International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Parents play an important role in developing the eating behaviors of their children by adopting s... more Parents play an important role in developing the eating behaviors of their children by adopting specific parenting practices. As the prevalence of obesity is high amongst African American adolescents, investigations into associations of specific parenting practices and adolescents’ eating behaviors are essential. In this exploratory study, 14 African American parent–adolescent dyads were interviewed to characterize the influence of eight different parenting practices on the consumption of three main food categories (dairy, fruits and vegetables, and unhealthy snacks). The results revealed that authoritarian parenting practices were correlated with a higher BMI percentile in adolescents, whereas modeling and monitoring are correlated with a higher parent BMI. In addition, reasoning, monitoring, modeling, and authoritative parenting practices were associated with less unhealthy snack consumption among adolescents. Reasoning and monitoring were the only parenting practices associated w...
We hypothesized that a whey protein diet would result in greater weight loss and improved body co... more We hypothesized that a whey protein diet would result in greater weight loss and improved body compositioncompared to standard weight loss diets. Weight change, body composition, and renin angiotensin aldosterone system activity in midlife adults was compared between diet groups. Eighteen subjects enrolled ina5 month study of8 weeks controlled food intake followed by 12 weeks ad libitum intake. Subjects were randomized to one of three treatment groups: control diet (CD) (55% carbohydrate: 15% protein: 30% fat), mixed protein (MP) (40% carbohydrate: 30% protein: 30% fat), or whey protein (WP) (40% carbohydrate: 15% mixed protein: 15% whey protein: 30% fat). Measurements included weight, metabolic measures, body composition by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and resting energy expenditure. No statistically significant differences in total weight loss or total fat loss were observed between treatments, however, a trend toward greater total weight loss (p = 0.08) and total fat loss (p=0.09) was observed in the WP group compared to the CD group. Fat loss in the leg and gynoid regions was greater (p < 0.05) in the WP group than the CD group. No RAAS mediated response was observed, but a decrease in systolic blood pressure was significantly greater (p <0.05) in the WP group compared to the CD group. In summary, increased whey protein intake did not result in statistically significant differences in weight loss or in total fat loss, but significant differences in regional fat loss and in decreased blood pressure were observed in the WP group.
Among early adolescents (10–14 years), poor diet quality along with physical inactivity can contr... more Among early adolescents (10–14 years), poor diet quality along with physical inactivity can contribute to an increased risk of obesity and associated biomarkers for chronic disease. Approximately one-third of United States (USA) children in this age group are overweight or obese. Therefore, attention to factors affecting dietary intake as one of the primary contributors to obesity is important. Early adolescents consume foods and beverages during eating occasions that occur with and without parental supervision. Parents may influence eating behaviors of early adolescents during eating occasions when they are present or during independent eating occasions by engaging in practices that affect availability of foods and beverages, and through perceived normative beliefs and expectations for intake. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to describe the influence of parenting practices on eating behaviors in general and when specifically applied to independent eating occasions of early adolescents. This information may be helpful to inform parenting interventions targeting obesity prevention among early adolescents focusing on independent eating occasions.
Objective: To identify and rank perceived personal benefits from parenting practices that promote... more Objective: To identify and rank perceived personal benefits from parenting practices that promote intake of calcium-rich foods and beverages (CRF/B) by early adolescents. Methods: A convenience sample of parents/caregivers (n ¼ 133) of early adolescents (10-13 years) from 6 states (CA, HI, MN, OH, OR, UT) participated in a qualitative study using a Nominal Group Technique process. Benefits identified by parents/caregivers were ranked by importance, given a score weight, and summed to create a total weighted score across states. Results: The top benefit from making CRF/B available was parent emotional rewards. The top benefit perceived by parents from role modeling intake of CRF/B and setting expectations for intake of CRB was child health promotion. Conclusions and Implications: Child health promotion and parent emotional rewards were important perceived benefits derived from CRF/B parenting practices, and thus, should be included as the focus of education to increase the frequency of these practices.
