Papers by Martina Fischer
Europäische Friedensordnungen und Sicherheitsarchitekturen, 2018

Dealing with a legacy of human rights violations is one of the most difficult challenges facing a... more Dealing with a legacy of human rights violations is one of the most difficult challenges facing any society in the aftermath of violent conflict. A decade after internationally mediated peace agreements ended wars in Guatemala and Bosnia and Herzegovina, both countries continue to struggle with a culture of impunity and violence. What lessons can be learned about the effectiveness of transitional justice mechanisms in dealing with the past? Why set up truth commissions in one context and tribunals in another? How does a society learn to live with the memory of genocide and crimes against humanity? And how can external actors contribute to the process of reconciliation? These are some of the questions which Guatemalan, Bosnian, and Swiss experts addressed at the swisspeace annual conference 2006. Das Aufarbeiten von Menschenrechtsverletzungen stellt Gesellschaften in der Folge eines gewaltsamen Konfliktes vor grossten Herausforderungen. Zehn Jahre ist es her, seit internationale Frie...

Jugendförderung als Potenzial und Herausforderung für den Friedensprozess in Bosnien-Herzegowina ... more Jugendförderung als Potenzial und Herausforderung für den Friedensprozess in Bosnien-Herzegowina Berghof Working Papers Berghof Working Papers sind Artikel unserer Mitarbeiter/-innen, die nicht als Publikation zu bestellen sondern nur als Download über die Homepage des Berghof Forschungszentrums abrufbar sind (www. Diese Veröffentlichungen sind z.T. bereits andernorts erschienen, wie dieser Artikel in: Berliner Osteuropa Info 21 / 2004, S.31-37. Die Autorin Dr. Martina Fischer, Politikwissenschaftlerin, ist Senior Researcher und stellvertretende Leiterin des Berghof Forschungszentrums für konstruktive Konfliktbearbeitung in Berlin. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Krisenprävention und Konfliktbearbeitung in der südslawischen Region; europäische Sicherheitspolitik im Rahmen von EU und OSZE; Qualifizierungskonzepte für Friedensfachkräfte; Verknüpfung von Ansätzen der Friedensförderung und der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Sie ist Mitherausgeberin des Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation..
Europäische Friedensordnungen und Sicherheitsarchitekturen, 2018
Die Vereinten Nationen haben als System kollektiver Sicherheit bedeutsame volkerrechtliche Grundl... more Die Vereinten Nationen haben als System kollektiver Sicherheit bedeutsame volkerrechtliche Grundlagen und Ubereinkunfte zur Friedenssicherung geschaffen. Sie stellen gegenuber ihrem Vorlaufer, dem Volkerbund, einen deutlichen Fortschritt dar, wie der Beitrag von Hans-Joachim Heintze in diesem Band aufzeigt. Allerdings bedurfen sie dringender Reformen, um „den Anforderungen an ein zeitgemases System kollektiver Sicherheit“ gerecht zu werden. Zugleich hat das System der Vereinten Nationen zusatzlich diverse Regionalorganisationen wie zum Beispiel die Organisation fur Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) generiert (hierzu der Beitrag von Heinz Gartner in diesem Band).

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2010
Israel-Palestine); confidence building measures. Civil society is the sum of voices not controlle... more Israel-Palestine); confidence building measures. Civil society is the sum of voices not controlled by the government, speaking for individual and collective interests. Peacebuilding is the process of removing obstacles to lasting peace by reducing the opportunities for both physical and structural violence. These two concepts are intrinsically linked because violence within and between states can be regulated more effectively when citizens have the capacity to make decisions that balance the coercive powers of government. Social movements and civil society organizations can advance democracy peacefully by defending and enhancing civil rights. These both empirical and a theoretical observations, and lead to some conflicting conclusions about the ways in which peacebuilding should be pursued. I will describe the mechanisms connecting peacebuilding and civil society, the debate about institutional strength and community empowerment, and the implications for those seeking to address both physical and structural violence.
