Papers by Matthew O'Connell
Application of the Dependency Inversion Principle to Multidisciplinary Software Development
2018 Fluid Dynamics Conference
F-ANG+: A 3-D Augmented-Stencil Face-Averaged Nodal-Gradient Cell-Centered Finite-Volume Method for Hypersonic Flows
AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022
Identification of land use and other anthropogenic impacts on nitrogen cycling using stable isotopes and distributed hydrologic modeling
The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Selection Models and Research : Mobile Devices and Gamification as Exemplars
Towards an Automated Unstructured Grid Adaptation Workflow with VULCAN

25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2019
This paper presents further validation of PowerFLOW R aeroacoustic simulations of the High-Lift C... more This paper presents further validation of PowerFLOW R aeroacoustic simulations of the High-Lift Common Research Model through comparisons with experimental data from a recently completed wind tunnel test. Preliminary timeaveraged surface pressure and microphone array data from the experiment are in reasonably good agreement with the simulations, and the slat is shown to be a dominant noise source on this model. The simulations did not predict slat tones that were very prominent in the experiment, but they did capture the broadband component of slat noise in the low-frequency range up to 1 kHz at full scale. Future tests are planned to demonstrate slat noise reduction technology, and simulations are being used to guide this development. Nomenclature a speed of sound f frequency C p coefficient of pressure FSS full-span slat M Mach number = |V|/a PSD power spectral density (dB/Hz) PSS part-span slat |V| magnitude of velocity vector rms root mean square VR variable resolution x, y, z Cartesian coordinates Greek: η normalized spanwise distance
Obesity and Health Outcomes in Older Irish Adults
The Over 50s in a Changing Ireland Economic Circumstances, Health and Well-Being, 2014

Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2019
Background While current guidelines suggest a total treatment duration of 7 to 14 days for gram-n... more Background While current guidelines suggest a total treatment duration of 7 to 14 days for gram-negative bloodstream infections (GN-BSI), there is mounting evidence to suggest that shorter durations may be sufficient. This study compared the treatment outcomes of patients who received short duration therapy (6–10 days) with those who received long durations (11–15 days). Methods This was a retrospective study of adult patients who grew an aerobic gram-negative organism from a blood culture while admitted at Strong Memorial Hospital between May 2016 and May 2018. The primary outcome was a composite of mortality and relapsed GN-BSI with the same organism within 90 days of index culture. Secondary outcomes included clinical resolution at end of therapy (EOT), length of stay (LOS), 30-day readmission rate, Clostridoides difficile infection (CDI), development of recurrent GN-BSI resistant to prior antibiotic therapy, and development of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) GN-BSI within 90 days. Ap...

NREL prints on paper that contains recycled content. General Results. Overall, adding flexibility... more NREL prints on paper that contains recycled content. General Results. Overall, adding flexibility produces two impacts-decreased operational and capacity costs, and increased ECC. Comparison between the case studies is difficult because the ECC of a power system is highly specific to region and can change over time-as when inflexible generators retire, or the forecasting of demand and renewable supply improves, or market designs evolve, or enabling technologies such as storage become more affordable. Nevertheless, we highlight some key takeaways from our three analyses. • California case study. This study examined the value of PV. Figure ES-2 shows the results for the flexibility options considered. This graph shows the decline in value for the various cases, and also shows the resulting carrying capacity assuming a PV LCOE of about $50/MWh. The PV value was based on natural gas prices of $5.2/MMBTU and a $50/ton carbon cost. The "Increased Operational Flexibility" case considers flexibility options expected to be deployed in California by 2020. These include allowing VG to provide more than 60% of instantaneous demand, and development of about 1,300 MW of new storage. This case will substantially increase ECC and reduce operating costs in California. The other cases, such as further deployment of DR, exports and storage are added to this increased operational flexibility case, as well as near-term flexibility options now being deployed. As explained in the full report, the DR assumptions used in the study produce only a modest increase in ECC, although they can provide significant reduction in operating costs. This outcome is due to the limited availability of shiftable load in the spring and fall, which are periods of greatest PV curtailment. This result

Journal of safety research, 2017
A growing body of applied research has identified certain psychological traits that are predictiv... more A growing body of applied research has identified certain psychological traits that are predictive of worker safety. However, most of these studies suffer from an overreliance on common method bias caused by self-report measures of both: (a) personal factors such as personality traits; and (b) outcomes such as safety behaviors and injuries. This study utilized archival data from 796 employees at a large U.S. automobile manufacturer. Data were gathered on a pre-employment assessment, SecureFit®, that measured key personality characteristics such as conscientiousness, locus of control, and risk taking. In addition, objective measures of workers' compensation claims and disciplinary actions were also gathered. The results indicated that disciplinary actions and workers' compensation claims were strongly correlated. It also demonstrated that the pre-employment assessment was able to predict both disciplinary actions and workers' compensation claims up to 12months in the futu...