Increasing portion size can increase children&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp... more Increasing portion size can increase children&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s consumption of food. The goal of this study was to determine whether increasing the portion sizes of fruits and vegetables in an elementary school cafeteria environment would increase children&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s consumption of them. We measured each child&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s consumption of the fruit and vegetables served in a cafeteria line on a control day (normal cafeteria procedures) and on two intervention days. When we increased the portion size of 3 of the 4 fruits and vegetables by about 50%, children who took those foods increased their consumption of them. Although this was an effective strategy for increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among students who took those foods, many children chose not to take any fruits or vegetables. Further efforts are needed to increase children&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s selection and consumption of fruits and vegetables in an environment of competing foods of higher palatability.
Many people want to eat healthier, but they often fail in these attempts. We report two field stu... more Many people want to eat healthier, but they often fail in these attempts. We report two field studies in an elementary school cafeteria that each demonstrate children eat more of a vegetable (carrots, broccoli) when we provide it first in isolation versus alongside other more preferred foods. We propose this healthy first approach succeeds by triggering one's inherent motivation to eat a single food placed in front of them, and works even though they have prior knowledge of the full menu available and no real time constraints. Consistent with this theory, and counter to simple contrast effects, an additional lab study found that presenting a food first in isolation had the unique ability to increase intake whether the food was healthy (carrots) or less healthy (M&M's). Our findings demonstrate the effectiveness of this simple intervention in promoting healthier eating, which should interest consumers, food marketers, health professionals, and policy makers.
Idli is a popular Indian breakfast dish consumed by many people all over the world, made from whi... more Idli is a popular Indian breakfast dish consumed by many people all over the world, made from white rice (Oryza sativum) (75-80%) and black gram (Phaseolus mungo) (20-25%). Idli's wide consumption makes it ideal as a model for studying acceptability of a food reformulated with whole grains. The objective was to compare acceptability regarding texture, color and sensory properties when white rice was replaced with brown rice at 5 replacement levels (0% (control), 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). Textural attributes and L*a*b* color values were measured by a texture analyzer and a Chroma meter, respectively. Informed and blind sensory tests were conducted. Instrumental hardness and gumminess were proportional to the level of whole grain replacement, while springiness and cohesiveness did not vary by replacement level. Liking ratings for overall acceptability were similar at the three lowest levels of brown rice replacement. Although brown rice replacement reduced the liking score for various sensory attributes, especially for 75% and 100% replacements, more than 90% of the panelists preferred brown-rice-blended idli as their first choice. There are ample opportunities to increase whole grain consumption through reformulation of regularly consumed traditional refined grain foods by partial or complete replacement with whole grains.
To test the effectiveness of behavioral economics strategies for increasing vegetable intake, var... more To test the effectiveness of behavioral economics strategies for increasing vegetable intake, variety, and liking among children residing in homes receiving food assistance. A randomized controlled trial with data collected at baseline, once weekly for 6 weeks, and at study conclusion. Family homes. Families with a child (9-12 years) will be recruited through community organizations and randomly assigned to an intervention (n = 36) or control (n = 10) group. The intervention group will incorporate a new behavioral economics strategy during home dinner meal occasions each week for 6 weeks. Strategies are simple and low-cost. The primary dependent variable will be child&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s dinner meal vegetable consumption based on weekly reports by caregivers. Fixed independent variables will include the strategy and week of strategy implementation. Secondary dependent variables will include vegetable liking and variety of vegetables consumed based on data collected at baseline and study conclusion. Mean vegetable intake for each strategy across families will be compared using a mixed-model analysis of variance with a random effect for child. In additionally, overall mean changes in vegetable consumption, variety, and liking will be compared between intervention and control groups.
Although the term "whole grain" is well defined, there has been no universal standard o... more Although the term "whole grain" is well defined, there has been no universal standard of what constitutes a "whole-grain food," creating challenges for researchers, the food industry, regulatory authorities, and consumers around the world. As part of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Technical Advisory Committee issued a call to action to develop definitions for whole-grain foods that could be universally accepted and applied to dietary recommendations and planning. The Committee's call to action, and the lack of a global whole-grain food definition, was the impetus for the Whole Grain Roundtable held 3-5 December 2012 in Chicago, Illinois. The objective was to develop a whole-grain food definition that is consistent with the quartet of needs of science, food product formulation, consumer behavior, and label education. The roundtable's expert panel represented a broad range of expertise from the United States and Europ...