Die Denkschrift der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) „Aus Gottes Frieden leben – fur ger... more Die Denkschrift der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) „Aus Gottes Frieden leben – fur gerechten Frieden sorgen“ (EKD 2007) orientiert ihre Vision von Frieden sowohl an den Kategorien Recht und Gerechtigkeit als auch an den Konzepten der menschlichen Sicherheit und der menschlichen Entwicklung, die von der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen unterstutzt werden. In der christlichen Ethik sind – nicht zuletzt aufgrund der Diskurse der internationalen okumenischen Bewegung – Frieden und Gerechtigkeit inzwischen untrennbar miteinander verbunden. Gerechtigkeit wird in der EKD als „Kategorie einer sozialen Praxis der Solidaritat“ verstanden, die sich „vorrangig den Schwachen und Benachteiligten zuwendet“ und sich „im Gebot der Nachsten-, ja Feindesliebe [erfullt]“ (EKD 2007, Ziff. 77).

Dealing with the Legacies of the Past in the Balkans: A Local, Regional and International Challen... more Dealing with the Legacies of the Past in the Balkans: A Local, Regional and International Challenge (Introduction by Martina Fischer) 1 2 Political Context and Relevant Actors (by Martina Fischer) 5 2.1 Political context in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia 6 2.2 Actors in transitional justice and dealing with the legacies of the past 3 Theoretical Approaches and Research Design (by Martina Fischer) 3.1 Transitional justice: the call for a holistic interpretation 3.2 Reconciliation and conflict transformation as multi-level processes 3.3 Research design 4 Analysis of Interviews with TJ Institutions: ICTY, Domestic Judiciary and Commissions for Missing Persons (by Ljubinka Petrović-Ziemer) 4.1 Relevance and dynamics of dealing with the past 4.2 Potential, legitimacy and acceptance of TJ mechanisms 4.3 Guiding concepts 4.4 Learning processes and suggestions 4.5 Partners and forms of cooperation 4.6 Further perspectives and challenges 5 Analysis of Interviews with CSOs: Peace and Human Rights Activists, Journalists, War Veterans' Unions, and Victims' Organisations (by Ljubinka Petrović-Ziemer) 5.1 Relevance and dynamics of dealing with the past 5.2 Potential, legitimacy and acceptance of TJ mechanisms 5.3 Guiding concepts 5.4 Assessments of achievements and learning processes 5.5 Partners and forms of cooperation 5.6 Dilemmas and open questions 5.7 Further perspectives and challenges 6 Analysis of Interviews with International Actors (by Martina Fischer) 6.1 Relevance and dynamics of dealing with the past 6.2 Potential, legitimacy and acceptance of TJ mechanisms 6.3 Guiding concepts 6.4 Cooperation and learning processes 6.5 Further perspectives and challenges 7 Analysis of Interviews with Representatives of Political Parties 7.1 Analysis of interviews in Bosnia-Herzegovina (by Ismet Sejfija) 7.2 Analysis of interviews in Serbia (by Katarina Milićević) 109 7.3 Analysis of interviews in Croatia (by Srđan Dvornik) 123 8 Summary Analysis (by Martina Fischer) 131 8.1 Coherence and compatibility of concepts and approaches 132 8.2 Interaction of different actors and linkages across levels 140 8.3 Open questions 145 8.4 Further perspectives and challenges 151 9 Policy Recommendations (by Martina Fischer) 159 9.1 Recommendations for policy-makers in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia 160 9.2 Recommendations for civil society organisations in the region 162 9.3 Recommendations for international actors 163 10 References and Literature Annexes 179 Acronyms Overview of the interviewed organisations (by Josefina Bajer, Martina Fischer and Ljubinka Petrović-Ziemer) 183 Notes on the contributors 210 Preface and Acknowledgements Preface and Acknowledgments This report presents findings gathered by the research project Dealing with the Past and Peacebuilding in the Western Balkans conducted by Martina Fischer and Ljubinka Petrović-Ziemer with support of Josefina Bajer (Berlin), Srđan Dvornik (Zagreb), Katarina Milićević (Belgrade), and Ismet Sejfija (Sarajevo/Tuzla) in the period from March 2010 until April 2012. The editors are grateful to the German Foundation for Peace Research who funded the project. Special thanks go