Papers by Martina Tesarova

BMC Biology, 2020
Background The family Trypanosomatidae encompasses parasitic flagellates, some of which cause ser... more Background The family Trypanosomatidae encompasses parasitic flagellates, some of which cause serious vector-transmitted diseases of humans and domestic animals. However, insect-restricted parasites represent the ancestral and most diverse group within the family. They display a range of unusual features and their study can provide insights into the biology of human pathogens. Here we describe Vickermania, a new genus of fly midgut-dwelling parasites that bear two flagella in contrast to other trypanosomatids, which are unambiguously uniflagellate. Results Vickermania has an odd cell cycle, in which shortly after the division the uniflagellate cell starts growing a new flagellum attached to the old one and preserves their contact until the late cytokinesis. The flagella connect to each other throughout their whole length and carry a peculiar seizing structure with a paddle-like apex and two lateral extensions at their tip. In contrast to typical trypanosomatids, which attach to the ...

Protist, 2014
Compared to their relatives, the diversity of endosymbiont-containing Trypanosomatidae remains un... more Compared to their relatives, the diversity of endosymbiont-containing Trypanosomatidae remains under-investigated, with only two new species described in the past 25 years, bringing the total to six. The possible reasons for such a poor representation of this group are either their overall scarcity or susceptibility of their symbionts to antibiotics that are traditionally used for cultivation of flagellates. In this work we describe the isolation, cultivation, as well as morphological and molecular characterization of a novel endosymbiont-harboring trypanosomatid species, Kentomonas sorsogonicus sp. n. The newly erected genus Kentomonas gen. n. shares many common features with the genera Angomonas and Strigomonas, such as the presence of an extensive system of peripheral mitochondrial branches distorting the corset of subpellicular microtubules, large and loosely packed kinetoplast, and a rudimentary paraflagellar rod. Here we also propose to unite all endosymbiont-bearing trypanosomatids into the new subfamily Strigomonadinae subfam. n.

European Journal of Protistology, Jun 1, 2021
The expanding phylogenetic tree of trypanosomatid flagellates (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatidae) c... more The expanding phylogenetic tree of trypanosomatid flagellates (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatidae) contains a long-known and phylogenetically well-supported species-rich lineage that was provisionally named as the 'jaculum' clade. Its members were found in representatives of several unrelated families of heteropteran bugs captured in South and Central America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. However, this group resisted introduction into the culture, a needed prerequisite for its proper characterization. Here we describe four new cultivable species, which parasitize various parts of their hosts' intestine, including the thoracic and abdominal part of the midgut, hindgut, and Malpighian tubules. Morphologically, the cultured flagellates vary from relatively short stumpy promastigotes to long slender leptomonad cells. Some species form straphangers (cyst-like amastigotes) both in vivo and in vitro, initially attached to the basal part of the flagellum of the mother cell, from which they subsequently detach. To formally classify this enigmatic monophyletic cosmopolitan clade, we erected Obscuromonas gen. nov., including five species: O. modryi sp. nov. (isolated from the true bug host species Riptortus linearis captured in the Philippines), O. volfi sp. nov. (from Catorhintha selector, Curaçao), O. eliasi sp. nov. (from Graptostethus servus, Papua New Guinea), O. oborniki sp. nov. (from Aspilocoryphus unimaculatus, Madagascar), and O. jaculum comb. nov. (from Nepa cinerea, France). Obscuromonas along with the genus Blastocrithidia belongs to the newly established Blastocrithidiinae subfam. nov.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Oct 31, 2017
is a monoxenous kinetoplastid flagellate that constitutes the most basal branch of the highly div... more is a monoxenous kinetoplastid flagellate that constitutes the most basal branch of the highly diverse parasitic trypanosomatids, which include human pathogensandThis makesuniquely informative for the evolution of obligatory parasitism from free-living lifestyle and the evolution of human parasitism in some trypanosomatid lineages. It has typical promastigote morphology but also forms surface-attached haptomonads and amastigotes. Haptomonads form by attachment to a surface via a large bulge at the base of the flagellum, which is then remodeled into a thin attachment pad associated with flagellum shortening. Promastigotes and haptomonads multiply by binary division, and the progeny of a haptomonad can either remain attached or grow a flagellum and resume swimming. Whole genome sequencing and transcriptome profiling, in combination with analysis of the cell ultrastructure, reveal how the cell surface and metabolism are adapted to parasitism and how characteristic cytoskeletal features ...

