Book Chapters by Maria João Matos
Changing representations of nature and the city: the 1960s-1970s and their legacies, 2018
Territoires en débat. Discussing landscape(s) in contemporary metropolitan realities, 2015
The several changes affecting the contemporary city deeply transform contemporary territories and... more The several changes affecting the contemporary city deeply transform contemporary territories and challenge existing epistemological, analytical and operational approaches. Complex socio-spatial metropolitan realities configure landscapes endowed with new features, calling for new conceptual and operative tools.The essays collected in this book explore the tensions inherent in contemporary territories from a variety of points of view. Some essays advance theoretical and conceptual elaborations, others provide details of paradigmatic case studies. The papers were first presented at the International Seminar "Territoires en débat: la montagne comme jardin urbain?" organised at ENSA -Paris La Villette, and further revised through their additional contributions, up to this publication.

O (Re)verso da Paisagem. Filosofias da Pobreza e da Riqueza, 2014
Os Alpes estabelecem, a partir do século XVIII, o símbolo e a génese do conceito de “paisagem de ... more Os Alpes estabelecem, a partir do século XVIII, o símbolo e a génese do conceito de “paisagem de montanha”. No entanto, a realidade alpina actual distingue-se do paradigma associado ao mito alpino original. A difusão da paisagem como um conceito popular guia agora a acção pública na intervenção no espaço físico, orientada pela “paisagem ideal”, associada ao desenvolvimento do sector turístico.
As novas práticas sociais transformaram a paisagem num produto rentável ligado ao turismo, ao lazer, à iconografia e a tudo o que diz respeito às intervenções no território. Perante esta realidade emerge um paradoxo: mesmo se a paisagem se estabelece como elemento crucial para definir a unificação de um território específico, esta realidade encontra-se hoje pouco ligada às práticas sociais ou de trabalho. Deverá estabelecer-se portanto uma nova relação com a paisagem e o mito.
A reinvenção do mito alpino torna-se essencial para estabelecer uma médiance real e adaptada ao nosso tempo, onde as práticas do turismo se coadunem com um desenvolvimento sustentável da região.
As boas práticas aplicadas na região alpina, baseadas numa visão holística e actual da paisagem, poderão indicar linhas de acção adaptáveis ao território português.
EWWUD – Waterfront Urban Design II, 2011
Understanding the Post-Industrial City, 2012
Teaching Landscape with Architecture/De l’enseignement du paysage en architecture, Éditions de La Villette, Paris. ISBN 978-2-915456-53-0 , 2009
Books by Maria João Matos
by conor newman, Margherita Vanore, Agostino De Rosa, Matteo G Ballarin, luis fontes, Tomás Lapa, Cora van Oosten, alessandra calanchi, Laurence Pattacini, cristina bragaglia, veronique zamant, Jan Schreurs, Sophia MEERES, and Maria João Matos Conference proceedings comprising 141 papers arranged under 6 themes: epistemology, history, art,... more Conference proceedings comprising 141 papers arranged under 6 themes: epistemology, history, art,process, science, and governance, from researchers and practitioners from every continent.

Routledge, 2018
The turn of the 1960s-70s, characterized by the rapid acceleration of globalization, prompted a r... more The turn of the 1960s-70s, characterized by the rapid acceleration of globalization, prompted a radical transformation in the perception of urban and natural environments. The urban revolution and related prospect of the total urbanisation of the planet, in concert with rapid population growth and resource exploitation, instigated a surge in environmental awareness and activism. One implication of this moment is a growing recognition of the integration and interconnection of natural and urban entities. The present collection is an interdisciplinary inquiry into the changing modes of representation of nature in the city beginning from the turn of the 1960s/70s. Bringing together a number of different disciplinary approaches, including architectural studies and aesthetics, heritage studies and economics, environmental science and communication, the collection reflects upon the changing perception of socio-natures in the context of increasing urban expansion and global interconnectedness as they are/were manifest in specific representations. Using cases studies from around the globe, the collection offers a historical and theoretical understanding of a paradigmatic shift whose material and symbolic legacies are still accompanying us in the early 21st century.
Papers by Maria João Matos
Rossio. Estudos de Lisboa; CML, 2019
The text consists on the analysis of three historic moments of urban transformation, generators o... more The text consists on the analysis of three historic moments of urban transformation, generators of new symbolic and functional centers on Lisbon’s waterfront, taking into account the political and urban development context when each of them took place.
A relation of these with the current tendencies, concerning the regeneration of Lisbon’s riverside spaces, is established.