to our partners in the region of former Yugoslavia. Apart from our colleagues and co-authors mentioned above, we got valuable support by Vesna Nikolić Ristanović and her team at the Victimology Society of Serbia: Jasmina Nikolić, Sanja Copić, Bejan Sarić, and Nikola Petrović. Josefina Bajer helped to compile an overview on interviewed organisations and to prepare a bibliography on Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice in the Region. Hillary Crowe did a great job with final language editing and proofreading of all the chapters. Furthermore we thank Hana Dvornik for translation of Chapter 7.1 and 7.3, Marija Stojanović for translating Chapter 7.2. and Duška Borovac-Knabe for her support to translate work papers. We are also

The Dialogue Series is an offshoot of the Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation. Each topi... more The Dialogue Series is an offshoot of the Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation. Each topic in the series is chosen because it is particularly relevant to societies in conflict and the practice of conflict transformation, and because it raises important issues at the present time. In each Dialogue, practitioners and scholars critically engage and debate in light of their experience. Typically, a Dialogue includes one lead article from key experts, and several commentaries from practitioners and others. Rather than presenting a single analysis, these practitioner-scholar Dialogues stimulate debate, integrating different perspectives, challenging prevailing views, comparing research findings with experiences and insights on the ground. Importantly, Dialogues, as works of broad relevance, are distributed in print version as well as online. We invite readers to respond to the papers (as to all articles). Interesting and original contributions can be added to the web version of the Dialogue.

Theologische Revue, Nov 20, 2021
Jahrzehntelang wurden entwicklungspolitische Diskurse eher von säkularen Vorstellungen und Annahm... more Jahrzehntelang wurden entwicklungspolitische Diskurse eher von säkularen Vorstellungen und Annahmen über sozialen Wandel dominiert, so stellen die Hg. einleitend fest, doch diese Situation habe sich verändert: das "Fieber der Säkularisierung" (13) habe sich abgekühlt und die Bedeutung von Religion und glaubensbasierten Akteuren stoße in der entwicklungspolitischen Theorie weltweit auf zunehmendes Interesse. Das gelte nicht nur für den akademischen Bereich, sondern auch für den politischen Raum. Schließlich entstanden seit der Jahrtausendwende in der globalen Entwicklungspolitik deutlich mehr Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten für Zivilgesellschaft. Vom ehemaligen UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan wurde das als "stille Revolution" bezeichnet. Für Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs) insgesamt und auch für glaubensbasierte Initiativen (RNGOs) erweiterten sich so zunächst die Spielräume. Der 2020 von Andreas Heuser und Jens Koehrsen veröffentlichte Sammelbd. gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die Aktivitäten glaubensbasierter Organisationen und die Vielfalt ihrer Ansätze. Die richten sich nicht nur auf das klassische entwicklungspolitische Repertoire der Armutsbekämpfung und Ernährungssicherheit, Gesundheit und Bildung, sondern vielen geht es auch um ressourcen-und klimaschonende Produktion, um Gendergerechtigkeit, den Schutz von Flüchtlingen und Migrant:inn:en, Menschenrechte, Friedensförderung, interreligiösen Dialog und Versöhnung. Mit dem Bd. ist es gelungen, das Wirken von RNGOs in ganz unterschiedlichen Regionen, spirituellen und kulturellen Kontexten mit diversen disziplinären Zugängen zu erfassen. So wurde internationale Expertise aus der Religionswissenschaft, Theologie, Anthropologie, Friedensund Sozialethik und den Regionalstudien zusammengetragen. Die Ausgangsfrage lautet: "Welchen Unterschied macht Religion im entwicklungspolitischen Kontext? Worin bestehen der spezifische Beitrag, Charakter und das Potenzial der glaubensbasierten Akteure in diesem Feld?" (13f) Diese Frage wird in den Beiträgen recht unterschiedlich beantwortet. Einigkeit besteht in der Einschätzung, dass Religion in den internationalen und gesellschaftlichen Beziehungen konstruktive und destruktive Potenziale entfalten kann, also sowohl Teil des Problems, als auch Teil der Lösung sein kann. Das sollte man v. a. in Kontexten, die von Gewaltkonflikten geprägt sind, berücksichtigen, um den analytischen Blick für die Reichweite und Potenziale von RNGOs zu schärfen. Allerdings liegt eine große Herausforderung in der Frage, wie Religionsgemeinschaften gegen Instrumentalisierung besser immunisiert werden können. Mit Blick auf die Friedenspotenziale hätte der Sammelbd. noch überzeugender abgerundet werden können,