Folia Parasitologica, 2014
from the czech republic. the new species are described here based on sequence analysis of their s... more from the czech republic. the new species are described here based on sequence analysis of their spliced leader (sl) rNA, glycosomal glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (ggAPDH) and small subunit (ssU) rrNA genes, as well as their morphology and ultrastructure. High-pressure freezing and Bernhard's EDtA regressive staining, used for the first time for monoxenous (one host) trypanosomatids, revealed the presence of viral particles with cytosolic localization in one and unique mitochondrial localization in another species. in accordance with previous observations, our results emphasize a discrepancy between morphology and molecular taxonomy of the family trypanosomatidae. All four newly described species are represented by typical morphotypes (mainly choano-and promastigotes) and are virtually indistinguishable from other monoxenous trypanosomatids by morphology. Nevertheless, they all differ in their phylogenetic affinities. Whereas three of them grouped within the recently defined subfamily leishmaniinae, which includes numerous representatives of the genera Leishmania ross, 1903, Crithidia léger, 1902 and Leptomonas Kent, 1880, the fourth species clusters together with the 'collosoma' clade (named after 'Leptomonas' collosoma Wallace, clark, Dyer et collins, 1960). Here we demonstrate that the 'collosoma' group represents the elusive genus Wallaceina Podlipaev, Frolov et Kolesnikov, 1999. We redefine this genus in molecular terms based on similarities of the respective molecular markers and propose to use this taxon name for the group of species of the 'collosoma' clade.

Protist, 2012
Chromerida are photoautotrophic alveolates so far only isolated from corals in Australia. It has ... more Chromerida are photoautotrophic alveolates so far only isolated from corals in Australia. It has been shown that these secondary plastid-containing algae are closely related to apicomplexan parasites and share various morphological and molecular characters with both Apicomplexa and Dinophyta. So far, the only known representative of the phylum was Chromera velia. Here we provide a formal description of another chromerid, Vitrella brassicaformis gen. et sp. nov., complemented with a detailed study on its ultrastructure, allowing insight into its life cycle. The novel alga differs significantly from the related chromerid C. velia in life cycle, morphology as well as the plastid genome. Analysis of photosynthetic pigments on the other hand demonstrate that both chromerids lack chlorophyll c, the hallmark of phototrophic chromalveolates. Based on the relatively high divergence between C. velia and V. brassicaformis, we propose their classification into distinct families Chromeraceae and Vitrellaceae. Moreover, we predict a hidden and unexplored diversity of the chromerid algae.

PloS one, 2017
In the present work, we investigated molecular mechanisms governing thermal resistance of a monox... more In the present work, we investigated molecular mechanisms governing thermal resistance of a monoxenous trypanosomatid Crithidia luciliae thermophila, which we reclassified as a separate species C. thermophila. We analyzed morphology, growth kinetics, and transcriptomic profiles of flagellates cultivated at low (23°C) and elevated (34°C) temperature. When maintained at high temperature, they grew significantly faster, became shorter, with genes involved in sugar metabolism and mitochondrial stress protection significantly upregulated. Comparison with another thermoresistant monoxenous trypanosomatid, Leptomonas seymouri, revealed dramatic differences in transcription profiles of the two species with only few genes showing the same expression pattern. This disparity illustrates differences in the biology of these two parasites and distinct mechanisms of their thermotolerance, a prerequisite for living in warm-blooded vertebrates.

The Rhinanthoid clade of the family Orobanchaceae comprises plants displaying a hemiparasitic or ... more The Rhinanthoid clade of the family Orobanchaceae comprises plants displaying a hemiparasitic or holoparasitic strategy of resource acquisition. Some of its species (mainly Rhinanthus spp.) are often used as models for studies of hemiparasite physiology. Although there is a well-developed concept covering their physiological processes, most recent studies have neglected the existence of hydathode trichomes present on leaves of these hemiparasitic plants. As a first step for the proposed integration of these structures in the theory of physiological processes of the hemiparasites, we described the outer micromorphology and ultrastructure of the hydathode trichomes on leaves of hemiparasitic Rhinanthus alectorolophus and Odontites vernus with scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM, respectively). The TEM inspections of both types of trichome revealed typical ultrastructural features: labyrinthine cell wall, high content of cytoplasm in cells with numerous mitochondria and presence of plasmodesmata. All these features indicate high metabolic activity complying with their function as glandular trichomes actively secreting water. The active secretion of water by the hydathode trichomes (evidence for which is summarised here) also presents a possible mechanism explaining results of previous gas exchange measurements detecting high dark respiration and transpiration rates and a tight inter-correlation between them in hemiparasitic Orobanchaceae. In addition, this process is hypothesised to have allowed multiple evolutionary transitions from facultative to obligate hemiparasitism and unique xylem-feeding holoparasitism of Lathraea with a long-lived underground stage featuring a rhizome covered by scales of leaf origin.

