Papers by Matthew Campbell

Global Studies of Childhood, 2014
The discourse of the non-traditional classroom has found itself fundamentally intertwined with th... more The discourse of the non-traditional classroom has found itself fundamentally intertwined with the rationalities of creating learning relevant for the future-orientated twenty-first century. In such an imaginary the idea of the conventional classroom – with its four walls, blackboard, ‘closed’ door, teacher-centred pedagogy and student learning conceptualised through the logics of the industrial era – is being renegotiated. This article focuses on an empirical examination of some of the changes to student classroom practice enabled by the material conditions of non-traditional learning spaces. In particular, it highlights the ways in which non-traditional learning spaces have become complex settings through which students negotiate increased learner autonomy, co-operative learning, acceptable classroom behaviour and fluid relations with teachers and peers. The article presents a discussion of the discourse of ‘twenty-first-century learning’ and focuses on non-traditional classrooms ...
Mathematics Education Across Cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2020
As a result of the recent increased emphasis on mathematics professional development (MPD), studi... more As a result of the recent increased emphasis on mathematics professional development (MPD), studies have attempted to identify a set of features that are commonly part of successful MPD programs (e.g., Yoon et al., 2007; Garet et al., 2001). While recommendations that professional development should be collaborative, sustained, and

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Jan 9, 2018
Bacterial endosymbionts that provide nutrients to hosts often have genomes that are extremely sta... more Bacterial endosymbionts that provide nutrients to hosts often have genomes that are extremely stable in structure and gene content. In contrast, the genome of the endosymbionthas fractured into multiple distinct lineages in some species of the cicada genusTo better understand the frequency, timing, and outcomes oflineage splitting throughout this cicada genus, we sampled cicadas over three field seasons in Chile and performed genomics and microscopy on representative samples. We found that a single ancestrallineage has split at least six independent times inover the last 4 million years, resulting in complexes of between two and six distinctlineages per host. Individual genomes in these symbiotic complexes differ dramatically in relative abundance, genome size, organization, and gene content. Eachlineage retains a small set of core genes involved in genetic information processing, but the high level of gene loss experienced by all genomes suggests that extensive sharing of gene prod...

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017
We present a combined experimental and probabilistic simulation study of soot-precursor. The expe... more We present a combined experimental and probabilistic simulation study of soot-precursor. The experiments were conducted using aerosol mass spectrometry coupled with tunable vacuum ultraviolet radiation from the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Mass spectra and photoionization efficiency (PIE) curves of soot precursor species were measured at different heights in a premixed flat flame and in a counter-flow diffusion flame fueled by ethylene and oxygen. The PIE curves at the pyrene mass from these flames were compared with reference PIE scans recorded for pyrene. The results demonstrate that other C 16 H 10 isomers than pyrene are major components among species condensed onto incipient soot in this study, which is in agreement with the simulations. Species with mass 202 u only have a high prevalence in incipient soot particles drawn from the premixed flame, but hydrocarbon species with sizes in the range 200-400 u are important to incipient-soot formation in both flames. The simulations predict that some species form through combination reactions involving relatively large radicals and bypass traditional molecular-growth pathways through addition of small hydrocarbon species. The experimental results support this prediction; they demonstrate that these species have higher relative abundances in particles formed close to the fuel outlet than smaller, lighter molecular species and indicate that these species are important to early formation of incipient-soot precursors. The results also imply that a leading role in incipient-soot precursor formation

Science translational medicine, Oct 19, 2016
Neuromuscular diseases are often caused by inherited mutations that lead to progressive skeletal ... more Neuromuscular diseases are often caused by inherited mutations that lead to progressive skeletal muscle weakness and degeneration. In diverse populations of normal healthy mice, we observed correlations between the abundance of mRNA transcripts related to mitochondrial biogenesis, the dystrophin-sarcoglycan complex, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)) synthesis, consistent with a potential role for the essential cofactor NAD(+) in protecting muscle from metabolic and structural degeneration. Furthermore, the skeletal muscle transcriptomes of patients with Duchene's muscular dystrophy (DMD) and other muscle diseases were enriched for various poly[adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP)-ribose] polymerases (PARPs) and for nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT), enzymes that are major consumers of NAD(+) and are involved in pleiotropic events, including inflammation. In the mdx mouse model of DMD, we observed significant reductions in muscle NAD(+) levels, concurrent increas...

BMC evolutionary biology, Jan 19, 2015
Pleistocene climatic instability had profound and diverse effects on the distribution and abundan... more Pleistocene climatic instability had profound and diverse effects on the distribution and abundance of Arctic organisms revealed by variation in phylogeographic patterns documented in extant Arctic populations. To better understand the effects of geography and paleoclimate on Beringian freshwater fishes, we examined genetic variability in the genus Dallia (blackfish: Esociformes: Esocidae). The genus Dallia groups between one and three nominal species of small, cold- and hypoxia-tolerant freshwater fishes restricted entirely in distribution to Beringia from the Yukon River basin near Fairbanks, Alaska westward including the Kuskokwim River basin and low-lying areas of Western Alaska to the Amguema River on the north side of the Chukotka Peninsula and Mechigmen Bay on the south side of the Chukotka Peninsula. The genus has a non-continuous distribution divided by the Bering Strait and the Brooks Range. We examined the distribution of genetic variation across this range to determine t...
Objective-C Quick Syntax Reference, 2013

