Papers by Matthew Erdelyi

Routledge eBooks, Nov 28, 2022
The problem of meaning in dreams is examined along with the question of how such meaning may be l... more The problem of meaning in dreams is examined along with the question of how such meaning may be legitimately extracted. Quantitative content analysis has shown that a rough continuity exists between dream content and awake experiences and concerns (and that, therefore, dreams are implicit memories). Continuity becomes more pronounced when figurative (latent) contents are taken into account in addition to literal (manifest) contents and when temporal disjunctions between dream experiences and life-events are factored in. Formal homologies exist between dreams and jokes, which provide a simplifying model for dream interpretation. Jokes prove, for example, that latent contents (which arise from interactions of surface manifest contents with context) convey crucial meanings missing in manifest contents. Dreams are release phenomena involving disinhibition and underregulation of content and style, and for this reason are simultaneously revealing and confusing. Dream distortions turn out to be identical to those found in other types of resource-poor cognition (e.g., aphasia, subliminal perception), suggesting that defense (“censorship”) is not necessarily responsible for dream distortion.
Routledge eBooks, Nov 28, 2022
Routledge eBooks, Nov 28, 2022
Oxford University Press eBooks, 2000
Journal of experimental psychology, Oct 1, 1974
This study assessed 5s' ability to process selectively pictures or words presented in very rapid ... more This study assessed 5s' ability to process selectively pictures or words presented in very rapid succession. The Ss viewed a series of 36 verbal or pictorial slides for 225 msec, each, with 775 msec, between the items. Half of the 5s received priority instructions to attend selectively to animal items in the stimulus series. Another group, the nonpriority 5s, were merely told to attend to the series in general. Priority instructions were found to enhance recognition memory for both pictorial and verbal target items relative to nontarget items.
Oxford University Press eBooks, Mar 12, 1992
Routledge eBooks, Nov 28, 2022
Routledge eBooks, Nov 28, 2022

Review of General Psychology, Jun 1, 2014
The problem of meaning in dreams is examined along with the question of how such meaning may be l... more The problem of meaning in dreams is examined along with the question of how such meaning may be legitimately extracted. Quantitative content analysis has shown that a rough continuity exists between dream content and awake experiences and concerns (and that, therefore, dreams are implicit memories). Continuity becomes more pronounced when figurative (latent) contents are taken into account in addition to literal (manifest) contents and when temporal disjunctions between dream experiences and life-events are factored in. Formal homologies exist between dreams and jokes, which provide a simplifying model for dream interpretation. Jokes prove, for example, that latent contents (which arise from interactions of surface manifest contents with context) convey crucial meanings missing in manifest contents. Dreams are release phenomena involving disinhibition and underregulation of content and style, and for this reason are simultaneously revealing and confusing. Dream distortions turn out to be identical to those found in other types of resource-poor cognition (e.g., aphasia, subliminal perception), suggesting that defense (“censorship”) is not necessarily responsible for dream distortion.
Psychological Record, Jul 1, 1972
This study investigated whether the recovery effect-obtained increments in free recall following ... more This study investigated whether the recovery effect-obtained increments in free recall following fantasy or free associationsis producible when the stimulus is a relatively meaningless array of letters rather than a picture. Experimental Ss completed the following sequence: (a) brief (20 msec.) stimulus presentation, (b) free recall, (c) free association of letters, (d) second free recall, and (e) forced recall. Dart C antral Ss completed the same sequence except for the association task, thrawing darts instead. A recovery effect was obtained in postassociational free recall. The effect, however, did not survive contral over response number in the forced recall measure, substantiating a response criterion interpretation of the recovery effect.
contemporary Psychology, Sep 1, 1988
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1998
... Hugh. The recovery of unconscious memories : hypermnesia and reminiscence /Matthew Hugh Erdel... more ... Hugh. The recovery of unconscious memories : hypermnesia and reminiscence /Matthew Hugh Erdelyi. p. cm. ... improve. Thus we showed in apple-to-apple comparisons that recovery of subliminal information was in fact feasible. ...
Routledge eBooks, Nov 28, 2022
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1972
... Page 5. 190 MATTHEW HUGH ERDELYI ... Cognitive Psychology, 1970, 1, 99-113. FISHER, C. Dreams... more ... Page 5. 190 MATTHEW HUGH ERDELYI ... Cognitive Psychology, 1970, 1, 99-113. FISHER, C. Dreams, images, and perception: A study of unconscious-preconscious relationships. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1956, 4, 5-48. ...
Papers by Matthew Erdelyi