Protist, 2012
Chromerida are photoautotrophic alveolates so far only isolated from corals in Australia. It has ... more Chromerida are photoautotrophic alveolates so far only isolated from corals in Australia. It has been shown that these secondary plastid-containing algae are closely related to apicomplexan parasites and share various morphological and molecular characters with both Apicomplexa and Dinophyta. So far, the only known representative of the phylum was Chromera velia. Here we provide a formal description of another chromerid, Vitrella brassicaformis gen. et sp. nov., complemented with a detailed study on its ultrastructure, allowing insight into its life cycle. The novel alga differs significantly from the related chromerid C. velia in life cycle, morphology as well as the plastid genome. Analysis of photosynthetic pigments on the other hand demonstrate that both chromerids lack chlorophyll c, the hallmark of phototrophic chromalveolates. Based on the relatively high divergence between C. velia and V. brassicaformis, we propose their classification into distinct families Chromeraceae and Vitrellaceae. Moreover, we predict a hidden and unexplored diversity of the chromerid algae.

Micron, 2010
In this study three types of scanning electron microscopes were used for the size determination o... more In this study three types of scanning electron microscopes were used for the size determination of spermatozoa of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus -high vacuum scanning electron microscope (SEM, JEOL 6300), environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM, Quanta 200 FEG), field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM, JEOL 7401F) with cryoattachment Alto 2500 (Gatan) and transmission electron microscope (TEM, JEOL 1010). The use of particular microscopes was tied with different specimen preparation techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate to what degree the type of used electron microscope can influence the size of different parts of spermatozoa. For high vacuum SEM the specimen was prepared using two slightly different procedures. After chemical fixation with 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer and post-fixation by 1% osmium tetroxide, the specimen was dehydrated by acetone series and dried either by critical point method or by means of t-butylalcohol. For ESEM fresh, unfixed material was used, which was dropped on microscopic copper grids. In FESEM working in cryomode the specimen was observed in a frozen state. Ultrathin sections from chemically fixed and Epon embedded specimens were prepared for TEM observation. Distinct parts of sterlet spermatozoa were measured in each microscope and the data obtained was statistically processed. Results confirmed that the classical chemical procedure of specimen preparation for SEM including critical point drying method led to a significant contraction of all measured values, which could deviate up to 30% in comparison with values measured on the fresh chemically untreated specimen in ESEM. Surprisingly sperm dimensions determinated on ultrathin sections by TEM are comparable with values obtained in ESEM or FESEM.

Protist, 2008
Three new species of monoxenous parasites from the Neotropical Heteroptera are described on the b... more Three new species of monoxenous parasites from the Neotropical Heteroptera are described on the basis of the ultrastructure of cells in culture, as well as gene sequences of Spliced Leader (SL) RNA, glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and small subunit (SSU) rRNA. The results have highlighted a striking discrepancy between the morphological (dis)similarities and the phylogenetic affinities among the insect trypanosomatids. Although each of the new species is characterized by a distinct set of morphological characters, based on the predominant promastigotes observed in culture, each of them has been provisionally assigned to the genus Leptomonas pending the future revision of this genus. Yet, instead of the phylogenetic affinity with the other members of this polyphyletic genus, the new species are most closely related to Crithidia species. Thus, the extremely long promastigotes of Leptomonas acus sp. n. and the unique morphological features found in Leptomonas bifurcata sp. n. sharply contrast with their respective relatives C. fasciculata and C. deanei both of which are typical choanomastigotes. The results clearly show that the current classification at the genus level is misleading and needs to be revised. The phylogenetic clades potentially representing the candidate new genera of monoxenous trypanosomatids have started to emerge from the presented analyses.
Folia Parasitologica, 2014

Protist, 2014
Compared to their relatives, the diversity of endosymbiont-containing Trypanosomatidae remains un... more Compared to their relatives, the diversity of endosymbiont-containing Trypanosomatidae remains under-investigated, with only two new species described in the past 25 years, bringing the total to six. The possible reasons for such a poor representation of this group are either their overall scarcity or susceptibility of their symbionts to antibiotics that are traditionally used for cultivation of flagellates. In this work we describe the isolation, cultivation, as well as morphological and molecular characterization of a novel endosymbiont-harboring trypanosomatid species, Kentomonas sorsogonicus sp. n. The newly erected genus Kentomonas gen. n. shares many common features with the genera Angomonas and Strigomonas, such as the presence of an extensive system of peripheral mitochondrial branches distorting the corset of subpellicular microtubules, large and loosely packed kinetoplast, and a rudimentary paraflagellar rod. Here we also propose to unite all endosymbiont-bearing trypanosomatids into the new subfamily Strigomonadinae subfam. n.
Papers by Martina Tesarova