Papers by Matthias Peissner
Der vorliegende Beitrag fasst die Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie uber die Akzeptanz und Usab... more Der vorliegende Beitrag fasst die Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie uber die Akzeptanz und Usability (Gebrauchstauglichkeit) von telefonbasierten Sprachapplikationen in Deutschland zusammen. Eine reprasentative telefonische Nutzerbefragung liefert Daten zur Nutzung und Akzeptanz von Sprachapplikationen. Detaillierte Erkenntnisse zur Gebrauchstauglichkeit aktueller Systeme und zu den relevanten Qualitatsaspekten der sprachlichen Benutzungsschnittstelle stammen aus Usability Tests mit sechs ausgewahlten deutschen Sprachapplikationen.
This paper describes the interface conception for a mobile, location-based map application, and t... more This paper describes the interface conception for a mobile, location-based map application, and the user-centred design approach used to validate design principles. We suggests design guidelines for interactive maps that were used for prototypes for a mobile fair guide. Abstract and simplified visualiza- tions were combined with interactive linking to textual information, especially hidden labels for map ob- jects that can be displayed in tooltips. Usability test results show this to be a promising strategy, if the hidden labels are combined with support of use cases that include search for known objects.

In User Experience (UX) design many approaches emphasize that a positive UX can be promoted by ad... more In User Experience (UX) design many approaches emphasize that a positive UX can be promoted by addressing basic human needs. However, in practice UX design needs are scarcely considered. We believe that this is due to a lack of adequate methods and guidelines and present a methodological toolkit to support designers in adopting a need-cantered design approach. The toolkit is a collection of innovative user research methods, combined in a guided process to make sure that user needs are taken into account in all steps of the human-centered design process. We propose Experience Interviews as a basis to extract and further interpret the user needs of the target group. The interpretation is realized with the Needs Profile method and fed into an ideation brainstorming. First design solutions of this brainstorming are evaluated and further developed using the co-creation tool UX Concept Exploration. The concrete application of the proposed methods is illustrated based on the example of des...

Brain-based interaction is discussed as a strategy to make assistive technologies more user-orien... more Brain-based interaction is discussed as a strategy to make assistive technologies more user-oriented. We investigated whether aging influences discrimination of neuroelectrical signatures underlying affective user reactions to system-initiated assistance behavior. Electroencephalography was used to examine the reactivity of the cortical system for two different age groups during interaction with a system that induce positive and negative affective events by supporting or impeding goal achievement during a navigation task. We found that affect processing during the interaction task remains unaffected by natural cortical alteration processes, but varied to different degrees across cortical regions between the two age groups. More specifically, discrimination based on P300 correlated with age, thus revealing a distinct intrinsic neurocognitive strategy in the aging brain. Addressing these neuroelectrical signatures may enable neuroadaptive assistance systems to perform user-specific ad...

Polymorphic user interfaces are getting more and more interesting as they offer different modes o... more Polymorphic user interfaces are getting more and more interesting as they offer different modes of display and interaction for different devices or situations and especially for diverse user needs and personal preferences. Model-based user interface design and development is a widely known approach to reduce development efforts while maintaining the flexibility to produce diverse UIs. However, it is not much used in practice because existing approaches often do not offer an attractive balance of abstraction as required by generators and a concrete and vivid representation for developers. In this paper, we present the Model-with-Example (MwX) approach. It allows developers to work on a wireflow-like visualisation while they edit an abstract model of the UI and supports the communication within the project team by rendering specific storyboards from the abstract model. A first user study shows that the MwX approach can positively affect development efficiency and overall acceptance of...

2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2015
The present Ph. D. project explores possibilities to apply neurophysiological methods for affect ... more The present Ph. D. project explores possibilities to apply neurophysiological methods for affect detection during human-technology interaction (HTI). Portable neurophysio-logical methods such as electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) offer an objective, ecologically valid and rather convenient way to infer the user's affective state through the monitoring of brain activity. To identify neural signatures for positive and negative affective user reactions an empirical study is proposed. The experimental design of this study enables synchronous data acquisition for EEG, fNIRS and psychophysiological measurements while the user is interacting with an adaptive web-interface. During the interaction process positive and negative affective states are induced by system-generated adaptive actions which are either appropriate and helpful or inappropriate and impedimental. The findings of the empirical study shed light into the question whether EEG, fNIRS or a hybrid approach that combines the employed methods is most reliable for affect detection during HTI.
Human-Machine Interfaces in der Produktion. Studie Qualitätsmerkmale für Entwicklungswerkzeuge. [... more Human-Machine Interfaces in der Produktion. Studie Qualitätsmerkmale für Entwicklungswerkzeuge. [Usability and Human-Machine Interfaces in Production. A Study of Quality Characteristics for Development Tools] Dieter Spath, Anette Weisbecker (Ed.). Fraunhofer Verlag. Download at: 2 See ISO/TC 159/SC 4 (2010). ISO 9241-210:2010 Ergonomics of humansystem interaction-Part 210: Human-centered design for interactive systems.
i-com, 2009
Mögen Sie Krimis? Was für eine seltsame Frage, wenn es hier doch eigentlich um interaktive Produk... more Mögen Sie Krimis? Was für eine seltsame Frage, wenn es hier doch eigentlich um interaktive Produkte, Gebrauchstauglichkeit und wissenschaftlich fundiertes Gestalten geht. Versuchen Sie die Frage trotzdem zu beantworten. Sie werden merken, wie Sie sich zunächst Krimis, die Sie bereits gelesen haben, in Ihr Gedächtnis rufen. Die Spannung, das Rätselraten, die durchlesene Nacht oder der schläfrigschöne Tag am See, Ihr Schaudern, Ihre Abscheu oder die Enttäuschung über ein allzu banales Ende. Um zu wissen, ob Sie Krimis mögen, müssen Sie sich Ihre ...