European Planning Studies, 2014
The Portuguese mountain city of Covilhã possesses a singular industrial tradition. Today, many of... more The Portuguese mountain city of Covilhã possesses a singular industrial tradition. Today, many of the urban interventions undertaken result in an urban space and landscape disconnected from the mountains. Alpine mountain cities emerge as emblematic, given the representativeness the Alps assume within the context of European mountains. In the Alpine region, the polycentric system of cities condenses the characteristics associated with the topographical particularities and singular types of inter-municipal and cross-border relationships, where the economic changes and regional policies can be observed with greater clarity due to their specificity. In general terms, the quality of life, based on the landscape values, the identification of the citizens with their territory, and on the territorial planning at different scales, emerges as being linked to the construction of a brand identity based on sustainable urban development. It is in this sphere that the study of Alpine cases can inspire good practices to be applied in the Portuguese territory of the Beira Interior, namely in the medium-sized cities and in the synergies between them and the natural spaces. Thus Covilhã finds itself in an advantageous position to use its situation to construct a city brand in harmony with the mountain territory.
UbiMuseum - Revista online do Museu de Lanifícios da Inuversidade da Beira Interior, 2014
O tema geral deste texto aborda a relação entre cidade e montanha. Após uma contextualização sob... more O tema geral deste texto aborda a relação entre cidade e montanha. Após uma contextualização sobre a importância dos Alpes na cultura ocidental, o enfoque é colocado na evolução da relação montanha/cidade, desde a descoberta da montanha como paisagem, destacando-se o papel paradigmático dos aglomerados alpinos no âmbito da história das cidades de montanha europeias. Segue-se uma breve
aproximação às dinâmicas actualmente associadas às cidades alpinas, incidindo-se na relação urbano/natureza. Finalmente, com base nos temas abordados, esboça-se um comentário sobre um possível caminho para o desenvolvimento sustentável da Covilhã ancorado no potencial do meio natural e do património industrial.
Landscape & Imagination. Towards a new baseline for education in a changing world. Conference, Paris 2-4 May 2013, UNISCAPE, 2013
AE - Architectura and Education Journal, 2012
This paper is the outcome of several workshops on bio construction, where natural materials were ... more This paper is the outcome of several workshops on bio construction, where natural materials were used as a way of materializing emergency architecture. Our goal in this paper is to develop a teaching methodology for emergency architecture conceptualization, which could be supported by the exploration of biodegradable or recyclable materials after catastrophic events or under economic crisis.
Revista Lusófona de Educação, 2013
Este artigo resulta de uma sequência de estúdios de bio construção onde a temática do material na... more Este artigo resulta de uma sequência de estúdios de bio construção onde a temática do material natural é abordada como um veículo de materialização de arquitectura de emergência. Pretende-se neste artigo reflectir sobre uma metodologia de ensino na concepção da arquitectura de emergência assente no pressuposto da exploração das capacidades de materiais biodegradáveis e reciclados quando viáveis após eventos catastróficos ou quando disponíveis em período de crise.
This paper is the outcome of several workshops on bio construction, where natural materials were used as a way of materializing emergency architecture. Our goal is to develop a teaching methodology for emergency architecture conceptualization, which could be supported by the exploration of biodegradable or recyclable materials after catastrophic events or under economic crisis.

Ambivalent Landscapes. Sorting out the present by designing the future. Public Spaces – Urban Cultures Conference. Proceedings, Lisboa 6-7 Dez. Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2012
Over the last years, in metropolis all over the world, the upsurge of new types of public spaces,... more Over the last years, in metropolis all over the world, the upsurge of new types of public spaces, created in vacant lots, has been revealing the tendency for the search of a closer connection of urbanites to nature and rurality.
The success of the High Line in New York or the growing of urban farming are just two examples of multiple phenomena happening in urban areas, related to the context of economic and social crisis and to a change of paradigm concerning the concept of "urban living."
A significant number of these new nature-related spaces are generated by local communities committed to create useful and meaningful collective spaces, open to all. Very often, they start as informal spaces. Sometimes, they involve the collaboration of external participants, such as artists, architects, research groups or universities. In other cases, they are adopted by public bodies and become institutionalised. Some of these spaces are ephemeral; others endure for a long time.
Which motivations, dynamics and interests lay behind these phenomena? Is there somehow, over time, a loss of the social meaning which generated the initial transformation of the space? How are the principles of public participation – enunciated by the European Landscape Convention (ELC) -, present in these processes?
Based on the study of Lisbon’s case, we will try to understand these complex processes and the place of landscape in the informal creation of public green spaces, for a new urban paradigm in the Portuguese context.
