Papers by Marzena Mielczarek
Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski, 2005
Nowa Audiofonologia, 2014
TINNET WG5 master file. An editable version of the data master file. (XLSX 313 kb)
Outcome instruments used only once either for primary or secondary outcomes. (DOCX 19 kb)
Table of records containing missing data that was queried to the corresponding author by email. (... more Table of records containing missing data that was queried to the corresponding author by email. (DOCX 21 kb)
Table reporting the full reference list for all 228 included records. (DOCX 39 kb)

In Europe alone, over 70 million people experience tinnitus; for seven million people, it creates... more In Europe alone, over 70 million people experience tinnitus; for seven million people, it creates a debilitating condition. Despite its enormous socioeconomic relevance, progress in successfully treating the condition is somewhat limited. The European Union has approved funding to create a pan-European tinnitus research collaboration network (2014–2018). The goal of one working group is to establish an international standard for outcome measurements in clinical trials of tinnitus. Importantly, this would enhance tinnitus research by informing sample-size calculations, enabling meta-analyses, and facil-itating the identification of tinnitus subtypes, ultimately leading to improved treatments. The first meeting followed a work-shop on “Agreed Standards for Measurement: An International Perspective ” with invited talks on clinimetrics and existing international initiatives to define core sets for outcome measurements in hearing loss (International classification of func-tioning, disabi...
Journal of hearing science, 2011

International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health, 2018
The article shows 2 cases of unusual presentation of acute acoustic trauma and blast injury due t... more The article shows 2 cases of unusual presentation of acute acoustic trauma and blast injury due to occupational exposure. In the case of both patients the range of impaired frequencies in pure tone audiograms was atypical for this kind of causative factor. Both patients had symmetrical hearing before the accident (which was confirmed by provided results of hearing controls during their employment). A history of noise/blast exposure, the onset of symptoms directly after harmful exposure, symmetrical hearing before the trauma documented with audiograms, directed initial diagnosis towards acoustic/blast trauma, however, of atypical course. Acute acoustic and blast trauma and coexisting acoustic neuroma (AN) contributed to, and mutually modified, the course of sudden hearing loss. In the literature there are some reports pointing to a higher sensitivity to acoustic trauma in the case of patients with AN and, on the other hand, indicating noise as one of the causative factors in AN. Int ...
Journal of Hearing Science, 2019
Introduction: Craniofacial injuries are a complex clinical issue and their treatment requires mul... more Introduction: Craniofacial injuries are a complex clinical issue and their treatment requires multi-specialty intervention. We present the case of a man hospitalized at the

Journal of Hearing Science, 2019
Background: This paper is a review of the literature on electrical stimulation of the ear to trea... more Background: This paper is a review of the literature on electrical stimulation of the ear to treat tinnitus. This method of treatment has been used since the 1970s and different techniques have been explored. The primary aim of this work was to review the literature on electrical stimulation of the ear to suppress tinnitus, with a specific focus on the methods and stimulation parameters used so far and the efficacy of the different methods. A secondary aim was to formulate recommendations on electrical ear stimulation parameters that suppress tinnitus. Material and methods: Four databases were searched: PubMed, Ovid Embase, Web of Science, and Science Direct. Database searches were conducted during November 2018 using the search terms: tinnitus and electrical stimulation. Inclusion criteria: All research articles on invasive and non-invasive electrical stimulation of the ear for suppressing tinnitus were included. Other inclusion criteria were records in English and involving adult human participants. Exclusion criteria: Studies on intracochlear stimulation using cochlear implants and studies where stimulation extended beyond the ear (e.g. transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, TENS) were excluded. Results: Twenty publications met the inclusion criteria and were analysed in this review. A comparison was made between invasive and non-invasive electrical ear stimulation in terms of efficacy, type of current used, laterality of stimulation, intensity and frequency of the current, duration of tinnitus suppression, and adverse effects. Due to the non-standardised methodology of the studies, there was only a low level of evidence available in terms of the advantages of a particular technique or stimulation parameter. The difficulties in comparing the effectiveness of the studies were related to many factors, and these are discussed. One factor is the variability in outcome measures, including different definitions of treatment success and limited use of standardised or validated outcome measures. Conclusions: Based on the reviewed literature, it is concluded there is no clear advantage of one stimulation condition over the other in terms of method, stimulation parameter, or effectiveness. This leads us to conclusion that the present body of evidence is insufficient to formulate definite recommendations for electrical ear stimulation.
Logopaedica Lodziensia, 2019
Paradoksalne ruchy fałdów głosowych (ang. paradoxical vocal fold movements – PVFM) to kompleksowy... more Paradoksalne ruchy fałdów głosowych (ang. paradoxical vocal fold movements – PVFM) to kompleksowy, heterogenny zespół objawów o zróżnicowanej etiologii i manifestacji klinicznej. Jest to zaburzenie czynnościowe, które oznacza patologiczne przywiedzenie fałdów głosowych w fazie wdechowej i/lub wydechowej, co skutkuje obturacją dróg oddechowych i dusznością. Jednostka ta może być klinicznie skrajną postacią psychosomatyzacji, w zakresie laryngologicznym prowadzącą do objawów zwężenia głośni. W artykule zaprezentowano przypadek młodej kobiety, która zgłosiła się do szpitala z powodu duszności ze stridorem oraz chrypki. Przedstawiono obraz kliniczny, diagnostykę i postępowanie terapeutyczne.

Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018
One of possible approach that may suppress tinnitus is electrical stimulation of the ear. At firs... more One of possible approach that may suppress tinnitus is electrical stimulation of the ear. At first invasive techniques were used (promontory or round window stimulation), nowadays a non-invasive method, namely hydrotransmissive electric stimulation (ES) through external acoustic canal, has been developed. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of applying ES with positive and negative current polarities on the ears of healthy subjects and on the tinnitus ears of patients with tinnitus. This comparison further clarifies the mechanisms of operation of non-invasive extra-cochlear ear ES. A second aim is to assess the effects of ES on tinnitus in tinnitus patients. The material was composed of two groups: tinnitus group-49 patients suffering from tinnitus, and healthy students group-34 healthy individuals. ES was performed with the use of a custom-made apparatus. The active, silver probe-was immersed inside saline filling external ear canal. The passive electrode was placed on the forehead. Positive and next negative DC stimulation was provided with the use following frequencies: 0.25, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 kHz. We checked for the presence of the auditory percept (AP) and, if AP was present, the minimum current amplitude necessary to produce AP was measured. In our research both positive and negative polarities were efficient to evoke AP in the participants. This effect, however, was more pronounced for positive polarity in no tinnitus and normal hearing individuals (healthy students group). In the tinnitus group, current intensity needed to evoke AP was higher than in the healthy students group. However, comparing normal hearing vs. hearing loss patients within the tinnitus group, we did not observe the relationship between hearing threshold and current intensity evoking AP. Afterwards, we analyzed the effect of multi-frequency ES on tinnitus. It appeared to be effective in 75% of tinnitus ears (with a high score of disappearance-22%). Our study proved that extracochlear ES with positive and negative current was efficient to stimulate the auditory system. Stimulating tinnitus ears with two polarities we obtained a higher ratio of improvement (75%) comparing to positive stimulations.
Hearing Research, 2019
Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing... more Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.

Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 2017
Tinnitus is a common medical condition which interfaces many different disciplines, yet it is not... more Tinnitus is a common medical condition which interfaces many different disciplines, yet it is not a priority for any individual discipline. A change in its scientific understanding and clinical management requires a shift toward multidisciplinary cooperation, not only in research but also in training. The European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus research (ESIT) brings together a unique multidisciplinary consortium of clinical practitioners, academic researchers, commercial partners, patient organizations, and public health experts to conduct innovative research and train the next generation of tinnitus researchers. ESIT supports fundamental science and clinical research projects in order to: (1) advancing new treatment solutions for tinnitus, (2) improving existing treatment paradigms, (3) developing innovative research methods, (4) performing genetic studies on, (5) collecting epidemiological data to create new knowledge about prevalence and risk factors, (6) establishing a p...

Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2016
In our clinic invasive transtympanal promontory positive DC stimulations were first used, with a ... more In our clinic invasive transtympanal promontory positive DC stimulations were first used, with a success rate of 42%. However, non-invasive hydrotransmissive negative DC stimulations are now favored, with improvement being obtained in 37.8% directly after the treatment, and 51.3% in a follow up 1 month after treatment. The further improvement after 1 month may be due to neuroplastic changes at central level as a result of altered peripheral input. The aim of the study was to determine how/whether a single electrical stimulation of the ear influences cortical activity, and whether changes observed in tinnitus after electrical stimulation are associated with any changes in cortical activity recorded in EEG. The study included 12 tinnitus patients (F-6, M-6) divided into two groups. Group I comprised six patients with unilateral tinnitus-unilateral, ipsilateral ES was performed. Group II comprised six patients with bilateral tinnitus-bilateral ES was performed. ES was performed using a custom-made apparatus. The active, silver probe-was immersed inside the external ear canal filled with saline. The passive electrode was placed on the forehead. The stimulating frequency was 250 Hz, the intensity ranged from 0.14 to 1.08 mA. The voltage was kept constant at 3 V. The duration of stimulation was 4 min. The EEG recording (Deymed QEST 32) was performed before and after ES. The patients assessed the intensity of tinnitus on the VAS 1-10. Results: In both groups an improvement in VAS was observed-in group I-in five ears (83.3%), in group II-in seven ears (58.3%). In Group I, a significant increase in the upper and lower limit frequency of alpha band was observed in the central temporal and frontal regions following ES. These changes, however, were not correlated with improvement in tinnitus. No significant changes were observed in the beta and theta bands and in group II. Preliminary results of our research reveal a change in cortical activity after electrical stimulations of the ear. However, it remains unclear if it is primary or secondary to peripheral auditory excitation. No similar studies had been found in the literature.

Archives of Medical Science, 2016
Introduction: Mutations at the DFNA9 locus on chromosome 14q12 are the third most common form of ... more Introduction: Mutations at the DFNA9 locus on chromosome 14q12 are the third most common form of DFNA hearing loss, which is clinically characterized by late onset (in adulthood) progressive sensorineural hearing loss accompanied by vestibular dysfunction. The aim of the study was to search for COCH gene mutations (P51S, V66G, G87W, G88E, V104del, I109N, W117R, A119T, M512T, C542Y) in patients with severe or profound sensorineural hearing loss accompanied by a vestibular lesion. Material and methods: The study was based on a group of 30 patients. Qualification criteria comprised the presence of progressive postlingual, severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss with tinnitus, early age of sensorineural hearing loss onset, before the 40 th year of life, and a positive family history of early onset hearing loss. All patients were diagnosed with peripheral vestibular lesions. Results: The authors did not find P51S, V66G, G87W, G88E, V104del, I109N, W117R, A119T, M512T, or C542Y mutations in the COCH gene in the tested group (no differences were found in the nucleotide sequences of exomes 4, 5 and 12 when compared to the published cDNA sequence of the COCH gene). Conclusions: No cochlin mutations were found in the group of patients with severe to profound sensorineural hearing impairment accompanied by a vestibular lesion. The COCH gene needs further exploration and analysis of genotype-phenotype correlations.
Otolaryngologia Polska, 2016
Introduction. GJB2 mutations are the most frequent reason of genetic congenital hearing loss. The... more Introduction. GJB2 mutations are the most frequent reason of genetic congenital hearing loss. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of GJB2 mutations in the deaf and profound hearing loss children. Material and methods. The material of the study was a group of 61 patients divided into two groups. Group I-35 deaf or with profound sensorineural hearing loss children (the pupils of the deaf and hard of hearing school), aged 5-17 years (average 9,2 years), 14 males, 21 females, II-control group comprised 26 normal hearing patients, aged 5-16 years (average 10,4 years), 14 males, 12 females (patients
Papers by Marzena Mielczarek