Dietary calcium sources may differ by race/ethnicity and dietary acculturation. A cross-sectional... more Dietary calcium sources may differ by race/ethnicity and dietary acculturation. A cross-sectional, convenience sample including 587 United States (US) Asian, Hispanic and non-Hispanic White parent-child (10-13 years) pairs completed a calcium food frequency questionnaire. Calcium sources were ranked by mean percent contribution to total adjusted calcium intake, and compared by ethnic group and parents&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; location of birth. Five foods (fluid milk, cheese, milk on cereal, yogurt, and lattes) represented 49 % of total calcium intake for parents. The same foods (except lattes) represented 55 % of total calcium for early adolescent children. Fluid milk provided the largest mean percentage of intake for all race/ethnic groups among parents and children. Several food sources of calcium were greater for foreign-born versus US-born Asian or Hispanic parents and children. Understanding calcium food sources and changes in dietary patterns that affect calcium intake among parents and children is important to better promote adequate intake.
Journal of The American Dietetic Association, 2006
ObjectiveTo determine the relationship between stage of change and decisional balance, processes ... more ObjectiveTo determine the relationship between stage of change and decisional balance, processes of change, and self-efficacy variables of the Transtheoretical Model to increase fruit and vegetable consumption by low-income, African-American mothers, and to assess the usefulness of the model for intervention efforts.
Whole-grain intake among children is well below recommendations. The purpose of the present study... more Whole-grain intake among children is well below recommendations. The purpose of the present study was to test the acceptability and liking of pizza made with whole-grain crust compared with refined-grain crust among children in restaurant and school settings. Plate waste data were collected via observation from child restaurant patrons consuming pizza made with either whole-grain or refined-grain crust. Waste was estimated by trained observers over eight months (August 2012-March 2013). Percentage waste was calculated and compared by crust type. A taste test was conducted with school children who tasted pizza made with whole-grain crust alongside pizza made with refined-grain crust and rated their liking of each product. Liking ratings were compared by crust type. Five Green Mill restaurant (a Midwest US chain) locations and one elementary school in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area, Minnesota, USA. Child restaurant patrons (n 394) and school children (n 120, grades 3-5). Children consumed as much of the pizza made with whole-grain crust (42·1 %) as the pizza made with refined-grain crust (44·6 %; P=0·55), based on an average serving size of 350-400 g. Liking ratings for both types of pizza were high (&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;4·5 of 5) and did not differ by crust type (P=0·47). These positive consumption and liking outcomes indicate that whole-grain pizza crust is well accepted among children in a restaurant setting. The impact on whole-grain intake could be substantial if large, national restaurant chains served pizza made with whole-grain crust.
The purpose of this report is to describe the development and implementation of the think aloud m... more The purpose of this report is to describe the development and implementation of the think aloud method in relation to fruit and vegetable purchasing behaviors of low-income African American mothers. Women (n = 70) were audiotaped as they thought aloud while selecting fruits and vegetables during a routine shopping trip. Audiotapes were transcribed, text was coded, and coded text was
Objective: To identify and rank perceived personal benefits from parenting practices that promote... more Objective: To identify and rank perceived personal benefits from parenting practices that promote intake of calcium-rich foods and beverages (CRF/B) by early adolescents. Methods: A convenience sample of parents/caregivers (n ¼ 133) of early adolescents (10-13 years) from 6 states (CA, HI, MN, OH, OR, UT) participated in a qualitative study using a Nominal Group Technique process. Benefits identified by parents/caregivers were ranked by importance, given a score weight, and summed to create a total weighted score across states. Results: The top benefit from making CRF/B available was parent emotional rewards. The top benefit perceived by parents from role modeling intake of CRF/B and setting expectations for intake of CRB was child health promotion. Conclusions and Implications: Child health promotion and parent emotional rewards were important perceived benefits derived from CRF/B parenting practices, and thus, should be included as the focus of education to increase the frequency of these practices.
ObjectiveExplore the attitudes and behaviors of individuals who donate foods to food shelves and ... more ObjectiveExplore the attitudes and behaviors of individuals who donate foods to food shelves and the perceived needs of the clientele using the food shelves in terms of cultural, health, and nutritional concerns.
Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2014
To describe how frequency and characteristics of traditional meal and non-meal occasions vary by ... more To describe how frequency and characteristics of traditional meal and non-meal occasions vary by age, gender, presence of children, and body mass index (BMI). A cross-sectional survey was administered to a national demographically balanced sample of adults via an online market research panel. Online survey. Survey respondents were in the 18- to 80-year-old age range and had consumed any food or beverage at home or away from home the previous day. The sample included 2702 adults reporting on 6689 eating/drinking occasions. Most (80.3%) had no children at home; 43.5% were male and about two thirds were overweight/obese. Eating occasion characteristics and goals by age, gender, presence of children, and BMI. Older respondents were more likely to report planning traditional meal occasions and report on a breakfast occasion than younger respondents. Two prominent reasons that triggered consumption occasions were habit and hunger/thirst with one dominant benefit of satisfying hunger or th...
To examine the relationship between child-feeding strategies and the stage of change for fruit an... more To examine the relationship between child-feeding strategies and the stage of change for fruit and vegetable consumption of low-income African American women. Mothers were asked to think aloud as they shopped for groceries and prepared a meal for their family. Verbalisations were audio-taped and transcribed. Transcripts were coded. Coded segments were sorted according to stage of change of the women who made the verbalisation. Themes were identified and analysed for differences across the stages of change. Child-feeding strategies and factors influencing provision of fruits and vegetables to children were identified through content analysis procedures. Seventy women, aged 18 to 45 years, were classified by stage of change (10 to 18 per stage) based on self-reported intakes of fruits and vegetables and intention to increase intake. Women on average had two to three children less than 12 years of age and tended to be single heads of households, with about half having some college or technical training. According to the women&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s comments, food preferences of children were important considerations for women in all stages regarding their food choice behaviours. Women in the later stages reported using more positive child-feeding strategies to promote the intake of fruit and vegetables, including positive role-modelling and methods related to food purchasing, preparation and meal planning. Promoting mothers&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; movement to more advanced stages of change for fruit and vegetable intake may result in the use of more positive child-feeding strategies and therefore contribute to increased fruit and vegetable intake by children.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Parents play an important role in developing the eating behaviors of their children by adopting s... more Parents play an important role in developing the eating behaviors of their children by adopting specific parenting practices. As the prevalence of obesity is high amongst African American adolescents, investigations into associations of specific parenting practices and adolescents’ eating behaviors are essential. In this exploratory study, 14 African American parent–adolescent dyads were interviewed to characterize the influence of eight different parenting practices on the consumption of three main food categories (dairy, fruits and vegetables, and unhealthy snacks). The results revealed that authoritarian parenting practices were correlated with a higher BMI percentile in adolescents, whereas modeling and monitoring are correlated with a higher parent BMI. In addition, reasoning, monitoring, modeling, and authoritative parenting practices were associated with less unhealthy snack consumption among adolescents. Reasoning and monitoring were the only parenting practices associated w...
We hypothesized that a whey protein diet would result in greater weight loss and improved body co... more We hypothesized that a whey protein diet would result in greater weight loss and improved body compositioncompared to standard weight loss diets. Weight change, body composition, and renin angiotensin aldosterone system activity in midlife adults was compared between diet groups. Eighteen subjects enrolled ina5 month study of8 weeks controlled food intake followed by 12 weeks ad libitum intake. Subjects were randomized to one of three treatment groups: control diet (CD) (55% carbohydrate: 15% protein: 30% fat), mixed protein (MP) (40% carbohydrate: 30% protein: 30% fat), or whey protein (WP) (40% carbohydrate: 15% mixed protein: 15% whey protein: 30% fat). Measurements included weight, metabolic measures, body composition by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and resting energy expenditure. No statistically significant differences in total weight loss or total fat loss were observed between treatments, however, a trend toward greater total weight loss (p = 0.08) and total fat loss (p=0.09) was observed in the WP group compared to the CD group. Fat loss in the leg and gynoid regions was greater (p < 0.05) in the WP group than the CD group. No RAAS mediated response was observed, but a decrease in systolic blood pressure was significantly greater (p <0.05) in the WP group compared to the CD group. In summary, increased whey protein intake did not result in statistically significant differences in weight loss or in total fat loss, but significant differences in regional fat loss and in decreased blood pressure were observed in the WP group.
