Twelve dairy cows 130 days in milk were sorted by milk production and body weight and assigned to... more Twelve dairy cows 130 days in milk were sorted by milk production and body weight and assigned to three feeding regimens in a 3 × 3 Latin-square design, in order to study the effects of diet on milk fatty acid (FA) composition. The cows were fed a total mixed ration (TMR) consisting of corn silage (60%) and concentrate (40%) on dry matter basis, or grazed pasture, without (P) or with 5 kg•d-1 concentrate as a supplement (SP). Supplemented grazing dairy cows produced significantly more milk than the cows on the TMR and P diets (P < 0.05). The supplementation of grazing dairy cows with a low fat concentrate did not significantly affect the milk fat FA profile. The pasture diet, with a supplement or not, decreased the concentration of saturated FA (P < 0.05) and increased the concentration of unsaturated FA (P < 0.05), of milk fat as compared to the TMR diet. The reduction in medium-chain FA was offset in large part by increases in long-chain FA (mainly oleic acid). The concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (P < 0.05) and trans-vaccenic acid were higher (P < 0.05) in the milk fat from the grazing cows. The results showed substantial variation among individual cows within treatments on milk fat content of CLA. Significant correlations were found for individual cow's milk fat CLA content across diets. Overall, this study indicates that the concentration of CLA in milk fat is enhanced by the dietary intake of pasture and that moderate low fat concentrate supplementation of grazing dairy cows increases performance without compromising the FA profile of milk fat. conjugated linoleic acid / dairy cow / fatty acid / milk fat / pasture / total mixed ration Résumé-Effet du régime alimentaire sur la composition en acides gras de la matière grasse du lait chez la vache. Douze vaches laitières, en lactation depuis 130 jours, ont été réparties en trois lots sur la base de la production laitière et du poids vif. Elles ont reçu trois régimes alimentaires, selon un carré latin 3 × 3, afin d'étudier leurs effets sur la composition en acides gras (AG) du lait. Les trois régimes étaient une ration complète (TMR) composée d'ensilage de maïs et de concentré (respectivement 60 % et 40 % sur la base de la matière sèche), de l'herbe pâturée sans
Introdução: O Streptococcus pneumoniae é a causa mais frequente de bacteriemia e pneumonia e a se... more Introdução: O Streptococcus pneumoniae é a causa mais frequente de bacteriemia e pneumonia e a segunda causa de meningite bacteriana em idade pediátrica. A doença pneumocócica invasiva permanece uma importante causa de morbimortalidade. O presente estudo avaliou a frequência de doença pneumocócica invasiva na área de influência de um hospital do grupo II, bem como aspetos relacionados com a patologia e o impacto da vacinação antipneumocócica. Métodos: Análise retrospetiva dos processos de crianças admitidas com doença pneumocócica invasiva no período compreendido entre 1 de janeiro de 2000 e 31 de dezembro de 2012. Analisaram-se características sociodemográficas, epidemiológicas, clínicas e microbiológicas. Resultados: Identificaram-se 32 casos de doença pneumocócica invasiva, 59,4% no primeiro ano de vida. Dos casos analisados, 28,1% tinham vacinação antipneumocócica e 15,6% pertenciam a grupos de risco. O sexo masculino foi o mais afetado. O diagnóstico mais frequente foi pneumonia com bacteriemia (50%). Em 90,6% dos casos, o microrganismo foi isolado em hemocultura e em 9,4% em hemocultura e cultura de liquor simultaneamente, tendo-se verificado resistências em 15,6%. O serotipo mais frequente foi o 1, seguido do 19A. Oito crianças apresentaram complicações precoces e duas evoluíram com sequelas. Não se verificaram óbitos. Conclusões: Os dados obtidos são concordantes com o descrito na literatura. No nosso estudo, verificámos predomínio de serótipos não vacinais. A identificação do padrão de resistência aos antimicrobianos e a caracterização epidemiológica dos serotipos mais frequentes em Portugal assumem particular interesse na abordagem da criança com doença pneumocócica invasiva. Palavras-chave: Doença pneumocócica invasiva; Grupos de risco; Vacina antipneumocócica; Vigilância epidemiológica.
