Papers by Mario Eduardo Giraldo Oliveros
PAMM, 2007
ABSTRACT In this contribution, a novel approach to determine acoustic eigenmodes in duct systems ... more ABSTRACT In this contribution, a novel approach to determine acoustic eigenmodes in duct systems is presented. The approach combines Computational fluid dynamics, classical Network models of duct acoustics and the Nyquist criterion known from control theory, and is therefore called CNN-method. The method has been applied to a geometrically simple, but aero-acoustically non-trivial configuration – i.e. a sudden change in cross-sectional area connecting two ducts with non-zero mean flow – and validated against experimental data. (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-Services
The service encounter has been a central topic of discussion and examination in service research.... more The service encounter has been a central topic of discussion and examination in service research. Most recently, service scientists have widely recognized knowledge as a vital foundation of competitive advantage being concerned with the co-creation, integration, and use of knowledge embedded in service systems. To make a contribution, this chapter introduces practice-theory as a potent cultural, socio-historical lens for acknowledging the service encounter as a contextually embedded, dynamic, and evolutionary knowledge creation system, filled with contradictions, where customers, organizations, and other stakeholders embedded in the system have the potential to co-create knowledge and learn together through (enhanced) service practice.
Consumo, prácticas y mercados emergentes:
Marketing Una versión gráfica, 2020
Resumen es: Esta investigacion se basa en estudios realizados por Luna-Aroca en Espana y Denegri ... more Resumen es: Esta investigacion se basa en estudios realizados por Luna-Aroca en Espana y Denegri en Chile, mediante la aplicacion de la escala de consumo de Luna-A...
Several studies conducted by Luna and Helga Dittmar mark a relationship between impulsive buying ... more Several studies conducted by Luna and Helga Dittmar mark a relationship between impulsive buying behavior and self discrepancies of the consumers. This study is based on studies conducted by Luna in Spain and Denegri in Chile, through the application of the consumption scale by Luna (2000) to describe the characteristics of impulsive buying behavior of gay men in Barranquilla, Colombia. Results show the presence of impulsive buying behavior of gay men in Barranquilla centered to exclusivity, fashion search and an hedonic relationship between products and purchase. The self areas which are more related to buying impulsive behavior concern economics, beauty and physical condition (weight).

ResumenEsta investigacion se basa en estudios realizados por Luna-Aroca en Espana y Denegri en Ch... more ResumenEsta investigacion se basa en estudios realizados por Luna-Aroca en Espana y Denegri en Chile, mediante la aplicacion de la escala de consumo de Luna-Aroca (2000), para describir las caracteristicas de compra impulsiva del homosexual masculino en Barranquilla, Colombia. Los resultados indican que la compra impulsiva en los homosexuales masculinos en Barranquilla (Colombia) se centra en la busqueda de novedad, exclusividad y la relacion hedonica entre el producto y la compra. Las areas del self que mas se relacionan con la compra impulsiva son la economica, la fisica (peso) y la belleza.AbstractThis study is based on studies conducted by Luna-Aroca in Spain and Denegri in Chile, through the application of the consumption scale by Luna Aroca (2000) to describe the characteristics of impulsive buying behavior of gay men in Barranquilla (Colombia). Results show the presence of impulsive buying behavior of gay men in Barranquilla centered to exclusivity, fashion search and an hedo...
Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old, 2014
Homburg and Furst (2007) concluded that their study, on a very general level, underlined the high... more Homburg and Furst (2007) concluded that their study, on a very general level, underlined the high managerial relevance of an effective complaint management. This relevance becomes visible by the fact that a poor solicitation, handling, and analysis of complaints inevitably lead to substantial negative consequences for a company (i.e., unfavorable customer post-complaint reactions).

