Papers by Mark Aaron Valencia
The East China Sea Dispute: Context, Claims, Issues, and Possible Solutions
Asian Perspective, 2007
... 6. Caryl, Japan and China's Growing Assertiveness. 7. Japan Times, September 10, 2... more ... 6. Caryl, Japan and China's Growing Assertiveness. 7. Japan Times, September 10, 2005, at makeprfy.p15?nn20050910a1htm; Taipei Times, September 14 ... Mark J. Valencia, The Scramble for Offshore Oil, The Taiwan Review, January 2006, pp ...
Asian Perspective, 2008
The Six Party Talks can be the crucible for forging a regional security mechanism in Northeast As... more The Six Party Talks can be the crucible for forging a regional security mechanism in Northeast Asia. This mechanism should originally focus on maritime security. The rationale includes the region's geography, competing maritime and island claims, the resultant maritime military buildup and changing priorities, increasing frequency of dangerous incidents, and the existence of a foundation for conflict avoidance and resource sharing. The Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea could serve as a model for a similar Declaration for Northeast Asian Seas that may ultimately include guidelines for activities in others' Exclusive Economic Zones.
Overview and progress report on the project Marine environment and extended maritime jurisdictions
Maritime Interdiction of North Korean WMD Trade: Toward a Second Korean War?
The Sulawesi Sea Situation: Stage for Tension or Storm in a Teacup?
The Somalia Multilateral Anti-Piracy Approach: Caveats on Vigilantism
International conference on the Yellow Sea : transnational ocean resource management issues and options for cooperation
Foreword v editor of this volume thanks the rapporteurs-Chen Zhisong, Noel Ludwig, Kazumi Ogawa, ... more Foreword v editor of this volume thanks the rapporteurs-Chen Zhisong, Noel Ludwig, Kazumi Ogawa, and Leigh Meyer-Mitchell for their faithful reporting of the lively and complex discussions. Their reports, and the high quality of the papers and dialogue, made my job as editor relatively easy. The author of each paper is acknowledged at the beginning of each section. However, since I freely used, edited, and integrated the rapporteurs* notes with the papers, I must take responsibility and apologize in advance for any misattribution or misrepresentation of ideas or facts that may have occurred. Deborah Forbis copyedited the work. Ann Takayesu typed this manuscript in her usual highly professional manner.

Surface-sediment samples taken from the tops of 47 free-fall, triggerweight, or piston cores from... more Surface-sediment samples taken from the tops of 47 free-fall, triggerweight, or piston cores from an area in the western equatorial Pacific (long 155 0 E-175 0 E, lat 10 0 N-10°S) were separated into three size-fractions « 44 p" 44-246 p" > 246 p,), and the calcium carbonate content of the total sample and of each sizefraction was determined. Subaerial volcanic dilution from the direction of the Solomon Islands prompted exclusion of some samples from carbonate and sizefraction profiles. An abrupt decrease in carbonate content in the western equatorial Pacific occurs at 3,500 m, whereas the compensation depth is found at 5,250 m. Comparisons of previous works and examination of the present data prompt the assertion that, under specified conditions, the sedimentary lysocline may be approximated by the slope-break in plots of carbonate content versus depth. A strong positive correlation (0.92, P < 0.001) of the < 44-p, fraction with depth suggests that anomalous values for this weight-fraction may be useful in delineating displaced surface sediments in the area studied. MATERIALS AND METHODS This work establishes for the western equatorial Pacific the approximate depth of the initial abrupt decrease in carbonate content and that of carbonate compensation for the total sediment and for three size-fractions « 44 p" 44-246 p" > 246 p,). In addition, the relationships between size-fraction, carbonate content, foraminiferal solution indices (Berger 1968), and water depth are explored. Surface-sediment samples were extracted from the tops of 47 free-fall, trigger-weight, or piston cores obtained by Hawaii Institute of Geophysics personnel on cruises of the R. V. Mahi over a 3-year period (Fig. 1). The core tops were all of Quaternary age (]. Resig and V. Buyannanonth, personal communication), although the top few centimeters or more may not have been collected. Samples were separated by U.S. standard sieves (no. 60, 246 p,; no. 325, 44 p,) into three size-fractions and the weight of each fraction recorded. Weight-percent calcium carbonate was determined for the total sample and for each of the size-fractions by Hiilsemann's (1966) 290
Progress and plans of the program Marine environment and extended maritime jurisdictions
Multilateral Management of Northeast Asian Seas: Problems and Prognosis
The GeoJournal Library, 2004
Northeast Asia 1 is almost unique for its lack of regional institutions. Bilateralism dominates b... more Northeast Asia 1 is almost unique for its lack of regional institutions. Bilateralism dominates both political and economic relations. Indeed the region is remarkable for “its combination of several quite highly industrialized societies, with a regional international society so impoverished in its development that it compares poorly with even Africa and the Middle East.” 2 This impoverishment reflects the conflicts among the governments in the region, particularly, between the divided countries, which create enormous obstacles to the establishment of regional regimes and institutions.

