Papers by Maurino Marques

Does the Holy Spirit acts in Church? If so, what are His ways of action? How does the Spirit work... more Does the Holy Spirit acts in Church? If so, what are His ways of action? How does the Spirit works in the believer and the community and for what purposes? Apostle Paul's guidelines recorded in his first letter to Corinthians community show that the Spirit works in church and in a certain variety of ways. Detailing these forms of action of the Spirit based on the text of the First Letter to the Corinthians, in twelve and fourteen chapters, is the main objective of this research. This detail is important for a better understanding of the Spirit’s action in Church. The reading of the biblical text, the searching for positions of authors who have studied the issue and the development of research-driven established structure into two distinct sections, such as the distribution of gifts and the building of church, constitute a consistent methodology in order to achieve the purposes of this study. As a result of the research, it can be concluded that there are unambiguous actions of t...

The called Middle Ages was a time marked by the outbreak of resistance movements which had as mai... more The called Middle Ages was a time marked by the outbreak of resistance movements which had as main and common characteristic the opposition to the stance adopted by the Roman Catholic Church during this period of history. The target of this research is to identify the main features of the clergy in this period, as well as identify what were these resistance movements and their theological basis. The method adopted here is to search for bibliographical material, establishing as the main base, notably the writings of the theologian Jose Comblin, who produced vast material on this issue. As result of this work, it could be detected that these movements occurred in a profuse way. Over that, it was also evident in this search result that power centralization, enrichment and inattention to the reality of the poor, all these outstanding features in the behavior of the Catholic Church in the period were elements that constituted the main cause of the outbreak of such movements.

O evangelho segundo Lucas, na extensa secao da subida de Jesus a Jerusalem (Lc 9,51–19,28), apres... more O evangelho segundo Lucas, na extensa secao da subida de Jesus a Jerusalem (Lc 9,51–19,28), apresenta as condicoes citadas por Jesus para que alguem se torne seu discipulo. O objetivo da presente dissertacao e examinar cada uma dessas condicoes, focalizando especificamente o texto de Lc 14,25-33. Para tanto sera desenvolvida uma analise exegetica do texto que servira de base para uma posterior analise teologica e uma consequente atualizacao hermeneutica. O tema e relevante, uma vez que o discipulado foi e continua sendo a essencia da vida crista, no sentido de uma vida piedosa em comunidade. A metodologia aplicada neste trabalho se orientara por uma pesquisa bibliografica, que tomara por base diversos autores que desenvolveram estudos e pesquisas sobre o tema. As condicoes apresentadas por Jesus e narradas no texto lucano expressam a radicalidade e a necessidade de uma decisao consciente quanto ao posicionamento que, diante delas, se adotara. Delas dependera o seguimento genuino do ...
Papers by Maurino Marques