, related to Figure 1 -This summarizes data from DSF assays for isolated CFTR NBD1 under treatmen... more , related to Figure 1 -This summarizes data from DSF assays for isolated CFTR NBD1 under treatment with different correctors and is related to in the main text. Figure S1, related to Figure 1 -This shows a representative plot of unfolding curves determined by differential scanning fluorimetry and is related to Figure 1 in the main text.
showed that different time averaging intervals lead to distinct VO 2 values in a maximal 200m fro... more showed that different time averaging intervals lead to distinct VO 2 values in a maximal 200m front crawl effort, evidencing higher VO 2 values for breath-by-breath sampling, and differences between this latter data acquisition and all the other less frequent time intervals studied (5, 10, 15 and 20 s). These are interesting outputs in the field of exercise physiology applied to swimming once: (1) VO 2 assessment is conducted in a swimming pool with a portable gas analyser which allowed breath-by-breath measurements, and not in a swimming flume with a Douglas bag technique or mixing chamber analyser, as traditionally occurs, and (2) the comparison between different time-averaging intervals used to remove breath-by-breath fluctuations during exercise periods has remained neglected, in sport in general and swimming in particular. Therefore, in the present study, we investigate the influence that different time averaging intervals have in aerobic power related parameters (VO 2peak and VO 2max ). Ten subjects performed 200m front crawl effort at supra-maximal intensities (all-out test) and other ten subjects performed 200m front crawl effort at maximal aerobic intensities (100% of VO 2max ).The intensity at which the 200m front crawl was performed (supra-maximal and maximal intensities) had a significant effect on VO 2peak and VO 2max values obtained for each averaging intervals studied.
Cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common recessive autosomal disease among Caucasians, is caused by ... more Cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common recessive autosomal disease among Caucasians, is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. The most common mutation, F508del, leads to CFTR impaired plasma membrane trafficking. Therapies modulating CFTR basic defect are emerging, such as VX-809, a corrector of F508del-CFTR traffic which just succeeded in a Phase III clinical trial. We recently showed that VX-809 is additive to two other correctors (VRT-325 and compound 4a). Here, we aimed to determine whether the differential rescuing by these compounds results from cell-specific factors or rather from distinct effects at the early biogenesis and/or processing. The rescuing efficiencies of the above three correctors were first compared in different cellular models (primary respiratory cells, cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial and baby hamster kidney [BHK] cell lines) by functional approaches: micro-Ussing chamber and iodide efflux. Next, biochemical methods (metabolic labeling, pulse-chase and immunoprecipitation) were used to determine their impact on CFTR biogenesis / processing. Functional analyses revealed that VX-809 has the greatest rescuing efficacy and that the relative efficiencies of the three compounds are essentially maintained in all three cellular models tested. Nevertheless, biochemical data show that VX-809 significantly stabilizes F508del-CFTR immature form, an effect that is not observed for C3 nor C4. VX-809 and C3 also significantly increase accumulation of immature CFTR. Our data suggest that VX-809 increases the stability of F508del-CFTR immature form at an early phase of its biogenesis, thus explaining its increased efficacy when inducing its rescue.
A group of 13 consecutive regularly menstruating women who gained at least 5 kg the previous year... more A group of 13 consecutive regularly menstruating women who gained at least 5 kg the previous year (Group I) was compared to a control group of similar age, parity, and social class (Group II). The two groups were similar in estimated and observed food intakes; pre- and postprandial gastrin levels; hourly 24-h profiles of cortisol and insulin; urinary cortisol and 17-hydroxycorticosteroids. Group I had higher serum prolactin concentrations at all times than Group II (mean values 14.60 micrograms/l vs. 8.84 micrograms/l; p = .0121). Galactorrhea was observed in 5 women from Group I and in none of the women from Group II (p < .05). Group I also differed from Group II in a higher incidence of meaningful life-events the year preceding the study, higher prevalence of sexual dysfunction (9/13 vs. 4/13; p < .01) and higher indexes (p < .05) of several parameters in the MMPI and SCL 90. Median serum cortisol and prolactin concentrations were negatively correlated, both in Group I (R...
