Papers by Markus Lindvert
De globala värdekedjornas ökade betydelse och en tilltagande fragmentering av produktionsprocesse... more De globala värdekedjornas ökade betydelse och en tilltagande fragmentering av produktionsprocesserna har påverkat näringslivets specialisering i Sverige, såväl på nationell som på regional nivå. Detta är en utveckling som man kan lägga märke till inom de multinationella företagen. I denna artikel diskuteras vilka specialiseringsmönster som observeras inom dessa företag och i vad mån ökad funktionell specialisering och expansion utomlands bidragit till ökade eko-nomiska skillnader mellan regioner
Rapporten visar att multinationella företag spelar en betydelsefull roll för globaliseringen av s... more Rapporten visar att multinationella företag spelar en betydelsefull roll för globaliseringen av svenskt näringsliv, såväl nationellt som regionalt. De multinationella företagens fragmentering, funktionella specialisering och offshoring leder till effektivitetsvinster och tillväxt men också till regionala skillnader.
By using a matching approach we compare productivity trajectories of future exporters, matched, a... more By using a matching approach we compare productivity trajectories of future exporters, matched, and unmatched non-exporters. Future exporters have higher productivity than unmatched non-exporters before entry on the export market, which indicates self-selection into exports. More interestingly, we also find a productivity increase in future exporters relative to matched non-exporters 1-2 years before export entry. However, the productivity gap between future exporters and matched non-exporters do not continue to grow after export entry. Our results suggest that there exist learning-to-export but not learning-by-exporting. In contrast to previous studies on Swedish manufacturing we focus, in particular, on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of foreign acquisitions on the productivity o... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of foreign acquisitions on the productivity of acquired Swedish firms. However, because an acquisition is an opportunity to restructure a business and because such changes, in turn, can result in increased productivity, the effects may be observed in other outcome variables. Therefore, we also study the effects after an acquisition on employment, share of skilled labor, and export and import intensities in Swedish firms taken over by foreign multinationals (MNEs). As we examine the effects on both acquired manufacturing and service firms, we also analyze the effects in small firms, e.g., those with one or more employees. To control for the possible endogeneity of foreign direct investment decisions, propensity score matching is combined with a difference-in-difference approach. The positive effects on productivity, the share of skilled labor, employment and the export and import intensities of foreign acquisitions are most pronounc...
Svenskt naringsliv i en globaliserad varld : Effekter av internationaliseringen pa produktivitet ... more Svenskt naringsliv i en globaliserad varld : Effekter av internationaliseringen pa produktivitet och sysselsattning

Multinational enterprises (MNE) have been highly instrumental in the processes leading to the inc... more Multinational enterprises (MNE) have been highly instrumental in the processes leading to the increased fragmentation of production within global value chains. We examine the relationship between relative demands for skills, non-routine or non-offshorable tasks in Swedish MNE parents (onshore) and their employment shares in affiliates abroad (offshore), as well as the impact on relative demand in Swedish enterprises at home when establishing an affiliate abroad. The period of study is 2001 to 2013, a period of expansion for Swedish MNEs, particularly in low-income countries such as China. Our instrumental variable estimates suggest that there is a causal relationship of increased employment shares in affiliates abroad (offshore) on higher relative demand for skills and non-routine tasks in the parents at home (onshore) and that the impact of such offshore employment changes onshore is non-negligible. Furthermore, we estimate the relationships between absolute employment onshore (ski...

The employment in Sweden has become more concentrated to the larger cities in Sweden (Stockholm, ... more The employment in Sweden has become more concentrated to the larger cities in Sweden (Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo). This paper investigates whether Swedish multinational enterprises (MNEs) have contributed to that development. We examine the association between offshoring within Swedish MNEs and changes their parent employment at regional level (in local labor market regions, LA-regions). The relation may vary depending on: (i) the characteristics of the region (large city, regional center or other region) or (ii) the type of labor (skilled or less-skilled) or the type of job (routine or non-routine) in the parent. Our results reveal large spatial heterogeneities in the relationships between MNE offshoring and onshore employment in various regions. The results suggest that MNE offshoring might be a factor contributing to diverging onshore employment among Swedish regions; increased (unchanged) employment in larger cities and unchanged (decreased) employment in regional centers and...

