Papers by Mariza Matsumoto

Revista Paulista de Pediatria
4 Doutora em Patologia Bucal pela Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru da USP e professora do Depart... more 4 Doutora em Patologia Bucal pela Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru da USP e professora do Departamento de Odontologia da USC. Bauru, SP, Brasil 5 Graduado em Odontologia e aluno de especialização em Bucomaxilo Facial pela Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru da USC. Bauru, SP, Brasil Resumo Objetivo: Apresentar as características clínicas, trata-mento cirúrgico e achado histológico de um caso de lipoi-doproteinose. Descrição do caso: Criança do sexo masculino, cinco anos de idade, branco, que procurou atendimento odontológico na Uni-versidade. A mãe da criança relatou presença de intensa halitose e dificuldade na alimentação e higienização bucal, decorrentes de crescimento gengival generalizado nos arcos dentários superior e inferior. No exame clínico, verificaram-se comprometimento funcional e estético generalizado (rouquidão, artralgia bilateral no joelho e tornozelo, lesões tumorais nas orelhas, entre outros), além de extensa hiperplasia gengival em ambos os arcos den-tários. Optou...

Rev. paul. pediatr., 2008
Objetivo: Apresentar as características clínicas, tratamento cirúrgico e achado histológico de um... more Objetivo: Apresentar as características clínicas, tratamento cirúrgico e achado histológico de um caso de lipoidoproteinose. Descrição do caso: Criança do sexo masculino, cinco anos de idade, branco, que procurou atendimento odontológico na Universidade. A mãe da criança relatou presença de intensa halitose e dificuldade na alimentação e higienização bucal, decorrentes de crescimento gengival generalizado nos arcos dentários superior e inferior. No exame clínico, verificaram-se comprometimento funcional e estético generalizado (rouquidão, artralgia bilateral no joelho e tornozelo, lesões tumorais nas orelhas, entre outros), além de extensa hiperplasia gengival em ambos os arcos dentários. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, com remoção do tecido hiperplásico e exodontia de todos os dentes decíduos e de dois permanentes. O exame histopatológico da peça cirúrgica confirmou o diagnóstico de lipoidoproteinose. Comentários: A lipoidoproteinose é uma doença rara caracterizada pela deposição da substância hialina na pele, membranas mucosas e nos órgãos internos. Os sinais que podem surgir após o nascimento, são: rouquidão; lesões pápulo-nodulares na cabeça, pescoço e membros; lesões papulares amareladas nas margens das pálpebras. O curso desta doença é benigno e crônico.

Rev. paul. pediatr., 2008
Objetivo: Apresentar as características clínicas, tratamento cirúrgico e achado histológico de um... more Objetivo: Apresentar as características clínicas, tratamento cirúrgico e achado histológico de um caso de lipoidoproteinose. Descrição do caso: Criança do sexo masculino, cinco anos de idade, branco, que procurou atendimento odontológico na Universidade. A mãe da criança relatou presença de intensa halitose e dificuldade na alimentação e higienização bucal, decorrentes de crescimento gengival generalizado nos arcos dentários superior e inferior. No exame clínico, verificaram-se comprometimento funcional e estético generalizado (rouquidão, artralgia bilateral no joelho e tornozelo, lesões tumorais nas orelhas, entre outros), além de extensa hiperplasia gengival em ambos os arcos dentários. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, com remoção do tecido hiperplásico e exodontia de todos os dentes decíduos e de dois permanentes. O exame histopatológico da peça cirúrgica confirmou o diagnóstico de lipoidoproteinose. Comentários: A lipoidoproteinose é uma doença rara caracterizada pela deposição da substância hialina na pele, membranas mucosas e nos órgãos internos. Os sinais que podem surgir após o nascimento, são: rouquidão; lesões pápulo-nodulares na cabeça, pescoço e membros; lesões papulares amareladas nas margens das pálpebras. O curso desta doença é benigno e crônico.

