Papers by Marina Peparaio

Journal of the science of food and agriculture, Jan 17, 2015
The anti-hail nets are widely used to protect apple fruit against hailstorms and hail damage. The... more The anti-hail nets are widely used to protect apple fruit against hailstorms and hail damage. They can have also beneficial effects against pests in apple orchard, in particular codling moth (Cydia pomonella). However, covering the trees with the anti-hail nets can modify the orchard microclimate and reduce the interception of light, thus potentially causing negative consequences on the organoleptic quality of apple fruits. A consistent reduction of the percentage of the apple fruits infested by codling moth was registered due to the use of the anti-hail nets during two consecutive harvest years. Their use did not affect fruit maturity, but reduced the skin color, sugar content, pulp total phenol content, volatile compound composition and sensory characteristics. However, the results were inconsistent over the years apart for: total phenols, formation of two volatile compounds (butyl and hexenyl acetate, the first one being one of the main odorants in most apple cultivars), sensory ...

Journal of Food Science, 2010
Sensory properties are important elements to evaluate the qualities of vegetable products and are... more Sensory properties are important elements to evaluate the qualities of vegetable products and are also determinant factors in purchasing decision. Here we report the Italian results of a preference mapping study conducted within a larger European project with the aim of describing the preferences of European consumers in regard to the diversity of traditional and modern tomato varieties, available on the market. This study has allowed the assessment of fruit quality at 3 levels: objective description of sensory properties, consumer preference tests, and physicochemical measurements. A set of 16 tomato cultivars, with different fruit sizes and shapes, was described and classified according to 18 sensory attributes including flavor, appearance, and texture characteristics. The same cultivars were evaluated by 179 consumers in a "preference mapping" experiment with the goal of identifying the preferred varieties and the reasons for the choice. The consumer data are referred to hedonic ratings (aspect liking and overall liking), familiarity for the analyzed cultivars, and individual features collected by a questionnaire. A hierarchical analysis of the clusters allowed to distinguish, within the sampled Italian consumers, 4 segments with different preferences which represented 19%, 25%, 41%, and 15% of the population, respectively. A partial least square regression model allowed the identification of the sensory attributes that best described consumer cluster preferences for tomato cultivars. Both texture and flavor descriptors were important drivers of consumer preferences, but the relevance (predictive value) of individual descriptors to model tomato liking was different for each consumer segment. Information on demographic and behavioral characteristics, usage habits, and factors relevant for purchasing were also provided on the 4 groups of consumers.

Annali di igiene: medicina preventiva e di comunità
The purpose of the study was to test a nutrition education intervention to promote a higher consu... more The purpose of the study was to test a nutrition education intervention to promote a higher consumption of vegetables, pulse and fruit among children. The study involved 273 children of primary school (third and fourth grade). The sample was divided in three groups: A (exposed to intervention without taste education activities), B (exposed to intervention with taste education activities), C (control group not exposed to any intervention). Before starting the intervention on pupils, all teachers were properly trained and parents participated to informative/formative meetings. The teachers were also provided with didactic units to implement on children. The efficacy of intervention was evaluated by measuring food target not eaten at school lunch, before and after the implementation of intervention; it showed less plate waste for vegetables (side dishes) for both groups A and B (53.2% vs 44%) and (23.3% vs 8.1%) respectively, while for fruit only group A reduced to half its reject. The...
D. D’Addesa, F. Sinesio, V. Marzi, D. Martone, F.J. Comendador, M. Peparaio, E. Moneta, V. Panetta, A. Scanu, S. Sette. (2006). Educazione nutrizionale e al gusto. XXXIV Congresso Nazionale SINU “La Nutrizione umana oggi. Tra tecnologia e prevenzione”. Riccione, 8-10 novembre 2006. Atti del congr...