The Berghof Dialogue Series is an offshoot of the Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation. E... more The Berghof Dialogue Series is an offshoot of the Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation. Each topic in the series is chosen because it is particularly relevant to societies in conflict and the practice of conflict transformation, and because it raises important issues at the present time. In each dialogue, practitioners and scholars critically engage and debate in light of their experience. Typically, a Dialogue includes one lead article from key experts, and four commentaries from practitioners and others. Rather than presenting a single analysis, these practitioner-scholar dialogues stimulate debate, integrating different perspectives, challenging prevailing views, comparing research findings with experiences and insights on the ground. Importantly, Dialogues, as works of broad relevance, are also distributed in print version. We invite readers to respond to the papers (as to all articles). Interesting and original contributions can be added to the web version of the Dialogue.

The Dialogue Series is an offshoot of the Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation. Each topi... more The Dialogue Series is an offshoot of the Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation. Each topic in the series is chosen because it is particularly relevant to societies in conflict and the practice of conflict transformation, and because it raises important issues at the present time. In each Dialogue, practitioners and scholars critically engage and debate in light of their experience. Typically, a Dialogue includes one lead article from key experts, and several commentaries from practitioners and others. Rather than presenting a single analysis, these practitioner-scholar encounters stimulate debate, integrating different perspectives, challenging prevailing views and comparing research findings with experiences and insights on the ground. Importantly, Dialogues, as works of broad relevance, are distributed in print version as well as online. We invite readers to respond to the papers (as to all articles). Interesting and original contributions can be added to the web version of the Dialogue.
Berghof Working Papers In dieser Reihe werden Veröffentlichungen unserer Mitarbeiter/-innen auf d... more Berghof Working Papers In dieser Reihe werden Veröffentlichungen unserer Mitarbeiter/-innen auf der Homepage des Berghof Forschungszentrums zugänglich gemacht, die bereits andernorts veröffentlicht worden sind. Der vorliegende Artikel ist bereits erschienen in: Calließ, Jörg (Hg.), Evaluation in der zivilen Konfliktbearbeitung, Reihe Loccumer Protokolle 14/05, Rehburg Loccum 2006, 159-171. Wir danken der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum für die Möglichkeit der WIederveröffentlichung.
Questions of effectiveness, impact and evaluation continue to be most relevant for the field of p... more Questions of effectiveness, impact and evaluation continue to be most relevant for the field of peacebuilding and conflict transformation: Adam Barbolet, Rachel Goldwyn, Hesta Groenewald & Andrew Sherriff report with intimate knowledge on the development of "conflict sensitivity" as an alternative to PCIA; Kenneth Bush sends thought-provoking "field notes", reflecting on his learning in the context of applying PCIA in the South; Thania Paffenholz presents a comprehensive overview of the "Aid for Peace Approach". Short reflection papers by all authors shed light on progress and controversy regarding the new trends in peace and conflict impact assessment.
