Maurizio Martinelli
Born in Carrara, Italy, on August 7th, 1956. Phd in Political Sciences in Florence University and in the European University. Partner and manager of leading companies in the ornamental stone field, as well International Business Consultant.
Independent researcher for extraterrestrial life and presence in the Solar Systems. Writer of four books
- " APU - AN - Il sole alato ritorna "",
- " Il contatto è già avvenuto : biografia di George Hunt Williamson" ( with
Michel Zirger ),
-"The incredible life of George Hunt WIlliamson (with Michel Zirger)
- "Anche gli dei sbagliano"
Writer of several articles and Lecturer on ancient history, governance of planet Earth, extraterrestrial life
Independent researcher for extraterrestrial life and presence in the Solar Systems. Writer of four books
- " APU - AN - Il sole alato ritorna "",
- " Il contatto è già avvenuto : biografia di George Hunt Williamson" ( with
Michel Zirger ),
-"The incredible life of George Hunt WIlliamson (with Michel Zirger)
- "Anche gli dei sbagliano"
Writer of several articles and Lecturer on ancient history, governance of planet Earth, extraterrestrial life
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Books by Maurizio Martinelli
Capitolo 1. Sumeri e vita extraterrestre
Capitolo 2. Zecharia Sitchin, il punto di vista non terrestre
Capitolo 3. Maximillien de Lafayette, da Baalbek a Planet X
Capitolo 4. La presenza non terrestre diminuisce sul pianeta Terra
Capitolo 5. La struttura millenaria
Capitolo 6. Governance non visibile
Capitolo 7. George I. Gurdjieff, la critica agli esseri superiori
Capitolo 8. Esempi di programmi educativi
Capitolo 9. Verso un nuovo paradigma
He was the first to deal with extraterrestrial life together with George Adamski. He anticipated scholar and writers such as Zecharia Sitchin, Erik Von Daniken, Peter Kolosimo
Colonel Costantino Cattoi
Dr George Hunt Williamson
Dr Filippo Martinelli
Papers by Maurizio Martinelli
Zecharia Sitchin was the scholar who succeed in popularizing the Sumerian civilization among the normal people all over the world, explaining the Mesopotamian tablets as reports of real events
Gurdjieff e Sitchin – Dimensioni temporali e longevità
La base sul pianeta Marte
Gurdjieff, Sitchin ed Andy Lloyd Un nuovo paradigma cosmologico
Il pianeta di origine degli Esseri Superiori e la Pietra Nera
L’imprevidenza degli Esseri Superiori
Le corna come simbolo di potere e conoscenza
Verso un nuovo paradigma
Conference Presentations by Maurizio Martinelli
When Pluto was still considered a planet, the expression Planet X also meant the Tenth Planet of the Solar System, while today it is only an unknown planet.
Capitolo 1. Sumeri e vita extraterrestre
Capitolo 2. Zecharia Sitchin, il punto di vista non terrestre
Capitolo 3. Maximillien de Lafayette, da Baalbek a Planet X
Capitolo 4. La presenza non terrestre diminuisce sul pianeta Terra
Capitolo 5. La struttura millenaria
Capitolo 6. Governance non visibile
Capitolo 7. George I. Gurdjieff, la critica agli esseri superiori
Capitolo 8. Esempi di programmi educativi
Capitolo 9. Verso un nuovo paradigma
He was the first to deal with extraterrestrial life together with George Adamski. He anticipated scholar and writers such as Zecharia Sitchin, Erik Von Daniken, Peter Kolosimo
Colonel Costantino Cattoi
Dr George Hunt Williamson
Dr Filippo Martinelli
Zecharia Sitchin was the scholar who succeed in popularizing the Sumerian civilization among the normal people all over the world, explaining the Mesopotamian tablets as reports of real events
Gurdjieff e Sitchin – Dimensioni temporali e longevità
La base sul pianeta Marte
Gurdjieff, Sitchin ed Andy Lloyd Un nuovo paradigma cosmologico
Il pianeta di origine degli Esseri Superiori e la Pietra Nera
L’imprevidenza degli Esseri Superiori
Le corna come simbolo di potere e conoscenza
Verso un nuovo paradigma
When Pluto was still considered a planet, the expression Planet X also meant the Tenth Planet of the Solar System, while today it is only an unknown planet.
- The Return of the WINGED SUN
- The Stone of the Gods
- Te GODS' Base