Scientific Reports, 2021
This study investigated the role 5-lypoxigenase (5-LO) on alveolar socket healing in aged female ... more This study investigated the role 5-lypoxigenase (5-LO) on alveolar socket healing in aged female mice treated with zoledronic acid (ZL). Forty 129/Sv female mice (64–68 weeks old), 20 wild type (WT) and 20 5-LO knockout (5LOKO) were equally distributed according to ZL treatment: WT Control, WT ZL, 5LOKO Control, and 5LOKO ZL. ZL groups were treated with an intraperitoneal injection of 250 µg/Kg of ZL, while controls were treated with saline. Treatments were administered once a week, starting four weeks before surgery for tooth extraction and until 7 and 21 days post-surgery. Mice were euthanized for a comprehensive microscopic analysis (microCT, histomorphometry and immunohistochemistry). WT ZL mice presented intense inflammatory infiltrate (7 days), delayed bone formation (21 days), reduced collagenous matrix quality, and a deficiency in Runx-2 + , TRAP + , and macrophages as compared to controls. 5LOKO ZL animals presented decreased number of Runx-2 + cells in comparison to 5LOKO ...

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine
Stem cells in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) scaffolds may be a promising treatment for cartilage rep... more Stem cells in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) scaffolds may be a promising treatment for cartilage repair. Human dental pulp stem cell (hDPSC) subpopulations have been identified to have substantial angiogenic, neurogenic and regenerative potential when compared with other stem cell sources. The present study evaluated the potential of hDPSCs in a PRP scaffold to regenerate full-thickness cartilage defects in rabbits. Full-thickness articular cartilage defects were created in the patellar groove of the femur of 30 rabbits allocated into three experimental groups: Those with an untreated critical defect (CTL), those treated with PRP (PRP) and those treated with stem cells in a PRP scaffold (PRP+SC). The patellar grooves of the femurs from the experimental groups were evaluated macroscopically and histologically at 6 and 12 weeks post-surgery. The synovial membranes were also collected and evaluated for histopathological analysis. The synovial lining cell layer was enlarged in the CTL group compared with the PRP group at 6 weeks (P=0.037) but not with the PRP+SC group. All groups exhibited low-grade synovitis at 6 weeks and no synovitis at 12 weeks. Notably, macroscopic grades for the area of articular cartilage repair for the PRP+SC group were significantly improved compared with those in the CTL (P=0.001) and PRP (P=0.049) groups at 12 weeks. Furthermore, histological scores (modified O'Driscoll scoring system) of the patellar groove articular cartilage in the PRP+SC and PRP groups, in which the articular cartilage was primarily hyaline-like, were significantly higher compared with those in the CTL group at 12 weeks (P=0.002 and P=0.007, respectively). The present results support the therapeutic use of hDPSCs for the treatment of full-thickness articular cartilage defects.

Clinical oral investigations, Jan 13, 2018
Addition of aluminum fluoride (AlF) to MTA was tested to inhibit dental discoloration. MTA Angelu... more Addition of aluminum fluoride (AlF) to MTA was tested to inhibit dental discoloration. MTA Angelus with 0, 5, 15, and 45% AlF were tested. The set cements were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Radiopacity and setting time were analyzed according to ANSI/ADA 57 and ASTM C266-08. Volume change was evaluated using volumetric micro-CT analysis. The pH and calcium ion release were assessed after 3 and 24 h and 28 days. Dental discoloration in contact with the cements was assessed after 24 h and 28 and 90 days of contact with bovine and human dentine. Tissue reaction to subcutaneous implantation in rats was examined after 30 and 60 days. AlF altered the microstructure of MTA. The addition of 5% AlF did not significantly alter the radiopacity, setting time, and volume change (p > 0.05). pH and calcium ion release significantly increased with addition of AlF (p > 0.05). All the tested proportions of AlF prevented ...

