Papers by Marina Carvalho
Revista de psicologia da criança e do adolescente. - ISSN 1647-4120. - V. 10, n. 1 (Janeiro-Dezem... more Revista de psicologia da criança e do adolescente. - ISSN 1647-4120. - V. 10, n. 1 (Janeiro-Dezembro 2019). - p. 197-205

Revista Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas, 2016
Psychosocial interventions in crisis, emergency and catastrophe situations evidenced controlling ... more Psychosocial interventions in crisis, emergency and catastrophe situations evidenced controlling for the impact of critical incidents and prevent trauma related disorders. In this paper, the main psychosocial intervention models are described and presented their advantages, limitations and data on their efficacy. Based on this, we propose a Continuity Psychosocial Intervention Model, which includes, among others, a preparation phase for the occurrence of possible critical incidents, and, specifically, after-crisis intervention, before the implementation of the specialized interventions directed to Acute Stress and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders, as a way of facilitating recovery and return to the previous functioning level. In this context, we present as Intervention Program, APÓS, based on cognitive-behavioral, contextual and meaning centered models, which is expected to contribute for facilitating the return to routines by those exposed to critical incidents and, thereby, prevent trauma related disorders. Finally, the limitations and ethical issues associated to crisis psychosocial intervention in different contexts, with different vulnerable populations, and its implications for the development of public health policies, are presented.

Child Indicators Research, 2020
Related, but with different impacts on psychological symptoms and well-being, bullying and cyberb... more Related, but with different impacts on psychological symptoms and well-being, bullying and cyberbullying have been the subject of numerous studies. The present study analysed the associations between cyberbullying and bullying, specifically: 1) gender, school grade and age associations with cyberbullying and bullying; 2) the impact of cyberbullying and bullying on psychological, social and contextual symptoms and well-being according to cyberbullying involvement, and 3) a combined bullying context was compared to single bullying contexts and to non-involvement for psychological, social and contextual factors, and well-being, among a cross-sectional and randomly assigned sample based on the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Portuguese Study, a World Health Organization collaborative study (HBSC/ WHO). Composed by 6026 adolescents (47.7% male), aged between 10 and 19.92 years old (M = 13.77; SD = 1.68), in the 6th, 8th, and 10th grades, results showed that 10.9% of the participants reported being involved in cyberbullying, as cybervictims, cyberbullies or cyberbully-victims, and 47.9% in bullying. Most of the cybervictims reported being involved as victims and bully-victims in bullying; cyberbullies as bully-victims in bullying, and most of the cyberbully-victims reported having the same role in bullying. Frequently, cybervictims were females and most of the cyberbullies and cyberbully-victims were males. No significant associations were found for age and for Body Mass Index. Comparisons between groups, based on the participants' role in cyberbullying, showed significant differences for substances use, emotional symptoms, school context, fights and friends. Further comparisons (according to participant's role, not involved, or involved in single or combined bullying) evidenced the cumulative effect of combined bullying. In conclusion, given the different characteristics and impact of cyberbullying on cybervictims, cyberbullies and cyberbully-victims, is crucial to consider the interrelations between the groups and focus on a more engaging perspective, based on an ecological intervention model. Results will be discussed from a public policy perspective. Keywords Cyberbullying. Bullying. Psychological symptoms. Well-being. Adolescents Inseparably related, sharing in their definition the pattern of aggressive and intentional behavior repeated over time, in interpersonal relations characterized by an imbalance of

Psicologia, Saúde & Doença, 2017
Enhancers of new and positive opportunities and learning, new technologies are also promoters of ... more Enhancers of new and positive opportunities and learning, new technologies are also promoters of risks to the health and well-being of young people. Cyberbullying is one of those risks. The aim of this study was to analyse the differences between cyberbullies, cybervictims and cyberbully-victims for individual, relational and contextual factors. This is a Cross-sectional study. Results showed that cyberbully-victims reported higher alcohol consumption, as opposed to the increased drug use revealed by cyberbullies. Cybervictims reported more emotional symptoms, such as fear and sadness, and less night outs. Cyberbullies were more often involved in fights, and had an easier access to a larger amount of money and were more easy making friends, when compared to cybervictims. Based on the results, it is crucial to develop a greater awareness and education of parents and youth about the dangers of cyberbullying, together with the monitoring of technological development. A strong argument is also made related to the need of the inclusion of youth participation in the definition of public policies to prevent cyberbullying, as well as the need to focus not only in the prevention of cyber-peer related violence, but also to focus on violence-free, positive peer relationships, both virtual and in presence.