Journal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society, Jan 27, 2015
The Cystic Fibrosis p.Ile1234Val missense mutation actually creates a new dual splicing site poss... more The Cystic Fibrosis p.Ile1234Val missense mutation actually creates a new dual splicing site possibly used either as a new acceptor or donor. Here, we aimed to test the accuracy of in silico predictions by comparing them with in vitro and ex vivo functional analyses of this mutation for an accurate CF diagnosis/prognosis. To this end, we applied a new in vitro strategy using a CFTR mini-gene which includes the complete CFTR coding sequence plus intron 22 (short version) which allows the assessment of alternatively spliced mRNA levels as well as the properties of the resulting abnormal CFTR protein regarding processing, intracellular localization and function. Our data demonstrate that p.Ile1234Val leads to usage of the alternative splicing donor (but not acceptor) resulting in alternative CFTR transcripts lacking 18nts of exon 22 which produce a truncated CFTR protein with residual Cl(-) channel function. These results recapitulate data from native tissues of a CF patient. In conclu...
The purpose of this study was to conduct a kinematical analysis during swimming at the intensity ... more The purpose of this study was to conduct a kinematical analysis during swimming at the intensity corresponding to maximal lactate steady state (MLSS). Thirteen long distance swimmers performed, in different days, an intermittent incremental protocol of n x 200 m until exhaustion and two to four 30-min submaximal constant speed bouts to determine the MLSS. The video analysis, using APAS System (Ariel Dynamics Inc., USA), allowed determining the following relevant swimming determinants (in five moments of the 30-min test: 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%): stroke rate, stroke length, trunk incline, intracyclic velocity variation, propelling efficiency, index of coordination and the time allotted to propulsion per distance unit. An ANOVA for repeated measures was used to compare the parameters mean values along each moment of analysis. Stoke rate tended to increase and stroke length to decrease along the test; a tendency to decrease was also found for intracyclic velocity variation and propelli...
This work aims to assess the potential of the green seaweed Ulva fasciata Delile as an alternativ... more This work aims to assess the potential of the green seaweed Ulva fasciata Delile as an alternative source of dietary fibre (DF). Total DF content was determined, some of its physico-chemical properties described and the physiological effects of U. fasciata meal on rats fed a hypercholesterolemic diet were investigated. U. fasciata may be considered a potential alternative source of DF with a total content of about 400 -1 (dry basis) and interesting physico-chemical properties: water retention capacity of 8.74 g/water.g -1 dry sample (seaweed meal) and 0.90 (seaweed carbohydrate extract), lipid adsorption capacity of 4.52 g/oil.g -1 dry sample (seaweed meal) and 5.70 (seaweed carbohydrate extract), intrinsic viscosity of 2.4 dl.g -1 (seaweed carbohydrate extract) and cation exchange capacity of 3.51 -1 (seaweed carbohydrate extract). The diet containing seaweed meal was able to keep rats' total cholesterol (TC) down without causing any undesirable increase in LDL-C fraction. No evidence of toxic and/or antinutritional components in the seaweed meal was detected. Rats showed a fecal volume much greater (13 g) than that fed on cellulose diet (7 g) (p < 0.05). These properties confer on the seaweed the potential to be used in food technology for the acquisition of low-calorie food and might be important in body weight control, reduction of blood TC and LDL-C as well as in prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.
Background: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is caused by ,1,900 mutations in the CF transmembrane conductanc... more Background: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is caused by ,1,900 mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene encoding for a cAMP-regulated chloride (Cl 2 ) channel expressed in several epithelia. Clinical features are dominated by respiratory symptoms, but there is variable organ involvement thus causing diagnostic dilemmas, especially for non-classic cases.
The assessment of blood lactate concentrations is considered one essential procedure in physiolog... more The assessment of blood lactate concentrations is considered one essential procedure in physiological diagnosis of swimming performance. Our purpose was to assess the metabolic anaerobic threshold of an 11 year old swimmer through an individualized intermittent incremental protocol. Complementarily, stroking parameters were also determined. The subject performed a front crawl 5 x 200 m test, being the velocity controlled by an acoustic signal. The blood samples were collected from the ear lobe at rest and after each step. Stroke rate was registered by a chronofrequencemeter base 3, and stroke length and velocity were calculated at the end of each 200 m. The individual anaerobic threshold occurred at 1.2 mmol/l, rather lower than the traditionally used 4 mmol/l value suggested for trained swimmers. The velocity corresponding to anaerobic threshold was 1.06 m/s, representing a 5 s difference in a 100 m effort comparing to the velocity of 4 mmol/l. Stroke rate increased and stroke length decreased throughout the incremental protocol, i.e., with the velocity increments. It was concluded that the velocity corresponding to 4 mmol/l does not represent the individual anaerobic threshold in this young trained swimmer, and that he prefer to increase their velocity through the raise of stroke rate. Thus, given the importance of developing swimming technique in age-group swimmers, this swimmer should implement the lengthening of his stroke cycles in the training practice routines, trying to resist to the degradation of the stroke length when velocity increases.