Among early adolescents (10–14 years), poor diet quality along with physical inactivity can contr... more Among early adolescents (10–14 years), poor diet quality along with physical inactivity can contribute to an increased risk of obesity and associated biomarkers for chronic disease. Approximately one-third of United States (USA) children in this age group are overweight or obese. Therefore, attention to factors affecting dietary intake as one of the primary contributors to obesity is important. Early adolescents consume foods and beverages during eating occasions that occur with and without parental supervision. Parents may influence eating behaviors of early adolescents during eating occasions when they are present or during independent eating occasions by engaging in practices that affect availability of foods and beverages, and through perceived normative beliefs and expectations for intake. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to describe the influence of parenting practices on eating behaviors in general and when specifically applied to independent eating occasions of early adolescents. This information may be helpful to inform parenting interventions targeting obesity prevention among early adolescents focusing on independent eating occasions.
Objective: To identify and rank perceived personal benefits from parenting practices that promote... more Objective: To identify and rank perceived personal benefits from parenting practices that promote intake of calcium-rich foods and beverages (CRF/B) by early adolescents. Methods: A convenience sample of parents/caregivers (n ¼ 133) of early adolescents (10-13 years) from 6 states (CA, HI, MN, OH, OR, UT) participated in a qualitative study using a Nominal Group Technique process. Benefits identified by parents/caregivers were ranked by importance, given a score weight, and summed to create a total weighted score across states. Results: The top benefit from making CRF/B available was parent emotional rewards. The top benefit perceived by parents from role modeling intake of CRF/B and setting expectations for intake of CRB was child health promotion. Conclusions and Implications: Child health promotion and parent emotional rewards were important perceived benefits derived from CRF/B parenting practices, and thus, should be included as the focus of education to increase the frequency of these practices.
Increasing portion size can increase children&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp... more Increasing portion size can increase children&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s consumption of food. The goal of this study was to determine whether increasing the portion sizes of fruits and vegetables in an elementary school cafeteria environment would increase children&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s consumption of them. We measured each child&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s consumption of the fruit and vegetables served in a cafeteria line on a control day (normal cafeteria procedures) and on two intervention days. When we increased the portion size of 3 of the 4 fruits and vegetables by about 50%, children who took those foods increased their consumption of them. Although this was an effective strategy for increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among students who took those foods, many children chose not to take any fruits or vegetables. Further efforts are needed to increase children&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s selection and consumption of fruits and vegetables in an environment of competing foods of higher palatability.
Many people want to eat healthier, but they often fail in these attempts. We report two field stu... more Many people want to eat healthier, but they often fail in these attempts. We report two field studies in an elementary school cafeteria that each demonstrate children eat more of a vegetable (carrots, broccoli) when we provide it first in isolation versus alongside other more preferred foods. We propose this healthy first approach succeeds by triggering one's inherent motivation to eat a single food placed in front of them, and works even though they have prior knowledge of the full menu available and no real time constraints. Consistent with this theory, and counter to simple contrast effects, an additional lab study found that presenting a food first in isolation had the unique ability to increase intake whether the food was healthy (carrots) or less healthy (M&M's). Our findings demonstrate the effectiveness of this simple intervention in promoting healthier eating, which should interest consumers, food marketers, health professionals, and policy makers.
Idli is a popular Indian breakfast dish consumed by many people all over the world, made from whi... more Idli is a popular Indian breakfast dish consumed by many people all over the world, made from white rice (Oryza sativum) (75-80%) and black gram (Phaseolus mungo) (20-25%). Idli's wide consumption makes it ideal as a model for studying acceptability of a food reformulated with whole grains. The objective was to compare acceptability regarding texture, color and sensory properties when white rice was replaced with brown rice at 5 replacement levels (0% (control), 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). Textural attributes and L*a*b* color values were measured by a texture analyzer and a Chroma meter, respectively. Informed and blind sensory tests were conducted. Instrumental hardness and gumminess were proportional to the level of whole grain replacement, while springiness and cohesiveness did not vary by replacement level. Liking ratings for overall acceptability were similar at the three lowest levels of brown rice replacement. Although brown rice replacement reduced the liking score for various sensory attributes, especially for 75% and 100% replacements, more than 90% of the panelists preferred brown-rice-blended idli as their first choice. There are ample opportunities to increase whole grain consumption through reformulation of regularly consumed traditional refined grain foods by partial or complete replacement with whole grains.