The Lancet, 2016
Background Research evidence on the importance of physical activity for prevention and delay of l... more Background Research evidence on the importance of physical activity for prevention and delay of long-term conditions is strong. However, activity rates decline substantially over the life course, particularly around later life. This review is part of a comprehensive evidence synthesis of preventive interventions in older age, with a focus on healthy behaviours to identify evidence gaps and inform policy relating to ageing well and cognitive health. An overview of systematic reviews of physical activity was conducted to explore in adults aged 55 years and older: (review 1) the eff ectiveness of physical activity for primary prevention of cognitive decline and dementia; (review 2) interventions eff ective for increasing physical activity uptake and maintenance; and (review 3) barriers and facilitators to physical activity. Methods Multiple databases were searched for studies in English from Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries between 2000 and 2014 (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Social Science Index, the Cochrane Collaboration and Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Eff ects, Health Technology Assessment, and York CRD Database). Search strategy covered the following domains and concepts: ageing and older people; health behaviours and risk reduction relating to diet, physical activity, inactivity, alcohol, smoking; and risk reduction relating to loneliness and isolation, sun exposure, hearing, and vision. The quality of reviews 1 and 2 were assessed with AMSTAR.
191AN Investigation of the Relationship Between Sleep Duration and Cognitive Function in Older Adults
Age and Ageing, 2016

F1000 - Post-publication peer review of the biomedical literature, 2004
To gain insight into the function and organization of proteins assembled on the DNA in response t... more To gain insight into the function and organization of proteins assembled on the DNA in response to genotoxic insult we investigated the phosphorylation of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe PCNA-like checkpoint protein Rad9. C-terminal T412/S423 phosphorylation of Rad9 by Rad3 ATR occurs in S phase without replication stress. Rad3 ATR and Tel1 ATM phosphorylate these same residues, plus additional ones, in response to DNA damage. In S phase and after damage, only Rad9 phosphorylated on T412/S423, but not unphosphorylated Rad9, associates with a two-BRCT-domain region of the essential Rad4 TOPBP1 protein. Rad9-Rad4 TOPBP1 interaction is required to activate the Chk1 damage checkpoint but not the Cds1 replication checkpoint. When the Rad9-T412/S423 are phosphorylated, Rad4 TOPBP1 coprecipitates with Rad3 ATR , suggesting that phosphorylation coordinates formation of an active checkpoint complex.

In 2013, the California Independent System Operator published the "duck chart," which shows a sig... more In 2013, the California Independent System Operator published the "duck chart," which shows a significant drop in midday net load on a spring day as solar photovoltaics (PV) are added to the system. The chart raises concerns that the conventional power system will be unable to accommodate the ramp rate and range needed to fully utilize solar energy, particularly on days characterized by the duck shape. This could result in "overgeneration" and curtailed renewable energy, increasing its costs and reducing its environmental benefits. This paper explores the duck chart in detail, examining how much PV might need to be curtailed if additional grid flexibility measures are not taken, and how curtailment rates can be decreased by changing grid operational practices. It finds that under business-as-usual types of assumptions and corresponding levels of grid flexibility in California, solar penetrations as low as 20% of annual energy could lead to marginal curtailment rates that exceed 30%. However, by allowing (or requiring) distributed PV and storage (including new installations that are part of the California storage mandate) to provide grid services, system flexibility could be greatly enhanced. Doing so could significantly reduce curtailment and allow much greater penetration of variable generation resources in achieving a 50% renewable portfolio standard. Overall, the work described in this paper points to the need to fully integrate distributed resources into grid system planning and operations to allow maximum use of the solar resource.
Mesh Rupturing: A Technique for Geometry Insertion and Significant Mesh Movement
51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, 2013
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Methylation of histone H4 lysine 20 controls recruitment of Crb2 to sites of DNA damage
F1000 - Post-publication peer review of the biomedical literature, 2004

Show Me You Can Do It: The Use of Interactive Simulations in Manufacturing Settings
Simulations for Personnel Selection, 2013
Manufacturing organizations use a broad range of multimedia simulations to help them screen candi... more Manufacturing organizations use a broad range of multimedia simulations to help them screen candidates and hire the best employees for their plants. These range from low fidelity, computer-based interactive simulations to high fidelity, and automated reproductions of actual manufacturing tasks. Organizations use simulations primarily because they work. They also use them because they allow candidates an opportunity to demonstrate their skills and abilities, which increases their perceived fairness of the process and the organization. This chapter discusses a broad range of multimedia simulations used in manufacturing environments. It discusses their effectiveness as well as their limitations. It provides an overview of the evolution of production simulations from very manual to extremely automated and complex. Finally, it describes a process for developing and validating multimedia manufacturing simulations.
Identification of anthropogenic nitrogen sources using stable isotopes and reactive hydrologic modeling
Papers by Matthew O'Connell