International journal of environmental research and public health, Jan 17, 2015
An established relationship exists between public transportation (PT) use and physical activity. ... more An established relationship exists between public transportation (PT) use and physical activity. However, there is limited literature that examines the link between PT use and active commuting (AC) behavior. This study examines this link to determine if PT users commute more by active modes. A volunteer, convenience sample of adults (n = 748) completed an online survey about AC/PT patterns, demographic, psychosocial, community and environmental factors. t-test compared differences between PT riders and non-PT riders. Binary logistic regression analyses examined the effect of multiple factors on AC and a full logistic regression model was conducted to examine AC. Non-PT riders (n = 596) reported less AC than PT riders. There were several significant relationships with AC for demographic, interpersonal, worksite, community and environmental factors when considering PT use. The logistic multivariate analysis for included age, number of children and perceived distance to work as negativ...
Swift Quick Syntax Reference, 2014
Swift Quick Syntax Reference, 2014
Swift Quick Syntax Reference, 2014
Swift Quick Syntax Reference, 2014
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 2014
Physical Review A, 1999
Picosecond laser pulses have been used to produce Rydberg wave packets in calcium atoms in the pr... more Picosecond laser pulses have been used to produce Rydberg wave packets in calcium atoms in the presence of a strong static electric field. The dynamics of the Stark wave packets have been observed by measuring the momentum-space probability distribution as a function of time. The full precession of the electronic orbital angular momentum, the appearance of a large-amplitude, linear oscillation of the electronic dipole moment, and a pronounced, periodic up-down asymmetry in the momentum distribution are all observed directly.

Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 2013
Active commuting (AC) to the workplace is a successful strategy for incorporating more physical a... more Active commuting (AC) to the workplace is a successful strategy for incorporating more physical activity into daily life and is associated with health benefits. The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between interpersonal influences and AC. A cross-sectional online survey was delivered to workplaces in the mid-Atlantic region. A volunteer convenience sample of adults (N = 1234) completed questions about demographics, number of times per week actively commuting, spouse and coworker AC patterns, and spousal and coworker normative beliefs for AC. Basic descriptive and frequencies described the sample; bivariate correlations examined the relationship between AC and spouse and coworker variables. A multivariate regression analysis predicted the variance in AC with interpersonal independent variables. The sample was primarily middle-aged, white (92.7%), female (67.9%), and well-educated (83.3% college graduate or higher). Of those surveyed, 20.3% report AC to work at least once per week by means of walking or biking. The number of times per week of AC for spouse (P < .001) and coworkers (P = .006) and AC norms for spouse (P < .001) and coworker (P < .001) were positively related to AC. The multivariate regression model accounted for 37.9% of the variance in AC (F = 101.83, df = 4, P < .001). This study demonstrates that interpersonal influences are significantly related to actively commuting to work. Future interventions targeting AC should consider these interpersonal influences in addition to individual and environmental influences that have been previously documented.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2007
This study examines preservation of microfossils identified as introduced Ipomoea batatas in soil... more This study examines preservation of microfossils identified as introduced Ipomoea batatas in soils from northern New Zealand. Starch grains and xylem cells showed highly variable preservation, from good to extremely poor. For starch grains, the latter included brown-...

European Journal of Human Genetics, 2013
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a mitochondrially inherited form of visual dysfunctio... more Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a mitochondrially inherited form of visual dysfunction caused by mutations in several genes encoding subunits of the mitochondrial respiratory NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex (complex I). Development of gene therapies for LHON has been impeded by genetic heterogeneity and the need to deliver therapies to the mitochondria of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), the cells primarily affected in LHON. The therapy under development entails intraocular injection of a nuclear yeast gene NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (NDI1) that encodes a single subunit complex I equivalent and as such is mutation independent. NDI1 is imported into mitochondria due to an endogenous mitochondrial localisation signal. Intravitreal injection represents a clinically relevant route of delivery to RGCs not previously used for NDI1. In this study, recombinant adenoassociated virus (AAV) serotype 2 expressing NDI1 (AAV-NDI1) was shown to protect RGCs in a rotenone-induced murine model of LHON. AAV-NDI1 significantly reduced RGC death by 1.5-fold and optic nerve atrophy by 1.4-fold. This led to a significant preservation of retinal function as assessed by manganese enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and optokinetic responses. Intraocular injection of AAV-NDI1 overcomes many barriers previously associated with developing therapies for LHON and holds great therapeutic promise for a mitochondrial disorder for which there are no effective therapies.

This research offers a fundamental new approach to topology optimization. To date, topological sy... more This research offers a fundamental new approach to topology optimization. To date, topological synthesis approaches are simply augmentations of existing stochastic optimization techniques. While these algorithms are useful in complex parametric design spaces, they are not designed for all topology problems. This paper describes a generalized scheme for solving topological design problems. The approach combines aspects of existing optimization techniques, graph theory, mathematical programming, artificial intelligence, and shape and graph grammars. Specifically, the approach has advantages over modified parametric optimization algorithms in that 1) a two stage technique to developing solutions and searching the parametric design space more closely models the design process performed by humans and more thoroughly maps how various topologies are represented, 2) a graph grammar for generating candidate solutions minimizes the wasted search of infeasible topologies, and 3) a new stochastic guidance strategy intelligently distinguishes and independently controls the variables that alter topologies and the variables that represent dimensions and parameters. This automated design synthesis method is currently being developed to synthesize the best graph for a various applications, where the choice of nodes in the graph and how they are to be connected is determined through computational search. Such topological problems are prevalent in engineering design. Examples include truss structures, designing sheet metal components, designing the location and connection of roadways, and designing the choice and connection of processors in a chemical plant.
Computer Applications in Engineering …, 2007
ABSTRACT: A pedagogically effective teaching strategy that integrates computer-aided design and p... more ABSTRACT: A pedagogically effective teaching strategy that integrates computer-aided design and programming into a course on mechanism analysis and design is presented. Mechanism analysis is enhanced when coupled with computer programming that allows students to ...
Papers by Matthew Campbell