The experiment was laid out in Split plot design having balanced fertilization in main plot and a... more The experiment was laid out in Split plot design having balanced fertilization in main plot and agrochemicals in sub plot with three replications. The soil of the experiment field was sandy loam in texture with alkaline in reaction and medium fertility status of soil DTPA extract. Results revealed that balanced fertilization treatments involving N, P, K, S, Zn and S+Zn nutrients, markedly improved parameters of growth, yield and quality as compared to N alone. Crop under the influence of conjoint application of NPKSZn recorded maximum plant height at harvest; dry matter accumulation at 30, 55, 80, 105 and at harvest stage; yield attributes viz., effective tillers m-1 ear length, grains ear-1 grain weight ear-1 and test weight; grain, straw and biological yields; chlorophyll content; uptake of nutrients as well as protein content in grain. Result showed that application of NPKS, NPKZn and NPKSZn significantly out yielded all the fertilization treatments and recorded additional 628, 3...
Article History Published Online: 10 November 2018 Traditional medicine has remained as the most ... more Article History Published Online: 10 November 2018 Traditional medicine has remained as the most affordable and easily accessible source of treatment in the primary healthcare system of resource poor communities in India. A huge interest always exists in exploring nutraceuticals from plant materials to replace synthetic drugs in order to overcome their adverse effects and also for economic reasons. Tinospora cordifolia (TC) is a large extensively spreading glabrous, perennial deciduous twiner with succulent stems and papery bark; leaves simple, alternate, cordate, entire, 7-9 nerved; flowers in clusters, female flowers usually solitary; fruits drupes, red when ripe.Tinospora cordifolia Is an important drug of Indian systems of medicine and used in medicines since times immemorial. The drug is well known Indian bitter and prescribed in fevers, diabetes, dyspepsia, jaundice, urinary problems, skin diseases and chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. It has been also indicated useful in the t...
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 2017
BY means of genetic engineering, genes can be introduced into the same plant or animal species fo... more BY means of genetic engineering, genes can be introduced into the same plant or animal species for the improvement of their beneficial qualities. This technology has led to the commercial production of genetically engineered [GE] crops on approximately 250 millions acres worldwide. These crops contain desired genes that make them pest resistant and insect resistant, and also in other GM crops, genetic engineers improved their nutrient quality and storage lifetime by the insertion of desired genes. In this review, techniques used in genetic modification of plants, their application and negative impacts on the environment will be addressed. Also safety assessment raised regarded GE crops and food, environmental release of GM crops, status of GM crops in India and their economics will be covered in this review.
The experiment was laid out in Split plot design having balanced fertilization in main plot and a... more The experiment was laid out in Split plot design having balanced fertilization in main plot and agrochemicals in sub plot with three replications. The soil of the experiment field was sandy loam in texture with alkaline in reaction and medium fertility status of soil DTPA extract. Results revealed that balanced fertilization treatments involving N, P, K, S, Zn and S+Zn nutrients, markedly improved parameters of growth, yield and quality as compared to N alone. Crop under the influence of conjoint application of NPKSZn recorded maximum plant height at harvest; dry matter accumulation at 30, 55, 80, 105 and at harvest stage; yield attributes viz., effective tillers m-1 ear length, grains ear-1 grain weight ear-1 and test weight; grain, straw and biological yields; chlorophyll content; uptake of nutrients as well as protein content in grain. Result showed that application of NPKS, NPKZn and NPKSZn significantly out yielded all the fertilization treatments and recorded additional 628, 3...
Article History Published Online: 10 November 2018 Traditional medicine has remained as the most ... more Article History Published Online: 10 November 2018 Traditional medicine has remained as the most affordable and easily accessible source of treatment in the primary healthcare system of resource poor communities in India. A huge interest always exists in exploring nutraceuticals from plant materials to replace synthetic drugs in order to overcome their adverse effects and also for economic reasons. Tinospora cordifolia (TC) is a large extensively spreading glabrous, perennial deciduous twiner with succulent stems and papery bark; leaves simple, alternate, cordate, entire, 7-9 nerved; flowers in clusters, female flowers usually solitary; fruits drupes, red when ripe.Tinospora cordifolia Is an important drug of Indian systems of medicine and used in medicines since times immemorial. The drug is well known Indian bitter and prescribed in fevers, diabetes, dyspepsia, jaundice, urinary problems, skin diseases and chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. It has been also indicated useful in the t...
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 2017
BY means of genetic engineering, genes can be introduced into the same plant or animal species fo... more BY means of genetic engineering, genes can be introduced into the same plant or animal species for the improvement of their beneficial qualities. This technology has led to the commercial production of genetically engineered [GE] crops on approximately 250 millions acres worldwide. These crops contain desired genes that make them pest resistant and insect resistant, and also in other GM crops, genetic engineers improved their nutrient quality and storage lifetime by the insertion of desired genes. In this review, techniques used in genetic modification of plants, their application and negative impacts on the environment will be addressed. Also safety assessment raised regarded GE crops and food, environmental release of GM crops, status of GM crops in India and their economics will be covered in this review.
Papers by Masrat Jan