Papers by Marta Raźniewska

European Research Studies Journal, Aug 1, 2022
The purpose of this article is to identify and analyse the significance of the existing drivers a... more The purpose of this article is to identify and analyse the significance of the existing drivers and barriers in the implementation of solutions in the field of Digital, Intelligent and Sustainable Logistics (DISL) to SMEs and Large Companies. Design/Methodology/Approach: As part of this article, the survey conducted among Polish entrepreneurs was used. The results of the survey were analysed as part of the statistical analysis. The ANOVA analysis of variance was used for the gradation in terms of the significance level of both drivers and barriers, while the non-parametric Mann-Witney test was used to verify the differences in the perception of the drivers and barriers of DISL implementation for the variable: the size of the company. Findings: The performed statistical analysis allowed to verify the hypotheses relating to the identification of statistically significant differences in the perception of drivers and barriers to DISL implementation. As a result, it was possible to indicate differences for both variables in terms of their level of importance, which turned out to be true. Practical Implications: The area related to the analysis of the results of the conducted research in terms of identification and examination of the significance level of individual drivers and barriers to DISL implementation is particularly important from the point of view of the need for digitalisation and reducing the carbon footprint by modern supply chains. Originality/Value: This paper primarily analyses the results of surveys completed by managers of micro, SMEs and large companies in terms of drivers and barriers for the DISL implementation as a key aspect of the development of current supply chains.
European Research Studies Journal, Aug 1, 2022
The purpose of the paper is to investigate the influence of different skills (managerial, digital... more The purpose of the paper is to investigate the influence of different skills (managerial, digital, relational, behavioural) on the perception of barriers and drivers of implementing Digital Intelligent and Sustainable Logistics (DISL) in companies. Practical Implications: The findings can be used in decision making process on developing different skills in order to improve the perception of barriers and drivers and further support the implementation of DISL related solution in companies. Originality/Value: The paper contributes to the newest trends in literature on supply chain management (covering digitalization and smart and sustainable logistics) and specifically highlights the relation of skills with barriers and drivers on the implementation of DISL.

The purpose of this article is to identify and analyse the significance of the existing drivers a... more The purpose of this article is to identify and analyse the significance of the existing drivers and barriers in the implementation of solutions in the field of Digital, Intelligent and Sustainable Logistics (DISL) to SMEs and Large Companies. Design/Methodology/Approach: As part of this article, the survey conducted among Polish entrepreneurs was used. The results of the survey were analysed as part of the statistical analysis. The ANOVA analysis of variance was used for the gradation in terms of the significance level of both drivers and barriers, while the non-parametric Mann-Witney test was used to verify the differences in the perception of the drivers and barriers of DISL implementation for the variable: the size of the company. Findings: The performed statistical analysis allowed to verify the hypotheses relating to the identification of statistically significant differences in the perception of drivers and barriers to DISL implementation. As a result, it was possible to indicate differences for both variables in terms of their level of importance, which turned out to be true. Practical Implications: The area related to the analysis of the results of the conducted research in terms of identification and examination of the significance level of individual drivers and barriers to DISL implementation is particularly important from the point of view of the need for digitalisation and reducing the carbon footprint by modern supply chains. Originality/Value: This paper primarily analyses the results of surveys completed by managers of micro, SMEs and large companies in terms of drivers and barriers for the DISL implementation as a key aspect of the development of current supply chains.
The purpose of the paper is to investigate the influence of different skills (managerial, digital... more The purpose of the paper is to investigate the influence of different skills (managerial, digital, relational, behavioural) on the perception of barriers and drivers of implementing Digital Intelligent and Sustainable Logistics (DISL) in companies. Practical Implications: The findings can be used in decision making process on developing different skills in order to improve the perception of barriers and drivers and further support the implementation of DISL related solution in companies. Originality/Value: The paper contributes to the newest trends in literature on supply chain management (covering digitalization and smart and sustainable logistics) and specifically highlights the relation of skills with barriers and drivers on the implementation of DISL.