El presente libro es el resultado de los aportes de investigacion en torno a las representaciones... more El presente libro es el resultado de los aportes de investigacion en torno a las representaciones del consumo, las practicas de compra y el consumo, asi como de los mercados emergentes, de los grupos de investigacion, “Consumo y Mercados” de la Facultad de Mercadeo y Conflictos Sociales, Genero y Territorio de la Facultad de Sociologia, de la Universidad Santo Tomas, el grupo de investigacion, “Organizacion y Gerencia” del CEIPA Business School, el grupo de investigacion en “Marketing” (GIM) de la Universidad del Norte de Barranquilla y el proyecto institucional, “Investigaciones en Mobile Marketing”, desarrollado en conjunto por la Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), Mexico, la Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico y la Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, Cuenca, Ecuador. Desde el dialogo interdisciplinario, el proyecto estudia la comprension del consumo, desde las nuevas logicas mercantilistas posmodernas, reflejadas en los centroscomerciales y las transformaciones urbanas derivadas de su masificacion; el consumo de ocio y bienestar, a partir del cual se han venido posicionando, hoy por hoy, los diversos stakeholders de servicios, y el papel de la big data y las redes sociales en las practicas de compra y consumo, que subyacen en el mercadeo digital de estos tiempos.
Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old, 2014

Telos, Mar 6, 2014
The culture of surfing is analyzed from the viewpoint of social practice theory developed by (Gir... more The culture of surfing is analyzed from the viewpoint of social practice theory developed by (Giraldo and Halliday2012, Shove et al., 2012). Each of the elements that make up this practice and how they interrelate with the whole is the object of study. Constructed value offerings can be understood as constellations of resources (Nornmann and Ramirez, 1993) that form products and services through their contextual integration. Data was collected during one year using field reports, narratives and participant observation. The information was collected regularly during four months and intermittently for eight months by one of the researchers who belongs to the surfing community. It was found that the theory of social practice can explain the dynamic of surfing and surfing can add a new factor to social practice: community. The relationship of interdependence among the aspects belonging to social practices, according to Giraldo and Halliday 2012, Shove et al., 2012, proves that the development of each one affects the entire practice, requiring deep studies of each segment in order to create, improve or destroy any social practice.
Revista Cientifica Pensamiento Y Gestion No 20 Ene Jun 2006, Aug 31, 2013
Several studies conducted by Luna and Helga Dittmar mark a relationshipbetween impulsive buying b... more Several studies conducted by Luna and Helga Dittmar mark a relationshipbetween impulsive buying behavior and self discrepancies of the consumers.This study is based on studies conducted by Luna in Spain and Denegriin Chile, through the application of the consumption scale by Luna (2000) todescribe the characteristics of impulsive buying behavior of gay men in Barranquilla,Colombia.Results show the presence of impulsive buying behavior of gay men inBarranquilla centered to exclusivity, fashion search and an hedonic relationshipbetween products and purchase. The self areas which are more related tobuying impulsive behavior concern economics, beauty and physical condition(weight).
Psicologia Desde El Caribe, Apr 6, 2011
Cadernos Ebape Br, Jun 1, 2010
We present a perspective on the interpersonal element of service in which economic and social col... more We present a perspective on the interpersonal element of service in which economic and social collaboration takes place in real time: the service encounter. We view it as a site of conflict for power and control where social identities are anchored and collective meanings are constituted and reproduced. Our theoretical underpinning is taken from the Activity Theory (AT) to shed light on the service encounter as a contradictory, political locus of tension between providers and customers (internal and external) in the Higher Education (HE) market.
Psicologia Desde El Caribe No 16 Jul Dic 2005, Aug 31, 2013
psicología desde el caribe issn 0123-417X N° 16, diciembre 2005 Compra impulsiva en el homosexual... more psicología desde el caribe issn 0123-417X N° 16, diciembre 2005 Compra impulsiva en el homosexual masculino en la ciudad de Barranquilla...
We present a perspective on the interpersonal element of service in which economic and social col... more We present a perspective on the interpersonal element of service in which economic and social collaboration takes place in real time: the service encounter. We view it as a site of conflict for power and control where social identities are anchored and collective meanings are constituted and reproduced. Our theoretical underpinning is taken from the Activity Theory (AT) to shed light on the service encounter as a contradictory, political locus of tension between providers and customers (internal and external) in the Higher Education (HE) market.
Cadernos, 2010
We present a perspective on the interpersonal element of service in which economic and social col... more We present a perspective on the interpersonal element of service in which economic and social collaboration takes place in real time: the service encounter. We view it as a site of conflict for power and control where social identities are anchored and collective meanings are constituted and reproduced. Our theoretical underpinning is taken from the Activity Theory (AT) to shed light on the service encounter as a contradictory, political locus of tension between providers and customers (internal and external) in the Higher Education (HE) market.
Papers by Mario Eduardo Giraldo Oliveros