The employment in Sweden has become more concentrated to the larger cities in Sweden (Stockholm, ... more The employment in Sweden has become more concentrated to the larger cities in Sweden (Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö). This paper investigates whether Swedish multinational enterprises (MNEs) have contributed to that development. We examine the association between offshoring within Swedish MNEs and changes their parent employment at regional level (in local labor market regions, LA-regions). The relation may vary depending on: (i) the characteristics of the region (large city, regional center or other region) or (ii) the type of labor (skilled or less-skilled) or the type of job (routine or non-routine) in the parent. Our results reveal large spatial heterogeneities in the relationships between MNE offshoring and onshore employment in various regions. The results suggest that MNE offshoring might be a factor contributing to diverging onshore employment among Swedish regions; increased (unchanged) employment in larger cities and unchanged (decreased) employment in regional centers and...
This paper empirically examines the foreign internalisation decision of multinational corporation... more This paper empirically examines the foreign internalisation decision of multinational corporations. The purpose of the paper is to identify determinants of the firm boundary, where within-boundary production takes the form of foreign direct investments (FDI) and outside-boundary production takes place through international outsourcing, with reference to recently developed general-equilibrium trade theories incorporating firm behaviour. The empirical investigation is performed for 2246 multinationals production engagements in 148 foreign countries under the 1997 to 2006 period. The primary contribution of the paper is the investigation of firm behaviour per se instead of industry level implications of firm behaviour.
Small Business Economics, 2017

The service sector is very heterogeneous with respect to internationalization; in some industries... more The service sector is very heterogeneous with respect to internationalization; in some industries there is international trade (or it may potentially exist), whereas other industries are non-tradable. Data on international trade in services is, however, typically very limited, making it difficult to identify in which industries there are international trade. In this paper, we partially surmount the problems with insufficient service trade statistics by calculating locational Ginis for different industries in the private business sector as well as in the public sector. The basic idea is that from the regional concentration of different activities within a country one can identify industries where there appears to be regional trade, and hence also a potential for international trade. Based on our method we find that the number of employed in tradable service appears to be at least as large as in the manufacturing sector. Remarkably, a larger share of the skilled labor exposed to international trade is working in the service sector than in manufacturing, while a majority of the less skilled labor working in tradable industries is employed in manufacturing. When it comes to employment growth, we observe that the employment has increased in tradable service, while it has fallen in the manufacturing sector (the whole sector is regarded as tradable).
Using a matching approach, we compare the productivity trajectories of future exporters and match... more Using a matching approach, we compare the productivity trajectories of future exporters and matched and unmatched non-exporters. Future exporters have higher productivity than do unmatched non-exporters before entry into the export market, which indicates self-selection into exports. More interestingly, we also find a productivity increase among future exporters relative to matched non-exporters 1-2 years before export entry. However, the productivity
We develop an endogenous growth model with R&D spillovers to study the long-run consequences of o... more We develop an endogenous growth model with R&D spillovers to study the long-run consequences of offshoring with firm heterogeneity and incomplete contracts. In so doing, we model offshoring as the geographical fragmentation of a firm's production chain between a home upstream division and a foreign downstream division. While there is always a positive correlation between upstream bargaining weight and offshoring activities, there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between these and growth. Whether offshoring with incomplete contracts also increases consumption depends on firm heterogeneity. As for welfare, whereas with complete contracts an R&D subsidy is enough to solve the inefficiency due to R&D spillovers, with incomplete contracts a production subsidy is also needed. Copyright © The editors of the "Scandinavian Journal of Economics" 2009 .
Hur omfattande är direktinvesteringarna inom tjänstesektorn och hur har de utvecklats på senare å... more Hur omfattande är direktinvesteringarna inom tjänstesektorn och hur har de utvecklats på senare år? Vilken inverkan har offshoring av tjänster på produktivitet och sysselsättning? Hur påverkas sysselsättningens yrkes- och utbildningssammansättning i de svenska moderföretagen, och följaktligen vilken typ av verksamhet blir kvar i Sverige, när svenska multinationella företag expanderar i sina dotterföretag utomlands? Detta är några av rapportens frågeställningar.
Rapporten utgör ett underlag för regeringens arbete med att utveckla en internationaliseringsstra... more Rapporten utgör ett underlag för regeringens arbete med att utveckla en internationaliseringsstrategi. Ett väsentligt inslag i en strategi bör vara att verka för sänkta hinder för internationell handel. Dessutom bör värdet av förmågan att ställa om när förhållandena ändras på de internationella marknaderna lyftas fram.
Papers by Markus Lindvert