To test the effectiveness of behavioral economics strategies for increasing vegetable intake, var... more To test the effectiveness of behavioral economics strategies for increasing vegetable intake, variety, and liking among children residing in homes receiving food assistance. A randomized controlled trial with data collected at baseline, once weekly for 6 weeks, and at study conclusion. Family homes. Families with a child (9-12 years) will be recruited through community organizations and randomly assigned to an intervention (n = 36) or control (n = 10) group. The intervention group will incorporate a new behavioral economics strategy during home dinner meal occasions each week for 6 weeks. Strategies are simple and low-cost. The primary dependent variable will be child&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s dinner meal vegetable consumption based on weekly reports by caregivers. Fixed independent variables will include the strategy and week of strategy implementation. Secondary dependent variables will include vegetable liking and variety of vegetables consumed based on data collected at baseline and study conclusion. Mean vegetable intake for each strategy across families will be compared using a mixed-model analysis of variance with a random effect for child. In additionally, overall mean changes in vegetable consumption, variety, and liking will be compared between intervention and control groups.
Although the term "whole grain" is well defined, there has been no universal standard o... more Although the term "whole grain" is well defined, there has been no universal standard of what constitutes a "whole-grain food," creating challenges for researchers, the food industry, regulatory authorities, and consumers around the world. As part of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Technical Advisory Committee issued a call to action to develop definitions for whole-grain foods that could be universally accepted and applied to dietary recommendations and planning. The Committee's call to action, and the lack of a global whole-grain food definition, was the impetus for the Whole Grain Roundtable held 3-5 December 2012 in Chicago, Illinois. The objective was to develop a whole-grain food definition that is consistent with the quartet of needs of science, food product formulation, consumer behavior, and label education. The roundtable's expert panel represented a broad range of expertise from the United States and Europ...
Dietary calcium sources may differ by race/ethnicity and dietary acculturation. A cross-sectional... more Dietary calcium sources may differ by race/ethnicity and dietary acculturation. A cross-sectional, convenience sample including 587 United States (US) Asian, Hispanic and non-Hispanic White parent-child (10-13 years) pairs completed a calcium food frequency questionnaire. Calcium sources were ranked by mean percent contribution to total adjusted calcium intake, and compared by ethnic group and parents&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; location of birth. Five foods (fluid milk, cheese, milk on cereal, yogurt, and lattes) represented 49 % of total calcium intake for parents. The same foods (except lattes) represented 55 % of total calcium for early adolescent children. Fluid milk provided the largest mean percentage of intake for all race/ethnic groups among parents and children. Several food sources of calcium were greater for foreign-born versus US-born Asian or Hispanic parents and children. Understanding calcium food sources and changes in dietary patterns that affect calcium intake among parents and children is important to better promote adequate intake.
Journal of The American Dietetic Association, 2006
ObjectiveTo determine the relationship between stage of change and decisional balance, processes ... more ObjectiveTo determine the relationship between stage of change and decisional balance, processes of change, and self-efficacy variables of the Transtheoretical Model to increase fruit and vegetable consumption by low-income, African-American mothers, and to assess the usefulness of the model for intervention efforts.
Whole-grain intake among children is well below recommendations. The purpose of the present study... more Whole-grain intake among children is well below recommendations. The purpose of the present study was to test the acceptability and liking of pizza made with whole-grain crust compared with refined-grain crust among children in restaurant and school settings. Plate waste data were collected via observation from child restaurant patrons consuming pizza made with either whole-grain or refined-grain crust. Waste was estimated by trained observers over eight months (August 2012-March 2013). Percentage waste was calculated and compared by crust type. A taste test was conducted with school children who tasted pizza made with whole-grain crust alongside pizza made with refined-grain crust and rated their liking of each product. Liking ratings were compared by crust type. Five Green Mill restaurant (a Midwest US chain) locations and one elementary school in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area, Minnesota, USA. Child restaurant patrons (n 394) and school children (n 120, grades 3-5). Children consumed as much of the pizza made with whole-grain crust (42·1 %) as the pizza made with refined-grain crust (44·6 %; P=0·55), based on an average serving size of 350-400 g. Liking ratings for both types of pizza were high (&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;4·5 of 5) and did not differ by crust type (P=0·47). These positive consumption and liking outcomes indicate that whole-grain pizza crust is well accepted among children in a restaurant setting. The impact on whole-grain intake could be substantial if large, national restaurant chains served pizza made with whole-grain crust.