Pacific Pleistocene Paleoclimatic Stratigraphies: A Comparative Analysis of Results
Quaternary Research, 1977
Global atmospheric and oceanic circulation effects of expansion of continental ice sheets initiat... more Global atmospheric and oceanic circulation effects of expansion of continental ice sheets initiated upwelling in the western equatorial Pacific and simultaneously intensified upwelling in the eastern equatorial Pacific; contraction of the ice sheets reversed the process. Published Pleistocene paleoclimatic stratigraphies correlated across the entire equatorial Pacific exhibit eight such cycles in the Brünhes epoch. The extrapolated chronostratigraphies for the equatorial Pacific compare favorably with published paleoclimatic schemes for the southeastern, eastern, and northern Pacific Ocean. The Southern Ocean record exhibits fewer, and possibly also consistently older, climatic variations. A time progression or lack of synchrony of marine Pleistocene climatic events is not inconsistent with modified “Milankovitch” hypotheses, such as that involving Antarctic ice-sheet instability.
The Asian maritime security context
The Adelphi Papers, 2005
... For background and specific proposals for cooperation in a variety of maritime sectors, see J... more ... For background and specific proposals for cooperation in a variety of maritime sectors, see Joseph P. Morgan and Mark J. Valencia, (eds.), Atlas for Marine Policy in East Asian Seas, p. 152; Mark J. Valencia, (ed.), International Conference on the Sea of Japan, Honolulu, East ...

PSI politics and the way forward
The Adelphi Papers, 2005
The Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), launched by US President Bush in May 2003, is intend... more The Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), launched by US President Bush in May 2003, is intended to prevent traffic in elements of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Most WMD traffic moves by sea, and the focus of the PSI is on maritime interdictions and seizures. Although the PSI has had some significant successes, it has been criticised for lacking sufficient public accountability, stretching international law to the limits, undermining the UN system, potentially limited effectiveness and being politically divisive. Moreover, Asian countries that are key to PSI's successful implementation – notably China, India, Indonesia and South Korea – have deferred active involvement despite US pressure. Options for increasing PSI participation and enhancing its effectiveness include changes to existing international law; expanding existing conventions or developing a new one; obtaining an unambiguous empowering UN Security Council Resolution; obtaining NATO endorsement; arguing pre-emptive self-defence; and building a coalition of countries willing to perform such interdictions on each other's ships and aircraft on or over their territorial seas. However, each of these options would face obstacles and limitations that must be overcome for the PSI to be fully effective.
South China Sea: Present and potential coastal area resource use conflicts
Ocean Management, 1979
... Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common throughout the Indone sian and Philippine islan... more ... Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common throughout the Indone sian and Philippine island arcs and have generated destructive tsunamis ... South Furious, Tembungo, Erb West, and Samarang oil fields off west Sabah (East Malaysia); Champoint, Fairley, Seria and ...
Third World cooperation on pacific marine mineral resources
Third World Quarterly, 1986
... In the South Pacific, nodule distribution is more irregular; one area of concentration is aro... more ... In the South Pacific, nodule distribution is more irregular; one area of concentration is around the Manihiki Plateau, the Society Islands, Tahiti, and the Tuamotu Archipelago. ... Number of Ocean Scientists'5 NA NA 81 (3) 12 102 (2) 35 (8) 52 (4) 6 (7) 19 (6) 126 (1) 30 (5) ...
Energy and insecurity in Asia
Survival, 1997
... Co-operation in North-east Asia&#x27;s Energy Sector: Possibilities and Problems&#x27... more ... Co-operation in North-east Asia&#x27;s Energy Sector: Possibilities and Problems&#x27;, paper presented at ... in North-east Asia and drawn the attention of high-level policy-makers.19 ... by conflicts involving China and Taiwan, or China and Vietnam regarding the Spratly islands or disputed oil ...
Shipping, Energy, and Environment: Southeast Asian Perspectives for the Eighties. Proceedings of a Workshop held in Honolulu, Hawaii, 10-12 December 1980
Pacific Affairs, 1985
Southeast asian seas: Joint development of hydrocarbons in overlapping claim areas?
Ocean Development & International Law, 1986
There are ocean areas of overlapping claims in Southeast Asia with significant petroleum potentia... more There are ocean areas of overlapping claims in Southeast Asia with significant petroleum potential which appear to be candidates for joint development, a process in which boundary disputes are set aside and the claimants jointly explore and exploit any hydrocarbon resources in such areas. Factors influencing the choice of joint development are delineated and described. The best candidate areas for
Papers by Mark Aaron Valencia