European Scientific Journal, 2017
Context: With strong and serious impacts on health and individual well-being, bullying presents i... more Context: With strong and serious impacts on health and individual well-being, bullying presents itself as one of the most traumatic experiences at school age. Objective: analyse the differences between bullies, victims and provocative-victims for individual, relational, school and contextual factors. Design: cross-sectional study based on the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study. Results: Bullies reported consuming more tobacco and drugs, but less alcohol, when compared to victims and provocative-victims. Bullies also reported being more involved and having more security feelings at school, better relationships with their peers, being better accepted by the peers, and more positive attitudes, compared to victims and provocative-victims; which reported more fear, sadness, rejection feelings, and also, more withdrawal at school. Group differences were also found in the time spent with friends in everyday life, nigh outs and well-being, with bullies presenting the higher...

Abstract- Purpose of the research: the present study aimed at identifying gender and developmenta... more Abstract- Purpose of the research: the present study aimed at identifying gender and developmental aspects and their psychosocial determinants and the time trends over 8 years in the prevalence of emotional problems among children and adolescents in Portugal. The three cross-sectional self-report surveys obtained from the HBSC nationally representative samples of 10-17 year old children and adolescents in 1998, 2002, and 2006, were used. Specific composite indexes included emotional and somatic symptoms, substance use, demographic and psychosocial factors. Results and conclusions: Girls reported more emotional symptoms and boys reported more substance use. Emotional symptoms, substance use and communication increased with age, opposite to school commitment and perception of safe neighbourhood, which have shown to decrease with age. Along the three waves, substance use and emotional symptoms have shown a general pattern of decrease. Innovation: Results were discussed according to lit...

Global Journal of Health Science, 2014
This study aimed at identifying the prevalence of emotional problems among children and adolescen... more This study aimed at identifying the prevalence of emotional problems among children and adolescents in Portugal. Gender, developmental aspects, their psychosocial determinants, and the time trends over 8 years were also explored. The three waves of a cross-sectional survey obtained from the HBSC nationally representative samples of 10-17 year old children and adolescents in 1998, 2002, and 2006, were used. Specific composite indexes included emotional and somatic symptoms, substances' use, demographic and psychosocial factors. Girls reported more emotional symptoms, and boys reported more substances' use. Emotional symptoms and substances' use increased with age, in contrast school commitment and perception of safe neighbourhood decreased with age. With age, the communication with the family tends to become more difficult, while communication with the friends tends to become easier. Along the three waves, substances' use and emotional symptoms have shown a general pattern of decrease. Results were discussed according to literature and their consequences for the understanding of emotional problems and substance use in childhood and adolescence. Mental health promotion includes both the prevention of emotional problems and risk behaviours; determinants include individual factors and a range of psychosocial factors. Mental health problems have a huge impact on adolescents' well-being; however it is often a poorer area of intervention in school based interventions. Gender differences are highlighted.