ated 5 years after the end of the initial randomized clinical trial. All subjects provided writte... more ated 5 years after the end of the initial randomized clinical trial. All subjects provided written informed consent that was approved by the institutional review board. The Yale-Brown Scale for Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms (Y-BOCS) and the Clinical Global Impression scale -Severity (CGI-S, adapted version) were used to assess the severity of OCD symptoms. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were used to assess depressive and anxiety symptoms, respectively.
According to previous reports, flavonoids and nutraceuticals correct defective electrolyte transp... more According to previous reports, flavonoids and nutraceuticals correct defective electrolyte transport in cystic fibrosis (CF) airways. Traditional medicinal plants from China and Thailand contain phytoflavonoids and other bioactive compounds. We examined herbal extracts of the common Thai medicinal euphorbiaceous plant Phyllanthus acidus for their potential effects on epithelial transport. Functional assays by Ussing chamber, patch-clamping, double-electrode voltage-clamp and Ca 2ϩ imaging demonstrate activation of Cl Ϫ secretion and inhibition of Na ϩ absorption by P. acidus. No cytotoxic effects of P. acidus could be detected. Mucosal application of P. acidus to native mouse trachea suggested transient and steady-state activation of Cl Ϫ secretion by increasing both intracellular Ca 2ϩ and cAMP. These effects were mimicked by a mix of the isolated components adenosine, kaempferol, and hypogallic acid. Additional experiments in human airway cells and CF transmem-
Twelve dairy cows 130 days in milk were sorted by milk production and body weight and assigned to... more Twelve dairy cows 130 days in milk were sorted by milk production and body weight and assigned to three feeding regimens in a 3 × 3 Latin-square design, in order to study the effects of diet on milk fatty acid (FA) composition. The cows were fed a total mixed ration (TMR) consisting of corn silage (60%) and concentrate (40%) on dry matter basis, or grazed pasture, without (P) or with 5 kg•d-1 concentrate as a supplement (SP). Supplemented grazing dairy cows produced significantly more milk than the cows on the TMR and P diets (P < 0.05). The supplementation of grazing dairy cows with a low fat concentrate did not significantly affect the milk fat FA profile. The pasture diet, with a supplement or not, decreased the concentration of saturated FA (P < 0.05) and increased the concentration of unsaturated FA (P < 0.05), of milk fat as compared to the TMR diet. The reduction in medium-chain FA was offset in large part by increases in long-chain FA (mainly oleic acid). The concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (P < 0.05) and trans-vaccenic acid were higher (P < 0.05) in the milk fat from the grazing cows. The results showed substantial variation among individual cows within treatments on milk fat content of CLA. Significant correlations were found for individual cow's milk fat CLA content across diets. Overall, this study indicates that the concentration of CLA in milk fat is enhanced by the dietary intake of pasture and that moderate low fat concentrate supplementation of grazing dairy cows increases performance without compromising the FA profile of milk fat. conjugated linoleic acid / dairy cow / fatty acid / milk fat / pasture / total mixed ration Résumé-Effet du régime alimentaire sur la composition en acides gras de la matière grasse du lait chez la vache. Douze vaches laitières, en lactation depuis 130 jours, ont été réparties en trois lots sur la base de la production laitière et du poids vif. Elles ont reçu trois régimes alimentaires, selon un carré latin 3 × 3, afin d'étudier leurs effets sur la composition en acides gras (AG) du lait. Les trois régimes étaient une ration complète (TMR) composée d'ensilage de maïs et de concentré (respectivement 60 % et 40 % sur la base de la matière sèche), de l'herbe pâturée sans