VII Congresso Português de Sociologia. Porto 19-22 Jun. Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Letras, Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação., 2012
Resumo A cidade da Covilhã destaca-se como caso de estudo de particular interesse no actual conte... more Resumo A cidade da Covilhã destaca-se como caso de estudo de particular interesse no actual contexto de competitividade entre cidades. Detém um perfil singular de cidade de montanha associada a uma tradição industrial, sendo que os efeitos da industrialização se revelam numa paisagem urbana particular e em fortes marcas identitárias. Na época contemporânea, a função universitária torna-se o principal activo, moldando um perfil urbano tendencialmente mais cosmopolita. Dos pontos de vista urbanístico, arquitectónico e paisagístico, muitas das transformações associadas à Universidade foram significativas. Também a implementação do programa Polis veio reconfigurar a imagem da cidade.
”. The International Journal of the Constructed Environment, vol. 1, nº 2, 2011

On the w@terfront, Jan 1, 2007
Since very early in history, the importance of maritime commerce and fluvial navigation has been ... more Since very early in history, the importance of maritime commerce and fluvial navigation has been crucial for Lisbon’s development. The waterfront and the city were strongly connected, until the end of the 19Th century, when railway clearly isolated the port from the metropolis. Riverside areas rehabilitation really began only two decades ago, along with urban regeneration policies.
Nowadays, Lisbon’s port is confronted with the necessity of keeping up with other ports as commercial emporium and tourist platform. At the same time, reintegration of the riverside into the city space is needed, as a way to qualify Lisbon’s public space and recover the lost identity of this “city of water”.
In the waterfront of Santa Apolónia, those realities have great importance as it situates near the historic and popular quarter of Alfama, functionally and socially connected with the river since Islamic occupation, almost 1000 years ago.
Santa Apolónia’s public space is analyzed from different physical and social perspectives. Problems as degradation, privatization, gentrification and segregation are detected in this area, reinforcing a spatial and functional discontinuity waterfront/city.
The old Santa Apolónia’s rail station plays a central role. Multifunctional and open to all, this public space acts as a dynamic centre of the place and stands as a reference of the city’s memory.
Possible solutions for sustainable development and the creation of a place of identity for citizens are proposed: facilities for locals, careful design of public space, public art for all.
Book Chapters by Maria João Matos
As novas práticas sociais transformaram a paisagem num produto rentável ligado ao turismo, ao lazer, à iconografia e a tudo o que diz respeito às intervenções no território. Perante esta realidade emerge um paradoxo: mesmo se a paisagem se estabelece como elemento crucial para definir a unificação de um território específico, esta realidade encontra-se hoje pouco ligada às práticas sociais ou de trabalho. Deverá estabelecer-se portanto uma nova relação com a paisagem e o mito.
A reinvenção do mito alpino torna-se essencial para estabelecer uma médiance real e adaptada ao nosso tempo, onde as práticas do turismo se coadunem com um desenvolvimento sustentável da região.
As boas práticas aplicadas na região alpina, baseadas numa visão holística e actual da paisagem, poderão indicar linhas de acção adaptáveis ao território português.
Books by Maria João Matos
Papers by Maria João Matos
A relation of these with the current tendencies, concerning the regeneration of Lisbon’s riverside spaces, is established.
aproximação às dinâmicas actualmente associadas às cidades alpinas, incidindo-se na relação urbano/natureza. Finalmente, com base nos temas abordados, esboça-se um comentário sobre um possível caminho para o desenvolvimento sustentável da Covilhã ancorado no potencial do meio natural e do património industrial.
This paper is the outcome of several workshops on bio construction, where natural materials were used as a way of materializing emergency architecture. Our goal is to develop a teaching methodology for emergency architecture conceptualization, which could be supported by the exploration of biodegradable or recyclable materials after catastrophic events or under economic crisis.
The success of the High Line in New York or the growing of urban farming are just two examples of multiple phenomena happening in urban areas, related to the context of economic and social crisis and to a change of paradigm concerning the concept of "urban living."
A significant number of these new nature-related spaces are generated by local communities committed to create useful and meaningful collective spaces, open to all. Very often, they start as informal spaces. Sometimes, they involve the collaboration of external participants, such as artists, architects, research groups or universities. In other cases, they are adopted by public bodies and become institutionalised. Some of these spaces are ephemeral; others endure for a long time.
