Papers by Matyáš Franciszek Bajger
Studia z dziejów kultury pimienniczej na Śląsku Cieszyńskim Studia z dziejów kultury pimienniczej... more Studia z dziejów kultury pimienniczej na Śląsku Cieszyńskim Studia z dziejów kultury pimienniczej na Śląsku Cieszyńskim Studia z dziejów kultury pimienniczej na Śląsku Cieszyńskim 5 Słowo od wydawcy (Krzysztof Szelong) 12 Radim Jež: Korespondence posledních těšínských Piastovců (1524-1653) z archivních fondů České republiky a města Cieszyn (Úvod do problematiky, stav poznání a možnosti využití) 12 Úvod (poznámky ke stavu zpracování korespondence) 20 Nástin vývoje kanceláře posledních těšínských Piastovců 20 Organizační struktura a náplň práce v kanceláři 33 Pracovníci kanceláře a poslové (přehled) 36 Diplomatický rozbor korespondence
A dissertation from 2007 at University of Ostrava. A description of convent libraries of all Fran... more A dissertation from 2007 at University of Ostrava. A description of convent libraries of all Franciscan Order houses in the area of the Czech Republic, inc. those whose dissapeared centuries ago. The history of theese libraries, their relics.
Studia z dziejów kultury pimienniczej na Śląsku Cieszyńskim Studia z dziejów kultury pimienniczej... more Studia z dziejów kultury pimienniczej na Śląsku Cieszyńskim Studia z dziejów kultury pimienniczej na Śląsku Cieszyńskim Studia z dziejów kultury pimienniczej na Śląsku Cieszyńskim 5 Słowo od wydawcy (Krzysztof Szelong) 12 Radim Jež: Korespondence posledních těšínských Piastovců (1524-1653) z archivních fondů České republiky a města Cieszyn (Úvod do problematiky, stav poznání a možnosti využití) 12 Úvod (poznámky ke stavu zpracování korespondence) 20 Nástin vývoje kanceláře posledních těšínských Piastovců 20 Organizační struktura a náplň práce v kanceláři 33 Pracovníci kanceláře a poslové (přehled) 36 Diplomatický rozbor korespondence
Ordo et paupertas. Českokrumlovský klášter minoritů a klarisek v kontextu řádové zbožnosti a vizuální kultury, 2017
The paper starts with analysis of sources for medieval book history research: books themselves wi... more The paper starts with analysis of sources for medieval book history research: books themselves with inscriptions, catalogues, necrologies, acts, order rules or paintings (like friars with girdle bag books from Český Krumlov). Detailed analysis of a book list from cca 14th century assigns this source to Friars Minor Convent in Stříbro and assumes connection with library rules for friars by Benedict XII. A list of individual Friars Minor in the Czech Lands, who possessed books for their personal use, together with analysis of their inscriptions, clarifies customs of book usage in the Order and their development till 16th century (property, selling, pledge etc.).
English Abstract and TOC of the disseration "Ceska frantiskanska knizni kultura". Some chapters t... more English Abstract and TOC of the disseration "Ceska frantiskanska knizni kultura". Some chapters translated to English are going to be added here.
Should be the royal secretary, bishop and Franciscan Jan Filipec considered as a humanist? The an... more Should be the royal secretary, bishop and Franciscan Jan Filipec considered as a humanist? The answer is derived from his approach to books, wiritings, other humanists, renaissance art and architecture. A paper at "Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis 500" conference, Budapest, 2013
The secretary of Mathias Corvin, a bishop and a Franciscan Friar influenced the book culture in s... more The secretary of Mathias Corvin, a bishop and a Franciscan Friar influenced the book culture in several ways: considering the Corvin Library, manuscripts in his bishopric in Navy-Varad (Oradea), book-printing or manuscripts among Friar Minors in Moravia, Bohemia and Silesia.
A dissertation from 2007 at University of Ostrava. A description of convent libraries of all Fran... more A dissertation from 2007 at University of Ostrava. A description of convent libraries of all Franciscan Order houses in the area of the Czech Republic, inc. those whose dissapeared centuries ago. The history of theese libraries, their relics.
Papers by Matyáš Franciszek Bajger