J Obes, 2012
Physical activity, nutrition, and sedentary behaviour combine to influence the risk of overweight... more Physical activity, nutrition, and sedentary behaviour combine to influence the risk of overweight among adolescents. This paper aims to identify psychosocial factors of different health behaviour patterns in adolescents and its association with overweight and weight control behaviours. The 3069 adolescents of both genders (average of 14.8 years old) from the 2010 Portuguese survey of Health Behaviour School-Aged Children (HBSC) answered the 2010 HBSC self-reported questionnaire. It used the cluster k-means (nonhierarchy method), qui-square, one-way ANOVA, and logistic regression. Three clusters with different behavioural patterns (physical activity, sedentary, and eating) composed the results obtained. The sedentary group (34%) had lower self-regulation, body satisfaction, health and wellness, family and classmates relationships, communication with the father than the other two groups. The active gamers (25%) had a smaller BMI but used more unhealthy weight control strategies than the other two groups. The healthy group (41%) was more motivated and more satisfied with school but was not different than the active gamers in most psychosocial variables. Differences were found between clusters for weight control behaviours and psychosocial variables. Different strategies for different patterns were necessary in order to promote obesity prevention and, simultaneously, target healthy lifestyle and wellbeing in adolescents.
Revista Lusófona de …, 2010
Resumo и ЮС I ON АI EN ACONSELHA-MENTO PARA Américo Baptista Ana Pereira Marina Carvalho Fátima L... more Resumo и ЮС I ON АI EN ACONSELHA-MENTO PARA Américo Baptista Ana Pereira Marina Carvalho Fátima Lory Rita Santos Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Centro de Estudos de Psicologia Cognitiva e da Aprendizagem О presente trabalho teve como ...

É apresentado um modelo para compreensão do medo e da ansiedade, assim como de tratamento das sua... more É apresentado um modelo para compreensão do medo e da ansiedade, assim como de tratamento das suas perturbações, de acordo com o modo de actuação no Centro de Aconselhamento para Estudantes da Universidade Lusófona. O medo é considerado uma adaptação, de acordo com uma perspectiva evolutiva e desenvolvimentista. Como qualquer adaptação varia, podendo apresentar desajustamentos nos extremos da distribuição, tanto na baixa como na alta ansiedade, que designamos por perturbações hipoansiosas e hiperansiosas. São apresentadas as possibilidades de tratamento psicológico cognitivo-comportamental nas perturbações de hiperansiedade, assim como são discutidos os efeitos do tratamento, em diversos pârametros, e as possibilidades de prevenção.DOI:

Coaching programs are demonstrating their effectiveness in several contexts and populations, name... more Coaching programs are demonstrating their effectiveness in several contexts and populations, namely in personal development through the lifespan, and in health contexts. In the present conceptual paper, Coaching definitions, goals, procedures, benefits and limitations are described and critically discussed. Specifically, differences between Coaching and Psychotherapies are emphasized. Based on this knowledge, the structure of a Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching program is presented, and its differences in relation to Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapies are also emphasized and critically discussed. Finally, the evidences for Coaching programs effectiveness, in particular in Health and Personal Development contexts, are reported, based on meta-analytic data and on literature systematic reviews. The need for qualified training and supervision, as well as limitations and future directions are also pointed in order to contribute to diminish conceptual and practical ambiguities that may inte...

Violence and Victims, 2018
Context: Cyberbullying is considered a public health problem with serious consequences on adolesc... more Context: Cyberbullying is considered a public health problem with serious consequences on adolescents’ health and well-being. Objective: To analyze the relationships between emotional symptoms and risk behaviors with cyberbullying and understand the role of these factors as predictors of well-being. Design: This is a cross-sectional study based on the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children of the World Health Organization (HBSC/WHO) study. Results: More girls reported being involved in cyberbullying as cybervictims, whereas more boys reported being involved in cyberbullying as cyberbullies and cyberbully victims. Girls reported more emotional symptoms, especially fear and sadness; boys reported more risk behaviors, specifically drug use and involvement in fights, but a higher well-being when compared to girls. Cyberbullies and cyberbully victims reported higher alcohol consumption than cybervictims; cyberbullies also reported higher drugs consumption compared to cybervictims ...