Brazilian oral research, 2018
It is largely known that some oral diseases can be diagnosed based upon their clinical manifestat... more It is largely known that some oral diseases can be diagnosed based upon their clinical manifestation combined with the patient's medical history and generally not depending on examination. This is the case of some bone diseases such as osteoradionecrosis of the jaw (ORNJ), osteomyelitis of the jaw (OMJ), and medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ). The present study aimed to analyze the histopathological features of these specific bone diseases in order to evaluate similarities and differences. Forty-four bone specimens resected from each bone disease (22 cases of ORNJ, 6 cases of OMJ, and 16 cases of MRONJ) were analyzed by two experienced oral pathologists without prior knowledge of the diagnosis, considering bone tissue condition, inflammation, vascularization, and the presence of microorganisms. In addition, the examiners formulated a diagnostic hypothesis for each specimen. Many histopathological similarities were found among the diseases, especially considering...

Clinical oral investigations, Jan 26, 2018
The aim of the study was to analyze bone matrix (BMX) organization after bone grafting and repair... more The aim of the study was to analyze bone matrix (BMX) organization after bone grafting and repair using a new bioactive glass-ceramic (Biosilicate) associated or not with particulate autogenous bone graft. Thirty rabbits underwent surgical bilateral parietal defects and divided into groups according to the materials used: (C) control-blood clot, (BG) particulate autogenous bone, (BS) bioactive glass-ceramic, and BG + BS. After 7, 14, and 30 days post-surgery, a fragment of each specimen was fixed in - 80 °C liquid nitrogen for zymographic evaluation, while the remaining was fixed in 10% formalin for histological birefringence analysis. The results of this study demonstrated that matrix organization in experimental groups was significantly improved compared to C considering collagenous organization. Zymographic analysis revealed pro-MMP-2, pro-MMP-9, and active (a)-MMP-2 in all groups, showing gradual decrease of total gelatinolytic activity during the periods. At day 7, BG presented...

Bone, Jan 20, 2018
Introduction: Obesity is characterized by extreme body fat accumulation related to lean body mass... more Introduction: Obesity is characterized by extreme body fat accumulation related to lean body mass. The low-grade systemic inflammation induced by weight gain may influence wound healing. This study assessed the association between obesity and alveoli repair after tooth extraction. Methods: Forty-two male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: weight gain (n = 21), animals fed with hyperlipidic cafeteria diet in order to gain weight; and control (non-obese; n = 21) regularly fed rats. After twelve weeks, the upper right central incisor was extracted and animals were sacrificed after 7, 14 and 28 days. Slides were obtained for histological analysis. Bone formation and protein expression at the different periods were compared using Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn post-test. Results: Bone area was higher in the control group all over the experiment with more TRAP-positive cells and TRAP-positive labeling in the weight gain group. RANKL was homogeneously expressed along the experiment with no differences among the groups; conversely OPG levels reduced in the weight gain groups 14 and 28 days after tooth extraction. Osteocalcin labeling was higher in the control group after 7 days of extraction, with no differences at later time points. VEGF labeling was higher in the control group after 14 days of tooth extraction while the strongest immunolabeling in the weight gain group was observed 21 days post-extraction. Conclusion: Weight gain induced a delay in bone repair after tooth extraction. The increase in the number of TRAP-positive cells observed in the extraction site seems to be mediated by the reduction in the expression of OPG rather than an overexpression of RANKL. In addition, the late expression of VEGF in the weight gain group might have delayed osteoblast migration and differentiation.

Journal of Endodontics, 2017
Introduction: The aim of the study was to investigate the addition of variable amounts of zinc ox... more Introduction: The aim of the study was to investigate the addition of variable amounts of zinc oxide to inhibit dental discoloration caused by mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) Angelus. Methods: MTA Angelus and MTA with additions of 5%, 15%, and 45% zinc oxide (ZnO) in weight were tested. The set cements were characterized by using a combination of scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, and x-ray diffraction. Radiopacity and setting time were analyzed according to American National Standards Institute/ American Dental Association (57/2012) and American Society for Testing and Materials (C266-08). Volume change was evaluated by using micro-computed tomography analysis. The pH and calcium ion release were measured after 3 hours, 24 hours, and 28 days. Dental discoloration in contact with the cements was measured after 24 hours, 28 days, and 90 days. Biocompatibility to subcutaneous implantation in rats was verified after 30 and 60 days. Results: Addition of ZnO did not alter significantly the radiopacity, setting time, volume change, pH, and biocompatibility compared with MTA Angelus (P > .05). Calcium ion release increased with addition of ZnO (P < .05). Proportions of 15% and 45% ZnO interfered in hydration. The 5% ZnO addition was sufficient to prevent the dental discoloration observed with MTA Angelus. Conclusions: The addition of 5%, 15%, or 45% zinc oxide to MTA Angelus inhibits dental discoloration without modifying the radiopacity, setting time, volume change, pH, and biocompatibility.

