Papers by Martina Pasqualetto
Sapere l’Europa, sapere d’Europa, 2019
Grounded on the results of an ethnographic investigation on asylum seekers as victims of torture ... more Grounded on the results of an ethnographic investigation on asylum seekers as victims of torture in Spain, this chapter analyses the governmental devices that define the reality of migrants as victims of torture. Stemming from a critical review of the concept of torture, in relation to migration in contemporary European societies, the chapter puts forward the double vulnerability to which migrants are exposed, as unprotected victims of torture in their countries of origin and as potential victims of torture on arrival to Europe. The paper argues that the precarious legal status and the failure of systems victim protection, combined with meritocratic approaches to migrant incorporation, not only fail to ensure full protection of victims of torture but, moreover, it exposes these victims to further situations of violence and exclusion.

Within the deep work transformations that have taken place in recent decades, the European labour... more Within the deep work transformations that have taken place in recent decades, the European labour market has been affected by a process of structural precarisation which has created unprecedented forms of precarious work. Among such, unpaid work is an expression of extreme precarity due to the complete separation between work and wage. For several causes, migrant workers are one of the categories most affected by work casualisation and live a condition of double precarity (work and legal), mainly produced by migration policies. At the same time, immigration is involuntary a test bench for new forms of flexible work.This article examines the link between work casualisation and migration through the analysis of a specific form of unpaid work, i.e. the voluntary work by asylum seekers in Italy - institutionalised as a public policy in 2014. Considered as a mechanism of “public atonement” for the guilt of migration through activities of public interest, the article highlights how it con...

Stuck and Exploited Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Italy Between Exclusion, Discrimination and Struggles
In Italy, over the last years in the world of social struggles asylum seekers have been in the sp... more In Italy, over the last years in the world of social struggles asylum seekers have been in the spotlight several times, having led several episodes of mobilisations and protests. They emerged as political subjects, with their own claims and situations; parallel to the issue of reception, they expressed themselves in the public space as asylum seekers, with campaigns, pickets, and marches, with which the respect for their rights and dignity is advocated. This study analyses the causes, forms and repercussions of the struggles of asylum seekers in the last decade. After the analysis of the experience of immigrants’ struggles over the last three decades, the article examines the social roots and the features of the struggles of asylum seekers between 2011 to 2019, and considers their meaning in the political context.
REMHU : Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
Riassunto L'articolo analizza la politica pubblica italiana che prevede il coinvolgimento dei... more Riassunto L'articolo analizza la politica pubblica italiana che prevede il coinvolgimento dei richiedenti asilo in attività di 'volontariato' a favore delle amministrazioni locali per calmare il malcontento popolare causato dalla loro presunta inattività. In primo luogo l'autrice mette in discussione l'efficacia di tale policy e ne destruttura il discorso governativo mettendone in luce le mistificazioni. Mediante una ricerca esplorativa ispirata alla grounded theory si dimostra inoltre che la reale natura delle attività promosse risiede nel lavoro gratuito e che esse veicolano un messaggio di simbolica e percepita utilità dei profughi che impatta negativamente sull'immaginario collettivo rispetto al tema del diritto d'asilo.
Papers by Martina Pasqualetto