Journal of the science of food and agriculture, Jan 17, 2015
The anti-hail nets are widely used to protect apple fruit against hailstorms and hail damage. The... more The anti-hail nets are widely used to protect apple fruit against hailstorms and hail damage. They can have also beneficial effects against pests in apple orchard, in particular codling moth (Cydia pomonella). However, covering the trees with the anti-hail nets can modify the orchard microclimate and reduce the interception of light, thus potentially causing negative consequences on the organoleptic quality of apple fruits. A consistent reduction of the percentage of the apple fruits infested by codling moth was registered due to the use of the anti-hail nets during two consecutive harvest years. Their use did not affect fruit maturity, but reduced the skin color, sugar content, pulp total phenol content, volatile compound composition and sensory characteristics. However, the results were inconsistent over the years apart for: total phenols, formation of two volatile compounds (butyl and hexenyl acetate, the first one being one of the main odorants in most apple cultivars), sensory ...
LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2015
The effects of "two-phase" and "three-phase" centrifugation systems and oxygen levels during mala... more The effects of "two-phase" and "three-phase" centrifugation systems and oxygen levels during malaxation on sensory properties and chemical composition of an unfiltered monovarietal (Cv Carboncella) extra virgin olive oil were evaluated at 1, 4, 7, 10 and 13 months from bottling.
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Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunità
The purpose of the study was to test a nutrition education intervention to promote a higher consu... more The purpose of the study was to test a nutrition education intervention to promote a higher consumption of vegetables, pulse and fruit among children. The study involved 274 children of primary school (third and fourth grade). The sample was divided in three groups: A (exposed to intervention without taste education activities), B (exposed to intervention with taste education activities), C (control group not exposed to any intervention). Before starting the intervention on pupils, all teachers were properly trained and parents participated to informative/formative meetings. The teachers were also provided with didactic units to implement on children. The efficacy of intervention was evaluated by measuring food target not eaten at school lunch, before and after the implementation of intervention; it showed less plate waste for vegetables (side dishes) for both groups A and B (53.2% vs 44%) and (23.3% vs 8.1%) respectively, while for fruit only group A reduced to half its reject. The...

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2014
ABSTRACT Quality and composition of virgin olive oil (VOO) are strictly dependent on complex proc... more ABSTRACT Quality and composition of virgin olive oil (VOO) are strictly dependent on complex processes that take place during the olive fruit crushing and malaxation of the olive paste. In this work, modulation of O2 levels within malaxation chambers (R1: unmodified atmosphere; R2: oxygen: 12.73–4.64 kPa from the beginning to the end of malaxation; R3: 10.46–2.27 kPa; R4: 9.87–0.69 kPa) in two continuous “two-phase” and “three-phase” oil extraction plants was performed. Combined effects on the biosynthesis of nutritionally bioactive molecules and aroma volatiles and on the resulting sensory properties of the produced oils were investigated. Results showed that the type of oil extraction plant markedly affected the level of the phenolic compounds in the oil (and the related sensory attributes of bitter, pungency, astringency and bitter and pungency persistence). Reduction of O2 concentration in the malaxing chamber, while having a minor impact on the presence of phenolic compounds, significantly affected the formation of all the examined volatiles. Particularly, lowered levels of oxygen hindered the formation of lipoxygenase derived volatiles weakening odours and flavours of artichoke, fresh fruity, and fresh cut grass.

Journal of Sensory Studies, 2009
The aim of this research project was to investigate umami taste properties of recipes based on It... more The aim of this research project was to investigate umami taste properties of recipes based on Italian culinary tradition and prepared with umami-rich ingredients, focusing on the impact of the preparation and ingredient combination. Gustative profiles were prepared for a traditional Italian dish, tender beef bouillon, usually consumed with pasta stuffed with beef. Four different samples were designed by changing the ingredients (with or without integrating Parmigiano cheese) and the preparation (cooking time) of the recipe. Panelists were rigorously trained for umami taste evaluation using monosodium L-glutamate (MSG) aqueous solutions and were then asked to evaluate umami sensation in tender beef bouillon with or without added Parmigiano Reggiano. A majority of the panelists were able to distinguish correctly umami sensations induced by MSG. The level of umami enhancement induced by Parmigiano Reggiano was clearly perceived by the panelists, and this enhancement positively affected also other basic tastes; whereas the cooking time had no clear effect on the gustative perception. 554 serve as a guide in teaching panelists to recognize and quantify the umami taste in a multistimuli matrix like a food recipe or product.

Journal of Food Science, 2010
Sensory properties are important elements to evaluate the qualities of vegetable products and are... more Sensory properties are important elements to evaluate the qualities of vegetable products and are also determinant factors in purchasing decision. Here we report the Italian results of a preference mapping study conducted within a larger European project with the aim of describing the preferences of European consumers in regard to the diversity of traditional and modern tomato varieties, available on the market. This study has allowed the assessment of fruit quality at 3 levels: objective description of sensory properties, consumer preference tests, and physicochemical measurements. A set of 16 tomato cultivars, with different fruit sizes and shapes, was described and classified according to 18 sensory attributes including flavor, appearance, and texture characteristics. The same cultivars were evaluated by 179 consumers in a "preference mapping" experiment with the goal of identifying the preferred varieties and the reasons for the choice. The consumer data are referred to hedonic ratings (aspect liking and overall liking), familiarity for the analyzed cultivars, and individual features collected by a questionnaire. A hierarchical analysis of the clusters allowed to distinguish, within the sampled Italian consumers, 4 segments with different preferences which represented 19%, 25%, 41%, and 15% of the population, respectively. A partial least square regression model allowed the identification of the sensory attributes that best described consumer cluster preferences for tomato cultivars. Both texture and flavor descriptors were important drivers of consumer preferences, but the relevance (predictive value) of individual descriptors to model tomato liking was different for each consumer segment. Information on demographic and behavioral characteristics, usage habits, and factors relevant for purchasing were also provided on the 4 groups of consumers.