Introdução: O Streptococcus pneumoniae é a causa mais frequente de bacteriemia e pneumonia e a se... more Introdução: O Streptococcus pneumoniae é a causa mais frequente de bacteriemia e pneumonia e a segunda causa de meningite bacteriana em idade pediátrica. A doença pneumocócica invasiva permanece uma importante causa de morbimortalidade. O presente estudo avaliou a frequência de doença pneumocócica invasiva na área de influência de um hospital do grupo II, bem como aspetos relacionados com a patologia e o impacto da vacinação antipneumocócica. Métodos: Análise retrospetiva dos processos de crianças admitidas com doença pneumocócica invasiva no período compreendido entre 1 de janeiro de 2000 e 31 de dezembro de 2012. Analisaram-se características sociodemográficas, epidemiológicas, clínicas e microbiológicas. Resultados: Identificaram-se 32 casos de doença pneumocócica invasiva, 59,4% no primeiro ano de vida. Dos casos analisados, 28,1% tinham vacinação antipneumocócica e 15,6% pertenciam a grupos de risco. O sexo masculino foi o mais afetado. O diagnóstico mais frequente foi pneumonia com bacteriemia (50%). Em 90,6% dos casos, o microrganismo foi isolado em hemocultura e em 9,4% em hemocultura e cultura de liquor simultaneamente, tendo-se verificado resistências em 15,6%. O serotipo mais frequente foi o 1, seguido do 19A. Oito crianças apresentaram complicações precoces e duas evoluíram com sequelas. Não se verificaram óbitos. Conclusões: Os dados obtidos são concordantes com o descrito na literatura. No nosso estudo, verificámos predomínio de serótipos não vacinais. A identificação do padrão de resistência aos antimicrobianos e a caracterização epidemiológica dos serotipos mais frequentes em Portugal assumem particular interesse na abordagem da criança com doença pneumocócica invasiva. Palavras-chave: Doença pneumocócica invasiva; Grupos de risco; Vacina antipneumocócica; Vigilância epidemiológica.
, related to Figure 1 -This summarizes data from DSF assays for isolated CFTR NBD1 under treatmen... more , related to Figure 1 -This summarizes data from DSF assays for isolated CFTR NBD1 under treatment with different correctors and is related to in the main text. Figure S1, related to Figure 1 -This shows a representative plot of unfolding curves determined by differential scanning fluorimetry and is related to Figure 1 in the main text.
showed that different time averaging intervals lead to distinct VO 2 values in a maximal 200m fro... more showed that different time averaging intervals lead to distinct VO 2 values in a maximal 200m front crawl effort, evidencing higher VO 2 values for breath-by-breath sampling, and differences between this latter data acquisition and all the other less frequent time intervals studied (5, 10, 15 and 20 s). These are interesting outputs in the field of exercise physiology applied to swimming once: (1) VO 2 assessment is conducted in a swimming pool with a portable gas analyser which allowed breath-by-breath measurements, and not in a swimming flume with a Douglas bag technique or mixing chamber analyser, as traditionally occurs, and (2) the comparison between different time-averaging intervals used to remove breath-by-breath fluctuations during exercise periods has remained neglected, in sport in general and swimming in particular. Therefore, in the present study, we investigate the influence that different time averaging intervals have in aerobic power related parameters (VO 2peak and VO 2max ). Ten subjects performed 200m front crawl effort at supra-maximal intensities (all-out test) and other ten subjects performed 200m front crawl effort at maximal aerobic intensities (100% of VO 2max ).The intensity at which the 200m front crawl was performed (supra-maximal and maximal intensities) had a significant effect on VO 2peak and VO 2max values obtained for each averaging intervals studied.
Cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common recessive autosomal disease among Caucasians, is caused by ... more Cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common recessive autosomal disease among Caucasians, is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. The most common mutation, F508del, leads to CFTR impaired plasma membrane trafficking. Therapies modulating CFTR basic defect are emerging, such as VX-809, a corrector of F508del-CFTR traffic which just succeeded in a Phase III clinical trial. We recently showed that VX-809 is additive to two other correctors (VRT-325 and compound 4a). Here, we aimed to determine whether the differential rescuing by these compounds results from cell-specific factors or rather from distinct effects at the early biogenesis and/or processing. The rescuing efficiencies of the above three correctors were first compared in different cellular models (primary respiratory cells, cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial and baby hamster kidney [BHK] cell lines) by functional approaches: micro-Ussing chamber and iodide efflux. Next, biochemical methods (metabolic labeling, pulse-chase and immunoprecipitation) were used to determine their impact on CFTR biogenesis / processing. Functional analyses revealed that VX-809 has the greatest rescuing efficacy and that the relative efficiencies of the three compounds are essentially maintained in all three cellular models tested. Nevertheless, biochemical data show that VX-809 significantly stabilizes F508del-CFTR immature form, an effect that is not observed for C3 nor C4. VX-809 and C3 also significantly increase accumulation of immature CFTR. Our data suggest that VX-809 increases the stability of F508del-CFTR immature form at an early phase of its biogenesis, thus explaining its increased efficacy when inducing its rescue.
A group of 13 consecutive regularly menstruating women who gained at least 5 kg the previous year... more A group of 13 consecutive regularly menstruating women who gained at least 5 kg the previous year (Group I) was compared to a control group of similar age, parity, and social class (Group II). The two groups were similar in estimated and observed food intakes; pre- and postprandial gastrin levels; hourly 24-h profiles of cortisol and insulin; urinary cortisol and 17-hydroxycorticosteroids. Group I had higher serum prolactin concentrations at all times than Group II (mean values 14.60 micrograms/l vs. 8.84 micrograms/l; p = .0121). Galactorrhea was observed in 5 women from Group I and in none of the women from Group II (p < .05). Group I also differed from Group II in a higher incidence of meaningful life-events the year preceding the study, higher prevalence of sexual dysfunction (9/13 vs. 4/13; p < .01) and higher indexes (p < .05) of several parameters in the MMPI and SCL 90. Median serum cortisol and prolactin concentrations were negatively correlated, both in Group I (R...
Journal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society, Jan 27, 2015
The Cystic Fibrosis p.Ile1234Val missense mutation actually creates a new dual splicing site poss... more The Cystic Fibrosis p.Ile1234Val missense mutation actually creates a new dual splicing site possibly used either as a new acceptor or donor. Here, we aimed to test the accuracy of in silico predictions by comparing them with in vitro and ex vivo functional analyses of this mutation for an accurate CF diagnosis/prognosis. To this end, we applied a new in vitro strategy using a CFTR mini-gene which includes the complete CFTR coding sequence plus intron 22 (short version) which allows the assessment of alternatively spliced mRNA levels as well as the properties of the resulting abnormal CFTR protein regarding processing, intracellular localization and function. Our data demonstrate that p.Ile1234Val leads to usage of the alternative splicing donor (but not acceptor) resulting in alternative CFTR transcripts lacking 18nts of exon 22 which produce a truncated CFTR protein with residual Cl(-) channel function. These results recapitulate data from native tissues of a CF patient. In conclu...
The purpose of this study was to conduct a kinematical analysis during swimming at the intensity ... more The purpose of this study was to conduct a kinematical analysis during swimming at the intensity corresponding to maximal lactate steady state (MLSS). Thirteen long distance swimmers performed, in different days, an intermittent incremental protocol of n x 200 m until exhaustion and two to four 30-min submaximal constant speed bouts to determine the MLSS. The video analysis, using APAS System (Ariel Dynamics Inc., USA), allowed determining the following relevant swimming determinants (in five moments of the 30-min test: 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%): stroke rate, stroke length, trunk incline, intracyclic velocity variation, propelling efficiency, index of coordination and the time allotted to propulsion per distance unit. An ANOVA for repeated measures was used to compare the parameters mean values along each moment of analysis. Stoke rate tended to increase and stroke length to decrease along the test; a tendency to decrease was also found for intracyclic velocity variation and propelli...
