Martin T Robertson
My initial research into the meanings behind my unique Pict Symbol Stones, began nonchalantly, fifty five years ago, as a young and proud Scot.
However, my innate curiosity has never been satiated by the traditional offerings from experts and pseudo-experts, alike.
Consequently, I began travelling in my Scottish homelands to get some illuminating insight into these once common and magnificent artworks.
I took two main perspectives in my researches.
One of gleaning what knowledge that I intuited, versus recorded and archival knowledge.
And after many years, a chasm still existed in my knowledge-base.
However, it was only when I cast aside my traditional mindset, and began to let my imagination run free, outwith traditional historical and archaeological 'cognitive tramlines', of enquiry, that a whole amazing, global vista, opened before me.
And evidencing these facts with records, which are mis-percieved, mis-understood, pejoratised, falsified and buried in our ancient archives, has revitalised me, and uncovered a whole, buried multi-culture, centred on our ancient 'Hyperborean' islands of Britain, as first recorded by that amazing Greek explorer, Pytheas.
And THAT narrative, will expose the Roman, dynasty, for homocidal intent, since circa 300 BC.
Supervisors: P. Revesz
Phone: + 37253841547
Address: Estonia
However, my innate curiosity has never been satiated by the traditional offerings from experts and pseudo-experts, alike.
Consequently, I began travelling in my Scottish homelands to get some illuminating insight into these once common and magnificent artworks.
I took two main perspectives in my researches.
One of gleaning what knowledge that I intuited, versus recorded and archival knowledge.
And after many years, a chasm still existed in my knowledge-base.
However, it was only when I cast aside my traditional mindset, and began to let my imagination run free, outwith traditional historical and archaeological 'cognitive tramlines', of enquiry, that a whole amazing, global vista, opened before me.
And evidencing these facts with records, which are mis-percieved, mis-understood, pejoratised, falsified and buried in our ancient archives, has revitalised me, and uncovered a whole, buried multi-culture, centred on our ancient 'Hyperborean' islands of Britain, as first recorded by that amazing Greek explorer, Pytheas.
And THAT narrative, will expose the Roman, dynasty, for homocidal intent, since circa 300 BC.
Supervisors: P. Revesz
Phone: + 37253841547
Address: Estonia
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Books by Martin T Robertson
And when I map this with my C282Y Heamachromatosis gene, the result is particularly illuminatung as to whom really were involved in building our Stonehenge and Orkney Sun and Moon Temples, abd others.
After fighting for two years, on my own, to have my diagnosis of "Phobic Anxiety" and "Paranoid Personality Disorder", updated to simply "PTSD", was a testament to my 'bloody mindedness', and being the first Firefighter in Scotland to be reluctantlly acknowledged as being Medically Discharged, for traumatisation, over and above the normally accepted, '#Occupational Trauma', implicit in a Firefighter's, 'Job Descrition'.
In the larger cultural and geo-political context, my circumstance as a minority individual, in a four hundred year old, monolithic millieu, of Sectarianization, Sectarianism, Apartheid, Cultural Eradication, and Ethnic Tribalism was simply a logical pathway to 'insanity'.
Some people label it "PTSD", but I term it, "Existential Dissociation", meaning that one not only experiences a potential threat to physical life, but also the most schocking assault on our place within our emotional, spiritual and intellectual stasis, in our universe of experience.
It includes classical Dissociative symptoms on many levels, such as physical and emotional, but also "Existential", which I believe is the reason why, of all diagnosed case of PTSD, only one third of victims, respond positively to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Another third, stay in the same condition as when diagnosed, and a final third become tragically, worse.
And since have journeyed through this miasma of capricious experiences, since February 1980, I think that I can give valuable insight into why Psychiatrists, and the Fire Service, completely refused to listen to my informed perspective on the true nature of 'Dissociation', since first attempting to, in 1987.
Although I now consider myself a "Survivor", because I stumbled upon my own solution, I tragically observe PTSD victims, being re-traumatised evey time they seek understanding and empathy.
Simply put: If you cannot find someone you trust, to appreciate your personal perspective, you will always consider yourself an alien prescence in a culture wich ritually shuns you,
I think it is important, because in retrospect, it was not simply a reaction to chronic and necessary, occupational traumas, but also, the attendant sectarianism, (And deliberate #Sectarianization), created a nihilistic environment for me, and evolved into victimisation, which has since reared it's ugly head many times since, in the UK #Fire Service, especially with female recruits.