Journal of Food Quality, 2007
This study was conducted with the aim to characterize the diversity of fruit sensory quality of t... more This study was conducted with the aim to characterize the diversity of fruit sensory quality of traditional tomato genotypes, grown in open fields, by means of descriptive profile analysis. It gives the results from sensory profiling of fresh tomato genotypes San Marzano, Vesuviano, Corbarino and Sorrento, originating from Southern Italy, and their respective commercial hybrids over 3 years of harvesting. The effects of genotypes, year of production (2002, 2003, 2004) and fields located in different geographical areas on sensory data were analyzed using principal component analysis and multivariate analysis of variance partial least square regression. For most sensory characteristics, the greatest variation was caused by differences in genotypes, suggesting that there was considerable level of genetic diversity. Minor effects were given to year of harvest and experimental fields.

Food Quality and Preference, 2010
The present study was undertaken to examine how western subjects perceive umami taste and how the... more The present study was undertaken to examine how western subjects perceive umami taste and how they can sensory discriminate among dish variants having different natural umami taste (glutamate) levels. The food matrix used in this study was prepared following a traditional Italian recipe of asparagus soup with ingredients having natural high endogenous content of umami compounds (i.e. Parmigiano, commercial meat broth, and fresh asparagus). The ingredients ratio was modified in order to modulate the flavour and, in particular, the umami taste. The study enrolled two groups of subjects: one group of panellists tested for normal taste perception but with no sensory training, and a second group of professional panellists trained in the recognition and quantification of umami taste. Panellists in both groups participated in a free sorting and verbalisation tasks. Additionally, a descriptive profiling was performed by the trained group. Both the groups distinguished the samples according to their umami compounds levels, although only the trained panellists recognised the taste increase as umami and provided a classification of the samples closer to formulation's differences. The untrained subjects distinguished the soup samples for flavour intensification, although they did not recognise the ingredients responsible for enhancing the flavour.

Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2012
The objective of this work was to study the influence of including extruded linseed at different ... more The objective of this work was to study the influence of including extruded linseed at different supplementation levels in dairy sheep feed on the chemical, organoleptic and nutritional quality of milk and Pecorino cheese. Three hundred and thirty multiparous Sarda ewes, three weeks before their expected date of parturition, were divided into three groups of 110 animals each. Ewes were fed one of three different concentrates: a control concentrate (CTR) without linseed and two concentrates supplemented with different levels (100 and 200 g/kg as fed; EL-10 and EL-20, respectively) of extruded linseed. The experimental concentrates were fed to the ewes during late pregnancy (400 g per head per day) and early lactation (60 days after parturition; 800 g per head per day). All animals had unlimited access to pasture and hay. Milk production was recorded, and milk samples were collected for the analysis of chemical composition and clotting properties. Cheeses were made with bulk milk from the three groups using a traditional cheese-making technique. After 60 days of ripening, the chemical composition and organoleptic properties of the cheeses were analysed using a Panel test. Milk yield and all major milk components, except milk fat yield, were both linearly (0.01<P<0.001) and quadratically (0.05<P<0.001) related to the level of linseed in the diet. Except for the urea content, which decreased at a decreasing rate (linear P<0.001 and quadratic P<0.05), milk components increased at an increased rate with increasing EL supplementation. The fatty acid composition of milk and cheese was affected by dietary linseed supplementation. Milk fat of groups receiving feed that included extruded linseed showed higher levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and lower levels of saturated fatty acids. Linseed administration linearly increased milk polyunsaturated fatty acid content (P<0.001). The C18:3 n-3 milk content increased by 36 and 87% (P<0.001) for the EL-10 and EL-20 groups, respectively. The higher content of total n-3 fatty acids in milk caused a linear decrease of the n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio in the EL groups (P<0.001). Dietary treatments affected the chemical composition of cheese; the increase in the level of extruded linseed was negatively correlated with the moisture content of cheeses. Modifications to the fatty acid profiles of the cheeses were similar to those observed for milk. Sensory properties of cheese were not negatively affected by dietary treatments. Cheeses produced from groups fed diets with added linseed had higher scores for overall and ripe cheese flavour
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010
Grechetto is a traditional white-grape vine, widespread in Umbria and Lazio regions in central It... more Grechetto is a traditional white-grape vine, widespread in Umbria and Lazio regions in central Italy. Despite the wine commercial diffusion, little literature on its sensory characteristics is available. The present study is an exploratory research conducted with the aim of identifying the sensory markers of Grechetto wine and of evaluating the effect of clone, geographical area, vintage and producer on sensory attributes.
European Food Research and Technology, 2006
Papers by Marina Peparaio