This work aims to assess the potential of the green seaweed Ulva fasciata Delile as an alternativ... more This work aims to assess the potential of the green seaweed Ulva fasciata Delile as an alternative source of dietary fibre (DF). Total DF content was determined, some of its physico-chemical properties described and the physiological effects of U. fasciata meal on rats fed a hypercholesterolemic diet were investigated. U. fasciata may be considered a potential alternative source of DF with a total content of about 400 -1 (dry basis) and interesting physico-chemical properties: water retention capacity of 8.74 g/water.g -1 dry sample (seaweed meal) and 0.90 (seaweed carbohydrate extract), lipid adsorption capacity of 4.52 g/oil.g -1 dry sample (seaweed meal) and 5.70 (seaweed carbohydrate extract), intrinsic viscosity of 2.4 dl.g -1 (seaweed carbohydrate extract) and cation exchange capacity of 3.51 -1 (seaweed carbohydrate extract). The diet containing seaweed meal was able to keep rats' total cholesterol (TC) down without causing any undesirable increase in LDL-C fraction. No evidence of toxic and/or antinutritional components in the seaweed meal was detected. Rats showed a fecal volume much greater (13 g) than that fed on cellulose diet (7 g) (p < 0.05). These properties confer on the seaweed the potential to be used in food technology for the acquisition of low-calorie food and might be important in body weight control, reduction of blood TC and LDL-C as well as in prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.
Background: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is caused by ,1,900 mutations in the CF transmembrane conductanc... more Background: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is caused by ,1,900 mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene encoding for a cAMP-regulated chloride (Cl 2 ) channel expressed in several epithelia. Clinical features are dominated by respiratory symptoms, but there is variable organ involvement thus causing diagnostic dilemmas, especially for non-classic cases.
The assessment of blood lactate concentrations is considered one essential procedure in physiolog... more The assessment of blood lactate concentrations is considered one essential procedure in physiological diagnosis of swimming performance. Our purpose was to assess the metabolic anaerobic threshold of an 11 year old swimmer through an individualized intermittent incremental protocol. Complementarily, stroking parameters were also determined. The subject performed a front crawl 5 x 200 m test, being the velocity controlled by an acoustic signal. The blood samples were collected from the ear lobe at rest and after each step. Stroke rate was registered by a chronofrequencemeter base 3, and stroke length and velocity were calculated at the end of each 200 m. The individual anaerobic threshold occurred at 1.2 mmol/l, rather lower than the traditionally used 4 mmol/l value suggested for trained swimmers. The velocity corresponding to anaerobic threshold was 1.06 m/s, representing a 5 s difference in a 100 m effort comparing to the velocity of 4 mmol/l. Stroke rate increased and stroke length decreased throughout the incremental protocol, i.e., with the velocity increments. It was concluded that the velocity corresponding to 4 mmol/l does not represent the individual anaerobic threshold in this young trained swimmer, and that he prefer to increase their velocity through the raise of stroke rate. Thus, given the importance of developing swimming technique in age-group swimmers, this swimmer should implement the lengthening of his stroke cycles in the training practice routines, trying to resist to the degradation of the stroke length when velocity increases.
ated 5 years after the end of the initial randomized clinical trial. All subjects provided writte... more ated 5 years after the end of the initial randomized clinical trial. All subjects provided written informed consent that was approved by the institutional review board. The Yale-Brown Scale for Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms (Y-BOCS) and the Clinical Global Impression scale -Severity (CGI-S, adapted version) were used to assess the severity of OCD symptoms. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were used to assess depressive and anxiety symptoms, respectively.
According to previous reports, flavonoids and nutraceuticals correct defective electrolyte transp... more According to previous reports, flavonoids and nutraceuticals correct defective electrolyte transport in cystic fibrosis (CF) airways. Traditional medicinal plants from China and Thailand contain phytoflavonoids and other bioactive compounds. We examined herbal extracts of the common Thai medicinal euphorbiaceous plant Phyllanthus acidus for their potential effects on epithelial transport. Functional assays by Ussing chamber, patch-clamping, double-electrode voltage-clamp and Ca 2ϩ imaging demonstrate activation of Cl Ϫ secretion and inhibition of Na ϩ absorption by P. acidus. No cytotoxic effects of P. acidus could be detected. Mucosal application of P. acidus to native mouse trachea suggested transient and steady-state activation of Cl Ϫ secretion by increasing both intracellular Ca 2ϩ and cAMP. These effects were mimicked by a mix of the isolated components adenosine, kaempferol, and hypogallic acid. Additional experiments in human airway cells and CF transmem-
Papers by Marisa Sousa