Número 57 by Marta Rosón Jiménez

Pixel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación., 2020
En la enseñanza-aprendizaje de idiomas, algunas formas de comunicación en línea como el microblog... more En la enseñanza-aprendizaje de idiomas, algunas formas de comunicación en línea como el microblogging están ganando relevancia, especialmente desde la aparición de las escalas para medir y evaluar la interacción online recomendadas por el Consejo de Europa (2018). En este artículo, se presenta una revisión sistematizada sobre el microblogging en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de idiomas. Siguiendo las pautas de actuación del marco metodológico SALSA (Grant & Booth, 2009), se seleccionaron 18 artículos con el objetivo de explorar el tipo de investigaciones sobre microblogging realizado entre los años 20102018 y el impacto que tiene esta herramienta en la competencia lingüística del estudiante y en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Los resultados obtenidos corroboran la utilidad del microblogging para el desarrollo de la competencia lingüística. No obstante, dichos resultados deben tomarse con cautela, puesto que 11 de las 18 investigaciones analizadas aportan datos sobre la adquisición autopercibida del estudiante. Las conclusiones informan sobre los beneficios del microblogging en relación a la competencia lingüística, especialmente sus componentes léxicos, semánticos y gramaticales. La utilización del microblogging permite aprendizajes contextualizados, auténticos e informales y una ruptura con los límites espacio-temporales.
In language teaching and learning, some types of communication, such as microblogging, are becoming more important – especially since the Council of Europe (2018) introduced scales to measure and evaluate online interaction. This article presents a systematised review of microblogging in language teaching and learning. Following the SALSA Framework stages (Grent & Booth, 2009), 18 articles were selected with the objective of exploring the research on microblogging carried out between 2010 and 2018, and the impact that this tool has on both the learners’ linguistic competence and the teachinglearning process. The results obtained inform about the usefulness of microblogging in the development of linguistic competence. Yet, these results should be taken with caution, as 11 out of the 18 revised articles are based on the learners’ self-perceived acquisition. The conclusions indicate the benefits of microblogging for linguistic competence and, more specifically, for three of its components – lexical, semantic and grammatical competences. The use of microblogging favours contextualised, authentic and informal learning and the overcoming of space and time constraints.
Número 57 by Marta Rosón Jiménez
In language teaching and learning, some types of communication, such as microblogging, are becoming more important – especially since the Council of Europe (2018) introduced scales to measure and evaluate online interaction. This article presents a systematised review of microblogging in language teaching and learning. Following the SALSA Framework stages (Grent & Booth, 2009), 18 articles were selected with the objective of exploring the research on microblogging carried out between 2010 and 2018, and the impact that this tool has on both the learners’ linguistic competence and the teachinglearning process. The results obtained inform about the usefulness of microblogging in the development of linguistic competence. Yet, these results should be taken with caution, as 11 out of the 18 revised articles are based on the learners’ self-perceived acquisition. The conclusions indicate the benefits of microblogging for linguistic competence and, more specifically, for three of its components – lexical, semantic and grammatical competences. The use of microblogging favours contextualised, authentic and informal learning and the overcoming of space and time constraints.
In language teaching and learning, some types of communication, such as microblogging, are becoming more important – especially since the Council of Europe (2018) introduced scales to measure and evaluate online interaction. This article presents a systematised review of microblogging in language teaching and learning. Following the SALSA Framework stages (Grent & Booth, 2009), 18 articles were selected with the objective of exploring the research on microblogging carried out between 2010 and 2018, and the impact that this tool has on both the learners’ linguistic competence and the teachinglearning process. The results obtained inform about the usefulness of microblogging in the development of linguistic competence. Yet, these results should be taken with caution, as 11 out of the 18 revised articles are based on the learners’ self-perceived acquisition. The conclusions indicate the benefits of microblogging for linguistic competence and, more specifically, for three of its components – lexical, semantic and grammatical competences. The use of microblogging favours contextualised, authentic and informal learning and the overcoming of space and time constraints.