Papers by Marinella Muscarà
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 1, 2021

Il contributo propone una riflessione sugli aspetti del processo d'inclusione come azione sis... more Il contributo propone una riflessione sugli aspetti del processo d'inclusione come azione sistemica e suggerisce il modello delle poliferie educative - intese come "comunità locali di apprendimento" - per promuovere e supportare sinergicamente gli interventi educativi. L'esperienza della pandemia di Covid-19 ha confermato che il contrasto all'isolamento e all'esclusione dei soggetti più vulnerabili, come gli studenti con BES, possa avvenire con la collaborazione attiva di tutti stakeholders del territorio, di cui fanno parte anche le università e i centri di ricerca. Il contributo individua nell'azione di partecipazione, riflessione e trasformazione un'opportunità di altissimo valore per elaborare efficaci schemi interpretativi e di intervento a sostegno del lavoro degli insegnanti e di tutta la comunità educante.

Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2018
In Italy, non-Italian pupils represent 9.4% of school population and 61% of them were born in Ita... more In Italy, non-Italian pupils represent 9.4% of school population and 61% of them were born in Italy; in France, allophone students are 0.56% in first and second-degree enrolment (Rosenwald, 2017). Our work reflects upon the dimensions and strategies identified by the Italian and French school systems to manage cultural diversity. Our focus is exclusively on school policy concerning cultural diversity, adopted by the Ministries of Education of both countries: in particular, our paper aims at illustrating value orientations, guidelines and target groups identified by these policies. Our theoretical reflection starts from a comparative perspective, adopting the study approach to integration policies, proposed by Penninx and Garcés-Mascareñas (2016) and the interpretative approach to public action, proposed by Moini (2013), and adapting them to analysis of public policies relating to school. Firstly, we provide a short review of the school policies concerning cultural diversity in Italy...

In Italian schools, some students benefit from the teaching of the Catholic religion, others choo... more In Italian schools, some students benefit from the teaching of the Catholic religion, others choose not to use it. Among the latter, many – natives or immigrants – profess different religions. Others – natives or immigrants – declare themselves non-religious. Italian legislation provides for the creation of alternative school activities for them. This article will start from an examination of the epistemological models that regulate the teaching of religion in public schools in the European Union and, within this framework, the Italian model will be analysed as well as the reflection that has developed on the subject. This panorama will then be questioned from the concrete multicultural context in which we live, in order to propose a theoretical framework within which to reflect on alternative activities to the teaching of the Catholic religion. In order to do so, we will adopt an intercultural perspective focused on inclusion and dialogue between differences, in an attempt to recov...

Civitas educationis. Education, Politics, and Culture, 2018
School dropout is the outcome of different, multidimensional processes, some of which are indepen... more School dropout is the outcome of different, multidimensional processes, some of which are independent from the choices of the students dropping out. The multidimensionality, the interdisciplinarity, the disengagement theory, and the secondary prevention are the coordinates taken into consideration in the first part of this paper to analyse the complexity of school dropout. The second part shows the Questionario sul Rischio di Dispersione Scolastica – QRDS, a tool based on the above-mentioned theoretical and methodological assumptions, with the aim of providing useful support to teachers in order to tackle school dropout. Riassunto: La dispersione scolastica e l’esito di processi molto diversi e multidimensionali, taluni dei quali indipendenti dalle scelte degli alunni dispersi. Nella prima parte del contributo, la multidimensionalita, l’interdisciplinarieta, la teoria del disengagement e la prevenzione secondaria sono utilizzate quali coordinate di riferimento per analizzare la com...

It La Costituzione della Repubblica italiana sancisce l'uguaglianza dei diritti e la pari dig... more It La Costituzione della Repubblica italiana sancisce l'uguaglianza dei diritti e la pari dignita delle persone, «senza distinzione di sesso, di razza, di lingua, di religione, di opinioni politiche, di condizioni personali e sociali" (art. 2), e impegna la stessa Repubblica a rimuovere le cause e gli ostacoli che possono ledere la liberta e l'eguaglianza dei cittadini (art. 3). A garanzia del diritto all'istruzione, all'uguaglianza delle opportunita e al rispetto delle identita culturali di ciascuno, la scuola e, oggi, impegnata a costruire rapporti di collaborazione sinergica con gli attori extrascolastici che svolgono funzioni, a vario titolo, educative. (Indicazioni Nazionali 2012). In qualche modo si richiede ripensare l'istituzione scuola come luogo e spazio interdipendente non autoreferenziale, aperto al territorio e alle famiglie, che problematizza la sua funzione di comunita scolastica abbandonando la "concezione depositaria" del sapere (c...
In the third millennium society, professional educators must face new social emergencie sarising ... more In the third millennium society, professional educators must face new social emergencie sarising from the recent migration flows registered on the Italian territory.The arrival of foreignun accompanied minors has forced local administration officesto establish receiving measures, as stated in the Convention on the Rights of theChild from 1989. Educational services wereamong the first called to solve the newchallenges. New solutions are expectede specially from those professions centered on educational mediation, both formal and non-formal.

Muovendo dalla rassegna delle teorie piu recenti sugli effetti della globalizzazione nei processi... more Muovendo dalla rassegna delle teorie piu recenti sugli effetti della globalizzazione nei processi di formazione dell’identita culturaledei giovani, e da una sintetica ricognizione delle principali proposte teoriche e pratiche relative alla Identity Education e alla Global Education, vengono illustrati i risultati dello studio di validazione di un apposito strumento, il questionario SAC-GL (Scala di misurazione dell’Appartenenza alla Comunita Globale e Locale) elaborato dagli autori ai fini della verificabilita dei tre profili identitari (Biculturali, Monoculturali e Confusi) teorizzati da Jeffrey Jensen Arnett (2002). Alla luce dei risultati ottenuti, gli autoripropongono alcuni spunti di riflessione sulle possibili implicazioni in campo educativo, in relazione alla progettazione di pratiche orientate alla formazione di identita biculturali in cui i valori, le tradizioni, le pratiche e gli stili di vita si fondono, in un rapporto di mutua reciprocita, con le nuove e complesse forme ...

Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2021
In the current study we investigated the relationship between ethnic prejudice and resilience and... more In the current study we investigated the relationship between ethnic prejudice and resilience and the perception of inclusion of immigrant students among primary and middle school teachers in two different countries (Italy and Spain). Participants were 315 teachers: 75 Catalan women, 25 Catalan men, 202 Italian women, and 13 Italian men. Participants completed the Classical and Modern Racial Prejudice Scale, the Resilience Process Questionnaire, and an ad hoc questionnaire evaluating teachers’ perceptions about immigrant students and their inclusive education process. The results showed two different models: The first one, referring to Italian teachers, suggested that the resilience component “return to homeostasis” helps teachers in the creation of positive perceptions and evaluations toward immigrant pupils and their inclusion process. The second model, referring to Catalan teachers, suggested that ethnic prejudice hinders the creation of positive attitudes and evaluations, but the resilience component “reintegration after loss” helps teachers in the creation of positive attitudes. Psychoeducational and practical implications are discussed. We explored the relationship between ethnic prejudice, resilience and perceptions of inclusion of immigrant students among Italian and Catalan teachers. Among Italian teachers, the resilience component “return to homeostasis” helped them in the creation of positive perceptions of immigrant pupils. Among Catalan teachers, the resilience component “reintegration after loss” helped them in the creation of positive perceptions of immigrant pupils.

Il contributo analizza le competenze percepite, le credenze, le attitudini e le aspettative rigua... more Il contributo analizza le competenze percepite, le credenze, le attitudini e le aspettative riguardanti l’integrazione delle ICT nella pratica didattica di 470 docenti precari che hanno frequentato i Percorsi Abilitanti speciali in tre universita siciliane. Attraverso i dati raccolti tramite la somministrazione della versione italiana della Scala ITIS (Intrapersonal Technology Integration Scale, Benigni et al., 2013), la ricerca ha verificato la corrispondenza fra competenze percepite ed effettivo utilizzo delle ICT in aula, prendendo in considerazione le differenze emerse fra gruppi di docenti appartenenti alle diverse aree di insegnamento. I risultati ottenuti hanno aperto una serie di riflessioni sugli sviluppi futuri della ricerca, che saranno indirizzati prevalentemente verso l’analisi delle motivazioni che spingono i docenti ad utilizzare ed integrare gli strumenti tecnologici nella pratica professionale quotidiana, e verso possibili proposte di rimodulazione dei percorsi di f...
Based on 470 temporary teachers attending the PAS (a special pre-service teacher qualification co... more Based on 470 temporary teachers attending the PAS (a special pre-service teacher qualification course) in three universities in Sicily, this study investigated their perceived competency, self efficacy, beliefs, attitudes, expectations, frequency of use regarding the integration of technology in the classroom settings. The Italian version of ITIS scale (Intrapersonal Technology Integration Scale, Benigno et al., 2013) was used. Data from research suggest two future directions: a factors analysis affecting teachers’ motivation in order to integrate ICT in classrom setting and a redesign pre and in-service teachers training aimed to facilitate such integration
In this paper we have analysed what has been done to promote accessibility to cultural heritage i... more In this paper we have analysed what has been done to promote accessibility to cultural heritage in Europe and, more specifically, in Italy. Some projects, activities and initiatives aimed at reducing, if not eliminating, physical, sensorial and intellectual barriers will be briefly presented in order to give an overview on the efforts already made in this direction. On the basis of the key elements of cultural heritage and accessibility, the projects will be briefly evaluated in order to reflect upon the direction in which the issue of accessibility is being addressed in terms of design.

Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2018
The study focused on the transition from middle school to high school and aimed to verify the med... more The study focused on the transition from middle school to high school and aimed to verify the mediating role that perceived peer support may play in the relationship between family functioning in middle school and school satisfaction in high school. In middle school (Wave 1), participants were 208 adolescents (106 boys and 102 girls) aged 12-13 years (M = 12.56; SD = .61), attending the last classes of two middle public schools located in Italy. One year later (Wave 2), 155 adolescents (76 boys and 79 girls) participated again in the study when they attended the first classes of high school (M = 13.91; SD = .75). Participants completed the Italian Version of Family Assessment Device and the Social Support Questionnaire (short from) in Wave 1 and the Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale in Wave 2. Results showed that among family functioning dimensions, only affective involvement positively predicted perceived peer support and school satisfaction. The mediation models showed that perceived peer support in middle school mediated the relationship between affective involvement in middle school and school satisfaction in high school. Our results confirm the role of subjective perception of peer support in contributing to the prediction of school satisfaction beyond good parental affective involvement. Keywords Transition to high school • Perceived peer support • Family functioning • School satisfaction
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
The primary objectives of the "Learning English with Films" experimental blended course were the ... more The primary objectives of the "Learning English with Films" experimental blended course were the promotion of films as multi-functional language learning aids and the encouragement of collaborative online learning. Groups of 3-4 students highlighted, analysed, and explained the language content of a 5 minute film excerpt of their choice. The wiki tool in the Moodle open source learning management system (LMS) was utilised as both the group database management and project presentation tool. Despite initial difficulties in adapting to ICT based learning, a notable increase in classroom interaction and improvement in output organising skills were evident throughout the course as several peer teaching and language practice opportunities presented themselves in the form of language analysis, wiki planning, and problem solving.
Papers by Marinella Muscarà