Sustainability, Mar 22, 2022
The paper aims to identify the main reasons for the low level of compostable packaging waste mana... more The paper aims to identify the main reasons for the low level of compostable packaging waste management and to propose potential directions for development. Based on qualitative research (individual in-depth interviews and focus group discussions using the Social Innovation Lab), these are: (1) the lack of uniform and transparent regulations regarding the planning and organization of a closed-loop system for compostable packaging, (2) insufficient communication between the private and public sectors on how to increase the use of compostable packaging, (3) poorly developed infrastructure for compostable waste recycling, and (4) a lack of financial incentives to support activities for the circular economy of composting packaging at the communal level. Moreover, the portfolio of bottom-up (initiated by consumers, educational institutions, and NGOs) and bottom-down dimension (national, regional programs) proposals are presented. The diagnosis of different view perspectives of the supply chain underlines the crucial role of stakeholder cooperation improvement.
Marketing i Rynek, Jan 20, 2023

Streszczenie: Celem artykułu jest podkreślenie roli zarządzania relacjami z dostawcami we współcz... more Streszczenie: Celem artykułu jest podkreślenie roli zarządzania relacjami z dostawcami we współczesnych łańcuchach dostaw oraz ich wpływu na wartość dostarczaną klientom i innym interesariuszom. Skoncentrowano uwagę przede wszystkim na rozwoju relacji partnerskich z kluczowymi dostawcami, odnosząc się zarówno do strategicznych, jak i operacyjnych aspektów zarządzania relacjami między dostawcami a odbiorcami na rynku business-to-business. W pierwszej części rozważań scharakteryzowano istotę zarządzania relacjami z dostawcami oraz wyróżniono etapy rozwoju kooperacji między partnerami. W drugiej części zostały zaprezentowane przykłady koncepcji i praktyk zarządzania mające na celu realizację strategii budowania partnerskich relacji z dostawcami. W podsumowaniu ujęto najważniejsze wnioski i wskazano potencjalne dalsze kierunki badań. Słowa kluczowe: zarządzanie relacjami z dostawcami, kluczowy dostawca, partnerstwo w łańcuchu dostaw.
International Journal of Management and Economics, Mar 1, 2016
The e-commerce market has been developing very rapidly and changing traditional distribution syst... more The e-commerce market has been developing very rapidly and changing traditional distribution systems. The development of online channels is matched by a similar evolution of companies' logistics systems. As a consequence, logistics processes management now significantly influences e-customer service quality, which has emerged as a competitive advantage. The main goal of this paper is to identify e-commerce business models, modern distribution channels and management tools that would facilitate a continuous improvement in e-customer logistics service. Based on the literature and interviews with e-commerce services providers, we provide a plethora of good and best practices useful for managers in the rapidly developing and highly competitive e-commerce business.
Energies, Dec 1, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Compostable packaging is one of the innovative alternatives to conventional packaging. This is al... more Compostable packaging is one of the innovative alternatives to conventional packaging. This is also an opportunity in view of the current energy crisis and rising oil prices, firstly, because compostable packaging is produced only from renewable resources, and secondly, it can feed both the composting process and biogas plants. According to the CE principles, it is vital to effectively close product life cycles. Therefore, this paper is aimed at expounding the triggering role of social innovations co-created by stakeholders for improving compostable packaging waste management in accordance with the CE concept. The research procedure consisted of four integrated research phases. A qualitive study was undertaken by conducting 29 in-depth interviews and 3 Social Innovation Labs, engaging 67 bio-packaging market stakeholders, which are national and international companies (e.g., manufacturing, distributing), institutions and other organisations from the social, public and private sector...