Which motivations, dynamics and interests lay behind these phenomena? Is there somehow, over time, a loss of the social meaning which generated the initial transformation of the space? How are the principles of public participation – enunciated by the European Landscape Convention (ELC) -, present in these processes?
Based on the study of Lisbon’s case, we will try to understand these complex processes and the place of landscape in the informal creation of public green spaces, for a new urban paradigm in the Portuguese context.
Nowadays, Lisbon’s port is confronted with the necessity of keeping up with other ports as commercial emporium and tourist platform. At the same time, reintegration of the riverside into the city space is needed, as a way to qualify Lisbon’s public space and recover the lost identity of this “city of water”.
In the waterfront of Santa Apolónia, those realities have great importance as it situates near the historic and popular quarter of Alfama, functionally and socially connected with the river since Islamic occupation, almost 1000 years ago.
Santa Apolónia’s public space is analyzed from different physical and social perspectives. Problems as degradation, privatization, gentrification and segregation are detected in this area, reinforcing a spatial and functional discontinuity waterfront/city.
The old Santa Apolónia’s rail station plays a central role. Multifunctional and open to all, this public space acts as a dynamic centre of the place and stands as a reference of the city’s memory.
Possible solutions for sustainable development and the creation of a place of identity for citizens are proposed: facilities for locals, careful design of public space, public art for all.
As novas práticas sociais transformaram a paisagem num produto rentável ligado ao turismo, ao lazer, à iconografia e a tudo o que diz respeito às intervenções no território. Perante esta realidade emerge um paradoxo: mesmo se a paisagem se estabelece como elemento crucial para definir a unificação de um território específico, esta realidade encontra-se hoje pouco ligada às práticas sociais ou de trabalho. Deverá estabelecer-se portanto uma nova relação com a paisagem e o mito.
A reinvenção do mito alpino torna-se essencial para estabelecer uma médiance real e adaptada ao nosso tempo, onde as práticas do turismo se coadunem com um desenvolvimento sustentável da região.
As boas práticas aplicadas na região alpina, baseadas numa visão holística e actual da paisagem, poderão indicar linhas de acção adaptáveis ao território português.
A relation of these with the current tendencies, concerning the regeneration of Lisbon’s riverside spaces, is established.
aproximação às dinâmicas actualmente associadas às cidades alpinas, incidindo-se na relação urbano/natureza. Finalmente, com base nos temas abordados, esboça-se um comentário sobre um possível caminho para o desenvolvimento sustentável da Covilhã ancorado no potencial do meio natural e do património industrial.
This paper is the outcome of several workshops on bio construction, where natural materials were used as a way of materializing emergency architecture. Our goal is to develop a teaching methodology for emergency architecture conceptualization, which could be supported by the exploration of biodegradable or recyclable materials after catastrophic events or under economic crisis.
The success of the High Line in New York or the growing of urban farming are just two examples of multiple phenomena happening in urban areas, related to the context of economic and social crisis and to a change of paradigm concerning the concept of "urban living."
A significant number of these new nature-related spaces are generated by local communities committed to create useful and meaningful collective spaces, open to all. Very often, they start as informal spaces. Sometimes, they involve the collaboration of external participants, such as artists, architects, research groups or universities. In other cases, they are adopted by public bodies and become institutionalised. Some of these spaces are ephemeral; others endure for a long time.
Which motivations, dynamics and interests lay behind these phenomena? Is there somehow, over time, a loss of the social meaning which generated the initial transformation of the space? How are the principles of public participation – enunciated by the European Landscape Convention (ELC) -, present in these processes?
Based on the study of Lisbon’s case, we will try to understand these complex processes and the place of landscape in the informal creation of public green spaces, for a new urban paradigm in the Portuguese context.
Nowadays, Lisbon’s port is confronted with the necessity of keeping up with other ports as commercial emporium and tourist platform. At the same time, reintegration of the riverside into the city space is needed, as a way to qualify Lisbon’s public space and recover the lost identity of this “city of water”.
In the waterfront of Santa Apolónia, those realities have great importance as it situates near the historic and popular quarter of Alfama, functionally and socially connected with the river since Islamic occupation, almost 1000 years ago.
Santa Apolónia’s public space is analyzed from different physical and social perspectives. Problems as degradation, privatization, gentrification and segregation are detected in this area, reinforcing a spatial and functional discontinuity waterfront/city.
The old Santa Apolónia’s rail station plays a central role. Multifunctional and open to all, this public space acts as a dynamic centre of the place and stands as a reference of the city’s memory.
Possible solutions for sustainable development and the creation of a place of identity for citizens are proposed: facilities for locals, careful design of public space, public art for all.