Papers by Marina Ivankiva

PRAXEMA. Problemy vizualʹnoj semiotiki, Apr 20, 2021
Maps have been used as an illustrative device in children's books for a long time; however, they ... more Maps have been used as an illustrative device in children's books for a long time; however, they are an area of illustration that has been largely ignored by critics. Maps are most commonly used as frontispiece illustrations in adventure and fantasy books. They have also generally been aimed at the male reader when children's books were marketed separately for boys and girls. A good map will complement the text and internal illustrations and add another visual level to the text. Children are now less skilled in cartographic recognition, due to geography being taught differently than it was in the past. Maps in children's books can be divided into three groups: (1) maps which depict a real place; (2) fantasy maps which have no basis in reality and are the creation of the author and cartographer; and (3) maps which combine both reality and fantasy--when the map shows an area that is real but has been altered to fit the plot. Maps in selected children's books are described and discussed to show how maps are a branch of illustration worthy of critical attention. (AEF) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. oo kr) c) rz) 2 164 Cartography in Children's Literature U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy.
Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Âzyk i literatura, Dec 31, 2022
Вестник Томского государственного университета, 2023
Рассматривается иконография собаки-няни Нэны из пьесы Джеймса М. Барри «Питер Пэн» и те трансформ... more Рассматривается иконография собаки-няни Нэны из пьесы Джеймса М. Барри «Питер Пэн» и те трансформации, которые произошли при визуальном переводе образа в Америке и Советском Союзе во второй половине XX в. Изменения анализируются в контексте теории французского антрополога Доминика Гийо об антропоканинных обществах и культурах, на формирование которых влияет детская литература, а национальная специфика которых проявляется в процессе перевода текста с языка одной культуры на другую.

Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya
The representation of dogs in children’s literature forms the subject of this article. It is fram... more The representation of dogs in children’s literature forms the subject of this article. It is framed within the concept of human-canine societies introduced by the French anthropologist Dominique Guillot who claimed that alongside any human society there exists a hybrid society formed by human beings and dogs in which dogs are regarded as its full members. Such societies exist in each country and they generate their own cultures that are developed gradually through ontogenetic ritualization but may change over time. The focus of the following research is the interconnection between children’s literature and such human-canine cultures. I claim that children’s literature is influenced by them and influences them at the same time. The key figure of the research, the Scottish writer James M. Barrie, not only gave dogs the status of full members of the society but endowed them with the status of his muses in his personal, public, and literary life. His own dog, a landseer Newfoundland cal...
Papers by Marina Ivankiva