Papers by Martina Fischer
The 10th anniversary gives reason to investigate the post-war perio
d, today's realities and future perspectives. Bosnian authors and
international experts express their views on recent developments.
Insiders and outsiders, working in the conflict and on its
transformation, have been invited to tackle the questions: Which
conflict lines mark the present society? Did peacebuilding activities
address the underlying causes? What are obstacles for conflict
transformation? What are the potentials and limits of international
support? What does "civil society" mean in Bosnia and h
ow is it
related to statebuilding and democratisation? How can people
constructively deal with the past in order to design the future in the
region of former Yugoslavia? The book gives an overview on an
important research focus of the Berghof Research Center, highlighting
the work of its most important cooperation partners.
Der englischsprachige Sammelband ist ein Beitrag zur Forschungsdiskussion über die Möglichkeiten und Strategien, stabile und dauerhafte Friedensordnungen nach der Beendigung von Gewaltkonflikten zu errichten. Im Kontext aktueller Entwicklungen im internationalen System setzen sich international renommierte Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen mit der Frage auseinander, welche Rollen und Aufgaben supranationale Organisationen, Staaten und nichtstaatliche Akteure übernehmen können, um zu einer nachhaltigen Friedenskonsolidierung beizutragen.
Two decades after the wars, societies in Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia – albeit to different degrees – are still facing the legacies of the wars of the 1990s on a daily basis. Reconciliation between and within these societies remains a formidable challenge, given that all three countries are still facing unresolved disputes either at a cross-border level or amongst parallel societies that persist at a local community level.
This book engages scholars and practitioners from the regions of former Yugoslavia, as well as international experts, to reflect on the achievements and obstacles that characterise efforts to deal with the past. Drawing variously on empirical studies, theoretical discussions, and practical experience, their contributions offer invaluable insights into the complex relationship between transitional justice and conflict transformation.
Experts and political actors have stated that international agencies often used too narrow-minded a concept in the past, reducing their activities to technical reconstruction after the end of violent conflict. A broader conceptualisation is needed to support the difficult long-term process of transformation from war to peace. This chapter gives an overview of the variety of tasks required to make post-conflict recovery successful in the sense of preventing further conflict and some tensions and dilemmas are identified and discussed.
The second section deals with terms and concepts and points out general premises for post-conflict recovery activities in order to contribute to the transition from war to peace. In the third section structural preconditions for successful regeneration and sustainable peace are discussed. This includes co-ordination among the multiple approaches and strategies of actors engaged in the field. The fourth section highlights the importance of programs for (re-)integration of refugees, displaced persons and former combatants and is illustrated by examples mainly from experiences in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH). The fifth section discusses elements of best practice design for external intervention that includes sensitivity to the needs of the local population, the potential of women and the nature of gender roles in specific cultural contexts. The final section stresses dilemmas and open questions.
Experts and political actors have stated that international agencies often used too narrow-minded a concept in the past, reducing their activities to technical reconstruction after the end of violent conflict. A broader conceptualisation is needed to support the difficult long-term process of transformation from war to peace. This chapter gives an overview of the variety of tasks required to make post-conflict recovery successful in the sense of preventing further conflict and some tensions and dilemmas are identified and discussed.
The second section deals with terms and concepts and points out general premises for post-conflict recovery activities in order to contribute to the transition from war to peace. In the third section structural preconditions for successful regeneration and sustainable peace are discussed. This includes co-ordination among the multiple approaches and strategies of actors engaged in the field. The fourth section highlights the importance of programs for (re-)integration of refugees, displaced persons and former combatants and is illustrated by examples mainly from experiences in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH). The fifth section discusses elements of best practice design for external intervention that includes sensitivity to the needs of the local population, the potential of women and the nature of gender roles in specific cultural contexts. The final section stresses dilemmas and open questions.
(David Bloomfield & Beatrix Schmelzle)