Papers by Marina Praprotnik
Slovenian Medical Journal, May 29, 2015
IZVIrnI članek/OrIgInal artIcle Hiponatremična hipokloremična dehidracija pri otrocih s cistično ... more IZVIrnI članek/OrIgInal artIcle Hiponatremična hipokloremična dehidracija pri otrocih s cistično fibrozo

Abstract Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a multi-organ disease, affecting mostly lungs and gastrointestin... more Abstract Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a multi-organ disease, affecting mostly lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Data from patient registries show that the survival of patients with CF has progressively improved over the past few decades, as a result of advances in antibiotic treatment, supplementation of pancreatic enzymes, better nutrition and a comprehensive approach to treatment in CF centres. The purpose of this review is to survey recent developments in the treatment of lung disease in children and adolescents with CF. We describe newborn screening for CF. Lung disease is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in CF patients. Emerging new therapies are targeted at all points in the pathogenesis of lung disease, from drugs that treat infection and inflammation in the airways to gene transfer studies and to drugs that augment airway surface liquid height. A number of antibacterial agents formulated for inhalation are at various stages of study and there are several anti-infl...
Mycoses, 2015
We report the isolation of the emerging fungal pathogen Rasamsonia aegroticola, which belongs Ras... more We report the isolation of the emerging fungal pathogen Rasamsonia aegroticola, which belongs Rasamsonia argillacea species complex, from a respiratory sample of a patient with cystic fibrosis. This filamentous fungus, resembling members of a Penicillium and Paecilomyces spp., was identified by morphology and confirmed by DNA sequence analysis. Susceptibility pattern showed high minimal inhibitory concentration of voriconazole and amphotericin B but low minimal inhibitory concentration of caspofungin, micafungin and itraconazole.
Journal of Medical Virology, 2012
Papers by Marina Praprotnik