Papers by Markéta Šantrůčková

The presented thesis deals with assessment of landscaping and with the opportunities for making u... more The presented thesis deals with assessment of landscaping and with the opportunities for making use of natural relief during setting up of landscape gardens. The assessment has been done based on studies of the relevant matter in model locations, then the acquired facts have been generalized. Landscape gardens form an indispensable part of the landscape as such. Gardens mix, in a specific way and inseparably, influences of natural environment with anthropogenic impacts. The natural environment changes into landscape gardens mainly by means of diverse forms of relief. At the same time, relief was not just passively taken as a basis for starting a park, it was actively being changed, spending not a small amount of money and effort. What is typical of terrain changes in landscape gardens is that these changes, striking to whatever degree, were meant to be hidden to viewers, and that they copied natural lines and shapes. Geographical research topics in landscape gardens concentrate main...

The presented thesis deals with assessment of landscaping and with the opportunities for making u... more The presented thesis deals with assessment of landscaping and with the opportunities for making use of natural relief during setting up of landscape gardens. The assessment has been done based on studies of the relevant matter in model locations, then the acquired facts have been generalized. Landscape gardens form an indispensable part of the landscape as such. Gardens mix, in a specific way and inseparably, influences of natural environment with anthropogenic impacts. The natural environment changes into landscape gardens mainly by means of diverse forms of relief. At the same time, relief was not just passively taken as a basis for starting a park, it was actively being changed, spending not a small amount of money and effort. What is typical of terrain changes in landscape gardens is that these changes, striking to whatever degree, were meant to be hidden to viewers, and that they copied natural lines and shapes. Geographical research topics in landscape gardens concentrate main...

Životné prostredie, 2018
This paper analyses the historical cultural landscapes in Czechia and their preservation and regi... more This paper analyses the historical cultural landscapes in Czechia and their preservation and regional distribution. The regional distribution of existing and proposed landscape conservation zones and natural parks is analysed by division into peripheral, core and neutral zones. The most protected historical cultural landscapes are in the neutral area where land use/land cover changes in past decades were less intensive. In contrast, core area landscapes are affected by intensification and those in peripheral areas are influenced by extensification. While correlations were identified between the spatial distribution of protected landscape distribution and areas with predominantly German speaking inhabitants prior to 1945, more protected historical cultural landscapes are located in the core area where long-term Czech-speaking inhabitants prevailed. Finally, although the proportions of existing landscape conservation zones are almost equal, proposed landscape conservation zones prevai...
We present the first fully spatial hopping gait of a 12 DoF tailed biped driven by only 4 actuato... more We present the first fully spatial hopping gait of a 12 DoF tailed biped driven by only 4 actuators. The control of this physical machine is built up from parallel compositions of controllers for progressively higher DoF extensions of a simple 2 DoF, 1 actuator template. These template dynamics are still not themselves integrable, but a new hybrid averaging analysis yields a conjectured closed form representation of the approximate hopping limit cycle as a function of its physical and control parameters. The resulting insight into the role of the machine's kinematic and dynamical design choices affords a redesign leading to the newly achieved behavior. Disciplines

Environmental History, 2016
Designed landscapes or big landscape park-integrated gardens, agricultural and woody landscapes h... more Designed landscapes or big landscape park-integrated gardens, agricultural and woody landscapes have created an environment for human well-being. Several of these areas were created in the Czech lands during the nineteenth century by rich noblemen and they covered one or more cadastral units. The designed landscapes were intentionally managed to be beautiful, sustainable and productive and they had, and in many cases, continued to keep outstanding cultural and natural values. Political changes in the second half of the twentieth century caused deep changes in the ownership of landscape and management. The designed landscapes were either totally or partially disintegrated; economical profit came first from disregarding sustainability. Nevertheless, the designed landscapes still were areas with serious cultural and natural value and many of them became protected areas with more sustainable management than a common landscape. Today, the same driving forces as in other European countries influence the landscape in the Czech Republic: landscape abandonment in marginalized areas and intensification in core areas. Designed landscapes are found in both types. The paper will present new management approaches and problems for preserving both cultural and natural values of designed landscapes based on two case studies from the Czech Republic (Petrohrad and Žehusicko).

Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis
The subject of the study was the large library of historical horticultural literature located at ... more The subject of the study was the large library of historical horticultural literature located at the Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening. Besides the library of Earl Arnošt Emanuel Silva Tarouca, the study also included related stocks, i.e. books and periodicals purchased by the Czechoslovak Dendrological Society and the State Agricultural Experimental Objects until 1936, the year of A. E. Silva Tarouca's death and the transformation of the research institution. Of all the topics represented, most books focused on the landscape architectonic creation of gardens. Key publications of the period can be found in the field of floriculture, dendrology, and botany. Other horticultural subjects are also represented to a minor degree. The library is therefore a comprehensive aggregate of books and periodicals dealing with the creation of gardens and parks from late 1800s until 1930s.
Životné prostredie, 2019
This paper identifies the values and monuments in associative cultural landscapes. We initially d... more This paper identifies the values and monuments in associative cultural landscapes. We initially define their cultural and historical values, especially the religious landscapes connected with Christian legends, and finally we stress that cultural landscapes are very important for "branding" the landscape and creating local identity. Herein, we present the St. Procopius model area landscape and its cultural and historical values and monuments. This model area contains the famous St. Procopius monastery and is situated in Central Bohemia between Sázava town-ship and Chotouň village. The latter is the legendary birthplace of St. Procopius. In conclusion, the identified values in this model area are both, tangible; containing the monastery, churches, chapels, statues and natural springs, and the intangible values include the toponym.

Horticultural Science, 2020
The cultural landscape and its particular features have become appreciated as common components o... more The cultural landscape and its particular features have become appreciated as common components of human heritage (Lowenthal 2007). Several tools for the identification of historical and cultural landscape values have been developed (Šantrůčková, Weber 2016). A typical plant community structure and traditional plants contribute to the regional identity of the local people (Chromý et al. 2014). Traditional plant varieties are important not only for local history, but also for their ecological value. Traditional plants are native or acclimatised and protect the genetic diversity (Camacho Villa et al. 2006). Fruit trees are the most studied group because of their economic value and long life (Zeven 1998; Kellerhals et al. 2012), but the diversity of perennial and annual plants has also increased. This diversity is now endangered by the uniform production of big plant nurseries (Camacho Villa et al. 2006). The aim of this study is to complete this information for perennials to expand th...

ABSTRACT The article proposes some possible localizations of the extinct village Elizabeta in Rom... more ABSTRACT The article proposes some possible localizations of the extinct village Elizabeta in Romanian Banat. This village was founded as the fi rst of the relatively large Czech colonization wave at the beginning of the 1820s that led to the mountainous area of Banat by the river Donau. The newly founded settlement was rather unstable and Elizabeta had fought for survival for about twenty years, before coming to an end. The remaining inhabitants resettled to the neighboring village Svatá Helena. After being abandoned, the village decayed rapidly, even though the agricultural activities on its fi elds have continued and to a certain extent continue until today. On the basis of analogies with other villages in the Banat the text proposes the possible architectural appearance of the houses in Elizabeta. Until today the inhabitants of Svatá Helena have preserved the memory of the place where Elizabeta was placed, but not its exact locality. On the basis of analysis of old maps, literature, oral reminiscences and fi eld research the text offers the possible localization of the extinct village and the places where the houses might had been built.

The landscape of the Czech Republic currently faces droughts that are caused by several factors. ... more The landscape of the Czech Republic currently faces droughts that are caused by several factors. One of the reasons for drought is landscape development and land cover changes. Changes in water and wetland areas and streams were studied by comparing old military maps and the present state. Water and wetland areas in fertile lowlands significantly decreased over time; the landscape was continuously dried out with the aim of increasing agricultural and woody production. While water and wetland areas occupied nearly one-third of the study area (Nové Dvory and Žehušice micro-regions in Central Bohemia) at the end of the 18 century, the present share of these areas is only 3.5%. There was a decrease of approximately 10% in each period, and nearly all of these areas disappeared by the end of the 19 century. Water and wetland areas were changed primarily to arable land. The length of streams decreased by the end of the 19 century. Drainage and irrigation channels were built during the 20 c...

“Land use categorization based on topographic maps” is methodological paper about importance old ... more “Land use categorization based on topographic maps” is methodological paper about importance old topographic maps for study of landscape changes. Anthropogenic pressures on more intensively land-use increased during the 20th century. Th ese pressures still continue in the 21st century. Th e present cultural landscape refl ects not only actual activities of the Human society, but also preserves some surfaces from past periods. Th ese stable surfaces (forests, settlements) do not change substantially during the time and form stable basement of the landscape structure. It is useful to study land-use in the past periods for the better understanding of the present-day state of the landscape and prediction of its further development. For this type of studies are very useful medium-scale topographic maps. Th is type of maps, which covers the whole territory of the present-day Czech Republic, were published in the period 1763–2006. Th e maps form a base for studies of land-use development in the period 1763–2006 (excluded are maps of the 1st Austrian Military Mapping from years 1763–1768 which are not suitable for georeferencing). Authors use 5 temporal axes (1836–1852, 1876–1880, 1952–1956, 1988–1994 and 2002–2006) and of course use 5 map keys. Map keys include more than 1 240 items (fl at, linear and points) without topography. Th ese items were necessary to divide into 10 groups using 358 examples from legends of topographic maps. Th e resulted land-use types enable quantitative evaluation spatially oriented data in the map series in the scale 1 : 200 000.
Papers by Markéta Šantrůčková