Frontiers in Public Health
Objective and Background: To contain the COVID-19 pandemic, public health actions have changed th... more Objective and Background: To contain the COVID-19 pandemic, public health actions have changed the everyday life with an inevitable impact on individuals and their social life. Since intact (socio-)psychological functioning and mental health are protective factors contributing to the immune system and preventing diseases, it is crucial to identify individuals with increased vulnerability.Methods: We conducted a German online survey from April until August 2020 investigating health-related, social, behavioral, and psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. One hundred and seventy three adults participating in the survey were analyzed (39.9% male, age: M = 44.81±13.31). We explored effects on mental health by (a) clustering participants in two clusters and (b) analyzing the clusters using correlations and regression models.Results: Participants belonged either to a cluster characterized by higher general well-being or to a more concerned cluster depending on their responses. The ...

Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
Basic human needs are a valuable source for creating meaningful products. Hence, designing for a ... more Basic human needs are a valuable source for creating meaningful products. Hence, designing for a positive User Experience requires an extensive understanding of those. Instead of just analysing abstract data, designers should also gather implicit information based on their own perception to gain holistic insights on the users' emotional perspectives. Inevitably there exists an influence of the designers' individual perspective on the accumulated insights during user research activities. However, if the designers are aware of their own and multiple other perspectives on needs, there is a good chance that they value relevant observations in user research. The NEEDS PROFILE (NP) is an approach to sensitise for diverse human needs and their characteristics. As designers often tend to find basic needs abstract, the NP enables them to explore basic needs as vivid personifications and encourages them to engage in a creative and playful manner first. Then these insights are confronted in guided discussions in order to enable sustainable learning. Evaluation results are positive, but further investigation needs to be done on long-term effects.
Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology

Brain Sciences
Affect monitoring is being discussed as a novel strategy to make adaptive systems more user-orien... more Affect monitoring is being discussed as a novel strategy to make adaptive systems more user-oriented. Basic knowledge about oscillatory processes and functional connectivity underlying affect during naturalistic human–computer interactions (HCI) is, however, scarce. This study assessed local oscillatory power entrainment and distributed functional connectivity in a close-to-naturalistic HCI-paradigm. Sixteen participants interacted with a simulated assistance system which deliberately evoked positive (supporting goal-achievement) and negative (impeding goal-achievement) affective reactions. Electroencephalography (EEG) was used to examine the reactivity of the cortical system during the interaction by studying both event-related (de-)synchronization (ERD/ERS) and event-related functional coupling of cortical networks towards system-initiated assistance. Significantly higher α-band and β-band ERD in centro-parietal and parieto-occipital regions and β-band ERD in bi-lateral fronto-cen...
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2017
The DeveloperSpace, one of the core components of GPII, is a self-sustainable infrastructure and ... more The DeveloperSpace, one of the core components of GPII, is a self-sustainable infrastructure and collaborative environment, where developers, implementers, consumers, prosumers and other directly and indirectly involved actors (e.g. teachers, caregivers, clinicians) may interact with and play a role in its viability and the development of new access solutions.
Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - NordiCHI '16, 2016

Mensch & Computer, 2008
The vast majority of medical computer-based training (CBT) systems aim at problem-oriented case b... more The vast majority of medical computer-based training (CBT) systems aim at problem-oriented case based training. A crucial issue in the design of CBT systems is the selection of appropriate cases for a representative collection of medical cases. Another issue is the presentation of those case collections to the users. Training systems often provide a simple numbered list (e.g. Case 1, Case 2, …) for selection of training cases. Thus, goal-oriented case selection driven by learning objectives and clinical problems is not feasible. In this paper, we investigate interactive information visualization techniques, which promise a more sophisticated case selection. We analyze, compare, and empirically evaluate their appropriateness for case selection in medical CBT systems. Whereas analysis results show superiority of interactive information visualization techniques, the empirical evaluation reveals preference of the target group for simple tabular representations.
Papers by Matthias Peissner