Papers by Alejandro Ramos-Martinez
Esta nota presenta las estimaciones de los flujos comerciales internacionales de América Latina y... more Esta nota presenta las estimaciones de los flujos comerciales internacionales de América Latina y el Caribe para el año 2021. Las cifras fueron elaboradas por el Sector de Integración y Comercio (INT) del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) en colaboración con su Instituto para la Integración de América Latina y el Caribe (INTAL), bajo la supervisión general de Fabrizio Opertti, Gerente del Sector, Pablo García, Jefe de la Unidad de Integración Regional, y Ana Basco, Directora del INTAL. La supervisión técnica estuvo a cargo de Mauricio Mesquita Moreira, Asesor Económico del Sector.
Este trabajo pretende mostrar que tanto la historia económica reciente de Estados Unidos como la ... more Este trabajo pretende mostrar que tanto la historia económica reciente de Estados Unidos como la de China registran procesos de acumulación excesiva de capital respecto a su rentabilidad efectiva. Es conocido que en experiencias históricas previas, estas fases de ...
Capital & Class, 1999
During the recent years there has been a remarkable rejuvenation of debates on Marxist Value theo... more During the recent years there has been a remarkable rejuvenation of debates on Marxist Value theory. This volume contributes to this trend. It contains eleven essays on a wide range of issues, but which can be grouped around two major themes: 1) a critique of the ...
Research Papers in Economics, 1994
The purpose of this article is to propose a systematic reading of the transformation procedure il... more The purpose of this article is to propose a systematic reading of the transformation procedure illustrated by Marx in the first example of Chapter 9, Capital III, with an effort to convey the non dualistic vision he has of the economy. The article shows that Marx’s texts on the transformation have a radically different meaning than that attributed to them by Bortkiewicz and other authors, and establishes the soundness of Marx’s conclusions. Moreover, the passages where Marx tests the validity of his results are carefully examinated. To do this, we follow an observation made by Marx himself which has been completely neglected in the subsequent literature.
El Informe MERCOSUR Nº 20 (julio de 2014 – julio de 2015) analiza el panorama macroeconómico y lo... more El Informe MERCOSUR Nº 20 (julio de 2014 – julio de 2015) analiza el panorama macroeconómico y los flujos comerciales y de inversión de los países del Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR), así como también los rasgos principales de la agenda interna y externa del bloque. Se incluye un capítulo especial dedicado a la relación de los países miembros con China.
Books by Alejandro Ramos-Martinez
The full text of Mandel, A. and Alan Freeman. 1984. 'Ricardo, Marx,Sraffa: The Langston Memorial ... more The full text of Mandel, A. and Alan Freeman. 1984. 'Ricardo, Marx,Sraffa: The Langston Memorial Volume. Verso.
Thanks to Mike Welte for his indefatigable work in scanning this text and to Verso for permission to reproduce it.
Note that a duplicate version of this is on the site - it was uploaded by another person, but the two uploads as far as I am aware are identical
Please cite as follows:
Freeman, A. and G. Carchedi (1995) (eds). Marx and Non-Equilibrium Eco... more Please cite as follows:
Freeman, A. and G. Carchedi (1995) (eds). Marx and Non-Equilibrium Economics. Edward Elgar.
Papers by Alejandro Ramos-Martinez
Books by Alejandro Ramos-Martinez
Thanks to Mike Welte for his indefatigable work in scanning this text and to Verso for permission to reproduce it.
Note that a duplicate version of this is on the site - it was uploaded by another person, but the two uploads as far as I am aware are identical
Freeman, A. and G. Carchedi (1995) (eds). Marx and Non-Equilibrium Economics. Edward Elgar.
Thanks to Mike Welte for his indefatigable work in scanning this text and to Verso for permission to reproduce it.
Note that a duplicate version of this is on the site - it was uploaded by another person, but the two uploads as far as I am aware are identical
Freeman, A. and G. Carchedi (1995) (eds). Marx and Non-Equilibrium Economics. Edward Elgar.