed

Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, 1992
By means of multimodal evoked potentials (EPs), we evaluated the central nervous system (CNS) inv... more By means of multimodal evoked potentials (EPs), we evaluated the central nervous system (CNS) involvement in 25 subjects suffering from myotonic dystrophy: brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs), middle-latency auditory evoked potentials (MLAEPs) and somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) from the upper limb were performed on all subjects, whereas only the 19 patients, whose clinical ocular abnormalities were slight, underwent pattern-electretinograms (PERGs) and pattern visual-evoked potentials (VEPs) in order to identify the site of lesion among visual pathways (retinal and/or retroretinal). PERGs were abnormal in 8/19 subjects, VEPs in 8/19 subjects (the two techniques were simultaneously abnormal in 8 eyes), BAEPs in 7/25 subjects, MLAEPs in 4/25 subjects (in one subject both BAEps and MLAEPs were abnormal) and SEPs were abnormal in 1/25 subjects. 13/25 of our subjects showed at least one EP that revealed a CNS involvement. The electrophysiological alterations were not correlated either with subject age or with disease duration. Multimodal EPs enabled us to demonstrate that CNS involvement in myotonic dystrophy is important and mainly affects the visual and auditory system.

Neuro-Ophthalmology, 1992
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: more Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: 0 zyxwvu Aeolus Press Neuro-ophthalmology zyxwvutsrq 01 65-8 zyxwvuts ABSTRACT. Saccadic eye movement analysis is becoming increasingly quantitative; thus, an appropriate statistical methodology is needed both for normative data and for single subject evaluation. By assessing normative data in 76 healthy subjects, the authors demonstrated that the amplitude/duration (AID) and amplitudelpeak velocity (A/Vp) relationships, as well as latency, are age-dependent. They did not find a relationship between precision and, respectively, age and target offset. Accordingly, they propose that single subject evaluation should be based on A/D and A/Vp relationships in their entirety, with both the mean and distribution of individual values as the basis for precision and latency. zyxwvu

Neurology, 2007
Objectives: To assess the presence, severity, and differences in dysphagia in Parkinson disease (... more Objectives: To assess the presence, severity, and differences in dysphagia in Parkinson disease (PD), Parkinson variant of multiple system atrophy (MSA-P), and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), and to study the pathophysiology of swallowing abnormalities in these disorders. Methods: We applied an electrophysiologic method to evaluate oral-pharyngeal swallowing. We analyzed the following measures: duration of EMG activity of suprahyoid/submental muscles (SHEMG-D); duration of laryngeal-pharyngeal mechanogram (LPM-D); duration of the inhibition of the cricopharyngeal muscle activity (CPEMG-ID); interval between onset of EMG activity of suprahyoid/submental muscles and onset of laryngeal-pharyngeal mechanogram (I-SHEMG-LPM); and swallowing reaction time (SRT). Results: The prolongation of I-SHEMG-LPM was more typical in PD, whereas the most distinctive finding both in patients with PSP and MSA-P was the reduction or the absence of CPEMG-ID early in the course of the disease. Conclusions: Involvement of the peduncolo-pontine tegmental nucleus, with subsequent dysfunction of basal ganglia and of the medullary central pattern generator of swallowing, may account for the abnormalities detected in these parkinsonian syndromes. The method described was able to identify swallowing abnormalities also in patients without symptoms of dysphagia and to evaluate dysphagia severity in all patients.

Neurological Sciences, 2006
A 40-year-old man underwent surgery for a right middle ear cholesteatoma. One month later, he pre... more A 40-year-old man underwent surgery for a right middle ear cholesteatoma. One month later, he presented with a subacute ocular pain that was followed one day later by the appearance of vertical diplopia attributable to a right superior rectus paresis, lid ptosis and hypoaesthesia in the territory of the I and the II right trigeminal branches. A fat-suppressed (selective partial inversion recovery, SPIR) gadolinium-enhanced MRI favours the detection of inflammatory pathological tissue inside the right cavernous sinus, and in this patient it suggested a diagnosis of Tolosa-Hunt syndrome. The pain disappeared quickly after steroid treatment was started whereas the ocular nerve involvement improved only slightly during the first week of treatment. After two months, the patient only complained of diplopia on up-gaze, but the therapy was discontinued two months later on the basis of both clinical signs and MRI findings. SPIR MRI may be useful not only to support a diagnosis of Tolosa-Hunt syndrome, but also to follow-up the disease course and to manage steroid treatment.

Muscle & Nerve, 2007
In order to evaluate the clinical applicability of a neurophysiological technique, information is... more In order to evaluate the clinical applicability of a neurophysiological technique, information is required about the effect of technical and subjective factors on the measured parameters, and whether these measures are reliable. The reliability of measurement of a given parameter is inversely related to the variability shown by a set of measurements of that parameter made on the same subject under similar conditions. Reliable measures are fundamental to the clinical utility of any technique. We evaluated the reliability using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), and assessed both single-point and test-retest normal limits for H-reflex parameters of abductor brevis hallucis (ABH). The H reflex from the ABH muscle was recorded in 36 of 43 subjects, but could not be elicited in 7 of 11 subjects who were >60 years of age. The Hmax latency increased as height increased, whereas Hmax amplitude and Hmax/Mmax amplitude ratio decreased as age and height increased. The Hmax latency and Hmax/Mmax amplitude ratio, but not Hmax amplitude, proved to be reliable. The usefulness of the H reflex from ABH in the evaluation of S2 radiculopathies is described.
Movement Disorders, 1999
This 50-year-old man has a 3.5 Hz continuous resting tremor of the left hand which is associated ... more This 50-year-old man has a 3.5 Hz continuous resting tremor of the left hand which is associated with an isolated lesion of the right caudate nucleus and putamen on MRI scan.
The Lancet Neurology, 2010
Papers by Maurizio Versino