I now reflect, from my position as an independent #Counselling Psychologist, and Adult #Educator, on what were the psychodynamics at play, both in my local cultural millieu and in my Scottish and British arena of geopolitics, religion and inter-personal dynamics.
My research in the field of religion uncovered some disturbing facts, reflecting the trully odious nature of life in Scotland, since the #Reformation, triggered by #King Henry 8th's, #'Dissolution of The Monasteries', and indirectly resulting in the torture and burning of nearly 3,200 purported "Withches", in Scotland, 95 % of whom were #Catholic.
Even the #Spanish #Inquistion and the #Vatican's eternal progrom of '#Heresy-Slayers', never enjoyed such psychopathic endeavour, per capita of population.
And now, after four hundred and fifty years of insitutionalised #misogyny, institutionalised #Apartheid and institutionalised, #Theocracy, with attendant #Freemasonry, Scotland quietly boasts of cultural indices, I imagine, could only be surpassed in the final epoch of #Sodom and #Gomorah.
"We Reap What We Sow"
Drafts by Martin T Robertson
And when I map this with my C282Y Heamachromatosis gene, the result is particularly illuminatung as to whom really were involved in building our Stonehenge and Orkney Sun and Moon Temples, abd others.
After fighting for two years, on my own, to have my diagnosis of "Phobic Anxiety" and "Paranoid Personality Disorder", updated to simply "PTSD", was a testament to my 'bloody mindedness', and being the first Firefighter in Scotland to be reluctantlly acknowledged as being Medically Discharged, for traumatisation, over and above the normally accepted, '#Occupational Trauma', implicit in a Firefighter's, 'Job Descrition'.
In the larger cultural and geo-political context, my circumstance as a minority individual, in a four hundred year old, monolithic millieu, of Sectarianization, Sectarianism, Apartheid, Cultural Eradication, and Ethnic Tribalism was simply a logical pathway to 'insanity'.
Some people label it "PTSD", but I term it, "Existential Dissociation", meaning that one not only experiences a potential threat to physical life, but also the most schocking assault on our place within our emotional, spiritual and intellectual stasis, in our universe of experience.
It includes classical Dissociative symptoms on many levels, such as physical and emotional, but also "Existential", which I believe is the reason why, of all diagnosed case of PTSD, only one third of victims, respond positively to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Another third, stay in the same condition as when diagnosed, and a final third become tragically, worse.
And since have journeyed through this miasma of capricious experiences, since February 1980, I think that I can give valuable insight into why Psychiatrists, and the Fire Service, completely refused to listen to my informed perspective on the true nature of 'Dissociation', since first attempting to, in 1987.
Although I now consider myself a "Survivor", because I stumbled upon my own solution, I tragically observe PTSD victims, being re-traumatised evey time they seek understanding and empathy.
Simply put: If you cannot find someone you trust, to appreciate your personal perspective, you will always consider yourself an alien prescence in a culture wich ritually shuns you,
I think it is important, because in retrospect, it was not simply a reaction to chronic and necessary, occupational traumas, but also, the attendant sectarianism, (And deliberate #Sectarianization), created a nihilistic environment for me, and evolved into victimisation, which has since reared it's ugly head many times since, in the UK #Fire Service, especially with female recruits.
I now reflect, from my position as an independent #Counselling Psychologist, and Adult #Educator, on what were the psychodynamics at play, both in my local cultural millieu and in my Scottish and British arena of geopolitics, religion and inter-personal dynamics.
My research in the field of religion uncovered some disturbing facts, reflecting the trully odious nature of life in Scotland, since the #Reformation, triggered by #King Henry 8th's, #'Dissolution of The Monasteries', and indirectly resulting in the torture and burning of nearly 3,200 purported "Withches", in Scotland, 95 % of whom were #Catholic.
Even the #Spanish #Inquistion and the #Vatican's eternal progrom of '#Heresy-Slayers', never enjoyed such psychopathic endeavour, per capita of population.
And now, after four hundred and fifty years of insitutionalised #misogyny, institutionalised #Apartheid and institutionalised, #Theocracy, with attendant #Freemasonry, Scotland quietly boasts of cultural indices, I imagine, could only be surpassed in the final epoch of #Sodom and #Gomorah.
"We Reap What We Sow"