The purpose of this report is to describe the development and implementation of the think aloud m... more The purpose of this report is to describe the development and implementation of the think aloud method in relation to fruit and vegetable purchasing behaviors of low-income African American mothers. Women (n = 70) were audiotaped as they thought aloud while selecting fruits and vegetables during a routine shopping trip. Audiotapes were transcribed, text was coded, and coded text was
Objective: To identify and rank perceived personal benefits from parenting practices that promote... more Objective: To identify and rank perceived personal benefits from parenting practices that promote intake of calcium-rich foods and beverages (CRF/B) by early adolescents. Methods: A convenience sample of parents/caregivers (n ¼ 133) of early adolescents (10-13 years) from 6 states (CA, HI, MN, OH, OR, UT) participated in a qualitative study using a Nominal Group Technique process. Benefits identified by parents/caregivers were ranked by importance, given a score weight, and summed to create a total weighted score across states. Results: The top benefit from making CRF/B available was parent emotional rewards. The top benefit perceived by parents from role modeling intake of CRF/B and setting expectations for intake of CRB was child health promotion. Conclusions and Implications: Child health promotion and parent emotional rewards were important perceived benefits derived from CRF/B parenting practices, and thus, should be included as the focus of education to increase the frequency of these practices.
ObjectiveExplore the attitudes and behaviors of individuals who donate foods to food shelves and ... more ObjectiveExplore the attitudes and behaviors of individuals who donate foods to food shelves and the perceived needs of the clientele using the food shelves in terms of cultural, health, and nutritional concerns.
Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2014
To describe how frequency and characteristics of traditional meal and non-meal occasions vary by ... more To describe how frequency and characteristics of traditional meal and non-meal occasions vary by age, gender, presence of children, and body mass index (BMI). A cross-sectional survey was administered to a national demographically balanced sample of adults via an online market research panel. Online survey. Survey respondents were in the 18- to 80-year-old age range and had consumed any food or beverage at home or away from home the previous day. The sample included 2702 adults reporting on 6689 eating/drinking occasions. Most (80.3%) had no children at home; 43.5% were male and about two thirds were overweight/obese. Eating occasion characteristics and goals by age, gender, presence of children, and BMI. Older respondents were more likely to report planning traditional meal occasions and report on a breakfast occasion than younger respondents. Two prominent reasons that triggered consumption occasions were habit and hunger/thirst with one dominant benefit of satisfying hunger or th...
To examine the relationship between child-feeding strategies and the stage of change for fruit an... more To examine the relationship between child-feeding strategies and the stage of change for fruit and vegetable consumption of low-income African American women. Mothers were asked to think aloud as they shopped for groceries and prepared a meal for their family. Verbalisations were audio-taped and transcribed. Transcripts were coded. Coded segments were sorted according to stage of change of the women who made the verbalisation. Themes were identified and analysed for differences across the stages of change. Child-feeding strategies and factors influencing provision of fruits and vegetables to children were identified through content analysis procedures. Seventy women, aged 18 to 45 years, were classified by stage of change (10 to 18 per stage) based on self-reported intakes of fruits and vegetables and intention to increase intake. Women on average had two to three children less than 12 years of age and tended to be single heads of households, with about half having some college or technical training. According to the women&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s comments, food preferences of children were important considerations for women in all stages regarding their food choice behaviours. Women in the later stages reported using more positive child-feeding strategies to promote the intake of fruit and vegetables, including positive role-modelling and methods related to food purchasing, preparation and meal planning. Promoting mothers&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; movement to more advanced stages of change for fruit and vegetable intake may result in the use of more positive child-feeding strategies and therefore contribute to increased fruit and vegetable intake by children.
Papers by Marla Reicks