Quintessence International, 2011
This case report is an 8-year follow-up of a malpositioned single implant, which was treated with... more This case report is an 8-year follow-up of a malpositioned single implant, which was treated with segmental osteotomy, to confirm the treatment's characteristics, indications, and advantages. Deep buccal positioning of an endosseous implant placed in the maxillary left central incisor area did not permit acceptable prosthetic rehabilitation, despite its favorable bone insertion with no significant marginal bone loss. The surgical procedure included osteotomy and block movement performed toward the lingual and cervical position, fixed with a provisional prosthesis and miniplates and mini-implants. A connective tissue graft was necessary for esthetics optimization and was performed in a second stage. Advantages including the prevention of alveolar ridge damage, the improvement of gingival contour, and the use of an already integrated implant are presented. Clinically satisfactory hard and soft tissue stability permitted us to consider segmental surgery as a reliable alternative for malpositioned osseointegrated implants.
Bci, Mar 1, 2002
Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 313022 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 313022 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. Matsumoto, Mariza Akemi. Consolaro, Alberto. ...

Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2016
To evaluate a modified experimental model for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ)... more To evaluate a modified experimental model for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) through the upper right central incisor extraction followed by intravenous bisphosphonate administration. METHODS: Forty five rats underwent the upper right central incisor tooth extraction were divided in 2 groups: Group I-experimental group, 30 rats received an intravenous administration protocol of zoledronic acid 35μg/kg into the tail vein every two weeks, totalizing four administrations, during eight weeks of administration, previously the extraction, and Group II-control group, 15 rats didn't received any medication before extraction. The groups were subdivided in postoperative periods: 14/28/42 days. Clinical analysis and microtomography were performed to verify the presence of osteonecrosis. In addition, descritive histological analysis of hematoxylineosin stained sections was performed to evaluate the presence of osteonecrosis or necrotic foci. RESULTS: Twelve (40%) rats, from experimental group, showed clinical signs of MRONJ (p=0.005), however, all samples showed imaginologic findings like osteolysis and loss of integrity of the cellular walls (p≤0.001). Microscopic evaluation revealed osteonecrosis areas with microbial colonies and inflammatory infiltrate (p≤0.001). In the control group, all animals presented the chronology of a normal wound healing. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw after maxillary central incisor extraction in rats. This new experimental model may be considered an option for the study of MRONJ.
Revista Paulista de …, 2008

Revista Paulista de Pediatria
4 Doutora em Patologia Bucal pela Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru da USP e professora do Depart... more 4 Doutora em Patologia Bucal pela Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru da USP e professora do Departamento de Odontologia da USC. Bauru, SP, Brasil 5 Graduado em Odontologia e aluno de especialização em Bucomaxilo Facial pela Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru da USC. Bauru, SP, Brasil Resumo Objetivo: Apresentar as características clínicas, trata-mento cirúrgico e achado histológico de um caso de lipoi-doproteinose. Descrição do caso: Criança do sexo masculino, cinco anos de idade, branco, que procurou atendimento odontológico na Uni-versidade. A mãe da criança relatou presença de intensa halitose e dificuldade na alimentação e higienização bucal, decorrentes de crescimento gengival generalizado nos arcos dentários superior e inferior. No exame clínico, verificaram-se comprometimento funcional e estético generalizado (rouquidão, artralgia bilateral no joelho e tornozelo, lesões tumorais nas orelhas, entre outros), além de extensa hiperplasia gengival em ambos os arcos den-tários. Optou...
Papers by Mariza Matsumoto