Psychologica, 2014
Com o objetivo geral de analisar as relações entre o temperamento, as estratégias de coping e de ... more Com o objetivo geral de analisar as relações entre o temperamento, as estratégias de coping e de regulação emocional com os problemas emocionais e comportamentais, foi estudada uma amostra de 230 jovens, 118 do sexo masculino e 112 do sexo feminino, com uma média de idades igual a 11 anos (DP =0.812), que frequentavam o 5º e o 6º anos de escolaridade. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a existência de diferenças de sexo na dimensão do temperamento relativa à afiliação, na frequência e eficácia das estratégias ativas e de acting-out e nos problemas de comportamento e comportamento prosocial. O controlo com esforço, a afetividade negativa e a regulação emocional negativa mostraram ser fatores preditores comuns aos diferentes tipos de dificuldades. Os resultados obtidos estiveram, no geral, de acordo com o esperado e foram discutidos, com base na literatura e nos modelos explicativos neste âmbito e tendo em consideração as suas implicações para a avaliação, prevenção e intervenção nos ...
Community Mental Health Journal, 2015
This study examined the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the ISMI scale in a ... more This study examined the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the ISMI scale in a sample of 253 adult psychiatric outpatients. The exploratory factor analysis replicated the five factor structure of the scale. The results revealed good internal consistency. Criterion-related validity supported the variability in response to stigma across clinical diagnoses. Thus, the Portuguese version of the ISMI scale can be considered appropriate to measure and differentiate between stigmatization experiences. Also, in order to design more focused approaches aimed to reduce the negative effects of internalized stigma, its use in institutional and in community-based mental health services is recommended.
Revista Lusófona de Humanidades …, 2001
Revista Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias-orgão da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tec... more Revista Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias-orgão da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, financiada pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia do Ministério do Ensino Superior, na Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias.

A finalização deste trabalho é devida, em grande parte, ao esforço de muitas pessoas que, de form... more A finalização deste trabalho é devida, em grande parte, ao esforço de muitas pessoas que, de forma directa ou indirecta, contribuiram significativamente para a sua realização. À Professora Doutora Isabel Soares, pela excelência da sua orientação, pela confiança, disponibilidade, e capacidade constante de motivação mas, também, por todas as oportunidades que me tem dado, ao longo do tempo, para pôr à prova os conhecimentos que fui adquirindo, com base no seu conhecimento e nos seus esclarecimentos. Ao Professor Doutor Américo Baptista, pela sua disponibilidade para, uma vez mais, me orientar, e por todas as oportunidades que, ao longo dos últimos 13 anos de trabalho diário, me ofereceu, contribuindo significativamente para a minha evolução profissional e pessoal. Ao Professor Doutor Francisco Esteves, pela sua paciência para esclarecer as minhas dúvidas, pela sua confiança nas minhas capacidades para desenvolver investigação na área do processamento de informação mas, também, pelo apoio que me prestou quando iniciei o trabalho nesta área, sem o qual dificilmente teria ultrapassado esta etapa. Ao Professor Doutor Gary Resnick, pela sua disponibilidade para vir a Portugal fazer a formação de técnicos na administração e cotação de uma das entrevistas utilizadas no trabalho. À Professora Doutora Cecilia Essau, pela sua disponibilidade para colaborar e pela sua confiança nas minhas capacidades. À Professora Doutora Filomena Gaspar pelo apoio prestado à selecção de algumas das medidas com vista à operacionalização dos constructos em estudo. Ao Professor Doutor João Moreira, pelos comentários efectuados a um dos trabalhos em preparação para publicação.

Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2014
This study aimed at identifying the prevalence of emotional problems and bullying behavior among ... more This study aimed at identifying the prevalence of emotional problems and bullying behavior among children and adolescents in Portugal. Gender, developmental aspects, their psychosocial determinants, and the time trends over 8 years were also explored. The three waves of a cross-sectional survey obtained from the HBSC nationally representative samples of 10-17 year old children and adolescents in 1998, 2002, and 2006, were used. Specific composite indexes included emotional and somatic symptoms, involvement in violence, either as a perpetrator and/or a victim,, demographic and psychosocial factors and neighborhood. Girls reported more emotional symptoms, and boys reported more bullying behavior. Emotional symptoms increased with age, in contrast bullying behavior, school commitment and perception of safe neighborhood decreased with age. With age, the communication with the family tends to become more difficult, while communication with the friends tends to become easier. Along the th...
Papers by Marina Carvalho