Proceedings of The 8th international conference on Management, Economics and Humanities, 2018
According to different rapports, one of the most important challenges of nowadays is food securit... more According to different rapports, one of the most important challenges of nowadays is food security and waste problem. These are also the Sustainable Development Goals till 2030 such as "Zero Hunger", "Responsible Production and Consumption". Strategic and operational interventions can be prioritised across national, regional or industry level in food supply chains. The aim of this article is to present the possibility of using supplier relationship management in securing food and reducing waste. The considerations are based on the following scientific methods: literature analysis, a survey performed using Computer Assisted Telephone Interview among Polish organic distributors. In the article, the role of supplier relationship management in reassuring sustainable business was underlined. As a result, the portfolio of tools and advices for practical use, mostly by purchasing and procurement departments, in food securing and reducing waste was presented. The most important ones are as follows: traceability, measuring performance, evaluations and collaborative actions.

Następstwem ewolucji podejścia do zakupów i zaopatrzenia, jednego z filarów zarządzania łańcucham... more Następstwem ewolucji podejścia do zakupów i zaopatrzenia, jednego z filarów zarządzania łańcuchami dostaw na rynku B2B, jest zarządzanie relacjami z dostawcami (ang. Supplier Relationship Management, SRM), będące przedmiotem rozprawy. Pojęcie zostało zdefiniowane jako proces skoncentrowany na rozwoju relacji z dostawcami, współtworzony przez pracowników reprezentujących różne funkcje biznesowe w przedsiębiorstwie i istotnie wpływający na wartość dostarczaną klientom i innym interesariuszom. Jego celem jest zapewnienie rozwoju relacji uwzględniającej równowagę między wymiarami ekonomicznym, ekologicznym i społecznym działalności ogniw łańcuchów dostaw. Dysertacja jest odpowiedzią na potrzebę przedstawienia roli zakupów w perspektywie rynku produktów marki własnej żywności ekologicznej. Głównym celem rozprawy jest określenie uwarunkowań, metod, narzędzi oraz efektów zarządzania relacjami z dostawcami na przykładzie dystrybutorów produktów oznaczonych marką własną w sektorze ekologiczn...

The paper aims to identify the main reasons for the low level of compostable packaging waste mana... more The paper aims to identify the main reasons for the low level of compostable packaging waste management and to propose potential directions for development. Based on qualitative research (individual in-depth interviews and focus group discussions using the Social Innovation Lab), these are: (1) the lack of uniform and transparent regulations regarding the planning and organization of a closed-loop system for compostable packaging, (2) insufficient communication between the private and public sectors on how to increase the use of compostable packaging, (3) poorly developed infrastructure for compostable waste recycling, and (4) a lack of financial incentives to support activities for the circular economy of composting packaging at the communal level. Moreover, the portfolio of bottom-up (initiated by consumers, educational institutions, and NGOs) and bottom-down dimension (national, regional programs) proposals are presented. The diagnosis of different view perspectives of the supply...
International Journal of Management and Economics, 2016
The e-commerce market has been developing very rapidly and changing traditional distribution syst... more The e-commerce market has been developing very rapidly and changing traditional distribution systems. The development of online channels is matched by a similar evolution of companies’ logistics systems. As a consequence, logistics processes management now significantly influences e-customer service quality, which has emerged as a competitive advantage. The main goal of this paper is to identify e-commerce business models, modern distribution channels and management tools that would facilitate a continuous improvement in e-customer logistics service. Based on the literature and interviews with e-commerce services providers, we provide a plethora of good and best practices useful for managers in the rapidly developing and highly competitive e-commerce business.

Logforum, 2018
Background: Sustainability has been an area of growing concern and attention for companies, espec... more Background: Sustainability has been an area of growing concern and attention for companies, especially operating on a global scale, that more and more often develop strategies of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). The sustainability of the food supply chains management is a global challenge demanding implementation of innovative solutions based on the triple bottom line concept of best practices. The paper is devoted to the food waste problem, that occurs in all parts of the value chains. It is important to notice that the further down the value chain, the more costly it becomes in social, economic and environmental perspectives. The purpose of this paper is to explore the food waste problem at a supply chain level and present how companies can cope with the challenge of food waste reduction in the light of the framework of SSCM. Methods: The paper is based on a desk research. The authors conducted a review of recent literature, reports of international and national institu...
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Poznańskiej Organizacja i Zarządzanie
Papers by Marta Raźniewska